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Posts posted by xldb2004

  1. I think it is not an accident we see so little of Will and Zoey. Yes we have seen doctor appointments but we really aren't told anything. We don't see them at school or unsupervised play.BTW I think the kids do talk to each other. When Will called pumpkin pie pumpkin cake Zoey taps him on the shoulder with her fork and corrects him. I think Bill and Jen have gone out of their way to limit the kids on screen. That's part of the reason there is so much speculation about what's up with the kids. I think it's a good thing. More info only gives people who want find something to criticize more to work with.

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    Does anyone on the board often wonder if the Klein or Arnold family read the forums or to go one step further I wonder if they post comments.

    I hope not.  I'm told that reality tv people are told not to read boards like this.  People are mean, and though most of the things said here are positive, I can't imagine Jen reading things like, Jen cares nothing for Will, or she's using her children as accessories, or she prefers Zoey to Will.  Talking about her parenting choices would be uncomfortable, but fair game.  A discussion about the wisdom of having your children on tv, cool, but to question her love for her children, or imply that she intentionally ignores one would be hard to take.  I limit this to Jen because for whatever reason she seems to get most of the flack. 

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  3. I am 98% sure that Zoey's last name is Klein.  In the episode that Jen found out about Zoey and called to talk to Bill about it, Bill called Jen's cell phone and got a recorded message saying "You have reached Jennifer Klein...".  Since I thought she went by Arnold it stuck in my head and made me think she personally goes by Klein but uses Arnold in other settings.  In the episode when they got Zoey's passport they showed the passport or birth certificate and it said Zoey Nidhi Klein with her parents being William Klein and Jennifer Arnold.  I remember it cause I was like why is it Jennifer Arnold when she goes by Klein?  So unless I dreamed the whole thing (which could happen) Zoey's last name is Klein.

    When my niece who is an MD got married it was too hard to change her name on all her medical stuff, and she already built a reputation so professionally she kept her maiden name, but everywhere else she uses her married name.     

    • Love 8
  4. Re pumpkin patch: Zoey sees pony. Zoey waves to pony and takes off toward pony. Will goes with Zoey, both Bill and Jen are going after the kids Next scene Bill has Will and Jen has Zoey and they see pony. Bill asks Will if he wants to pick out pumpkins. Will says yes. Jen asks Zoey if she wants to pick pumpkins. Zoey says no. Both kids made a choice, not Bill and Jen. That is what I saw. I did not see Jen take Zoey and leave Will behind. If I am wrong please correct me

    • Love 13
  5. 150,000 does not tell us much. Assuming the pet shop is a schedule c small business 150,000 as reported from the business on the return would be after expenses including salaries, employee benefits, any operating losses from previous years etc....the goal is to get the profits on paper as low as possible.

    In the episode where Bill brings Zoey for her checkup while Jen is in the hospital for chemo Zoey is checked in as Klein.

    I am nowhere near rich but I have 12 pair of percription glasses.

    We can only speculate but I think Bill and Jen would do just fine without the show. I also don't think its a character flaw to take advantage of the opportunities given them.

    • Love 6
  6. If I'm not mistaken didn't the show start right before Jen got the big job and a HUGE pay raise. They is also a big difference in the cost of living in Texas. I think Bill and Jen would have an upgrade in lifestyle with or without the show. If the show ended tomorrow I don't think their lifestyle would change. Jen makes serious coin and Bill does well enough to have employees

    • Love 5
  7. I don't see Will and Zoey as behaving that badly.  I don't think they behave any better or worse than any other kids, but that's just me.  Considering Bill and Jeny have had the kids for less than 2 years, the issues the kids came with,  Bill and Jen's medical issues during this time, and Bill and Jen are new parents, I think they have done a hell of a job.  Will and Zoey are happy and thriving.  If they are behind you can bet your bottom dollar that Jen has a plan to "divide and conquer".  If she had a 14 page game plan for a birthday party, how much more is she managing the kids development?


    If Bill and Jen want money so what? This is America, that is what Americans do.  Will and Zoey have issues.  They will have those issues whether or not they are on TV.  They are going to be stared at, talked about, insulted and all manner of thing because of their stature and their issues. People are mean. But Will and Zoey are TV stars and beloved.  The case can be made that their lives are easier because they are on TV.  They will be treated better in school, on the street......any where they go, than if they were unknown little people. I just don't understand all the pearl clutching

    • Love 13
  8. I'm sorry and I'm not trying to be rude, but I completely disagree with this.  Way back when the show first started, Bill and Jen showed the lifestyles of 2 people with serious disabilities that not just survived lots of complications, treatments and surgeries, but they completely THRIVED.  Becoming a doctor is tough, becoming a high risk pediatrician is tougher, but then going on to direct an entire department of a top specialty hospital is amazing for anyone.  Do all that while having the extra hardships Jen deals with every day.  She's a freaking hero, just for that.  Bill isn't a slouch either - he's got more than one business that he runs, again with extra hardships that most business owners don't have to cope with.  


    Then, these people who are sharing what life is like, what life CAN be like for someone with their disabilites, also share their losses and struggles.  They aren't trying to present a sanitized, Disney version of their life, this is what happens to them.  When they chose to adopt, they didn't do a healthy, white baby private adoption - they adopted children who needed parents who could understand what their (Will and Zoey's) needs would be and also if they weren't adopted by people who could afford to give them the proper care, those babies would likely live their entire lives in orphanages.  To me, this show is giving parents of children who have disabilities some hope that their kids can become doctors and business owners and have the life we all want for our kids.


    As far as the money they get from the show, I really think that between the salaries that Bill and Jen pull in from their real jobs, anything TLC pays them is likely put in trust for the kids or to pay their taxes.


    (stepping of my soapbox now).

    This x 1000. 

    • Love 6
  9. I don't know Jen, but when we have seen her interact with her patient's families in the simulations, especially the family of the baby Aaron she seemed nurturing. Jen is a lot like my mom so maybe I view her actions differently.  I think Bill and the kids understand Jen and I think both kids love her and have bonded with her, just differently than with Bill.  The kids seem to know they cannot be as physical with her as they can with Bill, but they have bonded.  Look how excited Will was to tell Jen he flew to New York, even though he did not jump on her.  IMHO because of Jen's job and her physical limitations she does not come across as Carol Brady, but that does not mean she does not nurture her family.  5+4=9 so does 6+3.  Different ways of doing things can get the same result. BTW it's always nice to have mom there when you are sick. Nobody can take care of you like mom.

    • Love 16
  10. I think because Jen is a full foot shorter than the mom is in this family, and because she can afford it, a custom house is the best way to go.  My guess is Jen has adapted all her life and still has to do so.  She might as well be comfortable at home.  You go to college, medical school, do internships and residencies + get a masters degree so you can have nice things and be comfortable.

    • Love 10
  11. As I recall Bill said Will understands as well as kids his own age.  I have not seen anything that shows Will does not understand, just that he cannot articulate clearly. In one of Bills talking heads he said with regard to speech that Rome was not built in a day.  As was mentioned above it is safe to assume that Bill and Jen have a handle on both kid's issues and are addressing them.  I don't believe that because they are on a TLC show they have the obligation to tell the public everything about their children.  If Bill yes Will has developmental delays and these are what they are, other than satisfying some peoples curiosity what difference would it make?  Would it change the steps they are taking to treat their children?  Will it speed up the process of catching up?  At the end of the day this show is entertainment.  It is not a documentary.  It's goal is to make people feel good and by doing so make money.  IMO Jen and Bill are wise to limit filming to very controlled situations.  IMO they are protecting their children.  

    • Love 4
  12. Here's the article where Jen said that she was really trying to meet female friends. The website that they met on was datealittle.com.



    I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt.  For example, if Jen says she was looking for female friends, I choose to believe her until proven wrong.  My default is not to think she is lying until proven she is telling the truth so I don't have an issue with "pretending"  

    • Love 3
  13. The first show I saw was Jen's first mothers day.  I admire her hustle and am inspired by her.  How hard would it be for anyone to accomplish what she has?  When you add in her unique challenges it is amazing.  IMO she is someone to be admired.  She also found someone with the perfect temperament to be her life partner.  I think the kids will do well with the balance of personalities.

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