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Posts posted by wonderwoman

  1. Provocative pause before cut to black, 3 weeks 'til the next episode -- they're trying way too hard to create drama. At least we have a few weeks to rest up before the final 4 episodes.

    Can't wait... Really, can't wait until this show is over.

    • Love 11
  2. "This gives me a glimmer of hope for not only renewal, but also for the show itself. "


    Truth be told, had things continued as they have been for the past three years, cancellation would have been just fine by me. One less exercise in frustration and futility. I like the first season a lot, when it looked (at least to me) as though the story would be built around the rivalry/frenemy relationship between Rayna and Juliet. Having that relationship as the centerpiece would have made that show far more cohesive that what it's turned into.

    Zwick/Herskowitz shows tend to have relatively (pun intended; that one's on my brillant, but cancelled list) small casts and drill deep into the relationships among characters, so I'm very hopeful.

    • Love 2
  3. "something about how her family would have starved -- that's the part I can't recall:) -- but it was funny on a number of levels."

    I finally remembered the gist of the line: Maxine said something about how if she hadn't been allowed to cook when she used the "n" word her family would have starved.

  4. Just watched an episode of LIOLT UK. So very civilized: no conflict; no drama. What a bore. And I don't know how much things cost in the UK, but a total gut of the first floor, new kitchen, sunroom converted to year-round room, additional full bath for $46,000 (30,000 British pounds)?


  5. "This reminds me of ABC's renewals last season, which included a number of shows that people found questionable. The guy in charge got fired this year, though it didn't help that he had a new pile of flops."

    Two of those cancelled shows, Selfie, from last year and Trophy Wife, from the year before, suffered from their off-putting titles. There was a lot of concern that "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend would suffer the same fate, but they smart enough to play up that possibility in the intro, "it's a lot more nuanced than that...' and so here comes season 2!

  6. Not sure where to post about the 2nd season, so here will have to do. This show is deservedly getting some traction in the manistream media, so I'm a little concerned that thie board is silent. I, for one, am loving that the writers never sacrifice complexity for humor. Any other thoughts?

  7. "I can't take Carly seriously. It's what happens when you've watched a character since Day 1."

    The only reason I can enjoy scenes like the ones between Carly and Sonny is the fact that I've only dropped in over the years, and have no emotional investment in the characters' history.

    • Love 1
  8. "The bloodless daughter

    So, she has become the major domo of her mom's city council campaign, even protecting the family for ten years from the scandal of her dad's affair with the detective handling her brother's case. I have to ask: who cares about being on city council this much? Like, what powers does this position grant a winner and her family that they'd treat it like a kingmaking ritual requiring the ultimate sacrifice of multiple generations? My city council's meetings are broadcast over local basic cable and they mostly sit there and talk to crazy people who come in wearing onions on their belts."

    In agreement re "the bloodless daughter," can't believe how she tried to jack her father -- who are these people? But the mother (that I can't even remember her name speaks volumes, no?) was running for city council when Adam disappeared 10 years ago. She's currently the mayor, and is running for governor -- much higher stakes.

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  9. "CooperTV, the Bronx DA was Timothy Stickney, minus the dreads. He played RJ Gannon on One Life to Live. It took me most of the episode to figure out it was him because I'm not used to seeing him clean shaven and with no hair lol!"

    I only knew because We Love Soaps has a regular feature alerting fans when soap alums are on prime time.



  10. Re the wig:

    JM's offical story is that her hair is so thick, and takes so long to blow dry, that it was more efficent for her to wear a wig, and easier for her, since her son was a toddler when she began the show. And, the hair thing is real in law firms. My 30 yo cousin has hair like JM's, and in her first year in law school she was told that if she wanted to work in a coporate firm, she would have to keep it under control.

    As to why JM's current wig is so dull, I suspect while hair and makeup may indeed hate JM, the wig is supposed to reflect Alicia's emotional slide, like the drinking.

  11. A couple of random observations:

    Don't know what's going on with Tracy, but I'm lusting after that sheer red/metallic top she wore today.

    And, what's with the Shriners Hospital plug. Hope it doesn't turn into an annual event. I get the need for the revenue product placement generates and had no objections to the Campbell's Heart Healthy episodes of the past. But, I really hate the idea of putting a child in harm's way every year just to plug the Shriners.

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