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Peppermint Patty

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  1. I'm shocked that no one has commented on the number and volume of the sad violins playing for Curtis's penis. Sasha didn't get sad music like that! I wish Mason had choked on the grape lollipop when Dante shot him.
  2. I like NAC and TA, but I think the writing for this pairing is atrocious. It feels like the showrunners are biding their time because they know NAC isn't coming back after he enters the Ryan Murphy universe. As cute as Ace is, he is a ridiculous roadblock in their relationship. Spencer isn't Ace's father, and it makes no sense to me that a 21-year-old guy would insist on playing daddy to his half-brother.
  3. Evan Hofer's facial expressions in the during the big dismissal were hilarious. I don't know what he was going for, but I suspect it wasn't supposed to be "confused and dumb." Violet wore out her welcome with me awhile ago, but today, I really wanted her sent off-canvas. They are still writing her as the cute, precocious tot, but JL is way beyond that age. I just looked up her bio, and she's nine and a half. At that age, Violet's behavior is just bratty and obnoxious. (Also, as a side note, I hope someone is working with her on her speech. My son had similar speech issues, and even with years of speech therapy, he still has some leftover pronunciation issues as an adult.) I'm a total sap, so I loved the Georgie and James scenes with Mac. The hero talk (especially on 9/11) got me a little misty-eyed. I also really like the Georgie and James actors. I loved the Jake and Charlotte date, but it felt like they should be related. I guess they aren't, but it was still jarring. They were totally adorable, though. Who did Avery Kristen Pohl piss off in wardrobe? That dress/t-shirt combo was awful, but maybe I'm having flashbacks to my high school wardrobe.
  4. My sound cut out a bit on today’s episode. Did Brick say Betty quit and fled to Mexico?
  5. I was fast-forwarding past the Crew sex and almost missed a Cyrus sighting! I’m glad to see JK. I hope he’s here for awhile. I was a Sprina fan, but they’re losing their spark. At this point, I feel like there are just too many obstacles, and they’re not even good obstacles. Stupid Jex should not be an obstacle. Good for Ava for calling out Austin’s “nice guy” act. It painted him in a different light. I don’t believe the kiss was genuine. It seemed skeevy and manipulative. I think we’re going to see more and more of villain Austin.
  6. Drew and Curtis high-giving about Trina was disgusting. It was like two frat bros cheering because one of them got another notch on his bedpost. Just disgusting. What about Trina’s feelings? What about Taggert’s feelings? I did appreciate Carly’s disgust and horror at Joss’s lies and bloodlust for Sonny. If there were good writers focused on more than just propping the Carlys, we would see some real introspection on Carly’s part over how her daughter ended up making such shitty choices. Was Nurse Clara just a chemo-fueled dream? That was totally inappropriate. After Willow is inevitably in remission, I don’t know what’s left for the character. She really has no purpose now.
  7. I’m amazed that Eden and Evan are in a relationship because Jex have zero chemistry. So WSB dude who approached Curtis, is he on Selina’s payroll? I wonder what she’s up to, besides going after info on Sonny. She is quickly becoming the most interesting part of the show for me.
  8. I love a good umbrella story, especially an adventure one! I love that CS gets to be involved in another umbrella story involving a cruise from hell. Days fans will remember the Cruise of Deception. Since it was a case of ED that sent Victor into crazy-land, does that make this the Cruise of Erection? The actress playing Jordan is terrible. She should have had some reaction to finding out about Holly and the necklace, but there’s just…nothing. The same blank look and the same monotone in every scene. She needs to go. Let Mac be commissioner. I loved Sonny’s quip about the boa and his non-reaction to Jex. More of this Sonny please. I never want to think about Michael gyrating in front of Willow for a “private show” ever again. Damn the writers for putting that image in my brain.
  9. Oh God……the last thing this show needs is a child.
  10. Spencer truly became so awful and bratty in his scenes with Victor that I’m now rooting for Esme. A 20-year-old man would have a hard time mustering up interest in a full-blooded sibling from happily married parents. But this obsession with his gf’s child with his father is ridiculous. A more realistic reaction would be that he is so disgusted and angry that he wants nothing to do with any of them - including Ace. I’ve come to really enjoy hearing different characters react to the name Ace. It says something about their personalities. I didn’t quite hear what Ava said when Esme told her his name was Ace. I thought she said, “He looks like a scholar(?) like his father.” Did anyone hear what she said? Also, Austin’s treatment of Esme was sweet. Please, no more Carlys. I also am sick of the NB prep. Maxie and Lucy are too much loud, obnoxious energy to have in one scene.
  11. I really, really hate Sheila. I didn’t like Swoosie Kurtz’s character in Mike and Molly, and I don’t like her character here. I also just have a difficult time looking at all the work she’s had done. I see we have more inconsistencies with Max’s character. He was such a total dick to Kat that I can’t imagine why they were ever friends. The show has been better - thank God for no Gideon - but I won’t cry a river if the show isn’t renewed.
  12. Did I miss a scene where we saw Esme’s reaction to Spencer telling her he was taking Ace? Didn’t Laura promise that Esme would not be separated from Ace? Now Spencer has the baby and he supposedly doesn’t have a name. I’m confused. (Also not surprised I’m confused because the writing sucks.) I liked Kristina and Molly, but it would have been nice to use a Molly pregnancy as a way to explore a woman’s right to choose. Now all we’ll get is more googly eyes over another baby.
  13. I have only been watching this show for a few years (around the time the DoD story started). Has Joss always been this insufferable? She just talks at people instead of with them, like such a know-it-all.
  14. Does Chad Duell have a cold? He sounds unusually stuffed-up. I have nothing to say about the Carlys that doesn’t include copious amounts of vomiting. I just want Austin to wander into random scenes and make snarky comments. He can break the fourth wall and talk to the audience about the ridiculousness on screen. Dex and Sonny’s date was so romantic! Next time, Dex needs to bring flowers.
  15. The past two days have been great, thanks to: 1. Ryan 2. No Carly 3. Things are actually happening!! Looking forward to tomorrow!
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