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Everything posted by TheDoctorsCompanio

  1. Just read that article. I can see why we haven't heard of it before. Josie was just born prematurely and Josh was expecting Kynzie. TLC had plenty of storyline and plots. But I do think it's really cool that they helped and I agree with the poster that said JD spoke confidently and clearly. JD may be portrayed as a doofus but I think when it comes to his job he is all about business. He is in that line of work. Quick question, I remember a while back it said that he owns his own house. Is that still true? I wonder if he even stays at the TTH, we don't see him much. P.S. I hope he meets a cute girl at a traffic stop. I think on the job is how he will meet someone like Whitney and Zach :)
  2. Exactly my thoughts. Also surprised Ben is allowed to have their phone numbers.
  3. I can see Jana (and Jinger) meeting a nice guy at the supermarket or randomly in the streets like that. A real meets cute type thing that I love.
  4. Probably because she doesn't hound him about getting a girlfriend.
  5. Just watched this episode and I am rather surprised that James didn't do the rehearsal dinner for Jill. She's the one he's close to and always chaperoning for. Heck, didn't he get a bike for Derick's birthday? I have to say that Mckynzie and Michael are so cute and you can tell how comfortable they are around each other and how much they love each other. With their talking heads compared to other little girls and boys. They are not afraid to hold hands, hug and kiss each other. I hope they always stay so close. I don't understand the older girls saying how when one gets married it will all be different now. I mean yes in the rest of mainstream America once you marry the relationships will be different with siblings because of jobs and families. But once Jill has her baby the others will be over to help. Both couples still frequently goes back TTH. The only reason Jill wasn't helping with the flowers was because she probably had terrible morning sickness.
  6. Michelle gave horrible advice. I wish she went to her grandmother as well. Now we know (and not surprised) why they had such a short engagement and got pregnant so quickly. The sad thing is these guys and girls aren't really taught waiting. How to refocus their natural sexual desires. It's sad that they are shamed for something that's completely normal. And probably have nobody to talk to. I wouldn't be surprised if the older girls all masturbate or at least Jill did. Don't want to be vulgar, but not surprising that at least one of them had this "issue".
  7. I think that Anna and Josh were perfectly content until Anna's sister got pregnant then Jill got pregnant. Both pregnant at the same time most of the summer. Anna caught the baby fever from those two.
  8. Maybe they're setting us up for an "John David is in a courtship" announcement. I'm sorry, I couldn't keep a straight face with that one.
  9. Yeah but we're we really following Josh on instagram and twitter 2-3 years ago? I didn't even know they were on social media until someone here mentioned Jill's instagram. On social media, they may be sports fans but on the show they talk game about not participating or watching sports. Why haven't we had an episode of them going to a baseball or football game? I think that's where the confusion is.
  10. Derrick posted twice on instagram after the cat fiasco. One he was holding a newborn (don't k ow who the family is) and the other was about him celebrating his one year at walmart. The comments are something else. "Oh that's a cute baby Derrick... would you hit it with a sled!!!!" "Yeah Walmart values people, but what about innocent animals!!!"
  11. Yep. You can really see the friendship Jessa and Ben has. They had meaningful conversations (as far as that could with chaperones). You can tell they really know each other like with Ben knowing about how meaningful the Thorn Chapel was to Jessa. In the long run I love Jessa and Ben relationship.
  12. I wonder if it was even Derrick that posted it. I would imagine this family doesn't have secrecy by way of atm pins and computer passwords. I wouldn't be surprised if Jill was the one that posted the video.
  13. I remember when Josh and Anna had a cat and when the Duggars had a dog at one point. But when were cats put in pitchers? ?
  14. Maybe the announcement is the baby's name, but that not too climatic. I'm still rooting for a job thing or a spinoff show.
  15. I was really hoping for another boy. I think they will stop at 8-10 kids. And I'm surprised they still want to have a home birth.
  16. I read they are considering one (or two) to watch football and classic sitcoms.
  17. I agree. You can tell she was ready to be on her own and out of that house, so she can set her own rules and do what she wants.
  18. I thought the house tour was cute. Didn't know Ben could draw. Those horses were well done. And I'm jealous of their spice rack.
  19. I'd say either: Gender reveal Twins or triplet announcement Divorce (improbable....maybe) Moving and/or career advancement Spinoff show
  20. It looked genuine, I guess. I don't know how a baptism can look like he was doing it to please people. I was rather surprised actually. I thought they both already were.
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