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Posts posted by xldb2004

  1. I don't see Jen as tricky but she is driven and ambitious. No one who went through what Jen did to become a doctor is going to be satisfied in a job where she can't reach her full potential. My guess is if she got a better offer today she would take it. Most of my friends or their spouses have relocated, sometimes more than once for a better job. One of my friends has moved to the east coast and to the mid west, finally ending up back in California to support her husband's career. I guess I just don't find it odd.

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  2. http://www.phillymag.com/ticket/2015/04/27/kate-gosselin-the-duggars-and-other-tlc-personalities-to-host-huge-block-party-at-penns-landing/


    If you are a fan of all of those crazy TLC reality shows, you’re in luck: A huge block party is shaping up at The Great Plaza at Penn’s Landing, and all of your favorite personalities from the network will be on hand.

    Lisa Miller of Philly nominated the City of Brotherly Love in a nationwide contest to win the block party, and out of over 5,000 entries, Ms. Miller’s was selected, according to the party promoters:

    “Lisa hails from the Pennypack neighborhood of Northeast Philly, which she says is founded on the belief that its members come together, share responsibilities, and make a better life for everyone, rather than go it alone. Lisa is a single mother who recently has gone back to school to earn her college degree in Autism Studies. Now that her son is in high school, she is focusing on her health, education and happiness and wants to give back to the members of her community.”

    Guests to the free event on May 30th will be able to meet the Duggar family from 19 Kids and Counting, Kate Gosselin from Kate Plus Eight, Buddy Valastro from Cake Boss, Whitney Thore from My Big Fat Fabulous Life, the Roloff family from Little People, Big World, Randy Fenoli, Monte Durham and Lori Allen from Say Yes To the Dress, and the Hamill Family from Our Little Family.

    Read more at http://www.phillymag.com/ticket/2015/04/27/kate-gosselin-the-duggars-and-other-tlc-personalities-to-host-huge-block-party-at-penns-landing/#qYQ8eUKLSFx8k3aZ.99


    Bill and Jen are obviously not the biggest fame-whores at TLC. 

  3. I think some of the Jen hate is envy. People seem okay with poor little people. They enjoy watching people struggle. They are happy they don’t have the funds to modify their homes because they want to "keep it real". But Jen, even with her physical limitations had the drive and intellectual capacity to go to Johns Hopkins, become an MD, get a masters degree, teach, become a department head at a respected hospital, marry an attractive man who adores her, adopt two of the cutest kids on the planet and makes a ton of money. Jen doesn't live any differently than any other department head at a major hospital. Their houses and cars are probably comparable and I bet they have housekeepers and someone to take care of their kids. I think people are jealous of how well Jen played the cards she was dealt and it just makes them feel better to find every character flaw in Jen they can, real or imagined. They harp on the fact Jen doesn't show the struggle, just amazing, fantastic results. What’s wrong with that? Unless one takes pleasure in watching other people’s hardships?

    • Love 16
  4. Keep in mind the camera adds weight, so it's hard for us to judge. If you have ever seen a TV or movie star is person they are always smaller than you thought. I remember going to an Oprah show and being amazed how much smaller she was in person than on TV.

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  5. I picked this up from a old thread in this forum. The poster used to work at TCH.  I obviously have too much time on my hands but I remembered a poster saying she was nice.  I copied the series of posts

    . It just seems to me that people are trying to find any reason to dislike Jen. People dogged her about her laugh, OCD, she keeps Bill away from the family, doesn't care for Will, should dress Bill better, and now have question her professional credentials.  I realize if you don't like her, hey you don't like her.   I don't know the woman (wish I did, I admire what I see) but it seems to me she's being picked on for no reason and my natural reaction is to defend. And yes, born raised and lived my whole life in Southern California.  

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  6. I wonder how much Jen's coworkers like her. The ringing the bell ceremony took place at TCH. I would have thought that everyone she worked with would show up to cheer her on. There were only about 5 people there.

    From another poster on another thread:

    Hi everyone! I was born and raised in Texas, but I currently live in Florida, and am in my last year of nursing school.

    My small claim to fame is that I always loved the show and was delighted to find out I worked for the same hospital system as Jenn (although I did not work at the same hospital as her, she worked at the main hospital and I worked at a pediatricians office that is a subsidiary of TCH). I always joked that I was going to use inter office email to reach her, always looked for reason to have to go to main campus, and grilled patients as to whether it not they ever saw her at the hospital (one patient was actually featured, but it was because they went to Rocky and Maggie's not while they were at the hospital) (disclaimer I am kidding, I did not actually grill patients about jenns whereabouts). My moment came once I had to go to the main campus for a training when the hospital system went to computer charting, the computer lab happens to be located in close proximity to the simulation center, my heart was so happy, I knew this was the best chance of seeing her. Low and behold, during a restroom break I glanced through the glass door or the simulation center, and saw a 3ft 2in figure talking to a few other doctors... Unfortunately professional courtesy, the fact that I didn't want to lose my job, and the fact that she was talking to other doctors prevented me from approaching her... But some day once I move back I will meet her :).



    May 28 2014. 1:23 pm

    Good luck in nursing school--when it seems impossible just remember, you can do it!  And I do hope you get to meet Jen someday --- then come back here and tell us alllllll about her! 


    May 28 2014. 2:34 pm

    It's a small world, leighroda.  :-)

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it ...  kidding!  But if you ever did happen to hear anything about how the folks in your profession and in that particular medical group feel about a certain diminutive physician ... come sit by me and spill some tea!  Meanwhile, good luck with your studies, and rest assured I'd be interested in getting to know more about you even if you didn't have an almost connection to an almost famous person.  {I am not a shallow stalker, I am not a shallow stalker I am not a shallow stalker...}



    May 28 2014. 3:33 pm

    Lol thanks :) unfortunately I no longer work for Texas children's, I moved to Florida almost 2 yrs ago to live with my sister while I'm in nursing school (to cut down on bills). However once I have my RN, I plan to work in pediatrics, and I am not above returning to TCH and working in maybe the ohhhhh neonatal icu. The only thing I ever heard about her was "she's nice" which is true, but I need more.

    • Love 1
  7. I don't think we need more reality shows with successful people with disabilities, if the public is going to learn anything. In my opinion, just being on a reality show undermines people's credibility. People who truly want to inform people, would pick a more respectable way to tell their story. Reality shows stage and script too much to be taken seriously.

    I'm sure Jen worked very hard to become a doctor. It's a shame she cheapened her achievement by getting involved with the TL C network via a reality show. She should have written a book or did a documentary or picked some other way to show us what she accomplished.

    I don’t think Jen has “cheapened” her professional accomplishments by being on a reality show, and obviously Texas Children’s Hospital agrees. As a result of her visibility as a TLC reality show star she is in a unique position to advocate for important causes.  As an example, she went to DC to advocate for legislation that would create pediatric centers of excellence to care for medically complex children on Medicare and this was televised on the show. Look at the many children she will potentially help because of her visibility.  Writing a book or making a documentary may be more palatable to intellectual elites, but let’s be real this is 2015 and no one is rushing to Barnes and Noble to pick up a book on the achievements of anybody or to go see a documentary unless it has lots of special effects or sex.  Good bad or indifferent people do watch reality TV.  All I am saying is the Arnold-Klein’s seem to be using their 15 minutes of fame for good instead of evil.

    • Love 11
  8. I would add that if Jen and Bill were just resting on their laurels, accomplished careers, then they would not have a personal website that pitches them to be the face of a brand, speaking engagements and other offerings. 


       You bring up an interesting point. I think of all the rotations a resident has to do. How on earth did Jen do most of them? 

    My response to Bill and Jen being accomplished was a poster saying if they wanted to be an example to people they would not be on a reality show.  Someone pointed out that what Jen has accomplished is example enough.  It quietly speaks for itself.


    Charles Krauthammer,Fox News contributor is a paraplegic. During his first year of medical school in the 1970's, Charles Krauthammer was paralyzed when he hit his head at the bottom of a pool when diving off of the diving board. He has been confined to a wheelchair since then. He has limited movement in his arms and hands, but no movement in his legs. He went of to complete Harvard Medical School, earning his M.D. in 1975. From 1975 to 1978, Krauthammer was a resident and then a chief resident in psychiatry at the Massachusetts General Hospital. In 1984, he became board certified in psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. During his time as chief resident, he discovered a variant of manic depressive disease which he called "Secondary Mania".[8] He also co-authored the path-finding study on the epidemiology of mania.  He managed to do his rotations despite his disability. Obviously we need more reality shows with successful people with disabilities.  Glad Will and Zoey are growing up in an environment where they are taught they have no limits no matter what naysayers say.   


    • Love 9
  9. In my personal opinion, being on TV does hurt kids, so Bill and Jen are hurting their children. What's more important to the Kleins? Is it more important that people know about Jen's accomplishments, or should Will and Zoey come first? I'm not even sure that one has to be exclusive of the other. Could they have showed just Bill and Jen without showing the children? The only problem with that was that they wouldn't have enough ratings to stay on the air.

    We have a difference of opinion. I agree in some cases being on a reality tv show is bad for kids, but I am not prepared to say in all cases that is true. There are very few absolutes.  I think it can be handled responsibly.  IMHO Kate Gosslins' kids would be a mess regardless cause Kate is a hot mess.Guess we will have to ask Will and Zoey in 20 years.

    • Love 9
  10. Exactly. And then there is no reason to sign up with TLC and expose your family to the world.

    If they were not on TV, who would know of Jen's accomplishment outside of a small circle of people.  This way millions (or at least 2 million) people know what a little person accomplished.

    I don't think Bill and Jen are paragons of virtue, but I also don't think either one of them would do anything to harm their kids.  I also think the have enough resources available to them to make sure Will and Zoey have everything they need.  

    This is not a normal family.  Will and Zoey are not normal kids.  No matter their circumstances, rich or poor, on TV or not, this family and those kids are going to get a lot of attention, most of it negative.  Bill and Jen are uniquely qualified to prepare their kids for how to deal with their reality long after the TLC cameras are gone. 

    • Love 5
  11. The Kleins have customized everything they are able to because they can afford to...nothing wrong with that if you have the money.  This is not even close to how little people function in day to day life.  Thank goodness for the other little family shows who are keeping it real.  The Kleins are far from that.   

    What the Kliens show is wherever you start in life and whatever your limitations you can become successful.  There is no indication that Bill and Jen come from money.  Both worked hard and overcame physical and societal adversity to become successful without TLC money.  That is a GREAT message. I think it's part of what makes the show so uplifting.  You don't hear Bill and Jen complaining about how difficult their journey was, they are totally positive people.  So little of that around now, everyone wants to focus on the negative because it's "real".  Positive is "real" too.

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