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15 Good
  1. Ohhhh and Muppet saying "It's okay that she hit me. It was my fault" Let's reverse that for a second and pretend it was a woman saying that. We'd be in an uproar citing domestic violence statistics. Why is it acceptable when it is a woman hitting a guy? Shit.. got all serious there for a second. Return to normal snark please!
  2. Hilarious!! The only person in StASSi's s*x tape is........ Stassi. But of course.
  3. Jax looks like someone stuck a bicycle pump in his ass and pumped him up. Its bizarre to see him so weirdly bloated. I like that Lisa stopped Andy from pushing Shwartz to propose. Katie deserves a proper proposal not a half arsed tv set setting. Did no one notice Stassi's white armpits from a streaky spray tan? Dodgy.
  4. Stassi: "I don't know why Kristen wants to talk to me. Maybe she wants to know how to dispose of Ariana's body" Everyone: "the truth always come out" Yes you chucklefucks- that is because everything is filmed. Cos you are on a TV show ya know..
  5. I like Pandora. She is entirely too normal to hang out with that bunch in Miami. James reaction to being left behind at the hotel was interesting. Most people would be pissed off and have a bit of a rant about it. His reaction was surprisingly calm. Don't let James be the best actor of them all!! Happy to have no airtime wasted on Stassi!!
  6. Mackenzie wanted to say more when questioned about Maddie being a favourite. It was clear that Maddie was shooting her looks to shut up or be careful what she said. I'd love to see Mackenzie turn out to be the star- on a Disney show or something. She's a gorgeous little girl.
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