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Someone please explain how the title of this episode relates to the story? I knew it was the boyfriend about 5 seconds in. It had Gabby Petito written all over it, down to the perp’s mom trying to help him run. Literally all the writers did was change the names. Lazy. I’m guessing next season will be written by ChatGPT.
Was the federal judge that got killed a judge we knew? I didn’t watch OC between last week and this week. And it seems I’ll have to watch the OC ep that continues after this if I want to see Liv get shot?
I thought the actor who played the son was on svu a very long time ago and had killed/raped a girl as a 12 year old or something? Real sociopath kid because at the end he screamed that he liked doing it. episode was meh. Case was creepy especially as a mom who has raised 4 sons. 😳 I don’t mind Muncy. Churlish grates on me though.
I did not see the twist coming at the end that the wife of the rapist was having an affair with the car salesman that wouldn’t give up his alibi. I am glad that Olivia wasn’t the one who was able to talk down the rapist. I guess I’m in the minority because I kind of like Muncy and don’t really like Velasco. Bruno is growing on me a little. But his “the world is going to hell and all humans suck” is going to get old really fast. In fact, I’m already tired of it because he moaned about it twice in just this episode.
I have 4 boys, all over the age of 17, and I still call them sweetie from time to time. I’m glad they aren’t making Noah an obnoxious sullen teen yet. He’s only 12. Most of the 12 year old boys I know are still very much little kids. And again having raised 4 boys, these two at 12 and 13 seem more realistic than some shows where they have 16 year olds portray tweens.
Mariska’s hair:positive. Kelli’s hair:negative. What on earth is going on with the one side being shaggy longer than the other? oh yeah, there was a plot in there somewhere. If the guy was trading sex for scores and was blackmailing them about it, why did he still go ahead and qualify them resulting in beachgoer’s deaths? It’s like there were three things going on but he really only needed two. Whatever. Mariska is looking pretty. New hire always looks like she’s been crying.
The other incredulous thing about Muncy being colorblind is that usually when a female is colorblind it’s pretty severe because they have to have two genes to be colorblind instead of just one for a guy. Or something like that. It would totally be a Big Deal. But then, Chris Carter made Fox Mulder colorblind and he’s a Special Agent so I guess anything goes. I honestly liked this episode. Good shocking moments, I felt terrible for those women, shocked when the ME revealed the newborn skeleton, maybe even a wee gasp when both women confessed and I realized right away it was the little girl who shot Soren.
I’ll have to see if I can find it and speed watch it.
Wait…what episode did Rollins get shot? I suffered through the season opening two part crossover thing but it didn’t happen there.
Just coming to say I’m glad there are still fans enjoying watching Castle. I’ve been binging during recovery from surgery and falling in love all over again. Even finding my old fan video playlist on YouTube.
Oh my gosh I totally was gearing up for him to be the killer! Suddenly having so much screen time for a side character I thought for sure it would be him.
My biggest takeaway...Peter Hermann is Very Tall. Besides that, I was very interested in Amaro and the tiny dna samples being able to exonerate someone. I listen to some true crime podcasts and there have been some about familial matches through ancestry databases finding long lost criminals. It’s pretty amazing and there is even a Facebook group with dedicated volunteers that comb through those databases to find suspects and eventually solve crimes. So was Burton a predator or just an old fashioned douche but with more charm? And will Olivia now wear the victim badge of honor? 500th episode, no special musical? 😂
What the ever loving freck would an SVU Captain be doing letting her under 10 kid have tik tok on his phone? Or a phone at all?! I swear my ears bleed every time someone swoons the word influencer, follower, and content. And don’t even get me started on everyone doing vertical video. Get off off my lawn! i did think Carisi cooking in Rollins’ kitchen was a cute moment between them. And she still calls him Carisi. Shades of Mulder and Scully with the last name lovers.
I was expecting way better vocals when the actress started her song, didn’t th8nk she was that great of an actress either. Benson and Stabler don’t have chemistry anymore. I thought Rollins was more talking condescending to the Fibbie than flirting with him. Basically telling him what’s a desk guy doing in a vest with a gun, don’t get yourself hurt pretty boy. I haven’t been watching the spin off because Stabler doesn’t interest me much. I’m partly watching SVU to see how well they are handling Mariska’s real life broken ankle.
Finally getting around to watching the new season. I’ve been half interested in the show for a while. Can’t say I’m sad to see Kat leave, never warmed much to her character. Carisi and Rollins I’m still on the fence. She is a lot of a hot mess but they do have a long standing emotional friendship and that’s what good relationships can be born from. The whole powerful, political people being sex offenders and so powerful to cover it up is too close to reality for comfort. It’s not even just close to reality, it IS reality and makes this hard to watch because you’re frustred at the show for not being able to bring offenders to justice but with the added frustration that this is what is happening in real life.