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Posts posted by tallyrand

  1. Liz lied!!! That's way worse than murder!!!and it's also way worse than niks lie!!! For uhhh...reasons!!!

    Plus I just don't get liz acknowledging jason and sam's super connection. Liz didn't keep jason chained in her basement. They were attracted to each other before she knew he was jason and he knew sam at that point. Even after liz found out, she didn't keep jason and sam from spending time together. If their connection was so strong, lie or no, they would have been together. Liz didn't force jason to love her. However, I hated this iteration of liason even though old school liason is one of faves. I can't even rewatch their old scenes because this version has ruined them for me.

    I also hate that it seems like liz is going from jasam to nayden. Why can't she have a story of her own?

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  2. Honestly, I feel that Liz not making a big deal about Sam blowing up the house and the whole way the Jake story was resolved means that she will be sharing less, if any, more screen time with Jason and Sam. Which is a big plus for me.  So I get where you are coming from MissE, but I am so worn down by Jason/Sam/Liz that I am just glad it seems to be over.  

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  3. I don't really like how BM played the scenes with Jake.  The only part I liked was when he got stern telling Jake that what he did was wrong.  I think BM was playing Jason like he was really fed up with his son.  I don't know.  Usually I think BM is pretty good with the kids, but I wasn't feeling it yesterday. 


    Basically every performance BH is putting in recently just affirms why I am a fan of hers.  I get that Liz's position right now puts her on a weak footing, losing her home and Jake's saga, but I thought Becky played it as though Liz came from a sense of strength and purpose.  We have seen Liz as a strong, caring mother for the past week or so and I like that look on her.  The whole Jason/Sam dialogue is way over the top in my opinion, but I can deal with it.  

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  4. Good for BH if this is a ploy to get more money.  I believe she took a pay cut (maybe more than 1) during her last few contracts.  Considering TIIC have wasted time and money paying for actors to fill roles that are not needed, she should hold out for better.  

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  5. Last week, Kelly had tweeted Becky a really nice message about her being robbed of a prenom that Becky reciprocated.  It was a sweet exchange. I kind of wonder if that was her way of supporting BH playing firm in her negotiations.  I like to think of women sticking together!

  6. Now that Liz has admitted jasam have a connection that can move mountains, has every character in this show sung their praises to the great jasam? It's so weird. How does sam dreaming about him and Jason showing up at the house after Kristina told him she was going there prove their great love?

    But I don't know why I'm complaining because LIZ IS FREE, y'all!!

    • Love 6
  7. Ha, thanks!


    Just an avid RNA fan.  That's one of my top 10 all-time favorite GH scenes. I remembering watching that moment live and I think my jaw dropped. That was the moment when I realized that it wasn't just a tease, they were really going to do it! They were really going to but them back together!! 


    I'm still at work, but I can't wait to watch when I get home!  It must have been so nice to be able to have a couple to root for on this show.  

  8. I have a Robert and Anna question! I remember I was watching some fanvid and in the video there was a scene of Robert and Anna where she was going to kick him and he grabbed her leg.  They were possibly in a hotel room? I couldn't tell.  Does anyone know what scene that is and if it's on youtube? I always wanted to hear the dialogue.  Thanks!!!

  9. I'm a Liz fan and I wouldnt mind them aging all of Liz's kids honestly.  Although little Aidan is just too cute!  I think having teenage kids would give Liz more story not about Jashat, another bonus!  And Cam's scenes were among the most meaningful we have gotten about Jake's return which was nice.  BM did much better in those scenes than the hallucination scenes.  I really don't get BM's acting choices most of the time.  

    • Love 3
  10. I think jake is just going to panic out of fear he caused her to fall and not tell his parents. Then they will find her and think jake caused her to be hurt. St sam will wake up and tell them that jake wasn't at fault. Jake will then love sam and hate his mother for not believing in him.

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  11. Oh and Liz was right to be mad Franco talked to sam about Jake. He never should have done that. Other than the Sam took Jason away part, everything else Liz said was more than valid.

    I also think Liz didn't give Franco the time of day at first because she discovered he basically broke confidentiality and spoke to someone else about her kid. What kind of trustworthy therapist does that? She was willing to listen at first when he said he talked to another doctor. But once she saw the picture, she realized Franco might have something valid to say and listened to him.

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  12. Jake might be troubled, but at least he didn't hurt Sam. She fell on her own volition like an idiot after showing up at a house where she didn't belong. She didn't have to chase after Jake into the basement. She should have called Jason right away when she saw jakes finger which Jake even suggested before questioning the child. I hate her nosy butt. And why not look for a light switch at the stop of the stairs? Some PI. And she did confront him. Rather than talking to Jason or Liz first, she asked Jake questions and accused him of breaking the window. Not her kid and not her place.

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