I do apologize if I revealed too much of her personal information...I just found it hypocritical, that's all (as is much of what is done & said on this show).
Sai is LITERALLY a "Content Creator." So when it comes to photo ops, SHE should not be one to talk/snark behind people's backs!
Get over yourself, Erin. NO ONE wants to picture you & your hapless husband having sex.
I am just here to say that I totally called it, when I predicted at the beginning of the season that the only reason Meredith wanted a Bat Mitzvah was so Production could use it as an opportunity to film yet another epic Housewives feud.
Todd & Bronwyn & their $MM+ diamonds...nice way for the Producers to cast shade on Whitney's cheap-ass Alibaba jewelry line (or on Merediths, for that matter).
Erin's whiny vocal-fry monotone is exhausting.
Also, she reminds me of the following joke (I am Jewish BTW)😅:
Four middle-aged Jewish women are eating lunch at a diner. The waiter comes over & asks:
Weren't Whitney & Lisa BFFs last season? And now Angie & Mary are BFFs? How long until they are sworn enemies?
From: "I got your back," to: "You threw me under the bus," in the blink of an eye... gotta earn that paycheck I guess. 🙄