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BW Manilowe

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Posts posted by BW Manilowe

  1. On 10/17/2020 at 1:36 AM, shapeshifter said:

    I thought I recalled Cutter questioning the possibility of a future cure for the child's condition, but I just looked through the script, and that never came up. Maybe a different case?
    Anyway, Cutter argued the procedures were purely for the convenience of the parents and did not see an improved quality of life for the child based upon that "convenience."
    But maybe Cutter just wanted to see the mother pay a price for pushing the caretaker into the pool when they argued about the procedure, which resulted in the caretaker's death? I can't really determine that from just reading the lines. 
    It's a complicated episode, and disturbing to me in so many ways. I mean, "removing breast buds" does not seem necessary if they were going to prevent her from maturing by hormone treatments, and I don't see how those treatments would keep her "small." I wonder if the writers made up disturbing, non-science-based procedures just for drama.

    The caretaker in the episode didn’t die, as I remember (though she might as well have). She was left in a persistent vegetative state (irreversible coma).

    • Useful 2
  2. 2 hours ago, anna0852 said:

    Just watched. Like visiting with old friends. Loved Brad's monologue at the beginning! Very funny and at the same time you could hear him choking up over John Spencer 😥

    Regarding the bolded: It’ll be 15 years (Already!) in December since John Spencer passed, & they all still seem to miss him like it happened yesterday. I wish/hope I have friends like that; not sure I do, for a lot of reasons.

    • Love 3
  3. On 10/17/2020 at 7:19 PM, legaleagle53 said:

    It's not unlike when Toni Tennille moved back to Arizona to be with Daryl Dragon (the Captain) so she could care for him during his final days, even though they had divorced some time prior to that and it meant leaving her own immediate family in order to do so.

    Did we ever find out that was, indeed, why Toni Tennille moved back to Arizona prior to ex-husband Daryl Dragon (“The Captain” of The Captain and Tennille)’s death?

    I remember posting, I’m pretty sure in this thread after Daryl Dragon died, that Toni Tennille posted to her Facebook page (which she hasn’t really posted to lately, & was probably actually started as a promotional tool for her then-about to be released memoir), kind of suddenly while he was still alive, that she had decided Arizona was more her home, instead of Florida where she (supposedly happily) lived near at least 1 of her sisters following her divorce from Daryl & she was moving back there after maybe a year, or maybe a little more—it didn’t seem like she lived in Florida all that long, to me.

    And then, when Daryl Dragon’s death was announced—I think not too long after Toni moved back—I remember also speculating if her sort of sudden decision to move back to Arizona was somehow connected to whatever may have led to Daryl Dragon’s death (he had been having Parkinson’s-like issues for a long time before). But I never heard/read anything conclusively about this.

  4. 1 hour ago, blondiec0332 said:

    I love me some Bradley Whitford.  I liked Josh.  He would irritate me sometimes but there wasn't a character that didn't irritate me.  Am I mistaken thinking Josh was based on Rahm Emmanuel?

    I didn't like Amy and I'm not sure if it was the character or Mary Louise Parker playing her that caused my dislike. I lean toward it being MLP.  I loved Weeds but didn't like her character there either.

    Regarding the bolded:  It’s been said, kind of a lot, that Josh was based, in part, on former WH Chief of Staff & former Chicago Mayor (his most recent professional credits) Rahm Emanuel. But Lawrence O’Donnell, former Executive Producer & Writer on The West Wing (he also played Jed’s dad in “Two Cathedrals”) & now an MSNBC program host, disputes this. In other instances, it’s also been said that Josh is based, in part, on former President Clinton adviser Paul Begala, who notes that some of Josh’s experiences in the first season are some of the same as he went through.

  5. 21 hours ago, MissL said:

    It looked like Rob Lowe had the script next to him in one scene and I thought ..did he not go off book? Then I thought “am I a nerd? and Then I realized they probably had it there on purpose.

    You aren’t a nerd. I noticed the script on Sam’s desk in the same scene I think you’re referencing. I also noticed a script on the table where Jed & Toby were playing chess. I think it was facing Richard Schiff’s side of the table. There could’ve been other instances of “visible script”, but I didn’t notice (so far I’ve only watched it that 1 time, on the early morning of the 15th). I was also willing to cut everybody some slack, because I thought this was supposed to be more like a “dramatic reading”, where scripts are allowed, than an actual play performance of the episode.

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  6. The TNT Friday morning repeats are cross-promoting the HBO Max special. Every so often during the episodes, a “bug” pops up in the corner of the screen telling viewers to watch it.

    On Friday, October 23rd (next Friday), TNT will be showing:


    10AM EASTERN/9AM CENTRAL: “Election Night”

    11AM EASTERN/10 AM CENTRAL: “Process Stories”

    Check local listings for the correct channel in your area.

  7. On 10/1/2020 at 1:14 PM, shapeshifter said:

    9.14 "Sideshow" just aired on Bounce, in which 

    Maybe it's because of all the strife lately, or maybe it's just the skill of the actor and the writing, but I have finally watched a portrayal of a character who I really detested.
    Here's the dialogue that makes fictional William Dell so odious to me:


    I felt the same way as you about William Dell, because of the very dialogue you quoted. I wanted to smack him, badly! 
    I also felt pretty much the same about Judge Hellman, from The Hellman Commission in the episode where it turns out 1 of Lennie’s old friends/partners from the 27th is majorly corrupt & smarmy, & threatens Rey & Lennie for looking into his cases when Rey twigs onto he’s probably corrupt (it was just on 1 of the channels that carries the show, like, last week I think), for the same reason—he wanted to probe people’s sex lives & he called Lennie’s (ex) lover, who took it upon herself to testify to something that would help negate something the corrupt cop said about Lennie, a slut because she’d slept with someone outside her marriage twice, she said. He wanted to discuss sleaze more than the truth.

    • Love 2
  8. 1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Emily Procter. She played Ainsley Haines in the original show.

    This was really well done. I got all the FEELS! 

    And while Sterling K. Brown did a credible job, there’s only one Leo and only one John Spencer. 

    Of course I’m now watching the original, and aside from the set and that 18 years have passed-all slipped into their characters as if this show was still on the air!

    Ainsley’s last name was Hayes, not Haines.

    • Love 1
  9. On 9/22/2020 at 5:14 PM, shapeshifter said:

    Later the detectives find the missing cross (a different cross, right??) at the apartment of the Bad Girl’s abusive father, where he yanks it off of his girlfriend.

    No, it was the cross which belonged to the dead police officer. Jamie (I’m pretty sure it involved Jamie anyway) retrieved it from Monica Johnson’s father, who bought it from Monica & gave it to his girlfriend. I think she had to promise him a reward that was being offered for info in the case, but she got it.

    • Love 1
  10. 3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Just as an FYI, this show is STILL on Netflix as of this morning.

    I read that Netflix supposedly has it until December 25th.
    From Republicworld.com: Is ‘The West Wing’ Leaving Netflix? Learn More About the Political-Drama’s Fate

    The article is from July this year; I believe the publication/site involved is from India, given “clues” on the linked page.

  11. It’s (the special’s) up for viewing! It must’ve gone up at Midnight Pacific/3AM Eastern; I looked at Midnight Eastern & the trailer was all that was up. So I surfed elsewhere awhile & just found it about 10 minutes ago (a little after 3:30AM Eastern). I have to admit, I almost teared up when Snuffy Walden & a small chamber orchestra played the opening theme. And I think you’ll like the narrator. No other spoilers unless someone wants them. Stopped watching long enough to post this—going back now. Enjoy!

  12. From NBC 4 Los Angeles: Bernard Cohen, Lawyer Who Represented Lovings in Landmark Marriage Case, Dies

    He was 86. He had Parkinson’s Disease; cause of death was complications of the disease.

    He & colleague Phil Hirschkop represented Richard and Mildred Loving, a white man and black woman who were convicted in Virginia in 1959 of illegally cohabiting as man and wife and ordered to leave the state for 25 years.

    Cohen and Hirschkop represented the Lovings as they sought to have their conviction overturned. It resulted in the Supreme Court's unanimous 1967 Loving v. Virginia ruling, which declared anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional.

    • Love 3
  13. 2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    This is true.

    So out of curiosity, I called Netflix to confirm that this show will be pulled on Thursday.

    After two disconnects, the third person I spoke to told me that there is no such notification that The West Wing is going to be pulled from its rotation. 

    When I told her Netflix had announced it last year, she told me to go the their media section online. Well that was pointless because I couldn’t find anything.

    So. When is the special airing on HBOMax again? This Thursday?

    I linked an article, (1 of multiple) in this post , from October 2019 (the article, not necessarily the post) saying TWW was moving to HBO Max. Then, sometime later, there was a graphic ad which looked like it should be DVD box artwork & featured at least some cast members—which, of course, I can’t find anywhere now, though I swear I posted the link to it here—saying TWW would air exclusively on HBO Max by the end of the year. Maybe it’s delayed, like most everything else in the world is now, thanks to the virus.

    Yes, the special airs on HBO Max THIS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15TH. I haven’t been able to find the time though. (I’m assuming 8 or 9PM Eastern, but that’s just a GUESS).

    Hope this is at least a little helpful.


  14. 1 minute ago, Raja said:

    Sounds like a good theory. That scene sounds like one that I think came from a clip show when Gage and DeSoto met up upon their mutual promotions to Engineer.

    They were actually promoted to Captain (& so unable to work together anymore). Except for the graduation ceremony where they got their new Captain’s badges, all of Kevin & Randolph’s scenes together took place with them sitting at an outside table, having coffee. That movie was just on Cozi last Friday, so it’s still fresh in my mind.

  15. OK... Cozi TV has cycled back to the pilot, “The Wedworth Townsend Act”. I’m assuming the part at the very beginning, where Johnny’s hair was longer & he says something to Roy about does Roy remember having roped Johnny into being a paramedic, & he & Roy are sitting at 51’s kitchen table, was added later, for some reason, when the show went into syndication? I know I saw the pilot when it was originally on, which I also know was a zillion years ago, but I don’t think that part was on the original version. Especially since Randolph Mantooth’s hair was shorter at the beginning of the series than at the end.

    Another thing about the pilot... doesn’t Johnny tell/remind Roy he was working at Station 8’s when they met, in that preliminary part I’d swear they added when the show went into syndication? If so, why is he seen working outta Station 10’s in the actual pilot?

    I think I’m glad Dixie & Kelly’s apparent romantic relationship from the pilot was ditched/downplayed in the series.

  16. 19 hours ago, PeterPirate said:

    I think I am good to go, but I won't know for sure until October 15 rolls around.  I don't have a TV in my room and I watch everything through the internet.  I've been streaming HBOMax for the last day, and I am impressed by shows they offer that Netflix doesn't.  I have been going through the phenomenal miniseries about John Adams.  Jefferson lives.  

    ETA:  I did a search for "West Wing", and while the show didn't come up, the upcoming special did.  So all the signs look good.  On the other hand, this means I have to stick with Netflix and it's oppressive rollover autoplay.

    Regarding the bolded: It was announced in October, 2019 (last year) that TWW would be moving from Netflix to stream exclusively on HBO Max. It reads, in the linked article, like it was supposed to be on HBO Max when it premiered in the Spring of this year, but it wasn’t (the only TWW-related programming on the channel, as you know, is the theatrical staging of the “Hartsfield’s Landing” episode). The last I heard, TWW was supposed to be on HBO Max  by the end of this year (I think... at this point, it might not be until the beginning of next year [2021]).

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