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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. On ‎12‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 10:45 PM, DakotaLavender said:

    I do not think it has to do with Jewish prejudice. I think the producers and writers wanted to introduce other ethnic groups into the cast to make it more diverse and to cast actors of other backgrounds such as Asians and African Americans. 

    I think the first season appealed mostly to Jewish audiences. Now, more viewers can relate to the story. 

    I think Season 1 appealed to all NYers, Jewish or not.  [Non-Jewish NYer here!]

    I also think the difference between season 1 and 3 is that Midge is no longer just a housewife who is Jewish, but a successful comic who is learning that she needs to appeal to a larger audience.  The Vegas episodes showed her making her comedy less Jewish centric and more mainstream. 

    When I heard Rose was from Providence, I immediately thought Rhode Island, and was surprised at the Oklahoma background.  But I can see her having fallen for her husband, since he's an intellectual.  If we consider that when she left Providence she probably wasn't as polished as she is now, an intellectual NYer would be a catch for the life she wanted.  A professor, a Jewish professor, at a well-known university!  It's all good.  That he didn't have money didn't matter, since she did.

    I'm not liking the subplot of the underground newspaper.  I'm not sure why Midge's Dad (forget his name) isn't more worried about not having a job.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    I liked the BCR, it was a strong story with interesting characters. They weren't going to have Tagomi this year or Frank, so it was a good replacement. And like I said above it was way more interesting than the useless stuff with Joe's girlfriend.

    Yea it didn't really mean a whole lot. I mean you can still be a totalitarian government and not be actual Nazi's.

    Also speaking of Nazis, I thought it was kind of hilarious that the government in Berlin ended up getting basically overthrown all because Himmler was a giant baby. I mean for all the Nazi's talk about strength Himmler wanted to kill John because John didn't give him enough attention when he was in the hospital.

     It isn’t that true of totalitarian, “dear leader” type governments?  Run afoul of the “dear leader” and face death.  There is no logic to the actions.

    I think the show meant to show that the new leader would change things.  Even Smith mentioned that Americans are rebels, not easily led from without.  The most interesting thing would be how/whether the 50 state US could be brought back together - the neutral zone and former JPS have every expression to not want “in” with former Nazis.

  3. 18 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    I'm wondering if they wrote themselves into a corner and didn't know really how to end it. It seemed to me they made a huge point of letting us know that alt-Smith didn't have any girls. Then Helen died in the crash, so I figured he was going to send them through and just get out of there. Or even if he ended up dying to make arrangements for them to go through.

    Except prior to going to Berlin (?) he gave that other officer instructions on what to do with Helen and the girls, in the event he didn't come back.  That was likely to get them to the neutral zone or maybe South America (as he had planned with Thomas).

    I think he planned to bring Thomas back to Nazi world, in his conversation with Helen on the train she pretty strongly said Thomas should stay with his "good mother" in alt-world.

    For someone else who thought the Nazi officer throwing down his medal wasn't enough - I also wish there had been another episode (though if we had one we'd want more), but they did reference Nazi soldiers deserting when the BCR was planning their defense of SF at the end.

  4. 4 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

    I finished the series today.  I , too, did not understand the ending.  Maybe the people are like Trudi and Julianna?  They knew they had crossed over to another world and are trying to get back to loved ones or keep fighting in the resistance in the Nazi world?  I wanted chilldan to get his happy ending with the lovely gentle Japanese woman.  The man under Smith isn't going to be a Nazi anymore? and will turn things around? What happens to the BCR? There needed to be an explanation, like 6 months to a year later or something.  Kido? eh, he could have died like a season ago and I wouldn't have cared.  One thing that I wondered about in the beginning of this season, what ever happened to Jennifer's blood test?  Helen ran away to Montana with her to avoid it.....when they came back did Smith just forge papers saying she got it in Chicago or something?  Because the Nazis don't seem like the people to just let that go.

    My most recent thought on the portal.  Maybe that the Nazis were using it so much the portal was "damaged" and didn't close?  Julianna mentioned having flashes of the portal at various times. 

    And thinking about Smith's obsession with his son, I wonder how many Nazi soldiers died in the portal before they found one who wasn't alive in the alt-world.

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  5. On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 10:17 AM, Tyro49 said:

    Almost to the end of season 1 - which is why I tried to access the earlier thread - so what syndrome is it that Smith's son has? I take it that it is hereditary and runs in Smith's family. He must be a carrier even though he doesn't have it himself; so must his wife. I wonder if his daughters are okay?

    He had muscular dystrophy.  Smith’s brother had it too.  And thinking about it, I’m shocked the Nazis didn’t know, because they were so into eugenics.  Nor do I understand why Smith, who is portrayed as a planner who sees multiple steps ahead, didn’t anticipate the revelation  that one of his children would have the disease.  He acted when he had to, but there wasn’t a plan in place in advance.  Out of character.

    i finished season 4 a couple of nights ago but needed (still need) time to process it.  Like others, the opening of the portal confuses me.  I thought I saw Juliana’s step-father pass by her at the end, but I didn’t go back to double check.  A few other thoughts.

    1.  I don’t see Smith as a tragic character.  He made his choice, but it seems to me he could have taken a way that didn’t move him up so far in the hierarchy.  He wanted that power, even if he didn’t believe in the Nazi program.  Oddly, I find that worse than a true believer.  The backstory was interesting and it feels like they could have done a season of back stories to see how the invasion and take-over happened.  And why, for example, the neutral zone lasted.

    2.  I wonder if the Smiths didn’t have the girls in the alt-universe to show that Smith was all about himself.  Because, knowing his alt-wife would be left all alone in her world, he still wanted to kidnap his son and bring him into Axis world.  A world Thomas would rightfully despise.  Good for Helen for her response to that.  Smith’s end seemed right for the character.  

    3.  I liked the resistance in San Francisco, though it seemed to come out of nowhere (v. An established resistance in the east).  But they had to realize the reich would invade once the Japanese left, and nothing could prepare them for that firepower.  I didn’t like the alt-universe where Smith and Thomas see a lunch counter civil rights demonstration, it felt like they were hitting us over the head with the history and how Smith wouldn’t step in on the correct side of history.  Also seemed like a sledgehammer comparison to the SF resistance.

    4.  Was the plot where Juliana was the trade minister’s daughter-in-law a second alt-universe?  Or a dream?  Because if the theme held that you couldn’t be alive in both worlds, that family didn’t exist in the world where Smith was a salesman.

    5.  Robert finally found someone he cared about.  I liked that story.  I kept wondering if they could have gone to Australia or somewhere other than the Japanese mainland, which would be difficult for them to be together.  I wanted to know whether the Japanese were evacuating other places like Australia.

    6.  Loved seeing Smith’s second in command immediately rip off the nazi emblems.   I would be interested in seeing how that worked out, there would still be a strong commitment to re-unifying the US in the east.  Though not in the west.

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  6. I'm generally liking the show, but call garbage on the entire interaction with the high tech company.  It just so happens Jo has the time to travel to wherever this company is headquartered?  And get there exactly as Quinn's character arrives?  Sure.

    Others have said how stupid meeting the woman in public was.  But they meet at the super-secret company facility, which is so super-secret but doesn't have any security that notices a random car sitting outside for an hour?  Sure.  And why would the woman think 5 minutes was enough for 2 randos to get into a building, run around and find one specific door?  I might be willing to believe she could only hide shutting off the security for a maximum 5 minutes, but why would she think they could find the item in that time?

    I appreciate receiving some answers quickly on who/what Piper is.  But, as others have mentioned, saying she's a robot doesn't explain much of what has happened.  It is odd the doctor hasn't noticed anything, and her being a robot doesn't automatically mean she can sniff out cancer.

    Why has JO not contacted any actual government agency?  I get the fake agency was probably from this tech company.  But real NTSB would have been notified of the crash.

    • Love 8
  7. 21 hours ago, candle96 said:

    The more I watched the show this season, the more I wondered why the writers made Midge a mother to begin with. There still could've been plenty of storyline with Joel leaving her and them NOT having kids. 

    I just think the constant "what about the kids" that I feel when I watch this show has become an unnecessary distraction. Like I'm fine with suspending disbelief (a necessary talent with any ASP show), but this one is just too much.  It all could've worked without the kids. Although I will say Ethan's line "Yom Kippur is scary," was one of my favorites of the whole season. I LOL'ed at that one.

    I think, for the time, Midge would have wanted 2 children for the “perfect” family.

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  8. Re-watched this last week when the first couple of episodes were on.  Was reminded that the pilot intrigued me, though I was surprised (again?  Can't recall what I thought at the beginning)  the secretary/assistant felt bold enough to hide the suicide note.

    Delilah's hair is stupid and awful.  And Delilah and Eddie are stupid and awful.  Eight is better than all of them combined.

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  9. 7 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I recently read an article on why they are not divorced yet.  I don't have the link before me, but, it said that Jason's attorneys blamed Bethenny for the hold up.  The article cited something about the criminal charge dismissal as the culprit.  Hmmm.....I'm an attorney and although, I'm not licensed in NY, both contentions seem like BS to me. Property division cases, survive the divorce.  And, children's issues are not dependent on the divorce.  Generally, you don't have to get the other party's consent to get an absolute divorce. If you meet the grounds, it's granted AND, what would it have to do with Jason participating in the deferral program? Makes no sense.  So, I'm not sure what to believe.  

    I don't get it either.  They settled the property and custody issues (at the time, they are already on the change of custody petition), so why the judgment hasn't been entered is a mystery.  I immediately thought they both need to file married but separately, which at least in the past resulted in people paying higher federal taxes.

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  10. On ‎8‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 12:39 PM, Happy Camper said:

    This seems a fair statement. I think that she will initially fall hard, but recover in a minute.  She does tend to move on quickly after a relationship ends. Her place of "Yes" has many meanings.

    Regarding her first marriage:

    "I felt like if I didn’t marry Peter, who loved me so much and was such a good friend, who had such a wonderful welcoming family, that I was never going to get another chance. Peter used to tell me that nobody would ever love me as much as he did, and I believed him. And that terrified me. I wanted stability and upward mobility, and I saw a chance for that with Peter. So I quit acting, took a regular job, and married him."

    Bethenny goes on to say that after she left Peter she immediately began a relationship with his good friend Larry (who was an usher at their wedding.) The relationship was scandalous in their circle, and extremely passionate, but it was volatile and ultimately didn’t work either.

    She's either lying (exaggerating) about what he said, or she was/is a mass of insecurities.  Note one of her reasons for the marriage was "upward mobility."  That's our girl, materialistic as they come.  Also interesting she was attracted to his family, bet by the end of the marriage she found them cloying and, perhaps, yokels?

    She definitely has a pattern.

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  11. 6 hours ago, weaver said:

    I notice she is reeling Paul into her videos more and more.  He is going to resent this later.  

    Did anyone notice the cuff with diamond letters she displayed on an IG story?  I don't know if it was gifted or she bought it.  She tagged the store.  The diamonds said "Bryn loves Paul."  No, Bryn loves her daddy, not Paul. Don't confuse her even further.  She loved Dennis less than a year ago.  

    That's just odd.  Now someone can tell me if I'm wrong, because I don't follow Instragam, but presumably B was wearing this cuff, bought/ordered from a store, and the bracelet had actual diamonds?

    That's just a FU to her child's father.  I seriously doubt her daughter went up to B one day and said, "let's spend lots of money ordering a diamond bracelet for Mommy to wear that says I love your current boyfriend."  Nope, her daughter might say, "mommy, I want to make bracelets that say I love Mommy and Daddy" for the them to each wear, but B wouldn't like that.

    Never mind, once she breaks up with Paul, which is guaranteed to happen, what does she do with the cuff?  Recycle, hope the next guy is named Paul?

    I agree with others who say a child can love more than one person, but we have zero idea what this child really thinks (as it should be, she's a child for crying out loud!).

    • Love 11
  12. 9 hours ago, Jextella said:

    I don't think Camille is unstable.  As horrible as this sounds, I think she just isn't that smart.

    .....well, she was smart enough to marry Kelsey without a prenup, but not smart enough to keep up with the other women on the show.

    Maybe I'm getting this backward, but I thought Kelsey has never had a pre-nup.

    And keeping up with the other women isn't that hard.

  13. 6 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

    It was curious and interesting to me that Erika was pretty silent throughout all three parts of the Reunion.  I wonder if she is over the show and really just doesn't care enough to comment.

    Or, is it that she is feeling a little less confident and somewhat more humbled because of her and Mr. Girardi's personal financial issues?  

    I did think she was probably the most level-headed one on the couches, and I liked her calming influence on Camille when she told Camille to stop yelling, that she sounds more plausible when she speaks normally.

    I also thought that Erika's reunion look was the best of all the ladies, especially compared to Rinna's Gatorade yellow/green dress and Kyle's dress that looked like a yellow highlighter.

    I was surprised by that too.  But I was more interested in her statement about talking with husbands about “major” purchases.  Kyle said she likes to talk with hubby about purchases, Dorit said she runs major things (over $10k) with hubby, and Erika said she would get hubbys “permission” for a purchase (after a claim about how he buys her jewelry). 

    And sure glad dorit didn’t need to run the Claire’s buyout of hair clips by PK.  I doubt there is anything else those 2 grifters buy.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    because Denise in her rental wasn’t displaced Denise wasn’t going through shit to Denise isn’t dealing with a special needs child. ONLY Camille is having hardships. Shut the fuck up camille   This is what kills me about Camille she has moments of being an actual human being then she turns robot bitch 

    Exactly.  Dealing with smoke damage is really bad.  Both of them dealt with the fire and fleeing for their lives, Camille might remember she isn’t the only person in the universe.

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  15. On 7/23/2019 at 8:46 PM, TexasGal said:

    I wonder what made Camille decide to stop pretending like her Season 1 persona wasn’t really her.  Damn.  She’s in it to stomp on everyone.

    You know how when you wear a tight ponytail your scalp ends up hurting? I can’t even imagine how much Dorit’s head must be hurting with all those sparkly clips. 

    Did Dorit buy out the sale rack at Claire’s?  If she wanted to wear a hat and hide her hair, do that!

    camille is nuts.  She is also a very bad actress.

  16. 6 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

    Not trying to be mean, but if you're cousin is so concerned about these things, she shouldn't be posting the photos to begin with. Once stuff is on the internet, you have no idea who can access it. Hell, some apps I've try to download to my phone want access to my photo and contact files, and sometimes email. I usually don't install those, or uninstall as soon as I see these requests, unless that information is part of the functionality of the app and it's a reputable co.

    I had that thought myself, but,  you know, keeping peace in the family😇

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  17. On ‎7‎/‎20‎/‎2019 at 11:35 AM, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    The concern about predators seems like concern trolling to me. 

    As for the issue of body shaming, the issue to me isn't Bethenny not expecting others to comments. It is that I find it uncomfortable, regardless of what Bethenny does or doesn't say about others.  

    A cousin put me on full blast because I was "liking" and "sharing" her posts with photos of her grandchildren on Facebook.  Told me in no uncertain terms she didn't want the photos shown to a wide audience because she was concerned creeps would save the photos.  I don't see it as "concern trolling" (though I love the term and need to find a way to use it!).

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  18. So I’m watching on tape.  Did Bethenny just complain that Ramona didn’t give her condolences about Dennis WHILE they were both at a PARTY?  Yeah, B was deep in her mourning, at a party?

    Dorinda certainly proved she was in the wrong about the charity night, when she interrupted Luann after Luann was asked a question.  And B was egging her on, like the banshee she is.

    they are all (except Luann and Ramona) jealous of Tinsley.  The idea that she moved out of the hotel in NY to live in Palm Beach for the winter?  They all wish they could afford that.  I don’t know what her finances are, but then we don’t really know what any of their finances are.

    B is a total bitch, the way she was leering about The loss of Tinsley’s dog.

    • Love 12
  19. 44 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

    I still miss my snuggle bug cat Lennier and it’s been six years (we used to spoon at night) - 

    Just last week I asked Tiger Lily (my older cat) if she still missed Mrs Peel (my and her companion cat, who died 6 years ago).  We remember our pets for a long time.

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  20. 54 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

    I think what she was trying to not laugh at was Dorinda's commentary and questions.  I am someone who gets the nervous giggles and can start laughing when I really don't want to and it is really hard to stop.  That was my impression but who knows.

    I have seen them give oxygen to one who was rescued from an apartment fire.  The man who lived there died and his cat almost did.  Lost an ear and lots of fur.  He wasn't breathing when rescued so a fireman spent a ton of time reviving him before being sent to the vet hospital.  My neighbor ended up adopting him.  It was so sweet watching this big man working endlessly on this little furball.

    More and more Fire Depts are getting pet-sized oxygen masks.  Because why should the pets suffer in a fire, if they can be helped?

    I find Tinsley calling 911 over her dog over the top, but more useful than Bethenny ugly-crying for however long about her dog having seizures, while NOT stopping her daughter from watching or taking the dog to the vet.  OK, the vet was 45 minutes way, but that travel time didn't get shorter in the however many minutes she was videotaping herself debating about how far the vet was from her home.

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  21. 1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

    I don't know if she is an alcoholic.  She may have a mental health problem.

    Ah, there it is, Bethenny makes Luann's drinking about HER, BETHENNY. 

    Just because the others haven't been arrested, doesn't mean they might not have drinking problems.

    I was watching the Yankees win a doubleheader, so only caught the last few minutes.  Yep, B can make anything about herself.  Luann leaving rehab early is a problem because it was “disrespectful” to Bethenny!  In a group of narcissists, she manages to stand out.

    But the Yankees are up 8 games in the AL East, so it’s all good.  I’m sure I have B to thank for this. 😇😈🥵

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