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Posts posted by xldb2004

  1. We know Zoey is taking piano lesson . There was a whole discussion about how she could do it in another thread. Both Jen and Bill have tweeted about Will and Zoey's ballet recital. Jen even mentioned Will gave her his rose. Bill has tweeted about Will in karate. What exactly is it that the kids don't do?

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  2. I don't think it's favoritism, Will knows he can't jump on Jen. Did you see the hug he gave her at Lion dancing? Jen was sitting and he knocked her over. I assume many will disagree and believe Will favors Bill. That may have been true earlier but I see more and more affection from Will to Jen.

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  3. I love this show because it makes me smile.  Bill and Jen are amazing people.  They have overcome a ton of stuff and they are positive, successful and happy.  They got two kids from unfortunate circumstances and they are thriving under their care.  Are they perfect parents? Of course not, but perfect parents do not exist. Do I think Will and Zoey would be better off with different parents?  No, they are truly well loved.  This is one show I can watch and just smile.  I don't have to spend time getting a microscope to find fault with these people. If I want to be negative I don't have to look far to find real examples of bad parenting and greed, I just don't see it here. 

    • Love 14
  4. If it is true that we do not see a great deal of their lives than one can not assume they eat healthy meals while the cameras are NOT rolling. Those kids are not just given treats for special occasions. They are shown eating junk food way out of proportion for their height and weight over and over.

    And you know this how?  None of us have enough information to know what they eat on a regular basis, however it's hard to believe pediatrician Jen is feeding her kids a steady diet of junk.  

    • Love 10
  5. I noticed there were a LOT of inflatable decorations in the yard this year.  I also remember Jen thinking last year the decorations were tacky and next year would be different and Bill saying...yeah ...right....

    • Love 2
  6. I started taking piano lesson at 4. I was obviously not as small a Zoey. I sat on a phonebook (thank goodness we lived in LA so it was good sized) and you learn how to reach for your notes or "roll" your chord, just as I would do now if I was trying to reach an octave +3. Lots of kids can't reach the pedals.


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  7. Jen, did not specifically say that she was offering services for charity. She did say that she was speaking at a fund raising event that was to benefit the New cancer center at West Jefferson Hospital. When she made this comment, I assumed that she was giving a speech for charity. She didn't technically lie, but she chose her words in such a way that if people mistakenly thought that she donated her services, that was ok with her.

    I don't think Jen was trying to mislead anyone.  People who are familiar with the way fundraising works for non-profits would assume Jen was getting travel expenses and a fee because it's standard practice.  Jen is a department head at a major medical facility and is well aware of the ins and outs of fundraising.  There would be no reason to mislead.  Jen is accomplished and respected not only by the public, but by her peers.   She doesn't have to shine up her humanitarian credentials. 

    • Love 10
  8. Will could have picked that up from a kid at school. Lord knows as a kid I modeled behavior that didn't present in my home, but that I thought was cool when i saw it elsewhere. It's almost as if people want Jen and Bill to be poor and miserable.

    • Love 6
  9. It is common practice to pay speakers or entertainment for charity events. It's like the cost of the room or the catering, or travel expenses. Wanting to help and getting paid are not mutually exclusive! It's like saying if a doctor gets paid then they don't care about their patients and should not say they do. Plus no one knows even if she got paid.

    • Love 8
  10. Wow Jen's parents are moochers now. I'm happy for Bill and Jen's success. Who in their right mind would pass up an opportunity to make as much money as they can while they can. The dinner was a benefit for the cancer hospital. The more butts they put in the seats, the better it is for the hospital. If Jen can bring in people good on her. They would have paid someone. IMO it seems some folks are bothered by the fact Jen and Bill are financially successful. Would it be better if they lived paycheck to paycheck? Like doing good and making money are mutually exclusive. Bill and Jen have no idea how long they will be able to work or what will and Zoey's medical future looks like. They would be irresponsible to to provide in the best way they can.

    • Love 18
  11. I am an adopted child and I've always known. I don't remember when u was told I was told so young. We always celebrated "my day" the day my parents brought me home. I have an older sister who is my parents bio child, but I always felt special because I was chosen. BTW I have had 59 "my day" celebrations. Hopefully Bill and Jen will embrace it.

    • Love 10
  12. There was an episode where Zoey cooks on the stove. She tells Bill not to touch because it's hot. Poor Jen, she can't do anything right. If she found the cure for cancer people would complain about the poor oncologists she put out of work

    • Love 10
  13. Bill and Jen worked their tails off to be successful.  I don't understand why people don't want them to have nice things.  I don't think they live/spend any differently than most upper middle class folks. They are not taking anything away from anyone else by living well.


    She bought 2 of them with shipping $40 down the toilet on crap. It's non-stop wasted money. 

    • Love 24
  14. Will was born with GI and urology issues. He was dumped on the steps of the foster home weighing 6 pounds at 3 months. 6 pounds is considered small for a newborn and criminal for a 3 month old. Starvation and lack of medical care obviously take a toll on a baby's body. There's a good chance he has such severe issues, it's not a lack of trying or laziness or stubbornness, it's a medical issue, and not one that is anyone's business. If Judy or Jen's dad were wearing Depends, no one would demand a reason or explanation. I have yet to figure out why this respect isn't afforded to a small child. I have MS and could wake up tomorrow with no control over my bladder or bowels. Would  I owe random strangers an explanation too? 

    This a gazillion times!!!!!!    I find it admirable that Bill an Jen keep such things private!!!!!

    • Love 14
  15. Personally I never felt like the Kleins were being indulgent with their $$ at all - UNTIL they became parents. Now there are all kinds of activities, clothes, scale-model cars, trips, elaborate parties etc. I hope that they haven't succumbed to the common adoptive parent issue of trying to buy the kids' love and affection, because it does seem like that at times. And it's not necessary. Just because a parent CAN indulge a child doesn't mean they should - and it certainly doesn't make it a wise choice either. I say this mainly because I've attended many wakes and funerals in the last 20 years or so when friends of mine have lost parents - and not one of them has ever commented to me on all the dazzling presents and toys they received as children, or the exciting trips they went on etc. What they remember with the most love and affection have always been the smallest and most ordinary moments of life - Mom sitting by a bedside reading or Dad playing catch with an enthusiastic five-year old in the backyard. 

    IMO it's hard to make an assessment of how much Will and Zoey are indulged because we see such a compressed version of their lives.  The trips we have seen have been for medical purposes or business.  Most kids I know have those scale model cars, and what kid doesn't have activities like karate or dance.  They do have lots of toys but i don't this that's out of the norm for upper middle class kids. IMO I don't think the birthday parties have been over the top.   We know that Bill and Jen read to them and spend time with them, but it would be a boring show if we just saw the everyday routine. .  They may well be overindulged, but I don't think we have enough info to make that judgement. 

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  16. When in time was the Alaska Trip?  At the time the dinner was filmed did she still think the catfish was a man?  was she planning to leave and be with him?  I realize the talking heads are filmed way after, so I think if catfish had been real she was otta there.  Could Robyn be less concerned about Meri leaving?

  17. I don't think getting your diaper changed or crying when you get your new parents is embarrassing, but that's just me.  IMO Will and Zoey will have so many challenges both physical and emotional growing up as little people that whatever so called embarrassing moments they may or may not have on this TV show will pale in comparison.  They will not have an easy life, but it won't be because of this reality show.  The reality is they are different.  This society does not do well with different. They will have health issues.  People will be unkind.  They are fortunate to have parents who have succeeded brilliantly in spite of their obstacles as role models for them.

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