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Posts posted by tallyrand

  1. All of them? :) Those were my favorite years of GH. I was a teen and absolutely in love with them as a couple. (And I was sure I was in love with Jack Wagner, lol!)  I hate what they did with the Frisco character later so I just pretend it all never happened in my little world. Aztec treasure, Asian Quarter...all fun. Robert, Anna, Sean, Tony, etc. all involved...


    I just happened to get sucked into a GH youtube void and they really stood out. He sure was foxy! I'm definitely going to try to watch the Asian Quarter stuff.  I have heard that was fun.  Thanks!!!

    • Love 1
  2. I don't think everyone keeping the secret has much right to rail on Liz. If they're so concerned, TELL.


    I agree, but since that won't happen it would be nice to get some well-written emotional scenes between Laura and Elizabeth.  Although, who I am kidding??

    • Love 1
  3. I think I saw a quote from DG on facebook saying that yes, the red dress was filmed. 


    Thanks! I think Season 2 lends itself to a TV show more so than Season 1, so I'm excited to see what gets brought to the screen!! All I know is they better not change one word of the goodbye scene!!!

  4. My more serious response. This is what gets my goat, too.  You're supposed to wind characters up -- put them in dramatic or comical situations -- but then you're supposed to let them go and have them react -- or adjust and be proactive -- just as you'd expect them to.  Not with Ron. He always worked assbackwards, so of course the crux of any storyline about Jake being alive would hinge around Sam and Danny.  Of. course. it. would.


    His own trauma means nothing.  His home life.  His mother's readjustment.  Jake's readjustment to his brothers and his brothers to Jake. All of that. The years his mother missed would have to be highest on that list.


    But nope. Not with Ron.  Just like everything revolved around Patrick's man pain at having to hurt Sabrina's feelings when Robin returned.  Or around ... eh, you all know all the things that Ron neglected for the sake of hitting a plot point of his, over and over like a sadistic dentist hitting on a bad nerve again and again.


    Exactly.  Even showing Elizabeth putting Jake to sleep the night he came home with tears in her eyes.  Or something! They have missed so many emotional beats.  It's frustrating because I know BH could have done a great job with this material, but she got handed peanuts to work with before it became all about guilt over the Jake lie.  


    Ron never does those kinds of scenes. I don't think the kid actor playing Jake is up to that, but there could be scenes with Liz talking to someone about it.



    That is true as well.  It would have been nice for Liz/Patrick or Liz/Monica even to have more meaningful scenes about LJ before it became all about Carly, Jake and Sam.  


    I also really hope that Laura nails into Liz.  Laura might be the closest person Liz has to a mother figure on canvas, and I hope Laura's disappointment in her resonates.  

    • Love 7
  5. Demon Jake is randomly alive with no explanation but HELENA and the only concern is poor Danny getting to hang out with him or not. This is just one reason I'm 100% glad Ron is gone.


    This is the thing that gets my goat.  There have been basically no scenes showing Liz bonding with her son, getting to know her son, figuring out what those four years were like for him, having him meet Cam and Aiden (brothers he remembers), or enjoying his reappearance.  Instead Jake is just a catalyst for more Jizam drama. It's not that I'm so annoyed that Sam is so gung-ho about Jake and Danny becoming besties (even though I find it a little odd), it's more that Sam's desires for brothers to bond should not be the main point in the story of Liz getting her son back!! 

    • Love 13
  6. Liz apologized for making Sam think Jason was moving on with her (Liz), not for falsifying the maternity test results. The one time Sam brought it up (which was after Liz came to the PH--I think to complain about Sam being mean to Jakeson), Liz countered with what Sam had done when Jake was a baby. No apology took place as I recall.


    Ahh ok.  I thought there was some scene (I think at the Lakehouse, is that right?) after the paternity switch.  That must have been it.  Thanks!

  7. Liz (and by that I mean BH at this point) is the only reason I keep up with/watch this show.  However she is behaving like a crazy loon and deserves basically any ramifications she receives mainly from Monica and Sam.  Honestly, the thing I hate most about this story though is not that Liz is behaving crazy, but rather that Sam will be totally righteous in going off on her.  It makes me angry because I hate Sam, but she is definitely the innocent party here.  I wish the writers could have been slightly more creative and made this  less one sided rather than Liz is completely bad, Sam is completely good.  It's no fun for me as a viewer to be unable to even fanwank any motivation for Liz other than pure pathetic selfishness.  I mean seriously, what is Liz's defense? Jason always picked Sam and not her? So stupid and lazy. 

    • Love 8
  8. Regardless of the Liz factor, Lucky still decided not to seek out Sam and let her know that Jake is Jason.  And he used to supposedly love her.  It's almost like Lucky selfishly did not want to stay with his children and used Jake/Jason as an excuse, like oh well they are a happy family now, I'm out of here to go live a life of adventures without having to be tied down.  Lucky is basically doing the same thing Liz is (lying to someone, and continuing that lie, in order to "protect" someone's family).  Of course Liz's lie is way worse because she's sleeping with Jake, but Lucky is now complicit in this tomfoolery as well.  But I'm sure when the truth comes out, no one will be yelling at Lucky for not telling his one-time love.  

    • Love 6
  9. I love Mother Hildergarde (especially because it's so nice that Claire had a female friend/mother figure). I adored their relationship.  I want as much of her as possible.  I'm assuming they will have the red dress scene and I'm curious what costume Terry will come up with.  I also look forward to the reconciliation after Faith and FERGUS!!. I also hope Claire is nicer to Mary in the show than she is in the books. Jamie and Claire basically had no sympathy for that poor girl. 

    • Love 1
  10. I like this book a lot.  I even liked LJG in this book (I find him boring in later books), and I especially enjoy the beginnings of his relationship with Claire which I find more interesting than his relationship with Jamie.  Also the scenes with Willie are wonderful.  One thing I always loved was Claire's reaction to finding out about Willie and being vaguely jealous on Bree's behalf.  It's not a noble sentiment, but it struck me as such a real emotion to feel in that situation.  I also love grown-up Fergus and seeing Ian Sr. again.  


    One thing that always bothered me though was after Claire leaves Jamie when she finds out about his remarriage and Ian goes after her to bring her back.  Jamie is hallucinating and is so happy to see her, but then finds out she's real and acts like an ass.  Anyway, I always hated his reaction there, and I seem to recall he never actually apologizes for not telling her he was married! It was really crappy of him to sleep with Claire without telling her.  I enjoy mostly everything else about this book, but Jamie's reaction here always annoyed me. Did anyone else feel the same?

    • Love 1
  11. I don't think its legally considered rape, at least in most jurisdictions.  Sex under false pretenses is generally not considered rape.  However, it's icky and gross and close enough to rape to give me the heebies-jeebies. 

    • Love 9
  12. So, full disclosure, Liz could straight up murder everyone in PC and I would still be a fan, so I'm definitely biased.  But I'm thinking, if done right, this story could be one of the most interesting developments for Liz's character in years.  Although her speech about always doing the right thing is seemingly bullshit (because she has done a lot of wrong things), most of the things she has done she justified to herself as doing it to help others (i.e., lie about Jake's paternity to help Lucky and so the baby wouldn't stand in the way of Jasam's reunion in 2007) or tries to excuse to herself until its too late.  The Niz affair of course was a giant exception as was keeping Danny's paternity from Sam and Jason (although that was one day and she told the truth right away). And I do think she "paid" for Niz. How many other characters talk about their affairs three or four years after it happens and still apologizes for it? The Niz blowout lasted months and Liz had no love interest for two years or so.  Yeah she kept her friends (Robin and Patrick), her kids still love her, and Nikolas stayed her friend, but that all made sense in the context of her story. She didn't lose everything like maybe some feel she deserved, but in PC, people murder and rape and don't lose everything. So I'm not crying a river that Liz didn't lose her entire life over an affair. 


    I think Liz is like screw it, I live in a town of mobsters, con artists, kidnappers and killers who all have made good lives for themselves and are happy without ever facing consequences, but look at me, I'm a single, hardworking, law-abiding (most of the time) parent of two young boys who can never get my love life on track and lost my son. It's a potentially interesting story. I think she is in denial about how her choices have affected her life, and feels like a victim of circumstances when in fact most of the time her unhappiness was based on circumstances she created. I think this aspect of Liz's character is what makes her one of the most interesting on GH and I agree she needs serious therapy!! I was hoping Ewan could be the one to help her, therapy wise, but alas, that did not happen. 


    The other interesting think to me about Liz's speech is how she ties her happiness in with Jason. Maybe this all ties back to when Jason proposed to her when she was pregnant with Jake and she said no because she thought he wanted to be with Sam.  She's thinking, if I had only been selfish then and said yes, I would be happy and Jake would be alive.  She truly thinks if she had a chance to be with Jason she would be happy.  Maybe this ties into the loss of Jake.  I think Liz will realize that although she is lying selfishly for her own happiness (i.e., to keep Jason), she's not going to be happy because she's living a lie and that Jason is not the key to her happiness.   It's an interesting realization for her character to finally let go of Jason, and realize that she is in control of her own happiness.  Plus what she really wants is for Jason to choose her,and Jason isn't choosing her, Jake is. 


    Plus BH was rocking it, and I'm glad she is getting material.  So I'm going to try to enjoy it and hope at the end it leads to growth for her character. Of course at the end, she will lose Jason and everyone will hate her (even Patrick and Robin this time have reason to).  The only one who won't hate her is probably Nikolas. 

    • Love 4
  13. It's typical for Liz to be pathetic over men since around 2007 (I say this as a huge fan).  But if she continues a relationship with Jake after this, that is a new low. Just ugh.  Hopefully BH will have some fun material...that's all I got. 

    • Love 2
  14. Me too! I never liked her. She was just an asshole about everything.

    I really dislike her and Roger. He's just slightly less annoying.


    Haha Roger is probably my favorite character in the later books.  I feel like Diana gave him enough faults and virtues that he feels like a real person (unlike the larger than life Jamie), and he was generally a nice and generous person.  Oddly enough, Jamie was never one of my favorites. It's odd how you can love a series and even love a couple, but not particularly like one of the characters involved in said couple.  Also, I could never really get into Lord John, which is a very unpopular opinion, I'm sure.


    As for Book!Claire, she used to be my favorite literary heroine because she was so strong-minded and sure of herself.  She also had a hard time opening up to people and facing her emotions which I relate to.  However, she was so strong-minded that it would come across as insensitive and self-absorbed, for example, her dealings with Mary Hawkins and lack of sympathy for what Mary went through.  These qualities are in a way paradoxical to her being a healer, which is clearly her purpose in life and I always appreciated that juxtaposition.  As I got older and re-read the books, I liked her less and less. Although I still appreciate most of her qualities and she remains one of my favorite characters in the books. I think Show!Claire is a softer character in many ways (without losing Claire's confidence and strong will), partly because they have emphasized her bond with Frank more.  I really like what Caitriona Balfe brings to the role, as I think she exudes a natural warmth and strength which works perfectly for Claire.  

  15. Hopefully this will be a case of the actor providing additional colors and layers to a character, fleshing them out (Jenny).


    Not sure how I'd feel about Nell Hudson as Marsali, if only because she's supposed to be Cait & Sam's daughter's age. It could work, but I think I'd prefer a different actress.


    Actually, now that I think about it, Marsali is supposed to be even younger than Brianna. I could see them changing that though, since Marsali was 16 and Fergus was 30 when they got married. 

  16. I would love if Nell played Marsali! Marsali quickly became one of my favorite characters in the later books, and I think Nell has been quite good.  I would love if the show spent more time on her and Fergus, as their wedding scene in Voyager is one of my favorite scenes in the Outlander novels. 


    Also, I really like the idea that Jamie marries Laoghaire without knowing her involvement with the witch trial and after finding out scorns her. However, I would really love to see (if we get a third season of course), Claire finding out they are married and blurting out Laoghaire's involvement in front of Jamie in order to see his reaction. I just can't see how he could marry her knowing what she did to Claire.  In the book, I can somewhat excuse her as a young girl who did something awful and could be forgiven. But in the show, she is far more spiteful and knows exactly what she has done.  There is no doubt she wants Claire to die so she can have Jamie. That's not something Jamie should be able to forgive. 


    As to Ron Moore, I'm actually surprised at how it seems like all his decisions have been off-base, at least when it comes to Jamie/Claire romance.  He seems to think that the actor's chemistry can carry the relationship, which is true to a certain point.  You need scenes, conversations and moments where the actors can explore their natural chemistry and build that bond for the audience to see.  The trial should have been shorter (I don't think there was any need for the maid to testify or the guy who spoke about Gellis being a bird).  I also always liked in the books that Ned made a drawn out speech in order to delay the trial for another day to give Jamie time to arrive, which I missed in the show and would have been a good way to save time. He has been off base with the ring decision (a nail, really?) and wanting to cut the love scene by the fire? That was such a beautiful scene.   


    On another note, I really hope in the show that Claire and Ian's bond is explored because I loved the scene in the book where Claire and Ian bond over having married Frasers during Jenny and Jamie's fight.  I also hope Jenny and Claire's relationship gets explored since that is a very important one.  But I always hated Jenny in the books (even the first book), so I'm not particularly looking forward to her in the show. She was just too possessive of Jamie and such a judgmental busy-body. 

    • Love 4
  17. No I agree that Liz was OTT. I mean he obviously had some kind of life before you. It's not hard to believe he has a wife.  But I don't blame her for being inquisitive and suspicious especially because Hayden came to her home. Anyway, this SL makes Liz look like an idiot, and I will glad when it is revealed Jake is Jason and he can go back to Sam. Good riddance. 


    Although it would be funny if Liz and Sam now work together to figure out this whole thing.  

    • Love 1
  18. There really wasn't that much Jamie at the beginning of the book though. I think Old Alec, for example, talked about Jamie more so it felt like he was more present. But I believe almost every Jamie/Claire interaction before the wedding was in the show, although maybe shortened a little (i.e the confrontation between Jamie/Dougal and the swordplay, the scene at the stables where in the book he recites a prayer to Claire). They even added in the scenes with the Black Kirk that didn't happen in the book and Jamie talking to Claire about her attitude.


    I think that Ron Moore is trying to make the story a bit more than Claire's adventures in the past, but rather set it up for the way more political second book.  Dougal's role hasn't even really been beefed up that much and in the latter half of the season, you barely see him. And beefing up Jack's role also leads to more of a conflict and engages the viewers a bit more. 


    I would safely assume that from this point forward it will be all Jamie. In a way, having Jamie be more a background character, allows the viewers to get to know him at the same time Claire is getting to know him, especially through the wedding night and the "honeymoon." That's really when we as readers find out more about Jamie and who he is. I think the Wedding episode will be Jamie's breakthrough. 

    • Love 7
  19. I just love Caitriona as Claire. She nails all the facets of Claire: the internal reserve, compassion, sexuality, strength of character, even the judgmental side of Claire and her arrogance. She is by far the standout of the cast for me and I think it's easy to overlook just how good she is and how hard she must be working. Plus she has chemistry with everyone in the cast. 

    • Love 5


    That's how I feel about Lallybroch too. Claire loses her POV and is just a passive observer. Even when Jamie challenges her upbringing -- her uncle using reason instead of a good strapping -- she doesn't have much of an opinion of it, which seemed very out of character for her.

    There are little moments like Claire explaining some of her own time to Jamie that Diana sort of plows through without thought that I hope the show takes the time to explore, even if it's just a quick scene. I think Jamie's complicated dilemma dominates the second half of the book and Claire gets lost in the shuffle. I always felt the "Oh, by the way, you're married to a time traveler" didn't have quite the dramatic impact one would expect.


    So exactly this! I'm glad I'm not alone in this opinion.  I think the show will do a better job of making Claire's confession dramatic and will include more tidbits of Claire telling Jamie little things about where she comes from even if only for humor's sake.  Although it is clear in the books that Jamie starts to see Claire differently after learning she's from the future, I agree that there wasn't enough especially in that scene you referece.


    The Lallybroch section of the book is all about Jamie and it's like 5 pages of oh Claire you're from the future? Oh yay you're staying! Ok let's go to Lallybroch where about 20 pages will be spent on my boring reconciliation with my annoying sister who grabs me inappropriately but it's ok because she's so cute and tiny. And then said sister will go on and on being annoying and pushy and will.not.shut.up for the next 100 pages. And Claire, the interesting narrator who's been the center of the story, gets pushed aside and is treated as though she's completely unimportant. I also HATE the scene where Jenny talks about what it's like to carry a baby inside her. I find that she was totally thoughtless in going on and on considering they all must have suspected that Claire was barren. 


    Conversely, I hope there are more Jenny/Claire interactions than in the book. Jenny is probably my least favorite character, but I enjoy her scenes with Claire and I think Caitriona Balfe has so far shone in scenes with the other female characters. In the books, I feel that Diana has provided Claire with so few female friends that whenever Claire has an opportunity to interact with women I'm always happy. However, I find that Claire gives into Jenny way too much and it annoys me. Especially how Jenny treated her in An Echo in the Bone. Just ugh. But considering the show has managed to even make Laoghaire likable I have hope for Jenny. 


    All this is partly why I'm glad Jamie's role has been somewhat reduced so far. We will get enough of him in the second half of the season.

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