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  1. Interesting body language here. Maci is leaning into him, her hands possesively clutching and holding onto his shoulders and face. She almost looks like she violently hurled herself into him in an owning, territorial kind of way ("I caught him & I ain't lettin' him go!"). Taylor, meanwhile, looks braced, arms unemotionally locked down at his sides with his head a little tilted back (withdraw much?) as if he's steeling himself to deal with the onslaught of her. In short: this is a photo of a needy, emotionally hungry young woman and her reluctant ambivalent prey. Sounds harsh, I know, but so much about this photo - and what it shows - is just plain wrong.
  2. "Mom" and "Dad" are an ambitious start for Bin - they're monosyllabic.
  3. Candice Bergen here. The young, thin version. (Not.)
  4. Can't get my mind off those Duggar flight zig zags en route back to TTH from Rockford. Just imagine the convos inside that little plunging, rocking plane ... MICHELLE: What's happening?!? John David? John David? Dear God. Sweet Jesus. Jesus help us! JB *shouting through his soaking wet vomit bag*: Shut up Michelle. Just shut up!!! John needs to focus. JOHN DAVID: Ahhh, nooo, ahhh, nooo! Vrurppp. *vomiting*. OK, OK. *Breathing in large gulps of air as he wipes orange effluent off the plane's controls.* OK, OK, better now. I can do this. OK. Yeah. MICHELLE: Praise the lord. Thank you Jesus. Praise Jesus. Jesus, thank you. JB *now wretching uncontrollably as even worse weather cruelly buffets the plane -- but ... still managing to shout at Michelle through his tightly-bagged mouth*: Shut up Michelle! Just shut up! MICHELLE *realizing the bad weather - and ride - are getting even worse*: Oh no! No! Please. Not again. Jesus please! Oh my lord, help us! Jee ... vrupppp. *She is silenced by violent, projectile vomiting.* JB *trying to lean sideways to avoid Michelle's vomit, but cheering a little as he realizes she is finally unable to talk*: Praise the lord. Vruppp .... Wash, rinse and repeat multiple times until the plane finally lands safely in Springdale.
  5. You had me worried I'd misquoted an earlier poster, so I revisited my last post, then looked up both splooge and spooge (in a real, not-of-my-making dictionary). And here's the god's truth: spooge - (1) semi-liquid gunk, (2) a lubricant used for the assembly of electronic equipment, (3) slang for semen. As opposed to splooge, which is defined simply as "an ejaculatory deposit." Both words work well with Sturge. Spurgeon is clearly a horrible and hapless insult of a name for that innocent baby, but it's the moniker that'll keep on giving on this board. No one could even make this shit up!
  6. I call bullshit on Jessa claiming she hasn't changed a diaper yet (at least since leaving the TTH). I think she changes Ben's diapers all the time.
  7. I had no clue the word splooge even existed when I chimed in with my personal dictionary's definition of sturge earlier today. Splooge is its perfect audio and imagery companion! All those "sp and spl-starting" words and their friends sort of hinge on onomatopoeia to me anyway and seem to tilt ever so slightly off-color. Spillage, splooge, splat, spit, schtupp, spear, splosion. Do you think Bin subliminally sensed that fact and chose Spurgeon to suggest his volcanic teen-man virility? Wait ... I forgot that Ben, who's as close to a non-thinking, purely limbic being as anything upright can be, isn't yet developed enough to have a subconscious. BTW, whenever I type in splooge, my computer auto-corrects it to spillage. Don't tell me that the universe (or at least Google) doesn't have a sense of humor!
  8. EARLY CHRISTMAS PRESENT!! For those willing to take on the bad karma of a guilty giggle, here it is: *Go to the FlightAware records of the plane the Duggars frequently use for personal trips and/or Christian Rehab: http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N68SY/history/20151111/2020Z/KRFD/KASG (You can also set this FlightAware site to check past recent flight plans filed and taken (or not) by the Duggars or even ask for tracking info on other commercial or private aircraft - just ask Flightware to "alert" you via email to future flight plan filings.) *Select the plane's Nov. 11th flight going from Chicago/Rockford International to Springdale Muni. *Double click the little orange "arrows" box in the lower right hand corner of the "flight tracking" screen* *Then use the "+" button several times to expand the new screen to maximum definition. *You'll see a blue serrated line on the screen that shows the flight plan filed by the plane's pilot (which, for a variety of reasons, can differ a little or a lot from the actual flight flown); but pay closest attention to the green solid line, which shows the flight's actual path on its declared route. (Sidebar: the green line will also show you if an in-air flight chose to truncate or re-route or even completely ignore the plan it filed with the FAA (as was recently the case when the Duggars, in a simplistic effort at subterfuge, claimed they were going to Illinois but, almost immediately after they took off, performed an in-air 180 and headed in the opposite direction to Texas.) *Now ... close your office door, get your cat off your lap and put down your coffee and look at the amazing 4 sets of sharp green line zig zags throughout this flight (they look exactly like the "zig zag" stitches my sewing machine makes). What does this mean? It means that the airsick-prone Duggars, flying the stormy and bumpy air that filled this flight corridor (as noted by other posters), must have had a hell of an airborne ride back home. How many airsick bags did they use before filling up the last one and chucking (sorry, can't help myself) the effort to contain their now-liquid lunches in some discrete space like a bag (as opposed to splattering their stomach contents on the seats, all over the floor, and on the inside windows of the plane - not to mention fouling their "buy used and save the difference" travelling clothes)? And, if JD was hurling too (likely), how in the hell did he keep control of the plane? (The answer is probably "not very well" and "with vomit dripping off the controls and his front window.") As a bonus, picture Joshie-boy hitching a ride home from RU on this airborne roller coaster (as some have speculated he did). I still remember him, many years ago, vomit bag puffed out and glued to his moon face, as he lost it big-time in the family hurl-fest on what was only a low-bounce ride on the family's original travel bus, Now wasn't that delicious? (Yes, again.) Now go do something nice for someone else in this world to negate your karmic debt. But do ask FlightAware for "alert" notifications re the wanderings of this and the other Duggar plane (I forget the call #, but can give it to you if you PM me.) Ahhhh, the Duggars. Like Mary Tyler Moore, they can take a nothing day and suddenly make it all worthwhile!!
  9. Whoops. Just realized my thoughts here were already covered in other posts.
  10. The kid's nickname will no doubt be Spurge. I looked it up in my personal dictionary and here's what I got: Spurge, verb from the ancient Arkansas cult Minimus Brainius. Meaning: to ejaculate, explosively and without warning, most often on already sticky sheets in your shared dormitory bedroom. Can also be used as a noun to mean the bright color in facial cheeks resulting from deep embarrassment when siblings sharing the same bed notice your sudden spurge.
  11. When I grew up next to Oregon's Columbia River, a few of my friends had boats and they'd take groups us out to ski in the middle of this huge and powerful river (which was one of the most important aquatic conduits used by Lewis and Clark in their explorations west). All of us swam competitively (the only thing to do during the hot summers in our small town), so no one ever worried about drowning. But for me, the real terror was in sturgeon - giant, prehistoric, slow-moving fish that lurked beneath the surface and could grow to an astounding 12 feet in length! When I fell off my skis (which I did a lot - I was always much better on snow than on water), all I could picture was some leviathan beast nipping repeatedly at my toes. This never happened, of course, but my fear still surged unabated. My friends, who knew my paranoia, would of course circle me endlessly when I fell, laughing and ignoring my pleas to "Get that boat the hell back here and pick me up NOW!" So here, ladies and gentlemen *drumroll*, we have: Sturgeon! The name plays will be endless, as will the teasing of this poor child on the playground. (Whoops! I forgot he won't ever make it to a public playground.) All his life he will wonder "Why? Why did they do this to me?" I pity this spawn (sorry), but every time I hear his name, it will only make me think of monstrously huge fish using my toes as hors d'oeuvres. Just one more thing Jessa and Bin have done to annoy me ....
  12. Reminds me of an incident many years ago at our local video store (this was way before Netflix, when there were only brick and mortar movie rental stores and you could physically select the VHS movie you wanted from the racks). My daughters, who were @4 and 6 at the time, were going wild and grabbing armfuls of videos from the display. "Put those back," I warned in my sternest voice (and I have a naturally low voice so my stern voice really does sounds serious). And 3 adults standing next to us immediately put the video boxes they were holding back on the shelf. Embarrassed (though I probably shouldn't have been), I smiled politely at them and said "Oh, I didn't mean you."
  13. I'm an only child too so PLEASE tell me you meant to say "spoiled" and not "soiled." We've got enough prejudice to deal with without that.
  14. I haven't had a carp since 1998. Actually, it was 1990. But that's not so sad.
  15. I think Anna might be sitting on a counter and leaning sort of backwards to make it into frame. Would work if the Dillards and Michael were kneeling/standing on the floor adjacent to a kitchen counter.
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