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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. On 7/6/2019 at 12:55 PM, Mrs peel said:

    Well, it’s Sonja who gets the check.  So she has an incentive for the kid to not graduate and work until she’s 25.  I find it more interesting that Sonja is on the hook for all school fees.  Of course, she’s getting $150k (before the inflation factor) so she can afford it - since ALL this money is supposed to be child support.

    and what happened to the $16MM she had at the tome of the divorce?  The movie judgment was like $7MM or so.  Also, note her ex was going to make good on the value of the French property, in the event she was found not to own it.  That’s probably a couple of million more.  She blew through a lot of money.

  2. 10 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Careful Ramona, you'll throw your back out.  #BoltOnBewbs

    Ok, I had no idea that was Dorit, and now I’m going to hang my head in shame for this - but my first thought on seeing this photo was “this is the difference between having access to a good stylist and not having access.”  Because Ramona looks like the poor relative in her too shiny, not well fit and what the heck is going on with the hem of the pants?”

    but both of them need more regular appointments to have their hair color touched up.  

    • Love 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I see nothing wrong with Jason taking Brynn to Mass the weeks that he has her.  While she is with him, they can discuss the faith and why Jason is Catholic, I have no problem with that.  But, when he signs Brynn up for Faith Formation classes which usually meet weekly and forcing Bethanny's hand on this issue, that I have a problem with.  Both of them need to be on the same page with this issue, and if Bethanny has even the slightest reservation, he needs to back off.  Honestly, the priest and staff at the church where he was doing this should have explained to Jason why this is a bad idea.  The nun who runs Faith Formation at my church would never allow a child to constantly skip weeks and still receive her sacraments.  Maybe in NYC it is different, but I suspect not.  Jason is also putting Brynn into an uncomfortable situation where she is always going to be different than her classmates.  

    I would agree with that argument if there hadn’t already been a decision made to baptize the child.  But Brynn IS Catholic, by decision of both her parents.  CCD classes aren’t unusual.  

    But, if the joint custody agmt required Jason to get Bethenny’s agreement before enrolling her in religious classes, that’s a big problem for him for this case.  Because it’s evidence he won’t abide by the joint custody agmt.

    • Love 3
  4. On ‎6‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 10:45 AM, smores said:

    It never ceases to amaze me how anything Jason says or does is altruistic.  So while I'm sure it will be explained away:


    "“‘Is everything okay? You seem very upset. And oh yeah, happy holidays,'” Frankel’s attorney Allan Mayefsky said, reading the text from Hoppy."

    "In another text, he said, “apparently you’re now Jewish,” with a laughing emoji."

    Yeah, the first one doesn't seem that bad, at least for people who hate each other.  I suppose the second one is worse, although since B has claimed not to be religious, I could see where he might assume she was now just claiming to be religious in order to seem better for the court, or to begin a debate about whether their daughter should be raised Catholic or Jewish.  And since she agreed their daughter would be baptized Catholic, that debate should be over. 

    I don't get the idea she was baptized, but then they would wait til she was 12 to introduce her to religion?

    Worst for him is if he really did start her on CCD classes without talking to B, if the joint custody agmt required him to discuss this with her first.  Since the child was baptized, I'm not sure it applies though, as CCD classes are typical for Catholic children who do not attend Catholic school.

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  5. On ‎7‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 11:19 AM, biakbiak said:

    Well in NY the surviving spouse is required by law to receive 1/3 of the estate regardless of the will.

    Most states have this statute, I believe.  It's not so much that the spouse is "required" to take the money, but the spouse can successfully contest a will that excludes them, and get 1/3 of the estate.  Now, if the spouse signed a pre-nup giving up that right, it might stick (I don't handle estate work).

    My take on the Dennis dating while married is that, I get it that some people never divorce, but agree to live separately.  Dennis and  his wife appeared to be in that category.  So I'm not necessarily saying it was wrong to date, but you cannot be engaged!  Can't be planning a wedding with a guy who is still married.  Never mind that B has been all over the place about whether they were really "engaged."

    • Love 7
  6. 15 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    I think that Luann asked Bethenny/Dennis for the $6M when she was on a drunken bender.  It seemed like her memory of it was slightly fuzzy, and that is why she asked Bethenny to explain it all.  

    It could have been a drunken, rambling phone call that Luann didn't remember making, and of course, Bethenny, who never forgets anything (and often exaggerates the truth a bit), probably keeps throwing that back in Luann's face.

    It sounded to me like Luann was in the middle of a drug and/or alcohol fueled mental breakdown, and she called multiple people asking for money for a house she certainly, in a sane moment, would have realized she could never afford.  In another sane moment, she would never have thought any of the people she called would give her money.

    the part of the conversation about how Dennis connected her with a “brilliant” lawyer who told her “things my own lawyer never knew” sounded like bullshit.  Or Luann needed to fire her lawyer.  Her case wasn’t that complicated - she was a rich(ish) drunk woman in a posh town used to rich(ish) drunks.  Complication of hitting a cop, but likely not that unusual.  She checks into rehab, repents, gets supervision.  We all knew that would happen for crying out loud!

    B really does need to sit down and make a list (oh ok, dictate a list to one of her minions/friends) of the various stories she has told about Dennis, along with dates.  Because I heard a ton of contradictory information about their “love match”.  Not the least of which was - how long were they together and how long had they known each other?

    B must be paying these new guys, or they desperately want to be on TV or in Page Six, I can’t see any other reason someone would be with her.

    kudos to the person who found the Sonja dress on another website, why that company doesn’t sue her is a mystery to me.  And that dress looked terrible on her.  Wasn’t a fan of most of the clothes, and the usually ok Luann wore a dress with a slit way, way too high.

    • Love 11
  7. On 6/20/2019 at 1:16 AM, Giselle said:

    Team Erica these last two episodes. She told you she wasn't bothered by Rinna's impersonation she understood that you think differently. You kept going at her badgering,  hoping she would change her mind and give you an answer acceptable to you.

    Teddi and Kyle disgusted me by forcing the issue. 

    I say this as someone who thought Rinna's actions were awful at the Halloween party and as someone who doesn't generally care for either Erica G nor Erica J. 

    They really needed to let it go, and Kyle should focused on Rinna’s behavior and what she said to Kim.  Neither Kim or Rinna acted like adults over that entire stupid rabbit episode, and for the love of God it was a couple years ago!  Let it go!  Kyle and Teddi should have said, “well, I would have been annoyed, but if you’re not, ok then.”

    because lets face it, Erica wasn’t annoyed because she was flattered that someone was impersonating HER.

    by the end of that lunch Erica has a glass of wine in her hand, so I call bs on the migraine.    I’d feel sorry for the vintner with all the screeching, but he was obviously doing this for the publicity to get a distributor, so.....

    Erica can also get over herself with the “I have a chapel” garbage.  You have a small room into which you put some sort of religious pieces you picked up lord knows where.  It’s not consecrated, so it’s not a chapel.  Doesn’t it have items from multiple religions?

    lord, I had stopped watching BH, and only caught a couple of episodes in a marathon yesterday.  What the heck are Kyle and Erica wearing in their talking heads?  If Erica wants people to see her as a real person, she needs to stop wearing costumes,

    • Love 6
  8. On 6/18/2019 at 9:44 AM, SweetieDarling said:

    Remember a few seasons ago when Beth went off on Sonja, because How Dare She come out with her Prosecco, Tipsy Girl for trying to jump on her beverage bandwagon?  Wasn't she ridiculing Ramona about her new skin care line at the reunion (True Radiance)? I know a few here will praise her entrepreneurial spirit and recognizing markets and opportunities, but, really Beth?:


    Exactly what is “skinny” about moisturizer?  She is slapping her logo on everything.

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  9. On 6/24/2019 at 11:03 PM, breezy424 said:

    Actually not.  She gets support for doing a four year degree.  Not a two year and getting a job.  And moving out she gets nothing.  Maybe I'm reading it wrong.

    Well, it’s Sonja who gets the check.  So she has an incentive for the kid to not graduate and work until she’s 25.  I find it more inter3sting that Sonja is on the hook for all school fees.  Of course, she’s getting $150k (before the inflation factor) so she can afford it - since ALL this money is supposed to be child support.

    and what happened to the $16MM she had at the tome of the divorce?  The movie judgment was like $7MM to so.  Also, note her ex was going to make good on the value of the French property, in the event she was found not to own it.  That’s probably a couple of million more.  She blew through a lot of money.

    • Love 7
  10. 2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    I have a real life answer to why she'd leave 50% pension on the table to leave 3 years early: 
    Since it's a 20-year pension, she would probably be 37. Age 40 isn't too old for a woman to make a significant career change, but it's getting close, and, there might not be such a good opportunity again until she's 50, which is generally too old. 

    It would be more believable if  we knew how good of an opportunity she was choosing over the pension, but it would be pretty boring to hear her say, "They're offering me a retirement package that will equal my police pension within 5 years, and exceed it by X% in 20 years, blah blah blah."

    Personal experiences:

    • My oldest daughter made what she knew would be her last big career change at 37.
    • I did manage to make a change at 48, but after that it wasn't possible without having more managerial experience on my resume, and it was not possible to get that experience without already having it.

    I think you need to be 21 to join the NYPD, so she’d be minimum 41 at retirement.  But, if she were a detective or higher rank, she’d likely find it easy to get a new job in a related field.

    • Useful 1
  11. 10 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    Oh, I don't doubt that it was a realistic scenario. I just don't like my comfy mystery setting disrupted by too much realism (I know this sounds crazy given that each episode starts with a gruesome body).

    The pension thing has me confused - it does not mean that she could have retired in three years right? Just that in three more years her pension was secure. Or did I get that wrong?

    Yep, unless it’s changed NYPD can retire on a 50% pension at 20 years.  Every year working after 20 years increases the pension.  But before that, nothing unless you retire with a disability.

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  12. On 6/27/2019 at 9:24 PM, yogi2014L said:

    I like Bethenny too and really felt for her this season. I totally understand how scared she must have been with the severe reaction, I think most of the fear was ' if I die what happens to Bryn' not really afraid for her self. 

    Bryan has a loving father.  B does not need to worry what happens to her.

    • Love 9
  13. On 6/25/2019 at 12:28 PM, Sew Sumi said:

    Per US Weekly, it's a girl.

    The article also revealed that Kendra is having a girl.

    We'll definitely get a Mary.

    eta the link. D'oh!


    While she’s probably thrilled to be called a “celebrity mom,”. I’m sure she’s annoyed they are referring to this as her “first child.”  How quickly “asa” is forgotten.

    • LOL 2
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  14. On 5/16/2019 at 1:44 PM, sasha206 said:


    So apparently Beth interrupts testimony today screaming that Jason tortured her.  I seriously think she is mentally ill.

    I feel bad for her attorneys.  All that work, undone by a courtroom outburst.  No B, no one tortured you.  Did/do you have a dysfunctional relationship?  Sure.  But accusing someone of a war crime is ridiculous.

    And believe me, Judges take this kind of stuff into account.  Anything the mediator said about how B was more responsive to him?  It was all for show.  When she’s not in charge, as when Jason was testifying, she’s nuts.  He managed to sit quiet while she talked smack about him.  AND she’s screaming when he is talking about how he felt, not even in response to disagreeing about the facts of a specific incident (not that there should be any outburst). 

    • Love 14
  15. All this stuff about the 13 colonies and Nova Scotia.  They claimed the number 13 was so important that they split New Hampshire to create Vermont as the 13th colony or state.  But Vermont was not the 13th colony.  It became the 14th state.

    and the tree carved into the stone had more than 13 branches.  The carving of the names seemed modern.

  16. On ‎4‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 6:55 PM, Mondrianyone said:

    Even if there isn't a buck to be made, a lawyer will step up--see public defenders.  It's in the Constitution that every accused is entitled to assistance of counsel.  My good friend used to train lawyers in the public defenders' office.  They have huge caseloads, they work for very little money, and they don't always love their shitty clients.  But they step up anyway.

    Yeah, but apparently he didn't do the criminal case; he was representing the guy when he was scamming people.

    OF course, one of the guys who started the webpage also went to jail for stealing from clients when he couldn't get his money back from the first criminal.


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  17. On 4/24/2019 at 7:28 PM, Stats Queen said:

    Well, that show should be a really healthy environment for those moms and their kids ....

    (if your husband is named Jason you are not allowed to apply)

    This just screams “we’re looking for drama queens.”    Thanks but no thanks.

    • Love 5
  18. 20 hours ago, jinjer said:

    I think with Bethenny's dating life, she can date whomever she wishes; however, in court she admitted that bringing a BF around her daughter violated their custody agreement. Whether it was too soon or whatever, it was a violation of the terms of the agreement. Any parent would be concerned about the character of the person their ex is dating and bringing around their child. Bethenny doesn't have the best track record. Kids don't need your randos who don't last coming in and out of their lives. Bring them home when Bryn is with their dad. Same for Jason. If you have a custody agreement about introducing BF to your kid, you should abide by it. https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2019/03/bethenny-frankel-grilled-sex-life-court/

    Answering a question that “yeah, technically” she violated the order (probably said with a “tone”) is NOT a good thing.  Jeez woman, you both felt strongly enough about the clause to include it, it’s not brain surgery to follow it.  And admitting to ignoring one part of the agreement could impact a Court’s decision as to whether you will abide by other parts of an agreement.

    i can’t imagine that Jason has evidence to back up  that  “90%” of the time he can’t get Brynn on the phone, and that kind of exaggeration is also not helpful for a Court.  But if he can back it up, also damaging to B.  And if he has evidence that B routinely was in the background of the calls, especially if boyfriend de-jour is also there, is also damaging to her.   Of course, she exaggerates too, so it might be a wash.

    I don’t personally like the “isn’t is great you have a daddy who loves you” kind of statement, but can’t see that impacting a change of custody.  Multiple statements from Daddy that “Mommy doesn’t love you”, now that could have an impact.  

    All this is more evidence that neither is thinking about their daughter over their own need to “win.”

    And note to whoever was saying Jason was convicted of stalking.  No, he entered into a plea deal with no conviction, IIRC.

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  19. On 4/8/2019 at 5:40 PM, Rap541 said:

    I disagree in that rotating bedrooms for a stay of what? four or five days? is a completely fucking ridiculous way to deal with "OMG the fish room is ugly". Everyone having to pack up and switch rooms on a daily basis is silly. It's a free bedroom in a very nice house. It's not moldy or cold, or leaking, all the fixtures work, the furniture looks comfortable and Dorinda is by all evidence a great hostess so you can bet that room, ugly as it might be, is comfortable. Its a short trip. Luann needs to suck it up and deal... as does anyone else complaining about staying in the fish room.

    I should have been more clear, I meant rotate by trip.  By day is crazy.

    • Love 2
  20. On 4/3/2019 at 9:32 PM, AttackTurtle said:

    I just don’t get being ungracious in someone’s house.

    I also don’t really get why Luanne bought a house in upstate New York when she has a house on the water in the Hamptons.  The house in upstate is beautiful, but I just don’t get it.  Her moaning that she drove all the way from upstate is kind of strange as I dont think there is much difference between the distance between Manhattan and the Berkshires and upstate and the Berkshires.  Upstate may be closer. (I live in western MA).

    But really, Luanne just torched whatever  positive public sentiment she had when the season started.

    Tinsley was beyond gracious reagarding the bedroom situation; however I would’ve loved to see how Bethenny would have responded in that discussion. I’m surprised Ramona wasn’t more vocal as she’s pretty defensive of Dorinda.

    Even more odd, the drive from the Hamptons to the Berkshires would be a total disaster.

    like everyone else, I’m disgusted with Luann.  It’s a fucking bedroom to sleep in for a couple of days, get over yourself.  And if you want to go to yoga or get a massage, google it and make the appt yourself.  This is not a hotel.

    But dorinda, don’t promise a specific room to one person who is coming late, and then claim “too late” to another person who arrives late and wants a choice of the 2 remaining rooms.  And ladies, none of you like the fish room (with good reason IMO), then if you were really adults you would rotate who stays in that room.  But since that requires maturity beyond the fourth grade level, I am not holding my breath.

    I hated Dorinda’s decorations.  Too much, too tacky.  It’s like she bought out Big Lots or one of those pop up Halloween stores.  

    i can understand that B may feel very odd about Dennis’ death if she was considering a permanent break from him (did she ever say it was due to the drugs?  Or anything else?).  But then you can’t go around claiming to have been engaged, he was the love of your life, his actual wife was an “ex” wife, etc.  never mind the “I met this guy before Dennis died and it HEATED UP after he died.”  That says to me she was dating the other guy at least casually before her “fiancé” died.

    and B, that you needed to get away from the jerk is contained in the sentence “he told me if we broke up he’d never be with anyone else and would die alone.”  Incredibly manipulative.  Assuming of course he really said that (50|50 on this to me).  

    But honey, get some real therapy!  I’m still trying to figure out how her “schedule” makes getting to therapy difficult.  Your appointment is on Tuesday?  Be there, schedule a meeting for another time, travel for another day.  Or switch out the therapy appointment for that week.  It’s not hard, millions of people who want to get help manage it.

    Tinsley, being a “socialite” isn’t a “brand.”  Talk to B, she actually has a brand based on herself.  And give up the idea you are going to have a child, or find a sperm donor and get cracking.  At 43 your odds keep going down.

    • Love 11
  21. Finally catching up today.  Luann, stop with how “difficult” your probation is.  YES, you need permission to leave the state, read the damn court order.  You got off very lightly considering the charges.  The least you can do it follow the rules.

    sonja, stop with saying you never had a leak in the townhouse.  One, you said no one caulks” like you, which you only do for leaks.  Also, there was a stain on the other side of the wet drape.  I can’t even start with the hoarder basement.  How was this a “long-term renter?” Seems like it was just a couple of months?

    dorinda, shut up.  You should remember that there were cameras.  Throwing Sonja under the bus was bad (about the papers on the lawsuit).

    so tinsley’s mom has a redeeming value, she does needlepoint.  That’s all I have on those 2.

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  22. On 3/29/2019 at 2:44 PM, film noire said:

    I agree.

    It has that big corporate blandness thing I hate, where the illusion of wealth hits your eye at first  (it's so big! It must be high end!) but then you look at what the space contains and everything's exactly as you put it: non-descript and tacky. And they want 4.5 million for that poky galley kitchen? Are you kidding me?  Not enough room for two people to plate take-out together, never mind cook.

    Please, I wouldn't even CONSIDER this joint for our RHoNY Season finale blow-out party, just for the bathrooms alone! 

    This l'il abode in the Dakota might serve  -- only 5.2 million! --  the foyer is perfectly set up for Luann's performance of her new club hit ("I was so uncool,  I broke the Penal Code" ; )


    The Dakota is an amazing building.  And yet “some people” won’t consider it because it’s on the west side.  Jeez, way nicer than any building anyone in my family ever lived in in NYC.

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