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  1. They made us wait until the very end to see the true squalor... wow! poor doggies
  2. “My spouse left me” yo’ ass wasn’t married!
  3. Spouse, partner, boyfriend, whatever.... dead
  4. Calls her mom to tattle!!! Gtfo
  5. Almost 100lb & I see no difference!!!!
  6. Lady Ashley sitting all ladylike in that chair...
  7. Do you think she should... try to buy a butt?
  8. Did Colt really tell Debbie that she looks cute(
  9. Ashley has to put other people down to feel better about herself. Anyone will do: Larissa, Leida, Sandra Bullock, Ariana Grande, Mother Teresa...
  10. Ashley never, ever calls names. I’m dead.
  11. Not an adult til 25/26 according to Skeeven, so that makes him...
  12. He can do anything he wants, he’s a software engineer!
  13. Leida: Asuelu, calm down... missed that last week! She gets half a point from me.
  14. Age on consent in Mexico is 16, Dawg! Wink, nudge
  15. Sessy??? I thought it was Cici... As in Cecilia?
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