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Posts posted by tallyrand

  1. As someone who used to love Jason and Liz (I am sorry to say at this point honestly), I would have preferred if Liz still had her studio and he remembered something there. That was a far more integral location for their relationship. 

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  2. I was not sure where to put this since it involves the spoiler that Robin is returning.  But could someone explain to me, who in PC knows that Robin was looking for Jason? The reason I ask is that is Liz or Nikolas knew Robin was looking for Jason, their not telling people that Jason is alive means they are knowingly allowing her to be kept hostage.  I think I have heard Liz say that Robin is in Paris, so is that where everyone believes she is?Isn't it weird she hasn't been in contact in over a year?

  3. Good point. Since I am not a Liz fan, I don't know every detail of her history. But I do know that the writers have trotted her out (usually out of nowhere) to start the fan wars going again. I remember thinking, wtf??? When Jason started his late night meetings confiding in Liz when they hadn't shared scenes in ages. If I was a Liz fan I'd be pissed at how much she tends to get the short end of the stick. She needs to be out of Jason's life for good. It doesn't do her any favors. Unfortunately, now that jake is alive she will be tethered to him forever.


    Exactly.  I agree 100%.  I wish they never brought Jake back.  

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  4. Sam was a con who married rich men and duped them out of their money so she and her disabled brother could survive. How does that show that it's in character for her to watch a child be kidnapped or pay some goons to pull guns on Liz and her kids?


    I meant, somewhat facetiously, that since Sam did watch Jake get kidnapped and hire those guys back in 2007, in theory, it is in character for her to do something like that now.  However, this version of Sam we see on our screens would never do something like that.  Basically, Sam is being written as a "good" and perfect character right now, as are Patrick and Jakeson (to an extent).  They might be milquetoast versions of themselves, but they are the good guys.  Liz, on the other hand, is being written as the worst she can be in favor of this story. 

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  5. Sam and Jason were together throughout late 2006 until maybe June 2007? I believe when the metro court crisis happened they were back together. And yes sam and Jason broke up over Franco but once again whenever jason needed a flirtation there was Liz. They had all that nonsense with the birthday party, I think they kissed, Evan was revealed as the big bad so jason could save Liz. It wasn't just a two day thing. If sbu hadn't left, I think it would have gone on much longer. I'm sure jason and sam had a wonderful love story without Liz involved. My point isn't really the importance of Liz to the great Jasam but the repeated using of Liz whenever the jasam story calls for it with no respect to Liz's story or character. Jason was never seriously interested in Liz so her being involved with that Franco mess was for no purpose other than her looking like a fool . Evan was revealed as bad so jason could save her and then Liz was left with no other love interest. So while Liz might be a blip to jasam, her involvement with jason in recent years is not a blip to her charcter.

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  6. Marrying a man who is already married and moving for him to adopt her children is pretty extreme. For example jason proposed to her twice I think when she was pregnant with jake back in 2006-7 and she said no because he loved sam. It wouldn't be extreme for sam to endanger children based on what she's done in the past or patrick to show no sympathy for SAMs obsession with her dead husband , but the writers have Liz being the worst of herself while sam, Jason and Patrick are the best. The unevenness of the writing is what bothers me more so than Liz being written out of character.

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  7. Since 2006, Liz has been used as a spoiler or the other party. The SOS, the jake lie, Danny/DNA and now. Considering jason and sam got together in what 2005, that's not nothing. Basically Liz was angst from 2006-2008 and then in 2010 or 2011 and now. I didn't say always. I'm sure they had other problems. But when Jason was having an outside flirtation during the time he was with sam, I believe it was exclusively with Liz.

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  8. I don't disagree with much of what you said. I just think that on the occasions when the writers have decided jasam need angst they bring in Liz to be the spoiler. Basically Liz is now a stalking freak obsessed with Jason. That's all her character is. It's frustrating to see a character and actress you like being reduced to being so pathetic while every other character is being written as the best they can be and is being protected. And not that this belongs in the Liz thread but I don't think sam paid for actions. She got jason back, got a baby and no one other than Liz, Jason and lucky know about her transgressions. Everyone in town knows about the niZ affair. Liz is treated like a plot point not a character. It's frustrating to watch every other character move on while she just gets to stay pathetic for the loser jason.

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  9. Oh yeah. Liz is being awful to her kids. In this sorry I can't excuse her and agree fuck you Liz. I just don't see why it had to come to this. My point is even as a fan I can't make excuses. A good soap allows you to make excuses for your fave.

    And jason/sam might not need Liz to stand on their own but since 2006 whenever they needed angst Liz has been dragged in.

  10. I get that Liz was a dick to lucky but that had nothing to do with the kids. He should be a more present force in their lives but chose not to.

    My issue with the writing for Liz is that they are writing her as the worst she can be. Lying, manipulative and uncaring. They haven't given her any real reason to be this way. She has existed without Jason for by years and this obsession is a creation of RC. She always had a thing for him with other writers, obviously, but was never obsessed with him the way she has been written under RC. Also, all the other characters in the quad are written as the best they can be. Liz can be awful but she can also be great. Same with sam, patrick and Jason. However Liz is the only one getting the heavy handed writing as a crazy psycho.

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  11. Eta: I feel like my post was rehashing jizam wars, so never mind!

    Anyway, I feel like sam was given more pov during SOS and the kidnapping stuff than Liz is being given now. And Liz's evilness in this story is far more one sided. During Sam's turn on the dark side, Liz, Jason and lucky were all doing bad things too. Here it's just Liz and everyone else in the quad is perfect.

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  12. I just feel like Sam touches him a lot and flirts with him.  I don't know.  She acts like I acted in high school or college when I had a crush.  If KeMo is playing it that way on purpose it makes sense.  But it could just be my interpretation. 

  13. I don't even care, I loved that last JaSam scene, y'all.


    KeMO was playing it up.  But I saw nothing from BM.  He sucks. But seriously, could Sam have a bigger crush on Jake? She is all over him!!


    But I am glad you found something to enjoy, Heatlifer!!!

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  14. This would be good.  They need to do something unexpected with this reveal at this point.  It's been dragged out so long that someone bursting in to disrupt the wedding, revealing the truth, and someone revealing that Liz knew, so the whole town can stone her as a lying whore or whatever, while people just shake their heads at that scamp, Nik, who will inevitably get to go home and sex up the woman he tried to have killed, is just boring and predictable.  And it won't boost the ratings for more than like a day, once everyone figures out that it's same old, same old. 



    I agree.  I do want Liz to get her comeuppance, whatever that is.  Although having her stand there and be screamed at just seems like Emmy bait for everyone else, rather than meaningful growth.  Other than people yelling at her, perhaps losing her job and maybe her kids, I don't really know what rightful comeuppance is.  Frankly, though, as angry as Sam should (rightfully) be, I think that Liz's real pain should result from the fact that she hurt her children.  Carly can suck rocks. 

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