I just caught this the other day... No, it's not a spinoff where Les Stroud sells used survival gear in a junk shop with his son. It's actually yet another installment of Survivorman, with Les out in the middle 'o nowhere with his 16 year old son Logan.
Now let me get this out in the open; I have a severe man-crush on Les. There's several fabricated psuedo-reality shows out there that purport to show survival, although you can't help but wonder how big the camera crews are... Les is the real deal. He goes it alone, and he often gives us a glimpse of his struggles to document his experience. He also doesn't shy away from his failures and less than perfect moments. It's that sense of authenticity that makes him so credible.. and incredible.
I really enjoyed seeing Les 'surviving' with his son. I would have assumed that Survivorman's son would be an agile survival machine, a chip off the ol' block.. and I would have been wrong. He's obviously a smart, capable young man, but he also shows the foibles of youth, and I genuinely enjoyed seeing Les trying to guide, mentor and motivate his boy. Les was pretty open about the challenges of plotting survival for two. He’s mentioned before that much of survival is a mental game, and keeping that focus and drive is critical to success. It’s interesting to hear his personal commentary on his frustration with trying to motivate his boy, keep him eating (disgusting survival fare…) and keep him busy. Somehow seeing Les and his boy makes me feel better about my own shaky parenting.