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Posts posted by butterbody

  1. 20 minutes ago, gunderda said:

    It's about freaking time she said no to him!  And I hope she was lying about having to get to work. 

    Makes you wonder if production was following him or if they heard he rain out of gas and quickly went to his location? lol   And you know darn well they helped him get gas.  

    OR the entire thing was just fake. 


    and that scene with Anifsa and what's his face when he picked her up after shopping.... that was the worst acting ever lol 

    I just posted something re: this, in the small talk thread. that I dont know if it's old news to you, but I was like "whaaaaaat?"

  2. I seem to recall, around the time of the recent Syria bombings, that people were giving her shit for adding the word "Syrian" to her instagram profile. I don't know if it was there all along and people were looking for a reason to hatt on her, or if she truly did add it after the bombings. What I'm trying to say through this wake n bake haze is that at some point, Farrah may or may not have identified with her ethnicity. Does my post have a point? You don't have to answer that. 

    • Love 4
  3. We want to ditch cable really badly. My husband works for the cable company, and still our bill is $250 a month. I wanted to ask y'all, do you watch teen mom on amazon prime or netflix, or something else? I want to make sure I'll still be able to watch all my trashy guilty pleasures, and would love your advice. 

    • Love 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Calm81 said:

    October 10th was when they first met but the wedding venue they booked only had the 13th available.

    I call bullshit on this, too. The venue was booked on a Tuesday? Sure, Jan.

    • Love 3
  5. You're never supposed to offer animals for free because horrible people take them to use in dog fighting training. Especially Amber's teeny dogs. It is disgusting what goes on in those dog fighting rings (maybe just where I'm from? Hopefully?) I heard they scour ads for free dogs which is why craigs list requires you charge a rehoming fee when you place ads there. She almost said it as if she thought it was noble that she gave them away "for free". 

    Plus she never mentioned giving away Herman, so add that to the growing scrolls of Amber's lies by omission.

    • Love 12
  6. 2 hours ago, druzy said:


    2 hours ago, druzy said:

    Amber lists "Real Estate Owner" on her Twitter profile-lol. 



    Anyone else having issues with the quote box? Go away, box.

    Anyhooo, I LOVE how the word 'make-up' got crammed in there after she added it to her "boutique". Did "baby hooker make-up" have too many characters? Is that why there's no space between words?

    Also, it's very klassy and haute to call it make-up instead of Cosmetics. She is such an ignorant slice of trash.

    • Love 12
  7. I absolutely love Sean C and his relationship with his best man, Sean. What a great guy. I always assumed he was his caregiver but apparently they were friends in high school. Stuff like that just melts my heart.

    Speaking of melting hearts: omg Rachel is an angel on this earth. I just love her so much. I love her new commitment to chase her dreams and try everything. She 's (and her awesome mom) such an inspiration. 

    What happens at the man shower stays at the man shower. Loved seeing all these wonderful guys, even Rocco was there! And Angel's "the party has arrived" face when he walked in was everything.

    I might be hormonal, but I cried about 12 times this episode. Not the Megan kind. Aside from her segments, this episode had the sweetness of season one, but with a newfound confidence in folks like Rachel and Elena. Watching just felt good. 

    • Love 12
  8. On 6/9/2017 at 0:09 AM, Hellohappylife said:

    Just got around to watching the new episodes.

    I could just watch Rachael with her brother & his husband all day. I thought it was great how they kept reminding Rachael that there is a chance she wouldn't get that role but not to get discouraged by it & helped her practice. You can tell they both care for her. They are so fun!

    it blew my mind when I realized johns dad was in his 80s.  Forgive me if I sound stupid,but could his fathers age be a reason or factor of john being born with DS? Or does age not matter with men? Or does that only count for women?

    I never have any issues with kris but it annoyed me how when Meghan & Steven were alone & kris was talking to his parents & bring up the topic about sex & kris was "well I have the girl,the daughter" I took it as kris thinking if Meghan get pregnant she's stuck raising another child,meanwhile Steven walks free.....It just reminded me of my aunt who's teenage daughters end up pregnant & she blamed it on the mother of the sons.  It takes 2 people to make a baby, the egg doesn't get fertilized by itself. 

    I agreed with this about Kris as well, but as the date progressed, I felt myself growing anxious along with her. You know if she had been in her own home, she would have raced up the stairs as soon as she heard Megan's horny giggle. Instead, she just sat there helpless as she repeatedly asked Stephens parents to go check on him snd they just sat there laughing like yeah son get some.

    • Love 7
  9. 55 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    That pantry needs a twitter!

    I just made one for Gary's chickens. As soon as Amber blicks me again, I'll make one for the pantry.

    Re: the poop, aside from what's been said- they invited Dawn over! For another day! To see their new house for the first time! I clean my face off before I have people over.

    • Love 14
  10. 11 minutes ago, Faul McCartney said:

    I think in CA you can get two oz a day ? Idk how much it has all changed since it was legalized in January, I think it's still a bit of a gray area until the public shops are open. 

    Yeah I should have said, they only let us Arizona patients buy that much. Really throws a wrench into making RSO but honestly we're all just shocked that the law passed at all. Either way, I don't want to throw a negative light on any of them using marijuana as long as they did so responsibly. At least that way when they leave it on the counter with the lid off, the dogs wont be in danger.

    I mean really, what's a little weed gonna do, turn thrm into lazy couch potatoes?

    • Love 3
  11. 1 minute ago, MissMel said:


    That's about as close as I can get on it.

    Thank you!!!! Its empty, and that is some sort of wrist strap. Ganja on the go? I need to get one of these for myself!

    1 minute ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

    Nice to meet you! West coast consultant here. Chicago could be an option but they would need state ID with an Illinois address. It's possible it would be obtainable I suppose but the likelihood of being recognized would be very high (get it? hahahaha I'm a dork).

    High! I was thinking more black market. Here in AZ, everyone knows someone with a card. Lots of small time dealers, which is why they only let you get 2 1/2 oz every 14 days. 

    • Love 3
  12. 13 minutes ago, Faul McCartney said:

    I found it! It actually doesn't look like it has weed in it but I'm still on board with weed being the source of the green bottle. They could have smoked it all. Also, who keeps an empty bottle of wine on the counter?


    green bottle.jpg

    Furthermore, whats the large white/clear plastic container? On my teeny phone, it appears to contain a preroll. The cone ones with the paper filters. They look just like the ones we sell, but if we used a container that size, it would hold about 10 joints.

    Nah.. I enlarged it. Not a preroll. Wtf is that thing?

    • Love 3
  13. Hi! Your friendly neighborhood (licensed) marijuana consultant here! That definitely looks like a marijuana bottle, although they do come in all colors now. I am looking more at the large label not fitting the way it would on a regular rx bottle.

    Still not legal in Indiana, but Chicago is, and that's just a hop skip and a jump away. I remember people used to drive to IN for cigarettes because there was no tax. I'm sure its very easy to get medical marijyana there. 

    • Love 8
  14. 3 minutes ago, MissMel said:

    Even worse than that!  Her dad is dead and it hasn't been that long ago that he passed.  This nasty ass, creepy SOB knows no low.  

    Fuuuuuuck. Totally forgot about this. I'm going to be sick....

    • Love 3
  15. 9 minutes ago, Calm81 said:


    The clip for next weeks episode looks like it was filmed in Real-time because it showed Amber and Matt arguing about him being back on drugs and Amber saying she won't marry Matt.

    And referring to himself as "Daddy"! The Hell? It is gross to begin with, but even worse when it serves to remind us that he has fathered 96 children.

    Thanks for the reminder in whose kid is who!@GreatKazu I think you're right about the cousin who pissed her off before.

    • Love 10
  16. Forgot to ask, who was the little boy with Gary when they were showing Leah her new room? At first i thought he was Kristina's son but isn't he not allowed on camera?

    Re: Little Leah Leanne's letter-

    Props for giving top billing to Kristina. Also, my kid has messy handwriting so I've become quite skilled in deciphering these things, you guys. The word was not Lead. That was not a lowercase L and E. If you squish them together, you will see it is actually a lowercase B, as in, "my mommy is in her BED".

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