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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. 5 hours ago, jinjer said:


    I agree - Kathy is playing the dimwit. She came on the show I read bc she was bored. She is shrewd - takes after her mother Big Kathy. She's the real sniper from the side with Thomasina, sitting Sutton next to Erika, bringing up "Why is not seeing color a problem" in reference to Sutton- she wasn't bringing it up out of the blue. "I never heard of Sutton." She's friends with Crystal and is backing up Crystal.

    Also her nonsense about not wanting to be associated with unsavory people (like criminal Erika). She cut off Kyle for years for bringing up Kim's alcoholism. Then she cut her off bc she didn't want Kyle to out the crappy things their mother did. Her whole house is full of skeletons and it's a lot deeper than Paris' sex tape. Meanwhile, Sutton may surprise us all. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHLN7oCgHHA/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


    Agree on a lot of points - although I wonder if some plaintiff's firms borrow to fund litigation costs. Dennis type firms charge exorbitant interest rates. Many people who are victims like Tom represented borrow against their anticipated recovery/settlement and pay these interest rates when they finally get their monies only to have interest eat into a good chunk of it. I hope none of Tom's victims borrowed against their settlements.

    I do have one caveat - there are some highly respected plaintiff's firms and civil rights firms. Their attorneys attended the finest law schools, and they take on important cases including class actions. They aren't what people think of as "ambulance chasers."  White shoe firms are corporate firms and any litigation they engage in is mainly defense oriented. Ask any of them the name of a partner at Simpson Thatcher or Cravath and they won't know their names either.  They are different worlds. 

    I think plaintiffs law firms do both kinds of  not unusual for firms to use lines of credit to tide over the ebb and flow of receivables (for PI firms even more important).  I am guessing Girardi turned eventually to litigation funding, but don’t  know.  

    i am thinking of the vaginal mesh cases, where PI lawyers encouraged their clients to have revision surgery, paid through litigation funding.  Those surgeries were also often horrible, and of course if the client didn’t win the case, was on the hook for the surgery costs too.  Blood suckers.

    I agree there is a difference between the ambulance chasers and class action cases, though many of the latter sadly don’t provide lasting benefits either (except to counsel).

    And while attorneys may not know the names of specific Cravath partners, EVERYONE knows of the firm.  The whitest of white shoes😂

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  2. 16 hours ago, Mar said:

    I call bulls@@t on this.  B always needs to insert herself and be the know-it-all.

    let’s start with the elephant in the room — the very idea that “it was known - among the “best of the best””.  Honey, Personal injury plaintiff lawyers, no matter how much money they make (and some make mega-bucks) are NOT considered the “best of the best” in the legal community.  Folks at white shoe corporate firms likely never heard of Girardi.  Nor are the folks who are involved in “litigation funding” (loaning money to lawyers and plaintiffs on the bet that the PI case will result in a  big payoff) particularly well respected.  Those guys are sucking the life out of many people who have been injured.

    and while Girardi may have borrowed money from Shields’ company, I’m pretty sure there were confidentiality clauses in those agreements , such that if he gave this information to B, he was violating a contract.  Not smart.  And $500k may be a lot to us, it’s not a lot in the realm of Girardi’s world.

    And, if “everyone knew” no firm would have agreed to become co-counsel or local counsel to the firm.  I am, though, shocked to learn that  CA ethical rules do not require that an attorney who has knowledge of ethical lapses by another attorney report that attorney to the bar for disciplinary action.

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  3. 1 hour ago, TomGirl said:

    Just checked out Dorit’s wedding gown website, where the “Angel” dress is described as follows:

    “Our design showcases our traditional glass corset which accentuates the hourglass figure. this beautiful gown is custom made to measure, dripping in french beaded lace and a lavish decedent finish.”

    Gee, do you think she meant “decadent”?  Or is there really a lavish DEAD PERSON finish on the dress?  Sheesh!

    She speaks 4 languages, but stupid in all of them.

    the gowns were pretty standard, except for the fixation on thigh-high slits.  I give her a bit of credit for the fact that the real designer’s name is part of the company name (though second).  I imagine their conversations as Dorit saying “I envision something sexy in white” “wouldn’t pearls be lovely” “what would an actress wear?”  And the real designer looks for something she’s already designed, makes a few changes and — there it is!


    oh lord, went to the website.  For the “actress” dress they say it’s “classy.”  Nothing says classy like a couple of photos of a woman’s butt.  For another there is this sentence “there is 180 yards…”. Hmmm, “are”?

    they also show “celebrities” who have worn the gowns…. Mostly bravo folks.  Paul Nassif’s 2nd wedding (complete with really large, tacky sign) and that obnoxious couple from the LA realtors show - except didn’t they get married long before Dorit started “designing” wedding dresses?  Guess that proves these are all someone else’s designs.  I’m more surprised that a designer therefore must have decided there was a financial benefit to letting Dorit play wedding designer.

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  4. 4 hours ago, bkathi said:

    Just googled snow in California - it did snow in Malibu on January 23rd.  They said a Jeep overturned but the driver was unharmed.  Erika Jr.?  Another car went over a cliff! But that driver was seriously hurt.  I would hope that Erika wouldn't have gone to a dinner party if her son was in hospital.


    It’s unlikely that he lives in Malibu.  I assumed the not living in LA was because he couldn’t afford it (and we haven’t heard anything about Tom buying him a house), so he’s probably more inland.

    Plus, she admits she didn’t get the message about the supposed break-in for 3 hours.  If this story isn’t complete bulls@@t, I assume Tom would already have been at the hospital.  No need to have her son go rushing anywhere.  And as others have said, Tom has children and a brother, so there are others closer she could have called.  

    when would this alleged break-in have happened?  Because while it’s typical for the spouse to be the person to call, once you start divorce proceedings, you would think he (and she) would have changed a “who to call” list, as well as the health care power of attorney form.

    • Love 8
  5. I’m watching on tape.  Quick thoughts:

    Dorit thinks it’s a brilliant and unusual decision to host a wedding themed party for a wedding dress collection?  She doesn’t get out much.

    does Kyle not have real pots and pans?  Why does she always use disposable cheap aluminum trays?

    I don’t think Erika will think Kyle, Mauricio, Dorit and PK }had her back” at that dinner, but it was hysterical?

    Pretty bad wedding dress design if Dorit has to constantly hold onto the dress so she doesn’t step on it.

    • Love 13
  6. On 9/9/2021 at 7:14 PM, Dutchgirl said:

    Immoral seems a long haul from evil. John Wayne Gacey was evil. He enjoyed hurting people, a sadist. I don't see that in Tom, I don't think he enjoys hurting people. Quite the opposite. He loved spoiling people, he liked to be liked and enjoyed spreading the wealth, however illegal, and buying love from everyone. His problem seems to be saying no to people.

    I think it was all just numbers on a page to him..."How can I keep this circus going?" He was just moving shit around trying to keep all the balls in the air, paying the bills to keep up an image of success. That's really the only way you continue to get those big clients. And of course it was all totally illegal, immoral and all that, but I don't know about "evil". 


    Gerardi didn’t steal millions from his clients - widows, orphans, people who suffered horrible tragedies - because he can’t say no and wanted to spoil people.  Nope, this is an attorney who appears to have been stealing from his clients for years, which is unethical. He’s a disgusting human being.

    for those talking about the CA bar, I’m not sure the CA AG can sue for anything.  Sadly, lawyer disciplinary boards (sometimes it’s the state bar, sometimes it’s a separate group) have been very lax with lawyers over the years.  This is particularly true if the lawyer repays the money to the client (if that is the complaint).

    I strongly suspect there are many old complaints to the bar about Girardi (I have seen references to some).  The complaints aren’t made public unless the bar decides to take action.  For the old cases, i suspect Girardi gave bulls@@t excuses about why the money hadn’t been paid, the clients don’t understand, etc., and then paid each client who filed a complaint.  Then the bar closes the case without any disciplinary action taken.  What they didn’t do at any time was notice the pattern, which would have woken someone up to the idea that there couldn’t always be a “problem” with turning over the money.  Add to this that Girardi was spending lots of cash to support the bar, politicians, etc, and they didn’t want to know.  Now,  could the bar be sued for $$ for failing in its job to oversee and discipline Girardi in the past, thus allowing future damage?  I don’t know, but it’s an interesting question.

    I  suspect the theft started as delays in payments - he needed cash he didn’t personally have at the time, took it out of the client escrow account (or never put the proceeds there at all - another ethical violation) and waited for the next big settlement to pay out the prior settlements.  But he also lived too high on the hog, as did his “partner/trophy wife/whatever the heck Erika is calling herself these days.”  So he needed more and more money.  And there could never be enough settlements (and therefore attorneys fees) coming in.

    another reason he got away with this as long as he did is that apparently, while the law firm had 2 name “partners” he was the only equity partner.  (Equity partners are the law firm owners).  So no other lawyer at the firm had access to critical financial information.  This is highly unusual for medium or large size firms.  And it may be that, as he got older and wasn’t doing the major legal work himself, he didn’t have enough truly experienced attorneys at the firm to get and win big money cases.  An associate hopes to make partner in order to make the big money, and it’s likely attorneys left when they realized they would never become equity partners.

    Erika of course if lying when she implies this all started 3 years ago when he was in a car accident and broke his ankle/was unconscious for 11 hours/broke a collarbone/ or whatever her story is now.  She’s disgusting too.



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  7. On 9/2/2021 at 7:25 AM, 65mickey said:

    Crystal is smart enough to know that if she doesn't tow the line with the coven they will come for her next season if she is asked back. That's why she is is trying to appease them by going soft on Erika. Maybe she watched the last two seasons and saw Kyle, Rinna and Teddi relentlessly going after the one person that they wanted to get rid of and it worked. RoseAllDay got it right when she said these snobs don't like Sutton because she doesn't belong. Erika called her small town and they picked up on this. I can foresee  them setting a plan in motion to drive Sutton away. Did anyone else hear Patrick the butler say to the kitchen staff they are in there fighting like cats and dogs? Or did I fall asleep and dream this? You know the staff must get a good chuckle out of watching these so called upper class women acting like ill mannered thugs at an elegant dinner party.

    I think Dorit had a gift bag when she walked in. I didn't see anyone else bring one 

    I think was Doritos bag, stupid as it looked.

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  8. On 8/26/2021 at 7:59 AM, FancyNancy said:

    I’d be bummed too, if after 30 years of not cleaning regularly, I had to clean. Hell, I’ve been cleaning all of my life and I still cry.  

    I call bullshit on her not having a maid.  Of all the things she’s spending money on, a maid, even if only once a month, isn’t that much.  Get rid of one of the paid friends, that would open up lots of cash.

    • Love 10
  9. 4 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    I feel like I’m doing justice to the outfit. No Dorit no you’re not 

    Well, in the sense that both are garbage, she wasn’t wrong.  Damn, that dress didn’t even fit well.

    erika needs to stick to a story.  First no girlfriend for Tom, then she only recently learned, then she “assumed” he was with another woman when he was supposedly unconscious after the (I don’t believe it happened) car accident, NOW she learned 6 years ago?  And what, she claims to have the password to his phone and that’s how she learned?  I thought he was totally in charge and she knew nothing.  Never mind, if he had law firm communications on that phone, he wouldn’t have given her the password.

    and she left the house with “nothing?”  But now that includes expensive champagne glasses and wine bucket?

    oh, and Kyle?  Opening a bottle if champagne when you have the bottle between your legs is nothing to be impressed by.

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  10. 16 hours ago, amarante said:

    On a shallow note, Erika’s face looked bad at the dinner party

    Is it because she doesn’t have the expensive glam squad or because her stress level is impacting her face?

    Of course the picture in the attic might not be working its magic any longer and so her face is reflecting her moral depravity. 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️

    The picture in the attic is probably being auctioned off.  Which reminds me, other lies by Erika.  First it was she dropped Tom off at work (note that was to further encourage the “he’s out of it” narrative, hmm. But that negates the he’s a controlling heartless sob narrative) and just left the house with nothing.  Then it was well, she took a sofa or two.  She rented a large truck to move (oops have the paid friends move) all the clothes and the very large but ugly photos.paintings of herself.

    can’t keep the lies straight.

    • Love 14
  11. On a different topic, what craptastic holiday decorations they have.  Absolutely nothing that seemed to have any personal connection with their families.  I wonder if it was all rented?  

    Dorit had a Menorah on her Christmas tree, ok then.  Kyle is Jewish but has 3 Christmas trees?  I didn’t see a Menorah anywhere.

    put me on the side of those who don’t think Kyle made the dinner (though she may know how to cook.)



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  12. 2 hours ago, bosawks said:

    If Erika has a publicist they must be yelling themselves hoarse screaming at the tv, “Stop talking about yourself and just pretend to care about at least one widow or one orphan for god’s sake!”

    Yep, she can’t even manage that.  Such garbage.  She doesn’t know what happened to the money?  Well, $20mm went to you and your paid friends.  And never was so much money wasted.  Then the 2, count them, 2 planes, the multiple closets of expensive but tacky clothes, etc.

    of course, the other women should have realized she would never admit to knowing anything, or about having lied in the past about her amazing marriage (assuming her current story of Tom being dismissive and cold is true).  But her entire story of how he changed 3 years ago, implying that was the source of the theft, is also garbage.  

    she had to be forced to even acknowledge there are injured victims, disgusting.

    • Love 24
  13. On 8/18/2021 at 10:02 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

    Leah could send her daughter to a good Jewish day school, you know because of her decision to convert, she will have to practice the religion at home, right?

    Except her daughter isn’t Jewish?  I still don’t understand why she is converting (assuming she really completes the classes).  Maybe her Rabbi could explain she can’t be on her phone on Yom Kippur.  That was embarrassing.

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  14. On 6/30/2021 at 8:25 AM, Chatty Cake said:

    LuAnn did a segment with her daughter discussing her sobriety which is getting boring too. It’s good she recognizes how she looks when she’s drunk, but it’s been a topic too often. 
    Her and Sonja were at the Harlem dinner but didn’t have a lot to say. Eboni lectured the group until Ramona pulled the vertigo card which was probably the only good part of the last nights show.

    I have vertigo, Ramona was lying.  It doesn’t come on just because you close your eyes.  Vertigo involves small crystals in your inner ear becoming detached and floating around, which affects balance.  Mine is very mild, luckily, but it doesn’t involve swaying.  I get some dizziness and the impression that, for example, when I am standing up I think I’m leaning forward.  

    i get she wanted out of the room, and don’t blame her for that.  But claim a headache girl!

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  15. On 6/30/2021 at 7:21 AM, SweetieDarling said:

    When Leah said that Bunny is involved with every decision she makes about Kier, I thought for sure she was going to say it was because she (Bunny) has primary custody of her.

    I thought it was because she’s paying all the bills.

    • Love 8
  16. I’m watching on demand, so am not completely caught up.  I think Eboni was wrong to make th3 comment about being “the most educated.”  I think that was the specific term.  She has the most education, but  degrees aren’t the only sign someone is “well educated.”

    I agree with others who explained a bit about being a junior associate.  She may well have become a public defender so she would get more courtroom experience (many lawyers become prosecutors or public defenders for that reason).. My only quibble is that I don’t know how she could have practiced in CA, she doesn’t appear to be a member of the CA bar.

    I really loved the way she responded to Heather’s comment that she “understood” the Black community because she worked with Puffy and Beyoncé!

    the worst thing I will say about her is that, had she really googled all the rest of the housewives- I cannot understand how she thinks Sonja is a good person.

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  17. 56 minutes ago, blackwing said:

    And their solution is to just murder innocent soldiers who are just doing their jobs?  They are on board the train illegally.  We saw them revolt once already in the first episode.  They killed 22 soldiers (I think?).  One of them lost and arm and three were Drawered.   After that, we didn't see any further attempt at a peaceful appeal.  If the source of their rage is the benefits enjoyed by First, why not direct their anger towards First and not the soldiers?  Lilah Jr regularly travels to Third for noodles and prostitutes.  Why didn't the Tailees and Third think of kidnapping her and holding her hostage?  They could have sent a message to Melanie that they have Lilah and they want to discuss some solutions.

    If they wanted revenge so much against Lilah Junior, they easily had her in their grasp and they did nothing about it.  They could have exacted their own justice against someone who was actually guilty and they did nothing about it.

    More than a few on the train have done this W salute.  The Eastern European mechanic - the guy that talked to the students and explained his role on the train, and later told Melanie when she was repairing the hydraulics that he is the only one who should be going under the train.  The students themselves all did it too.

    Ruth is a complete idiot.  She feels betrayed that Melanie didn't tell her THE SECRET but it's quite obvious that she wouldn't have kept the secret to herself, and Melanie wanted to maintain the premise that he was in charge.

    Part of the problem is that they really didn't explain why Melanie felt the need to continue the illusion.  "He sold tickets."  So what?  She could have just said from the beginning that Mr. Wilford didn't make it onto the train, but he entrusted her to run the train.

    I am truly hoping that Lilah Junior dies horribly.  I truly can't stand her.  The way she was positively giddy when she heard about the Tailees.  "The Tailees?!"  It'd be even better if others in First killed her.

    1.  People are “on the train illegally” only because apparently goats failed to prepare and protect the people.  And factually, they have been there for 7 years, time to make some accommodation for a large part of the remnants of society.

    2.  The soldiers are protecting first class and much of the space that could be split among more people.  The tailpipes and 3rd class would probably be more than willing to fight directly with the 1st class passengers, but they aren’t go8ng to move out from behind the soldiers.

    2. I assume Melanie lied because people wouldn’t follow her the same way they were willing to follow Wilford.  Truly, it’s like a cult - maybe that’s a necessity when you are locked up on a train that is the only way to survive.  But the idea of a small group taking up tins of the space and goods was always a recipe for disaster.

    3.  I can understand that Ruth’s life has been completely upended, and I assume she has nursed a grudge against Melanie for her “apparent” connection to Wilford.  But she of all people should wake up and realize that Melanie is essential.

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  18. On ‎2‎/‎12‎/‎2020 at 5:41 PM, rmontro said:

    They seem to be painting themselves into a corner, now that they're claiming they know the location of the money pit.  I would think next season would see them begin to excavate the money pit?  Seems like they're getting close to the point where they need to find something or admit it's not there.  I'm probably only fooling myself there.

    Considering they still command the highest cable ratings on Tuesday nights, there's probably no end in sight. 

    They seem to be backtracking on the 90 foot stone also.  Last year, I thought the stone they had found in the bookstore was still considered a candidate, and that the reason the engravings were missing was because they had used it for some process or other in the store that eroded it all away.  Supposedly.

    I thought they had ruled out the idea that there was a sunken ship in the swamp also, but they still keep bringing it up.  

    Yeah, haven't they drained the swamp (ha!) enough to confirm no sunken ship?

    Anyone else not convinced at all that the rocks in the "bottom" of the swamp are a road?  They just seem like a bunch of rocks that fell/drifted/whatever to the bottom of water. 


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  19. I watched Lost, so knew this couldn’t really have a satisfying ending, but was hopeful this would work “along the way.l

    BUT -Michaela goes on an undercover mission, knowing she’s very well known?  And brings along a civilian?  When her boss is just about ready to fire her.  STOP.

    and the “let’s say the baby isn’t my husband’s” is just stupid.  Never mind the 5 minutes between seeing a child, confirming he has a horrible disease, to previously unknown Dad is a perfect match for a transplant.

    though that storyline makes me want to know more about how the survivors are getting along with their lives.



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  20. 14 hours ago, StrictTime said:

    Could this whole battle have been In Bjorn’s head/imagination as he’s sitting on the beach? He’s thinking about how Ivar will attack and playing through various scenarios while sitting there? That’s the only way I can think of any of this episode making sense.

    I wish, but in the preview I thought I heard Gunhild (sp?) say Bjorn was dead.

    I don't like Bjorn dying, but can appreciate that the show is willing to kill off major characters.  

    But, I hate what they've done with Ivar and drug-addled brother (whose name I always forget).  Ivar was completely paralyzed, but now can he stand and move around on a sandy battlefield and is able to kill Bjorn?  Not buying it.  Nor do I buy that he was able to climb that mountain the way they showed.  Drug-addled brother, who was having nightmares about Ivar, is now completely clean and sober and friends with Ivar?  Also not buying it.

    I've googled a bit about the Rus Vikings, but can't find whether the landing craft they used was realistic for the time and technology. 

    Good riddance to King Harold.  Hope Eric survives.


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  21. On ‎1‎/‎18‎/‎2020 at 10:20 AM, rmontro said:

    You might be right that the triangle shaped swamp is merely a coincidence, but I'm certainly not desperate that there be some meaning to it.  I'm not even convinced the swamp is man made, even though the show has pretty much claimed it is.  I'm just saying it's interesting, there may be something to it, there may not be.

    I'm sure there might be several reasons to build a triangle shaped swamp, IF it was built.  Doesn't necessarily have to do anything with treasure.  Obviously there were people there in the past, doing something.  I thought the people who presented the case that there was a quasi-military operation there at one time was pretty convincing (the L shaped structure and all).

    Might be as simple as the 2 original islands had a triangle-shaped separation (if the swamp is man-made)..

    I agree with others that there is a "boys only" club atmosphere, likely because at least historically it was less likely that a woman could pick up her family and move to Oak Island to go treasure-hunting.  Someone mentioned the woman from the drilling company - I discount her because her company is getting paid for the drilling; she may "talk the talk" about the mystery, but that's at least in part to keep the customer happy. 

    Though I haven't watched the show from the beginning, at one point I did watch a large number of older episodes, and to me it seems both Laginas are amping up the "we're interested in the history of the island, what people were doing generally" more recently.  Maybe because they are beginning to realize there's no treasure.....


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  22. On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2020 at 6:32 AM, Chaos Theory said:

    If anything I think there me be a problem with the ACTUAL Good Place.   Like because no one has gone there for hundreds of years it is a virtual wasteland.   Worse then Cleveland.   Florida bad.   

    I think they will be bored in the good place.  And/or the bad place architects will be terrible, and our 6 (including Michael and Good Janet) take over the testing.

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  23. 13 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

    Nah, not the wealthiest. In terms of NY housewives, Jill and Tins are likely higher than Bethenny. They have real money. She sold to Beam for $100m but that doesn’t mean she has that much in the bank. All the startup capital for her various and sundry SkinnyGirl lines comes from somewhere, not to mention the multiple mortgages and other liabilities and settlement of whatever debt she had before she began operating in the black. In terms of lifestyle brands, she’s no Jessica Simpson.

    I thought it was determined she didn't get anything near $100MM, and that much of the Beam money was contingent on future sales.  But I don't think she has lots of start up capital costs for her current businesses - most of it seems to be slapping her name on other peoples' products.  Her most recent venture of supplement pills seems to be just that, collagen isn't something she came up with on her own. 

    Her largest "business" expenses seem to be the multiple "employees" at that office of hers, though who knows how many of them are full-time employees.  And of course her publicist.

    • Love 11
  24. On ‎12‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 6:33 AM, weaver said:

    She had a major crisis on Christmas Eve:

    I am on pins & needles that


    is not bringing my Christmas gifts tonight. They’re 2 days late & im panicking.

    10:10 PM · Dec 24, 2019·Twitter for iPhone


    She got major pushback from her followers about her entitlement.   Am I naive in thinking people have caught on to her?    Notice how she tagged FedExHelp, who replied very quickly.  

    Here's my favorite comment.

    Beth Peters


    ·Dec 25

    And will an uber driver arrive to being the packages from her foyer to her apartment? And what says he to a ukelel?

    First, how about shop in advance, or heck maybe at one of the many brick and mortar stores in NYC? 

    And isn't this the woman who complained mightily that her ex enrolled their child in Catholic religious education classes?  Isn't B claiming she's jewish and how dare he do make a decision about religion of their child?  Then what is she doing celebrating Christmas?

    or maybe all the complaining was bulls@@t?  My guess.

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