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Everything posted by Waldo13

  1. Esther has become the great mediator but she really has no business butting into Devon and Nostrils disagreement. By passing her hands over their heads, it will make everything better and they will now get along. Is there a new dynamic at CW? The music festival should be under Devon’s preview but he needs to have Nostrils’ approval? Audra just can’t take the win. She gets a trip to Paris and then gets laid but she just has to confront Ashley.
  2. How stupid is this? Did Shiela really expect being able to kill Stuffy and get away with it? Besides, didn’t Stuffy lock the sliding glass door yet Shiela was able to open it? Is Shiela really dead or is it another dream sequence?
  3. The real break up of Hope’s and Liam’s marriage can be attributed to Liam’s hatred of Lurch and Hope’s hatred of Stuffy being the other woman. How long has it been since Lurch was going to therapy? Maybe a year? Is that enough time for Lurch to change his spots or being able to control his spots. I don’t believe that there has been a mentions that Lurch is still going to therapy to keep up keeping up with his changed behavior. Maybe there was mentions that Lurch is still going to therapy but I usually FF Lurch and Hope so I probably missed it. Lurch is still the master manipulator which turned into misunderstanding night with Caroline and has all the buzz words that put Hope in his arms. Hope loves being the only woman for Lurch more than she loves Lurch. Lurch knows where he stands with Hope but he continually has to press the issue. The latest is asking Hope to marry him when she hasn’t even told Lurch that she loves him.
  4. The only thing that Lurch as learned in therapy is how to control his demons. His obsession with Hope is still there and if she decides to break up, I believe he will go back to the same old Lurch. If he truly has change then we wouldn’t have to be reminded everyday that he has changed. He wouldn’t have to keep telling Hope that he loves her and only her and keep pressuring Hope to marry him and tell him that she loves him. As far as Shiela is concerned, since being with Deacon, she can control her emotions as long as she’s not provoked.
  5. I guess Victor got his psychology degree out of a Cracker Jacks Box like Sharon. As I said before, Victor has no faith in his security team or he would use Nikki as bait instead of Claire. Also how stupid is it that the next time Auntie Jordan calls for Victor to get on the phone and deliver the message himself? Smugly Smug Smug, Audra doesn’t need or want your help so leave her alone. Like Nostrils he thinks he’s god’s gift to the world. I could imagine Victor as the serpent in the Garden of Eden trying to convince Eve (Claire) to take a bite out of the apple.
  6. Et tu Stuffy, Lurch can change but Shiela can’t change. As I said, I’m no fan of Shiela but tell me who died and left Stuffy in charge. Hope is in that same category because what would she do if Brooke wanted nothing to do with her as long as she’s with Lurch.
  7. Mrs Chipmunk is like an annoying cricket that only knows how to play only one tune. As I said, put Mr Chipmunk’s acorns in your mouth and STFU. Yes Mrs Chipmunk, it’s ok for Sally to take Banana Breath’s money but not Adam’s money. Yeah right! Mrs Chipmunk, your bias is showing. You rather go out of business than let Adam help you but technically it’s Sally’s business not yours. Are we going to get a PSA on OCD? There are quite a few variations of OCD. Are they setting Connor up for the most severe form of OCD to make it a life threatening condition or a lesser condition where it can be treated with drugs and therapy. OCD is not uncommon for about 1 in every 200 children have some form of OCD. WTF Victor! You have no faith in your security team to protect Nikki but you have faith that they can protect Claire and for that matter Victoria? Go fuck your self Nostrils. It not your place to go with Breathless Mahoney to Connor’s school. Is Breathless Mahoney going with Nostrils and not tell Adam. Also, fuck you Breathless Mahoney for wanting Nostrils to go.
  8. I’m not a fan of Shiela but they act like she’s Godzilla. What’s wrong with this picture. Why is Stuffy so worried about Kelly when she’s with Liam but she can trust Lucy to take Kelly out for Pizza. Kelly is not Shiela’s grandchild, Miles is her grandchild so why would she go after Kelly? Mark my words, if Finn doesn’t back Stuffy over his mother, then Finn will be out and Liam will be in. Why else is Liam’s obsession with Stuffy once again coming to the forefront?
  9. Z you don’t give 💩💩 about anyone but yourself. Luna by not telling RJ is more beneficial to him not Luna and RJ. I still can’t believe RJ wouldn’t hold Luna or Poppy responsible but put the total blame on Z. It’s looks like Luna is going to keep Z a secret but as you know, secrets don’t always stay secrets when partial door appears when you least expect it. Stuffy, what is your malfunction? Not to defend Shiela but she didn’t seek out Kelly, Kelly was just in the same place as Shiela. You just could have Lucy leave with the kids but you just had to confront Shiela. Stuffy’s friend Lucy is played by Amanda Kloots of the TV show The Talk. Her husband, Nick Cordero, an amazing actor/singer of Broadway Theater fame, died 4 years ago of Covid. Amanda’s real son, Elvis, is playing her little boy.
  10. BlueFang🕷️ makes me want to 🤢🤮. Especially when she acts all pathetic and remorseful. Let’s face it, BlueFang🕷️and Christine hate each other but their combative encounter are getting quite trite. Danny walks out. Smart move. Did I hear Amanda correctly that she is still Chief Legal Counsel for CW? I guess Ananda was still employed in absentia. It looks like Chance is taking the side of his uncle and grandmother. I see no reason to add Abbott to the corporate name and Devon is correct that it can be associated with Jabot. Devon is also correct that the name Abbott was not brought up until Nostrils’ entrance as a temp fill in for Lily. Nostrils is more your way or the highway than Devon. At least Devon is thoughtful but Nostrils is very impulsive. What part of Amanda’s advice to make peace with Devon didn’t Nostrils understand. Nostrils couldn’t be more combative.
  11. Smugly Smug Smug, Audra and Tucker are joined a lot more than at the hip 😉. Who is Smugly Smug Smug to give relationship advice? People don’t change? I guess that doesn’t include the two faced Smugly Smug Smug. The plot thickens. Nikki says she can’t be friends with Seth right now but she will meet him for coffee every now and then 😳. Sally get over yourself. Adam was just trying to help you. Instead of having a tantrum you just could have said thank you but no thank you.
  12. Between the flashbacks of Z and Luna than Lurch and Hope, I had to make myself a Pepto Bismol cocktail to relieve my heartburn, nausea, upset stomach, and diarrhea. Seeing Z and Lurch within minutes of each other is further evidence that they are brothers from another mother. Like Lurch, Z can’t blame himself for anything that happens. Someone else is responsible for the things they do. Et tu Luna. Take a little responsibility for being a Luna - Tic Tak and your obsession with breath mints. Excuse me but I’m the only one who thinks that Z is Lurch in disguise. Z is using the exact same tactics to woo Luna as Lurch use to woo Hope. I just had to mix another Pepto Bismol cocktail because of Z. Go ahead Luna, tell RJ that you slept with Z and you rather be with him. I would love to see if Z can fly when he gets throw out of the window. By the way, does Luna know about Nicole and what he did to fuck up their marriage? Maybe just maybe he had a roving eye when they were married. There is one last thing I have to say it’s that Z actually shows no regrets what he has done to Luna and RJ. He wanted Luna and he “took” Luna. This quite evident with telling Luna it was fate that brought them together and she should move forward with him. Fuck Z. If Luna moves on with Z, I’m out. Not that I’m a big fan of RJ, but another Lurch is intolerable for me.
  13. How can Tucker be any good in bed if Audra still has all her makeup and lipstick intact? Audra knows that Noah lives in GC, so isn’t a little disingenuous that she came to GC solely because of Tucker and didn’t she try very hard to get back with Noah. Was Audra hooking up with Tucker while professing to love Noah? Victor just put a security man on Nikki and don’t even tell her. I’m sure there is someone she would not recognize. There is so much 🐂💩 going on right now that you need hip boots to wade through it. For example, how did you Auntie Jordan travel to GC. Where did she get the clothes, wig, sunglasses, and money to pay for drinks? Lastly, how did she get a cell phone. It looks like the security guard is a moot point since the venue has been changed to the “fortress”.
  14. Hope give it up on Deacon being with Shiela. Why being with Lurch any different? You’re convinced Lurch has changed but it’s impossible for Shiela to change. Deep down inside they are two very sick psychopaths. I know I’m beating a dead horse, but Z stop putting the blame on Poppy. You didn’t give 💩💩 about RJ because you waned what his girlfriend to prove you are the better man. Z please please shut the fuck up and take that pole out of your ass. You keep blaming Poppy but it was your uncontrolled desire to do the nasty with Luna. If Luna tells RJ, his reaction should be upset with Z and not Luna or Poppy.
  15. I’m sick and tired of guys like Z and Lurch that think with their little heads and not the one on their shoulders. Lurch knew that Caroline was depressed and drinking when he thought her would cheer her up by playing hide the salami. Did Lurch know that Caroline was on the pill so he didn’t have to use protection? The same for Z, did he assume Luna wasn’t a virgin and using birth control so safe sex was not required? To me, Luna did look like she didn’t have all her wits about her and if she was a better actress that would be more prevelent. Even when Luna said that she was waiting for you, he took it to mean damn the torpedoes and full speed even though Luna has shown no romantic interest in Z before. Luna bailed out on Z’s romantic dinner when she knew it wasn’t RJ that invited her. X should have understood that being in bed naked and ready to play hide the salami, with Z, wasn’t completely out of Luna’s normal behavior. I blame Z more than Poppy or Luna for the misunderstanding night. Z should have been more cognizant of what lay before him. It’s like holding a gun and shooting someone because you thought the gun wasn’t loaded.
  16. What a lame excuse Z. Luna was just there waiting for him and jumps into bed with her. Full speed ahead and don’t even give RJ a thought. Z, why didn’t you even think to ask Lune if she was sure about this knowing she’s RJ’s girlfriend. Z, blow it out your ass. Your affended? You tried to snake RJ by stealing his girlfriend and you thought you did until the truth kicked you in the balls. EYou are no better than Lurch. Lurch is just lucky that Liam fucked up but RJ didn’t fuck up. Now Z even sounds like Lurch in trying to cover up that Phoebe was Beth. Unless the monkeys with a keyboard are fucking pricks, RJ will understand what happened and will blame Z for the misunderstanding. I don’t think he will put the major blame Poppy. So today we find out that Luna took more than two mints. Even an over the counter anxiety drug, with alcohol, will give you an adverse effect.
  17. Adding Abbott to CW is a pure ego trip proposed by Nostrils and Nostrils alone. Jill probably hardly ever thought about it at all. Jill would have asked for this as the merger was formed. Please tell me how adding Abbott to the company name does anything for CW. Did Nostril actually say that Jill helped build Chancellor? What did she actually do? Didn’t she just take over the reigns of a company that was already widely successful built by Katherine. It’s like Victoria taking the reins, of NE, built by Victor. What an ass hole. Nostrils is late to meet Breathless Mahoney for an afternoon delight because he has a business meeting. Priorities Nostrils priorities. It’s amazing that Breathless Mahoney is not a member of the black bra club; but she’s a member of the GC itty bitty titty committee. Victor already has the ability to get a message to Auntie Jordan via Nikki but he insists to do it through Claire.
  18. Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍🦍 just can’t take this as an opportunity for Sally if she accepts but he just has to question Adam’s motivation. Auntie Jordan avoids all APB’s because she’s unrecognizable in a wig and glasses. I guess glasses is an excellent disguise since it worked for Superman and BlueFang🕷️ 😉. Is Auntie Jordan in the same dive bar were Nikki drank herself into a stupor? It must be because Seth is there. What if what if is a constant theme in GC. What if Claire has a set back, what if Tucker does this, etc. well I say what if the Queen has balls, she would be King. Would Nikki not be stupid enough not to tell Victor of Auntie Jordan’s phone call so he can put extra security on her? Will the monkeys with a keyboard write for what should happen or for soap opera drama? WTF! I guess it will be soap opera drama because Victor wants to use himself as bait Nikki is already bait. Lauren you’re an idiot. Victor’s security has been breach before but why would they have to look over their shoulder because Victor’s security should be. I think that Nikki should start carrying a rock in her pocket. That’s Nikki’s weapon of choice.
  19. As I was thinking Z is only upset because he really wanted Luna and she chose RJ. Luna give Poppy a break she didn’t drug you on purpose. I wouldn’t consider Poppy a druggy unless she addicted to a prescription drug that contains a narcotic. I take 5 different prescription drugs daily. Should I consider myself a druggy. Some of the prescription drugs I take have adverse side effects for some people. Poppy doesn’t drink but we see Ridge,Eric, and Bill drinking to relieve stress quite often but are they alcoholics? WTF Eric! You absolutely know that Luna’s RJ’s girlfriend but you want him to get closer to Luna? Are you trying to cause conflict between RJ and Z? Z is a designer not a businessman, what can Z mentor her in other than designing? Eric, go fuck Donna and leave RJ and Luna alone. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a big fan of Luna and RJ and a lesser of a fan of Luna and Z. X reminds me too much of Lurch and you know how I feel about him. One other thing, is Luna a mintaholic because she had to take a mint before she kisses RJ.
  20. Did you see that petrified wood ring on Poppy’s forefinger as she hugged Luna. I bet it’s worth more than the costume jewelry engagement rings given to Hope and Donna. Maybe Poppy was not taking a prescription drug but Luna had all many of the side effects of a prescription drug. Poppy’s anxiety medication could have been an over the counter supplement that reduce anxiety. They are not a drug but even though they are mostly herbal, mixing them with alcohol is not recommended because it can cause unwanted side effects. One last thing, Luna could unknowingly be allergic to one of the herbal ingredients. I’m allergic to aspirin which I found out the hard way.
  21. That little girl is adorable. Sign her up to recurring please. As a mother of twins in real life, it’s very easy to see Claire’s natural motherly ways come to the surface. It’s simple why the little girl came to Claire’s room instead of the other way around. It wasn’t in the budget to build another set for a five minute scene. How magnanimous of Victor to allow Claire to call him Victor but not magnanimous enough for Claire to call him Grandpa like his other grandchildren.
  22. The side effect of Xanax can be disorientation, confusion, hallucinations. These side effects are heightened with alcohol. Luna was drinking champagne and took 2 “mints” within a few minutes. Z knew that Luna was committed to RJ so it would be Z mistake to think that Luna would jump into bed with him after a few cheesy comments about not leaving her alone and he lives next door. Z, Luna saying that she was waiting for you was not an open invitation to jump her bones. It’s not like Hope jumping into bed with Lurch every time he tells her she’s the only woman for him. He should had made sure she wanted him first knowing that she rejected him at the romantic dinner thinking it was RJ
  23. Banana Breath🦍🦍🦍🦍 is starting to walk more like he’s got 💩 in his pants than a gorilla. BlueFang🕷️ deserves to be happy 😂😂😂😂. Her happiness is based on other people’s misery. Is it possible that BlueFang🕷️ is really a robot? I can’t say AI because she’s far from being intelligent. I ask this because her movements are totally robotic. Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ has turned into a prepubescent teenage girl in her pursuit of Chance. Now laughing and giggling where she use to be sultry in her pursuit of Kyle. Even with getting Nostrils into bed, she was all seductive.
  24. As an aside: Kim Matula played an FBI agent on last night’s NCIS. I didn’t recognize her at first since she had dark hair. There was a connotation of Kim joining the cast as a NCIS as head of their cyber division. Yes yes yes, we are to believe this is another misunderstanding night because Luna and Z said it was consensual but not with Z because she thought it was RJ. Z is a fucking ass hole in trying to convince Luna, that what they did was wonderful when Luna is freaked out about what happened. Z wasn’t crying because of what he’s done. He’s crying because Luna gave him the coupe de grace to his ego by telling him over and over again she thought it was RJ. It’s still my contention that Poppy is taking some kind of legal Perscription drug for anxiety. Who wouldn’t have anxiety since having Li for a sister who looks down on everything you do.
  25. I beg to differ. Poppy’s pills (possibly low dose Xanax) are most likely for anxiety. I would imagine taking anxiety medication twice within a few minutes affected Luna more because she took the anxiety medication for the first time and the medication is not actually required. Z has no excuse to jump into bed with Luna because, if his large ego didn’t get in the way, he would see that she woke up from a deep sleep and wasn’t acting completely with it. Some of the side effects of Xanax are drowsiness, confusion, and blurred vision. So here we get the misunderstanding night instead of rape night because Z thought that Luna wanted him but knew she was in love with RJ. So instead of being a gentleman, he had to prove he was the better man. As I said before, it’s just like Lurch and Caroline where instead of being a gentleman knowing that Caroline was in a diminished capacity, he had to prove he was a better man than Ridge.
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