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BW Manilowe

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Posts posted by BW Manilowe

  1. 11 minutes ago, Blergh said:

    His poor parents! Lisa Marie seems to have barely managed stay afloat the last few years as it is. I hope SOMEONE out there is TRULY looking out of her especially. I can't say I have any insight as to what Mr. Keough's demons may have been but it's hard to imagine that he didn't feel at least some pressure being the only known male descendant of Mr. Presley's!  Oh, and I hope others are watching out for his grandmother and sisters,too. 

    Regarding the bolded: The obit articles I’ve been reading at least implied his death may have been depression-related.

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  2. On 5/26/2020 at 12:57 AM, HurricaneVal said:

    Where are the re-runs?  Is CBS giving us a "break" because (hopefully) they're planning on some sort of COVID-19 production gap fill-in binging marathon from season one to the end?  (please-please-please)

    So far as I know, nothing anywhere is in production due to the C-19 shutdown, and there's a lot of airtime that needs to be filled.  So fill it with H50, CBS!

    Given what was announced yesterday (Thursday) about the termination of Peter Lenkov’s production deal with CBS & the allegations made against him which caused it, that might have something to do with reruns of last season’s Five-0 not being on CBS this summer. The good thing is, the Final Season DVDs come out on the 28th (19 days from now)... at least in DVD Region 1(US/Canada).

  3. 6 minutes ago, Blergh said:

    In addition to his lengthy writing, acting career and being the father of actor/director Rob Reiner, the now-deceased Mr. Carl Reiner was also the widower of Estelle who had the line "I'm having what SHE's having!" in When Harry Met Sally! Now that Mr. Reiner's no longer in this world, perhaps she CAN! RIP, Mr. Reiner! 

    Carl Reiner was also the former father-in-law of the late actress/director & Laverne & Shirley star Penny Marshall, who was married to his son Rob from 1971-1981.

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  4. Ever since the most recent tweak was made to the forums, the topics (all of the ones) I read don’t pick up from the last place I read. They always start at page 1 of the whole topic, leaving me to go to the last page of the whole thing & then back up until I find the last message I read. Marking the thing read doesn’t help either.

  5. On 6/3/2020 at 5:19 PM, Bastet said:

    Ha - that's exactly what I said. 


    She also played , among other roles, the not-well-educated (among other things, she didn’t understand it was still possible for a man & woman who aren’t sexually-attracted to have sex & actually conceive a baby), Southern-born maternal grandmother of Wendy, the infant daughter of Billy Crystal’s Soap character, Jodie Dallas.

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  6. On 5/19/2015 at 10:46 AM, SmithW6079 said:

    The title after Valerie's Family was actually The Hogan Family. It started as, simply, Valerie. At some point, as I remember (& I did watch the show in all its incarnations), Sandy Duncan joined the cast as the new "maternal" figure

    Hogan! That was it, not Harpers. I was too lazy to confirm the name. Thanks. I, too, watched most of the incarnations.

    Harper was Valerie’s last name in real life.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Rose Quartz said:

    That's too bad.  I actually remember him best as John, the leader of the Visitors, on the '80s V miniseries.  He had just the right mix of nice on the surface and creepy underneath.

    In movies, among other roles, in The China Syndrome he was the ruthless Chairman of the Board of the fictional company that ran the Ventana nuclear power plant, which 1 of the shift supervisors (played by Jack Lemmon) suspected of having a critical design flaw that should necessitate the plant to be shut down permanently, following an unexpected, serious, turbine trip (which, of course, happened at the same—inopportune—time as filming at the plant for a local TV station’s news special on “energy in California”); the accident was (illegally) caught on film by the anchor of the energy special (Jane Fonda) & her cameraman (Michael Douglas). As the energy company Herd’s character worked for was trying to get a second nuclear power plant, Point Conception, licensed & online at the same time as the troubled Ventana nuclear plant, his character basically was a “stop at nothing” kinda guy, including murder, once he heard the problems at Ventana were bad enough there could be a meltdown making a good chunk of Southern California uninhabitable for quite awhile, if not permanently, & still murderous once he found out the licensing of the Point Conception nuclear plant might not happen. His character ordered a car accident that injured, but was meant to kill, the sound guy who was working on the energy special with Fonda & Douglas’ characters (he was the sound guy); he was enlisted by Lemmon’s, Fonda’s & Douglas’ characters to transport a set of faked radiographs of pipe joints in the damaged facility to an anti-nuclear power meeting after Lemmon’s character’s life was threatened & because Fonda‘s & Douglas’ characters felt their lives were now threatened because of how much they knew about the damaged nuclear plant. When the bogus radiographs never got to the anti-nukes meeting, Lemmon’s character was persuaded to come speak about the issues at Ventana at the meeting. Instead, he ended up detouring to the Ventana plant because he was being followed by a hit squad from the company Herd’s character worked for & that was the only place Lemmon’s character knew he was safe. So he took over the power plant’s Control Room by taking the security guard’s gun, & demanded to go on TV with Jane Fonda’s character interviewing him about the safety issues at the plant. Herd's character was still trying to stop Lemmon’s character all the way to the end. He ordered the people Lemmon’s character worked with, who were also presumably his friends, to cause another “turbine trip” scenario to happen & interrupt what he was trying to tell the public about the safety at the plant; followed by the local SWAT team busting into the control room & shooting Lemmon’s character dead, also under orders from Herd’s character. Only the turbine trip that was caused was worse than the original 1 & it looked to have caused more damage, but not “China Syndrome” type damage where there’s a meltdown large enough to reach to China.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Raja said:


    Well then it would be because that spot now belongs to Magnum P.I. 

    Yes. But that still begs the question as to why they can’t air Five-0 in a different timeslot over the summer. I haven’t seen that many series that aired their finale episode & then didn’t repeat the episodes from their final season between airing the finale & the premiere of whatever show’s taking over that timeslot during the next season.

  9. 13 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    I'm going to guess it's probably moving or moved to the streaming site. 

    I think @HurricaneVal’s asking why CBS is airing repeats of everything, including canceled stuff, except for H50. @DoctorAtomic, it is, & always has been, on CBS All Access, both before & since they canceled it. Which still doesn’t explain why it seems to be the only CBS show, current or just canceled, that isn’t running episodes on the network right now.

  10. Alex O’Loughlin Interview with Martial Arts Podcast The Infernocast (VIDEO)

    This lasts about 1 hour & 11 minutes. If you’re into martial arts & Alex, this is probably right up your alley. If you’re just into Alex, it’s at least a way to kill an hour & change, watching & listening to him talk. He does mention Scott Caan at least once, in the context of Scott apparently got him into doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (I thought Alex already knew that type of Jiu-Jitsu before they met). Confession: I haven’t played the entire podcast yet, so I don’t know if there are anymore show/cast-related references.

  11. From Yahoo! Twilight Actor Gregory Tyree Boyce Dead at 30

    According to the linked article, he was known for playing Tyler Crowley in the Twilight films. He & his girlfriend were both found dead in their Las Vegas condo, discovered by his cousin who noticed his car was still there when he was supposed to have been in LA. No cause of death has been announced. Boyce leaves behind a 10-year-old daughter; his girlfriend leaves behind a baby boy, Egypt.

    The article headline referred to Boyce as a Twilight “star”; I changed the reference to “actor” because, while I have heard of the movies/books, I’ve never heard of him... so his character apparently wasn’t as prominent as those of Robert Pattinson &/or Kristen Stewart, actual stars of the movies.

  12. 5 hours ago, kieyra said:

    (I had a memory blip from the last post because I thought George Harrison had been gone for a long time. Is it common for celebrities to have posthumous social media presences now?)

    I guess you’d say it is. Most do things like continuing to promote the causes the celebrity cared about during their life, or annual events still held in the celebrity’s name. I follow at least a couple of official celebrity accounts on Twitter in the names of celebrities who are no longer with us, like the 1 that belonged to the late Dame Elizabeth Taylor (I began following  her account before she died) &, as I remember, her account tends to post about AIDS-related things, like her foundation; or maybe something on the anniversary of her birth or other dates that were special during her life, though it really doesn’t post that much.

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