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Everything posted by miamama

  1. Have not even been able to find a fuck for this show but I popped onto twitter and saw Mal's out and Sally's husband is EP. LMAO! Also Josh has zero time for Phyllis. Last time he came in he backburned her IMMEDIATELY and MS left.
  2. Is this show seriously going to pretend fucking your brother’s wife is a bad thing? I mean I thought it was the prelude to the greatest love of all. It is hot and romantic and beautiful and root worthy and above all romcom. No?
  3. An interview with the actress who plays Kerry. Big hints that she is Jack's new love interest. I am of the view that a woman her age would absolutely be into Jack Abbott. PB is hot, a gentleman, and a player in the industry she works in. But why not cast a woman who is 45 or 50? I love how show wants to play this times up stuff but THEY WILL NOT CAST A WOMAN OVER 40, forget 50. They dumped ED and JC, and JW is never on. Gina pretends she is 19. I don't know what Victoria does besides flip her messy hair, push files around, and fret. SC is still presumably seen as fuckable by TPTB but of course she doesn't dive bomb off desks with a scowl on her face so she'll never really be sexy to Mal. There is only MTS as an "older woman" now. Peter has said on more than one occasion in his most recent interviews that show isn't interested in casting women over 40, which is why he has no love interest. None of these ass kissing soap bloggers (I won't call them journalists) will pick up on this and CALL OUT MAL. Rey's estranged wife is a 25 year old. That actor has got to be mid-40s. Why cast such a young woman as his wife? It's so disgusting. I get Hollywood is all about women being pushed aside once they are deemed "old" but soaps were always different. There was room for older women in multi-generational storytelling. Kay Chancellor, when this show debuted, was a middle aged drunk with wrinkles and and to this day remains one of the best roles for a 40something woman on television.
  4. So Mal has not only made Phyllis and her fuckfest with Billy the centre of the show (it is still the centre of the show even while "over") but he has done it during November sweeps. Billy and Phyllis playing juvenile games with Nick and Sharon is the centrepiece of the biggest sweeps month of the year. And the show is letting Mal do this. The Abbotts big story with Ashley exiting was not deemed worthy of sweeps. Instead Phyllis, some nobody they hired to treat Jack and Kyle ABBOTT like shit (ie Kerry or whatever her name is) running Jabot in some embarrassingly misguided TimesUp effort *and* the disastrous tone deaf JT debacle (does anyone remember this began as a DV story?) are show's money stories???? wow. I really don't get it. Really truly. All I can guess is TPTB have given up, don't give a shit, are busy with more important issues over at CBS and Sony, figure this show has maybe three to five years left anyways...I just don't know. Mal's a ratings and PR disaster and GT? My goodness. She's middle aged and makes weird faces, body contortions and frankly is quite bad at sex scenes and is -- even if you find her beautiful -- somewhat odd looking (meaning she's not your typical soap over the top beauty), but she's the only woman on show who has passionate sex scenes. I mean WTF? If you want to go no holds barred and just have sex in the afternoon she is who you do it with? lol. Why not go nuts with Kyle? Maybe save Lola for the sweet pairing they clearly are but let Kyle roll around with Summer or some other YOUNG woman? Goodness even JM has to suck it in when he's shirtless. And JT's body, um, lmao.
  5. Victoria Rowell wasn’t fired. She quit. Then she trashed every one on the show and BTS. Then she launched a suit trashing every one on the show and BTS. I highly recommend you read her suit. It’s quite something. (She claims among other things that MTS put on an Afro wig and leapt around the set to make fun of VR.) And CBS didn’t write/launch it. She did. Also she wrote a “novel” trashing everyone onscreen and BTS. I really loved Dru and her portrayal. I agree the Winters died when she fell off the cliff. I also think CBS (from Moonves on down) is gross and their all white executive and writing teams are a shameful thing. None of that precludes VR from being, if not crazy, not someone anyone would want on a show she has trashed for years and years and working alongside actors she has personally attacked for years and years. I wouldn’t hire someone back under those circumstances. No matter their sex or race.
  6. Right???? What is this? The way Hitler Youth Boy appears out of nowhere with this giant weird doll/mannequin. And then the different angles of him carrying the giant weird doll. its UCG. Why does she kick him???? Omg.
  7. That was like parody. Wtf? I mean I hate them both but wasn’t that just goofy? When he came out of the elevator carrying her and she was all limp I mean wut? It was so weird and bad.
  8. Exactly. In fact Ashley said all this. “YOU got to be jackasses for years! Why not me?” Seriously? That’s why she never apologized for the cruel DNA scam and felt Jack owed her his lifelong job. Some idiot at Y&R thinks they are joining the female first train and it’s only revealing how out of touch and embarrassingly low brow (read: stupid) soaps are. Bill Bell understood and respected his female characters better than Mal 40 YEARS AGO!
  9. She goes from fucking one asshole all over town to another. Who thinks this is root worthy or enjoyable? Does Mal think this is female empowerment? Look she’s a CEO who enjoys sex but see she’s a WOMAN. Remember when we didn’t know whether it was Billy or Phyllis who was giving Mal the hard on? Guess we know now. He even has GT dressed in stilettos and a mask in between running Jabot. What a pig. (I’m referring to Mal.)
  10. I'm curious about examples of this. I genuinely have no memory of Jack ever treating her like shit. Very early in their history Jack (still played by TL then) threatened to out her paternity if she pushed for something at Jabot (I don't recall what) and she backed down. But beyond that I don't know of anything ever. In fact it was more Ash being a bitch to him. Never supporting his attempts to regain Jabot (including advising him to "let it go" when he tried to enlist his siblings at one point), assuring him he'll never measure up to John (his most sensitive issue btw), siding with Victor against him. In fact during Ashley's litany of crimes Jack has committed she listed things he has done to other people. The writers couldn't even come up with examples of Jack treating Ash like shit because he didn't. He actually did look after his sisters as dad asked him to, which is why I accepted that he took so much of Ashley's crap over the years. He was always protective and doting of Traci while Ashley hooked up with and married Traci's ex even though Traci told her it was devastating to her. Ash is and has always been selfish af. The only time he was crappy and used her paternity against her was this OOC BAC. And it is out of character. Even back when Bad Cad Jack threatened to out her he didn't systematically create a document, somehow get the board (lol) to support it and throw it in her face. In fact she didn't call his bluff so he may have never done it. I say this because for 35 years he said nothing. He didn't use the information even in private, in a fit of anger. Never. He told no one. Billy didn't know. Traci didn't know. Phyllis did't know. He didn't bring it up high on pills. Nothing. Never. He simply saw her as his sister. But Mal decided to revisit it and make him suddenly use it to keep her out of the CEO chair. Which brings me to another point. WTF? He's held this job for decades and she wants it so he has to give it up because Women's Rights? lmao. Yes Ash grew up when women were rarely if ever CEOs but they were rarely if ever Head Chemists and she was. She loved science (as we saw in the FB) from childhood. Her father AND brother supported this even though it's not what girls did. She came straight out of college to head Jabot's R and D. And she wanted to be called Susan Ashley because she didn't want to be seen as Daddy's daughter but as, wait for it, a scientist. This is simply not how it works. To develop products she used Jabot resources -- money, lab, staff -- and so they do not belong to her legally. It was wrong and unfair to Jabot for John to give her the patents. It really was. And to suggest that a cosmetics company is entirely the quality of its products is also misguided. Chanel No. 5 was not successful because it smelled good. Lots of perfume smells good. There is marketing, and product placement, relationships with stores, vendors etc. John was not a chemist and he founded and built this company (we are oft told). But shouldn't the credit go to the chemist he hired? As for Jack shredding this POS of document, sure he could have held on to it and discussed it with a sane Ashley. But less than 24 hours earlier he learned that she faked his DNA tests, messed with their sick mother to implant FALSE MEMORIES that she was a HO who preyed on every single man at the club and messed up Jack's relationship not only with his dead dad but also his dying mom. She carefully, methodically did this and enjoyed watching him suffer in public while his mother and her daughter were humiliated. She *enjoyed* it she said. All to be CEO. So yeah he thought maybe I should destroy this because this psycho is going to gut this company to spite me. And look! He was right. And at no point was anyone allowed to call out Ash on her shit. She called Billy the Embezzler but she embezzled from Jabot to pay the DNA guy to fuck Jack over. She accused Jack of losing Jabot to Victor, I'm not even going to comment on Ash and Victor. And she trashed Traci the peacemaker, Traci who has played second to you forever and still pasted up the document for YOU? What. A. Hateful. Asshole. In my opinion Ashely is not remotely sympathetic in this story. This writing is silly. And show history, character and common sense are all upturned to let ED have some fantasy story she craved for years. The end result? I never want to see Ashley again. I can't even picture nice moments with the Abbotts from years past. It's all been destroyed. ETA: I remember when Ash last left she blamed Jack. He was in a wheelchair and he wanted to merge Beauty of Nature and Jabot and she opposed this. He was CEO so she called up board members behind his back and tried to oust him (because she disagreed with a decision, lol). The board members told him what she was up to, he had her ousted from whatever position she held. She left after telling him he fucked her over. lmao. What crap. A failed coup does not make you a victim. At least not in the real world. But apparently in GC if the guy you're trying to oust is Jack Abbott it does.
  11. I read in recaps on Twitter there were more scenes than the above. Ash and Jack had an emotional goodbye with him seeking her out at the GCAC and APOLOGIZING TEARFULLY and her saying thank you, accepting the apology but that she’s still leaving. Basically he blew it. And she has not only never apologized for the DNA horror she put him through she told him she revelled in his suffering (the other day when she was found out; and it was ONLY the other day). Bitch is too kind a word. And did Abby actually fucking say to Jack above “what do you care? You don’t even work at Jabot”. OH MY GOD! He was ousted and then left Jabot heartbroken because your psycho mother falsified DNA tests and manipulated her sick mother to convince him he’s not an Abbott. He has cared about Jabot more than ANYONE ON EARTH, John included. In real time. ugh.
  12. I watched some of that interview (god it was long). ED stated again how much she LOVED this paternity revisit. That she always wanted it revisited. And I recall in a chat with PB about five years ago she brought it up and wished they'd do a Jack uses her paternity against Ashley story. So she got her wish. Except she's not a WRITER (her crappy novels aside). It was a stupid story. It worked for early 20s princess Ashley but it doesn't work now. It's just lame. So the fuck what John wasn't your father? You've known this for longer than you haven't now. You fucked with your kid's paternity via spermgate. John's dead now so he isn't at risk of finding out. There was no story here. The only angle I liked was that it was such a long-held secret that involved the Abbotts and Victor. But beyond that whatever. It had more power kept as a secret, just because soaps don't do that. Also ED explains in this interview with Fairman that the (1980s) paternity story showed that the girl who appeared to have such an easy charmed life (ie Ashley) and looked after her little emotionally messed up sister (Traci) was the one with deeper wounds. Ashley had way bigger wounds than Traci? WHAT THE FUCK? Again, ED is not a writer. Why does show cater to actor's wishes?????? WHY??????????????? She has consistently showed in interviews that she sees Ashley as the victim of Jack and the primary victim in basically all situations. I remember an interview with DD (Brad) when ED was all "he cheated with my best friend when I had cancer!!!!" And DD was like hold the fuck on. Ashley lied about Abby's paternity for years to Brad and their marriage was wrecked (not to mention Brad had been Traci's husband and the father of her niece). It was an interesting exchange as I recall. But yeah, good riddance. And writers, again, don't let these inflated ego actors write story. Please.
  13. I'm confused. Are we supposed to sympathize with Ashley? I am asking this seriously. What just happened? We SAW that Jack took on more responsibilities than he should have at his age while also losing his mother's love and doubting she loved him as well (this is the legacy all Dina's children share because she abandoned all of them, not just Ash). We saw Traci was not comforted either as Ash was by Daddy the perv (um ew with the My Beauty to that little girl). We know Traci is deeply wounded from a lifetime of being the "plain" and therefore less loveable daughter (it actually makes me sad to type that gah). Jack has run Jabot for decades, RUN IT. Taken responsibility for every damn thing that has happened to it, continued to be a "parent" to his siblings (including Ashley "I love Victor Newman" Abbott who is not much younger than him). Traci pasted together a bullshit document that fucks Jack/Kyle/Billy/everyone not named Ashley Abbott on her behalf. And she is gutting Jabot, her beloved father's legacy, and telling them all to fuck off, her daughter included? WHAAAAAAT? If Ashley doesn't change her mind and hand over all rights to patents on today's Canadian (her last show) I just don't know what the fuck to say. I mean she'll still be a hateful, emotionally stunted rage bitch but at least she'll spare the company. And Phyllis even applying for this job is straight up bullshit. As @NinjaPenguins pointed out she was right by the embezzler's side, giggling and giving him blow jobs in the fancy new office. But also doesn't the world know she was married to one CEO, then fucked his brother for months, and stood by his side as he began is reign of idiocy as CEO? Mal is out of his fucking mind with that woman. It's beyond embarrassing now.
  14. She’s way young for Rey or Nick. A woman cast to work at Jabot a few months back is likely for Jack (I thought SHE would be Rey’s ex). Also young (for Jack) but this show won’t hire women over 50.
  15. They put a lot of effort into those flashbacks to reveal nothing new. Show has mostly been consistent with Daddy doted on Ash and Dina had the easiest relationship with Jack. Why not show scenes of John being a difficult husband. Absent and dismissive in an old fashioned way. Not cruel because he wasn’t. Just clueless and self absorbed. They hinted at it with a few comments in the flashbacks but she was still just cruel. I mean telling her son she’s leaving but “keep it a secret!” As for explaining Ashley and Jack’s motivation for being competitive and especially crazy since Dina came back it’s simple. When mom is around they immediately revert to the ages they were when she left. Plus now they are in fight or flight mode because she’s leaving them again. BM should have had a huge Emmy blow out scene where she rips into Jack and Ash for being parents’ favourites and prom kings and queens and given every advantage while she was forgotten (and continues to be by Dina) and of course the Beauty stuff (but way more than they did). She tried to kill herself FFS. Just say SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET OVER YOURSELVES!!! You are the Crown Prince and Princess. And I’m shit. Jack was groomed as CEO and Dina’s obvious favourite and she pushed John for this contract for Ash?? What about me? And am I plotting schemes and shredding documents? Move on. Grow up. I have. Our parents were human. Whatever. Done. And powerful. And Dina gets sympathy instead of being painted as a caricature.
  16. Apparently Jack gets a love interest. One of the new hires from awhile back? I was very worried they’d saddle him with Phyllis. So as laughable as Phick is I’m just glad it’s not Phack.
  17. They are going to be “sexy and dangerous” says Mal. lmao. (Nov sweeps spoilers.)
  18. I think the lesson here is bad leadership = conflict among employees. It’s not just EB. ED, DD, MiM have all had public issues. Mal’s M.O. became apparent when he manoeuvred to oust Sally and Kay. Angelica McDaniel should be fired along with Mal. Funny how Mal gives her her long wished for Latinx family now. Right? Named Rosales no less (her surname is Rosas). He has a disturbing af survival instinct. And he’s clearly a divide and rule asshole.
  19. This is soooooooo stupid. Reconstructed a shredded legal document??????? And how would Dina know about this document? She left when Ash was a child. John knew then that his preteen would one day be in R&D? This might be the stupidest story Mal has done.
  20. Oh yes. Christian might pull off a mask to reveal he’s JT. I mean we wouldn’t have seen THAT coming, right?
  21. Instead of the Saint John narrative and this asinine retcon why not show John was far from perfect, that he was a 50’s husband and one obsessed with his fledgling business and no understanding that his wife wasn’t happy hosting cocktail parties and giving birth. Dina felt powerless in her life. She was trapped and had an affair, hence one illegitimate pregnancy. What is the big fucking deal? Gawd. Ashley harping on this for 35 years and abusing this woman for it is really beyond gross. And it’s not pro-woman. It’s the opposite. This will all end with “DADDY wuvved be bestest (which BEAUTY already knew)” and all Ashley’s self worth coming from that validation - when she’s 60. Also Dina is still the whore in this scenario.
  22. Jabot has changed ownership many times. Jack spent his life always trying to win it back, when JOHN WAS ALIVE. This didn’t come up? It wasn’t relevant? It’s just silly.
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