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  1. Wow. This episode had such a interesting juxtaposition of segments. I have the feeling this could have easily been two shows. Did anyone else notice hear the thunder while Tony was extingishing the goat? Please let that be real and not added in post. I find his squeamishness a little contrived too.. perhaps that was more for the lil ol' ladies at home than anything else. I'm pretty sure Tony has butchered animals before? I was tickled to watch the Masai whip out their cellphones, althought the forshadowing converstation about the cheif's son at Montclair should have been a tip off about the direction this was headed.
  2. Y'know it just occurred to me they call the game during the commercial the 'live challenge', implying that it's something the comedians have to do 'live' instead of having some lead time to come up with something funny.
  3. I've always suspected they were conjoined. I'm looking forward to this show... a 3G theme?
  4. It's as if no one ever cleans before Ramsay shows up, and they are shocked and surprised he snoops around. I think the official term for this is the "60 Minutes Syndrome", lol. Any business with skeletons in their closet that grants 60 Minutes an interview must be delusional. The UK version was a completely different animal; they showed Ramsay breaking down costs/profits, and the basics of running a restaurant to a few clueless owners, and bringing them up to speed. The US version doesn't show it, and I don't know if Ramsay covers it with these people; the show seems more like a makeover show than a business show. (The UK version reminds of 'The Profit', without the investment portion, now that I think of it)
  5. Well darn, that's disappointing. I'll snoop around youtube...
  6. So was this aired as an episode of @midnight? What date was that? I either missed it or didn't realize it was the 'on the road' episode..?
  7. Chris Hardwick seems a little too geek/internet centric to have the generic appeal needed for a network hosting gig... but who knows what networks are thinking sometimes? His quirks may be his greatest strengths.
  8. It would be great to see Stewart and Colbert.. with maybe Lewis Black, Wyatt Cenac, Mo Rocca or John Oliver? Jeffrey Ross would be awesome. I'd like to see Bob Newhart with Don Rickles.. (apparently they are friends in real life.) although I don't know how two old comedians would fare on a show about internet trends, lol.
  9. My goodness, what a good start to the season. I think we touched on most of the characters, I know there was a couple players missed, but an excellent start. It was a very satisfying episode; some seasons seemed to take 2 episodes to get on track, but by the credits of s4d1 It felt like the end of an excellent meal; completely sated for the for time being, but I'm looking forward to building an appetite next sunday. I must admit, the recap at the beginning had me worried, it seems to touch on a few odd scenes (SirDontos anyone) but fortunately it all made sense by the end... like I knew it would. Never a doubt in my mind. Ahem. I gotta say, there has to be a better way to roast an arm. Does leaving the skin on make cracklin'? I'm not an expert in long pig cuisine. I feel so bad for Jamie, even though he's a complete douchebag. Who knew getting home would be shittier than the world's worst roadtrip? I'm surprised Arya didn't jump in and help quicker... or maybe things happened a little too fast? Fun fact: When Shae is horny, she loses all sense of self preservation.
  10. Yeah, HK drives me crazy too. I swear they have maybe 20% legit contestants, and the rest are cannon fodder and delusional loons. I think the only requirement is that they must smoke... I don't understand the point of the 'nominations'. It seems like the process is just to eat up 10 minutes of screen time and antagonize the chefs. We all know Ramsay will kick off whoever he pleases, nominated or not. My biggest irritation is the cheesy opening credit montages. What’s the point? They look stupid, IMHO, and do nothing to add to the show.
  11. I just caught this the other day... No, it's not a spinoff where Les Stroud sells used survival gear in a junk shop with his son. It's actually yet another installment of Survivorman, with Les out in the middle 'o nowhere with his 16 year old son Logan. Now let me get this out in the open; I have a severe man-crush on Les. There's several fabricated psuedo-reality shows out there that purport to show survival, although you can't help but wonder how big the camera crews are... Les is the real deal. He goes it alone, and he often gives us a glimpse of his struggles to document his experience. He also doesn't shy away from his failures and less than perfect moments. It's that sense of authenticity that makes him so credible.. and incredible. I really enjoyed seeing Les 'surviving' with his son. I would have assumed that Survivorman's son would be an agile survival machine, a chip off the ol' block.. and I would have been wrong. He's obviously a smart, capable young man, but he also shows the foibles of youth, and I genuinely enjoyed seeing Les trying to guide, mentor and motivate his boy. Les was pretty open about the challenges of plotting survival for two. He’s mentioned before that much of survival is a mental game, and keeping that focus and drive is critical to success. It’s interesting to hear his personal commentary on his frustration with trying to motivate his boy, keep him eating (disgusting survival fare…) and keep him busy. Somehow seeing Les and his boy makes me feel better about my own shaky parenting.
  12. I'd love to see Bob Odenkirk with David Cross, a Mr. Show reunion. I think Nick Kroll would be awesome, along with a couple of the guys from The League. I'd also love to see the Workaholics cast too.
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