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Posts posted by wonderwoman

  1. Just caught this episode on ION, and, as usual, found myself screaming at the screen. So much about this show annoys, and Nicki is the least of it. There's the over the top deference to the commisioner -- his underlyings treat him like he's a god. And Danny! It's not just that he has to be right all the time, it's his utter contempt for anyone on the other side -- Erin, for example. He's clearly cut from the same cloth as the grandfather --not even an attempt to understand the often conflicting Constitutional issues underlying the criminal justice system, much less the nuance required to navigate those issues. And never, ever, any real consequences!

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  2. I'm really surprised that no one's been posting about this show. The last two episodes have been great. Last week in The Cruise, Russ's mother, played by Joanna Cassidy, visited. And, boy, seeing her explained a whole lot about Russ and his attitude towards marriage, and life in general.

    This week's episode, Mother's Day, may be the show's best episode to date. While the show is ostensibly a sitcom, it's really more of a dramady because what it does so very well is reveal the emotional complexity of the human condition through the the most mundane aspects of everyday life, in this case, dealing with their teenaged daughter, who balks at her mother's choice of a restaurant for Mother's Day brunch.

  3. IHere's Variety's take echoes others' observation re competition and over-saturation.

    "VH1’s decision on “Hindsight” reinforces the growing sentiment in the biz that the explosion of original scripted series may have reached the over-saturation point. With so many shows chasing viewers’ attention on so many platforms, it’s a becoming a harder call for networks financially to move forward with shows that don’t have a clear upward ratings trajectory or appeal to specific advertisers."

    I loved Hindsight, and was looking forward to a second season. The knock on the broadcast networks has always been that they pull promising shows without giving them a fair shot (Fox pulling Lone Star after 2 episodes, for example), which made viewers reluctant to engage with a show and the whole thing became something of a self-fulling prophecy. But, the same thing is now going on with cable. I'm still pissed at TNT for canceling Men of a Certain Age.


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  4. "The fact that interviews have been given and there's been no "we get it, making a serial killer a romantic lead was tone deaf, ill-advised, etc." shows me they do not understand or appreciate the gravity of the situation."


    From the same interview, another example that denial is just a river in Egypt:

    "I don’t think the ratings decline is a function of the storytelling, or a function of Ron’s work. I really don’t. "

    Gives new meaning to tone deaf. But, she's far from the only suit believing (well, of course there's what she says in public and what she really believes:) that the problem with dropping ratings is anything BUT the storytelling.

    • Love 4
  5. "Unexpected was great in season 1. Then the CW stepped in and made it a bit too sucky for my taste. Why can't a network leave a show alone and let it be. Where not aloud to have any wholesome family shows anymore"

    In complete agreement re Life UnExpected. Love how Liz Tigelaar took no prisoners re season 2. She told anyone who would listen that it was the CW that forced the chances.

    Interesting that Shiri winds up in another show with unorthodox capitalization.

    • Love 1
  6. "That's a good question, actually. I just remembered this, but Lynn had a very brief stint on ATWT* during the last year or so of that show (and she got to work with Stuart Damon again, too!), when Jean would have been there, so it's possible it might continue.

    *I want to say there was a meta "I know you" scene between her and Jon that I saw on YT once, but I can't remember.

    ETA: Kin was on ATWT at one point, too. He may have been in on a meta scene like that himself."

    A little deja vu. The final years at ATWT were something of a full-employment program for ABC actors in general, and GH in particular, which fans really did not appreciate. Nothing against the actors, but just as GH fans resent the time given to the OLTL characters, there were characters ATWT fans would have preferred come back.

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  7. "The quiet, understated scene with Gillian and Caroline peeling potatoes and talking was exactly what made me fall in love with this show. Great dialogue from a stellar cast. No OTT dramatics. It was almost back to it's old form for a moment, there. Those two together make the most enjoyable scenes, they can elevate the most basic material."

    These are the kind of scenes I love, as well. And for soap fans of a certain age, those "quiet, understated" scenes take us back to an earlier time when soaps weren't about churning OTT plot, but spending time with characters as they talk while peeling veggies -- or drinking coffee:)

    • Love 5
  8. "If Wainwright really believes that there was no way they'd speak to each other again without this tragedy, then she was just looking for a shortcut."

    Exactly! And it's a shortcut that exposes the limitations of the 6-episode season. So little time has passed over the first 4 episodes, yet so much has happened. Everything's feeling compressed and unsatisfying.

    • Love 2
  9. "Can someone please explain to me who the hell Amy Schumer is and why the hell she's everywhere (magazine covers, media, etc.) the past few months? I'd never heard of her before then and she seems like a real life version of "fetch" that someone is succeeding in making happen."

    I was thinking the same thing until I started watching her show, "Inside Amy Schumer." Then I got it. Of course, then I watched her stand-up special on Comedy Central. That I didn't get. But the show, check out a few episodes. A lot of critical subtext in some of those sketches.

    • Love 2
  10. "How cute. Rachel and Adam both have issues with parents. Gee, I can't see that pairing coming from a mile away..."

    You say that as though it were a bad thing:)

    I supposed we'll know soon enough how well they're able to pull it off, assuming they go there.

    • Love 5
  11. "And really, for an assistant position, if they liked her enough in the interview, they aren't going to dig that deep unless given a reason. They probably just made the copies of her IDs and shoved them in her file"

    Not true! A good friend was hired for a part-time data entry job at a major publisher and the company ran a full background check, including asking her to fax a copy of her college diploma. So, the premise of this show is preposterous. But, I find the show engaging enough that I can handwave it.

    • Love 3
  12. Mike Hale @ NYTimes echoed a lot of the thoughts expressed here.

    "One of the hoped-for highlights didn’t materialize, when Tommy Tune did not get to accept his lifetime achievement award during the telecast and also did not take part in the brief (and tepid) dance number that was awkwardly inserted into the show"

    Although, he thought the in memoriam segment was saved by the chorus. I agree with those above who point out that in memoriam should be about those who've passed. But the Tonys and Oscars see the segment as one more production number. As I recall, the Emmys and Golden Globes (I think they do a segment) do a better job.


  13. From the NYtimes:

    Charles Isherwood

    "And are we ever going to see the dead people? Or is this just about Josh Groban being sad? At last. And you can’t see some of their names due to bad filming."

    And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, the choir appears. Really, is it hard to play some appropriate, but unobtrusive music while letting viewers actually see the photographs?

    • Love 6
  14. Re the butt bow:

    I think that was the mother's not-so-subtle passive-aggressive effort to sabotage her husband using the daughter. The mother was appalled at how much her husband was willing to spend, and found fault with every dress. She only agreed when the ugly bow was added.

    Love to know that family's backstory.

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