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Posts posted by butterbody

  1. My 3 favorite things:

    Blair doing the dance hands from the sidelines like the first time Nomi Malone saw Crystal Conners.

    Jujus story about her final look.

    India Feral hopefully being off this show forever.

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  2. I know that we often speculate on when and how these are shot. I always assumed they shot in each one's real home and gave them each a Wayfair (or whoever sponsors them) gift card and told them to get end tables, lamps, etc. since everyone has a similar set up. We've seen Darcy's room on the show so I am pretty convinced they do shoot in their real homes. I don't quite understand why they wear the same outfits every episode because they can't be shot too close together as Lauren's bump keeps growing and now David has hair plugs. I don't know where I was going with this. 

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  3. Pelican neck needs to dial it back a notch. It really wasn't any different than any other older gal's neck.  I mean, who among us doesn't struggle with something on their body? I would trade my thunder thighs in a hot second in exchange for a neck wrinkle. The scarves and dramatics were a little extreme, and probably contributed to her getting bullied as a kid. I kind of wanted to push her down, myself.

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  4. All this time I thought my kid was saying "Disco girls". I heard Farrah on a podcast and she said Sofia is one of them as well. Apparently scrunchies are selling out everywhere and I am HERE for it. I loved scrunchies.

    But to stay on topic. 

    I know I am an asshole but I love that she is getting fat. 

    • LOL 14
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  5. I don't understand why Paige gets no love. I think she is stunning. 

    Last night I was trying to kill my insomnia with copious amounts of marijuana and AYTO on the dvr, and the announcer keeps saying stay tuned for a match up in a way that has never happened on this show, and my brain went all over the place. I envisioned Kai and literally anyone, wandering into the truth booth to have sex, when suddenly the beams start scanning them as the bang and PERFECT MATCH pops up on the screen. Now that would be some good TV.

    • LOL 5
  6. 19 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    "Will the Power of Veto be used to save Jackson, Jack, or Michie from-"

    Man, even the voice-over guy is over this season!

    Yes! He was over it last week too in the re-cap. "For some INEXPLICABLE reason, Cliff spilled the beans within earshot of Christie."

    • LOL 2
  7. 17 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    Chantel is not in any danger.  After all, she is being followed by a camera crew. 

    I didn't see it as Danger, I think they meant "literally not comfortable". That dress was tight as shit and she had to keep pulling it down and adjusting it and had to rebutton the bottom half when she got out of the car.  The Hips Chantal are not made for non stretchy fabric. 

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  8. Omg I watched the 2nd ep on Demand and the Mafia wife in Chicago is literally living in a Nagle picture from the 80's. Black, white and red acrylic and mirrored furniture. The are always making a cheese plate. I'm obsessed. 

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  9. As a fellow sufferer of breast implant illness, (explanting on August 14, sick as a dog) I have been following Michelle's story for a while. I thought the memorial to her breasts was absolutely hysterical. 

    • Love 17
  10. On 3/17/2019 at 12:33 PM, readheaded said:

    Did I miss why the one homeowner who's working with Carter appears to be wearing a wig?

    Yes! If you are referring to the short haired woman, not the ombre woman. It was extremely distracting because it was so shiny and fake. Her husband had some severely large stenciled on eyebrows, also. Basically their entire hair game was really confusing for me.

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  11. On 3/15/2019 at 12:18 PM, Red Bridey said:

    I also thought the docs did good work on their real, non-famewhore patients this week.  That nose job was great!  I missed her story, so I don't know how she ended up with the stubby nose, but whatever Paul did was great!  Also you'd have to sedate me o have leeches on my nose.  Sorry, even though they are wonderful critters for the healing, I just can't.  I had surgery to get rid of my large breasts, but the Milian woman wanted them and got them and I am glad she's happy.  Just stop saying BOOBS.  Honestly, grow up, women!

    THIS! I despise the word Boobs. I love my body and choose to use complimentary terms for my parts. 

  12. Katie's voice has always bothered me. It used to be the way her saliva would pool up in her mouth, causing her to stop and swallow it down mid-sentence. But lately, her pronunciation forces me to forward past her segments. Basically, anything that should rhyme with "old" , she pronounces "ode", and I swear it has been getting worse lately. I realize she is from the south but seriously, get a diction or vocal coach. It is literally your job to speak.

    • Love 4
  13. 9 hours ago, Cabarb said:

    I’m gonna need Leida to pick one accent and stick with it. Is she Indonesian? Or British maybe? I think I even heard a bit of Australian in there. 

    This bugs the shit out of me. She's British when she says "talk" and "daughter". 

    Although I think I heard it mentioned that she attended school in Australia so maybe that made her accent not proper.

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