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Mrs peel

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Posts posted by Mrs peel

  1. On 3/8/2024 at 8:46 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

    Dorit dressing like Indira Ghandi was was laughable. Was she thinking people would go easy on her dressed like that? Is that her native dress? Not sure what her message is , if any.

    Ha! Dorit has zero idea who Indira Ghandi was.

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  2. 12 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    It appears that the exhausting trend of trashy cleavage is done. (For example, Garcelle's talking heads usually feature grossly displayed oversized balloons.) I guess Crystal didn't get the memo.


    At least Crystal’s look real.  I think Erika was the worst during the season with showing the fake, very fake, boobs.

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  3. On 2/21/2024 at 8:00 PM, QQQQ said:

    Watching this "impromptu" family meeting, I can't decide if Kyle and Mo are shameless fame whores, acting, completely insensitive, or all of the above.

    That truly was one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen on tv.  And considering how angry they seem at each other, living in the same house is a very bad idea.  For the kids.  Kyle and Mo deserve all the garbage they are reaping.

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  4. On 2/7/2024 at 10:07 PM, swankie said:

    Ericka is such a selfish, vain harpy.  She's only ever going to worry about herself and herself only.  I feel nobody owes her an apology.  She was a nasty festering sore the last two seasons.  I think the other ladies were showing empathy for the victims of her husband's wrongdoing and each would have given up the earrings to help them whether they had to or not.  It had nothing to do with if it was legally theirs or not.  We all know Ericka doesn't know how to have empathy so she will never understand how they felt.   

    Not so sure Dorit or Kyle would give back the earrings/money.

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  5. On 10/19/2022 at 9:40 PM, bencr said:

    When Dorit brought up the "horse/glue" comment by Sutton, I had the feeling Dorit thought she was catching Sutton in yet another muddled comment. I may be reading it wrong, but if I am right this would be consistent with my impression of Dorit as someone who likes to pile on to Sutton to ingratiate herself with the mean girls.

    You may be right.  Because I think Dorit is dumb enough she may not have gotten the reference, I was surprised she was willing to admit to her ignorance.

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  6. 17 hours ago, Castina said:

    I can't imagine how Garcelle will feel watching tonights episode after the previews I just watched.  Especially the bit of Rinna and Erika in their dressing room coming to the conclusion that all of their children have been threatened and going on about Jax is a design to cause division in the group.  I'd laugh if it wasn't so painful to witness.  

    I also loathe how the self-named  Peaky Blinders (ironic considering the above talk of division) in their talk of actual death threats against them don't seem to grasp how a black person might perceive a tweet about a knee on their neck....  are they really that obtuse?

    Yes?!  They are that obtuse, clueless, ignorant, fill in the blank.  They have been pampered for so long they have zero idea - or concern - for others.  Disgusting.

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  7. On 10/15/2022 at 4:39 PM, ZettaK said:

    Well, that's Erika!

    She also thinks (hopes) she can beat the rap, and then she will tell us she is not guilty.

    God I hate saying this, but she wasn’t wrong.  If you are acquitted, you are not “guilty” of the crime.  In this instance, I do think Erika is influenced by having been married to an attorney.

    but, for example, OJ Simpson is “not guilty” of murder in the first degree, but he sure as h@@l killed 2 people.

    im going to go take a shower now.

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  8. On 10/9/2022 at 6:30 PM, realityplease said:

    The housewives' looks ("lewks") shown in the reunion trailer: Yikes!

    To quote Dolly Parton:  It takes a lot of money to look this cheap!  Erika looks like 25 pounds of potatoes stuffed into a 10 pound sack.  Rinna's face is so shiny & full of filler, implants, botox or whatever, that as someone wrote as a comment to a Vulture article:  Rinna's face looks like a Jiffy-Pop ready to blow!

    OMG, is there some requirement that every year one housewife mash her boobs in ways that seem both painful and just bad looking?  Yikes.

    erika looked like a hooker Barbie doll.  Her boobs seemed like they were in different time zones.

    I did like that Crystal didn’t wear huge fake eyelashes.  Sutton seemed with to not have them, or they were just a little bit.  And I liked Sutton dress.

    rinna can’t wear a cross large enough to make her seem unlike a demon.  How hypocritical.

    gotta love Garcelle, she thinks Diana was behind the bots, and she admits she thought that.  Doesn’t try to back away from it, this is what she thought, that’s her truth.

    Diana’s fake teeth are blinding.  Amazing how someone with so much money can get the veneers so wrong.

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  9. On 10/6/2022 at 2:49 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

    that only covers slander  ... it doesnt cover if the stuff being said is true ... yes they could be taken to court but if they have evidence of truthfulness that isn't Slander (like Lisa is attempting with the I have PTSD) a judge would rule against Kathy.. just throwing that out there

    Right.  And had Rinna taped the meltdown, the cease and desist would be useless.  But rinna didn’t do that, and we can only assume she wasn’t THAT upset in the moment.  I don’t buy she locked herself in her room.

    I find it incredibly sad that Kyle is afraid her family won’t come to her daughter’s wedding.  That her family was disinvited kyle’s family from nicki’s wedding is also very sad.  Both speak to long term dysfunction in that family.  All the sisters need major therapy.

    that rinna and Erika feel free to potentially make that worse for their “friend” is despicable.

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  10. 19 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

    Thanks guys, makes more sense. Although it's not that impressive a basement remodel for six figures. It looked kind of depressing. Not what I would expect from Beverly Hills. 

    Sad that I remember this, but a lot of the cost was the need to dig down several feet in order to accommodate the golf simulator and him being able to get a full swing (club completely over his head).

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  11. 3 hours ago, Blondie said:

    Just throwing this out here:

    Maybe Rinna didn't want to make a scene at the birthday party because Chrystal's hubby was there and he is in the film industry.  She thinks she's a good actress and doesn't want to burn that particular bridge.

    Could be, she is delusional after all.  Or maybe she was hoping for a role for Harry Hamlin?

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  12. 3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    If a Kardashian joined the cast and became a fan favorite, how soon after would Rinna try to bully her off?

    I’d pay to see that, because Momma Jenner would eat Rinna for a snack (not enough meat on her bones for lunch).

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  13. 14 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    Some of the texts were shown at the end of last week's episode and repeated tonight.  It was the text that Rinna said Kathy was raging in the sprinter van and then that Rinna locked herself in her room.

    I saw that, but - importantly to me - so far we haven’t seen any specific details…what happened to she was racist and homophobic?  Hmmmmm…..

    rinna and Erika are such liars I need time-stamped details.  And even then I want outside proof no one tampered with the data.

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  14. On 9/18/2022 at 3:16 PM, amarante said:

    I agree with you completely but also one of the reasons why Ruth was allowed to keep approximately $1 million is because she had inherited that amount from her parents years ago and so there was an agreement that she could keep it. 

    Obviously it is all relative since $1 million is a lot of money to many people but the reality is that it is the minimum that is needed for retirement for a normal middle class lifestyle. Many middle class people have managed to save that amount through 401 and other investments.

    Also Ruth had the good grace to go quietly away and purchase a very modest apartment in Connecticut. She never whined or complained or did anything that suggested that she was a "victim".

    If one believes in karma she also suffered more than the loss of her money as one son committed suicide and the other died a few years later of cancer.

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