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Posts posted by tallyrand

  1. Sam's fall was so corny lol.  She's been falling into and onto Jason repeatedly now.  Plus the twisting her ankle.  It's contrived, but I guess it gives the excuse for the looks and touching.  But I'm glad Jasam are getting nice scenes and bonding, mainly because Liz will be free!! I loved that she walked away, and I liked all her scenes today.  Concerned about her children, snarking with the local serial killer...that works for me.  If Liz and Franco really become friends, that might be a little weird.  Olivia is an idiot, but so is Alexis. 

    • Love 3
  2. I actually thought bm and bh had chemistry today which is the first time I saw him have chem with anyone. (I didn't watch the Robin/jason scenes so I can't judge his Chem with kmc). Ugh. Why does lizs first scenes of the new year have to be with that douchturd? Why is spinelli so annoying? Why does this show insist on telling us how special jasams true love was every show for the past month? Stop telling us and show it #freeliz. Why are nina and Franco on my screen? Why can't liz have scenes that do not feature or relate to jason????

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  3. My question is: do the writers understand that the way they are writing Liz right now is just angering people more (including her fans) or do they genuinely think this is somehow good soap? I get that no matter what not everyone would like Liz and they shouldn't. But they are writing her particularly awful and contradictory. 


    I am very frustrated about the way this whole reveal as played.  While I definitely don't think what Liz has done is like the worst thing ever (in fact she didn't endanger anyone or kill anyone and may have prevented death's by keeping Jason away from being a murderer again even if she prevented the greatest love that ever loved from finding each other), I don't understand what the writers are going for.  I feel like she was more a pariah during the Niz debacle than she is now.  So her saying she's a pariah doesn't fly.  And then she says has no remorse about what she did which frankly is fine with me, but then she cries to Jason to forgive her rather than be strong in her convictions that lying was right.  I don't know if the writers mean for Liz to be wishy-washy or they can't figure out what to do with her at this point.  

    • Love 7
  4. The place where the Regina/Liz parallel breaks down is that Regina has apologized to the people she hurt (granted she did a hell of a lot more damage) but she's also actively trying to make amends.

    However far Patrick/Sam's relationship had progressed, it's ridiculous to claim that an extra 7 months with Sam living in Emma's house, sleeping in her parent's bed and then becoming engaged to her father was NBD




    God I hate Regina with the fire of a thousand suns.  Sorry for the off-topic but I can't watch OUAT anymore because of that shrew.  And I love Ginnifer Goodwin. Even seeing her name on this threat makes me ragey.  


    Ok...I'm calm.  

    • Love 5
  5. The show today was WTF on so many levels.  The only thing that made sense was Liz saying she would lie all over again.  Because it really doesn't seem like she's that remorseful toward the people in Jason's life that she hurt (which is fine by me, I'm just glad she was somewhat honest about it today). Patrick and Sam were licking each other's asses for the whole show (boooring!) and Robin was on her apology tour.   I am so glad JT is leaving simply because watching Patrick and Sam tell each other how great they are is mind-numbing.  I wish JT took KeMo with him to Y&R since they wanted to work together so badly that the audience was forced to sit through their awful story.  Plus Nik didn't keep the lie for Liz, he did it for his own selfish gains and he had a woman shot in the damn head!!! 


    Oh, and I'm expecting Pope Francis to guest star and explain how he wishes Jason and Sam could just make it work!  I didn't realize Jason/Sam was the love story of our time, but every person in PC clearly thinks so. 


    Also, frankly, the whole of PC is taking it pretty easy on Liz, I do agree (the bitchwhorehypocrite rhetoric notwithstanding), but considering the only thing Liz seems to care about is Jasus right now, losing him is really her comeuppance.  I don't need Liz slobbering all over herself to apologize to that bint Sam or jerk Carly, but there should be something more.  Also, even though this is meta, the predominate issue I have with the way this is written is that the writers are not allowing the audience to forgive Liz even if the characters do. It's superficial and shows a lack of interest in her "redemption".  I'm sure they know how much the audience reviles Liz right now as a whole.  Even fans of hers.  I didn't need or want Robin excusing her behavior even as a superfan even if I enjoy BH/KMc in scenes together.  It's weird and too pat.  Saying "Liz I love you but I can't understand what you did and hope you can realize how WRONG it is" would have been more than sufficient. I'm hoping they have something big planned since she admitted she basically feels no remorse today which, again, would have been fine with me if they are taking Liz the super villian route LOL (I'm weird that way). But it seems like the writers are contradicting themselves when it comes to Liz's emotions, and the dialogue is really not reflecting what we have seen.  But as a fan, I cannot see how mostly anyone (fans and haters alike) are happy with how the reveal has been written thus far. 

    • Love 2
  6. I was watching some of Liz's scenes from 1997-98 recently.  I was curious to see the beginnings of Liz and her relationships.  Man, the show was better back then. I have many observations:


    (1) Rebellious Liz was so adorably awkward although I think BH hadn't quite perfected the bitchface and smirk combo as some of her faces were a little awkward. 

    (2) Audrey and Elizabeth had a really nice relationship

    (3) I love Liz's scenes with Sarah surprisingly

    (4) Lucky and Liz had chemistry right off the bat and were so damn cute.  Although Lucky was kind of a dick to her. 

    (5) Liz's excitement and the way she shared it with Audrey right before the Valentine's Day dance was so touching knowing what was going to happen. Even though BH was in her early twenties, I think, she played Liz's girlish teenage excitement beautifully. 

    (6) Rape scenes were surprisingly brutal, meaningful and BH was really awesome.  I mean stunning really. Even in the later scenes, she more than held her own with TG and JJ.  

    (7) There are a lot of Lucky/Luke scenes that are really self-indulgent, long, and boring as a result of Liz's rape. 

    (8) I was surprised how most of Liz's scenes in the aftermath were with Bobbie, Sarah and Audrey.  Liz's scenes with all the women, especially Bobbie, were just wonderful.  The scene where Liz had the pelvic exam made me tear up.  All of those scenes were so delicately and beautifully written.  It really sucks Liz was never given a strong mother figure because her scenes with Bobbie and Audrey are so strong.  Whatever happened to Liz and Bobbie's relationship?


    And that's all for now.  But watching those scenes made me appreciate Elizabeth and BH a lot.  

    • Love 3
  7. Well Liz only said that she won't blame Jason for not believing in her but she will be there for him since he's Jake's dad.  She wasn't saying haha sucker you can't get rid of me because I'm your baby mama.  I agree that the Sam/Sonny/Carly scenes were weird.  Why does Carly have such a hard on for Sam? Is it because she knows that when Jason is with Sam, Carly's place in Jason's life is secure and she questions her place if Jason is with anyone else?


    And ugh...why can't Liz be free?????

    • Love 4
  8. Hey, Liz fans, guess what GH gave you for Christmas?  A scene of your favorite character a crumpled wreck in the snow, next to a dumpster!  Doesn't that just fill your heart with love and goodwill towards the show that did this to her?


    Fuck you, GH.

    Fuck you.

    For what Liz pulled she deserves devastation and this type of end into the new year. But what bothers me is that this won't be rock bottom. The writers aren't interested in giving her any depth or growth. While I enjoyed some of Liz's bitchiness last week directed toward the waste of space sam (who is over Patrick in a hot second and smiling like a schoolgirl because now that her friend Jake who she had no feelings for has his name changed to Jason she loves him which makes her no different from Liz but I digress) I find her response to being outed very bizarre. I wonder what the writers were going for. It's frustrating to say the least. All I want for christmAs is for Liz to never share scenes with Jason again!
    • Love 1
  9. Yeah I don't get the judgment for certain fans liking certain things. So what if certain fans like Liz and Jason? Luke and Laura is the biggest soap couple of all time and he without question raped her. I just want Liz free of this awful storyline.

    It seems clear to me the story is jasam now. Hopefully they can sink or swim on their own without more manufactured angst on the form of character ruination.

    And the way I read it was she wants to punch BH in the face for making her sit through this story. Maybe it was poorly worded,but I didn't see her saying she wanted a character on the show to punch Liz.

    • Love 3
  10. Jason is no prize to me certainly, but to Liz he's the LOVE OF HER LIFE.  Apparently.  So losing him is losing everything.  And right I forgot about that scene with Diane (thanks peachmangosteen!).  But I feel like that was more a reaction to Jason being everyone to her apparently (yuck) because I think those scenes were before the ones with Carly.  


    And I really don't get the lack of Jason/Sam scenes at all. It makes no sense to me.  


    I do agree that what Liz did to the kids is horrible and she should get called to task on that. But I would prefer it to be by Monica, not Carly, Sam or Jason.  None of which have a great history of being thoughtful of children (not even Monica does really but Jason is her son).  

    • Love 2
  11. EXACTLY! So she can stfu any day now about how no one likes her and she's the town pariah and boo hoo the people whose lives I ruined so I could fuck a mobster are being mean to me. She needs to accept that she did something truly terrible, feel guilt about it, and move the fuck on. 


    I believe Carly called her the town pariah and Franco also did.  I may have forgotten because I was doing other things while watching, but I don't recall Liz specifically saying wah everyone hates me unless it was in the context of going to the Nutcracker gala (where I'm assuming she thought Carly or Sam or Sonny might be who are the people who hate her).  I believe she was just concerned about Jason hating her, and he does.  If I'm wrong, I apologize.  And if people hate her, I agree it's on her and she should just own up to it and not feel sorry for herself.  She made her own bed.  


     Also Lucky knew that Jake was Jason and decided to keep it secret for reasons. So Laura, Nik, Lucky and Hayden all knew and could have said something.  What Liz did was worse because she was sleeping with the guy of course.  But she's not the only guilty party. 

    • Love 4
  12. I agree that I hope sam and Liz never shares scenes together again. I think BH and kemo like working together, but sam and Liz just have too much awful history. Please jasam reunite sooner rather than later.

    As for Liz skating, what has she got to lose in this story? Only Jason. Sam and Carly hate her and got to call her horrible names, but why would Liz care about their disdain? Patrick and her friendship is probably irrevocably ruined (if jt was staying I'm sure there would have been a confrontation). All that needs to happen now is humiliation at this gala which will likely happen and Monica calling her out (but since Monica just thanked Carly clearly her head isn't on straight). But again, none of these people other than Jason are people she cares about so the stakes aren't high. Losing her kids over this would be completely ridiculous and why would the writers want Jason saddled with kids? Also she could lose her job I guess but that would be contrived considering dr. O is chief of staff and she shot Liz in her own home!!

    As for Laura, she made her own bed. She should have told the truth right away but instead she enabled her son and Liz.

    Plus where is Niks comeuppance or public humiliation or name calling? He's the one skating, not Liz. And sam and Danny are his cousins!!

    • Love 4
  13. I didn't say Liz looked strong.  She isn't really being strong (ergo, how she acted with Jason the past few times they encountered each other).  I just said she was being bitchy to Sam which I enjoy more than mopey.  If Liz was bitchy to Monica about all she has done, that would be a completely different story.  And also, as I said, it doesn't make sense, but nothing about this story has.  I also do not think Liz is crazy but rather she is still living in a world where she and Jason are meant to be together so what she did wasn't really wrong because they were in love and its her time, you guys!!!!  It's stupid, and I hope at some point she sees Jason/Sam kissing or whatnot and gets over that real fast.  But I'm going to try to enjoy the performances since the show itself is a heap of garbage. 


    But yeah, Jason is not the love of Liz's life.

    • Love 4
  14. But you can't be a "no holds barred bitch" AND complain that people are being mean/ganging up on you.


    Haha I guess she's hypocritical one then.  Frankly, I have checked out of this story.  It's just too stupid for words.  I don't know what the writers are going for.  But I guess I don't mind Liz being a a jerk over being mopey. If this show was written with any thoughtfulness and actual character development, I probably would care more about the direction they are taking Liz's character. But since it isn't I'm just going to enjoy BH's bitch face. 

  15. I believe that Liz's new man found her.  But anyway, I kind of love Liz being a no-holds barred bitch. It doesn't really make sense, but none of this storyline has made sense. 

    • Love 1
  16. I actually think Jason and Liz's breakup in 2008 was mutual.  And back in 2002, Liz is the one who walked out on Jason.  In 2001, she rejected him for Lucky.  Jason throwing Liz aside is true for their more recent reconnection in 2012 or whenever that was. 

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