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TV Juriste

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  1. TV Juriste

    S01.E01: Pilot

    Probably an issue w/ makeup, lighting or both.
  2. Abraham said he would go along with Katrina's plan if she could return him to his human form. I'd have no problem with a "may your soul rest in peace and stop murdering people" type of thing. Well, as long as we get to keep the avatar. I absolutely think it's nuts to have a storyline about Karina returning him to human form, but those are the words they used. (Which means not all that much because as we've all noticed they change the ground rules a lot).
  3. WRT the contracts - the actors commit for the entire contract period, but the companies/networks have options to pick them up for the next season or not. Characters can be written off and depending on the actors' contract the actor may have to be paid out for episodes in which he/she didn't appear. One of the battles during contract negotiations is how many episodes the actor is guaranteed. The guarantee doesn't mean the character has to appear because that would impair creativity - it just means the actor will have to be paid. That's why I've cringed when I've seen Orlando show up for 2 minutes in a few episodes, because I'm sure he was guaranteed a minimum number of eps and so they used him as little as possible to satisfy the contract and avoid having to pay him for doing zero work.
  4. Well, if you're looking for reviews . . . there's a site I know about that just posted one . . .:D I like Halcyon's suspicion that they might "do a Dallas" and make season 2 all a dream or something. That would be cheesy, but at this point, whatever works to get us back on track in season 3.
  5. Yes, I agree without Moloch/Apocalypse it all feels a little aimless. We're just two people roaming around looking for monsters and stuff. Also, I am not a fan of this idea of turning Abraham into a human. That's lame. If Katrina is going to use a special spell to resurrect him (he said he would only go along with the deal to stop killing if she made him human), why couldn't she use that spell on someone a little more worthy? Frank, Corbin, Ghandi, MLK? I think the Jenny-Hawley and Frank scenes both were added in response to fan/critics complaints. (I think Frank was coming back, but not this soon). Those scenes just felt very choppy. I like the Orion character. I hope we see him again. Overall, I was a little board. But, I plan to be patient with it if it seems they are re-building/moving in the right direction. I think Crane is staying in the archives. I thought about that, too. The whole headless/not headless thing has gotten confusing.
  6. Seems like he escaped purgatory along with Orion and the rest of the purgatory refugees.
  7. I disagree. I think people are reacting to a few things #1 - the Katrina character is weak and boring. If a black actress played the character as currently written with similar mannerisms and vocal style, I don't think anyone would have a different reaction. She's just a really annoying character and the breathy thing is like nails on a chalkboard at this point. #2 - Katrina originally was a supporting character and the actress was not the lead. Part of the reaction to the current dynamic is that you have a supporting actress displacing the lead actress. Given the nature of Hollywood, I honestly cannot even imagine a situation where the lead female character, played by a white woman, has been given such a prominent role. That being said, I don't think FOC would expect, much less demand, a Black supporting actress to usurp the position of the White female lead. If you can think of an example of that dynamic occurring (Black supporting actress becoming more central to the storyline than the White female lead), please share. Sorry.
  8. I'm right there with you -- I'm obsessed with reading everything possible about Sleepy Hollow not even because of the show anymore. I'm trying to read between the lines of EVERYTHING to discern what might be going on behind the scenes. The show will be case study in terms of how to switch directions on a hit show, fan-writer/producer interaction, and (I sincerely hope) how a show in a sophomore slump reboots and rebounds in Season 3.
  9. I think it's interesting that the Fox promo refers to Ichabod as a bachelor . . . Really? Is he? But the biggest thing that struck me was that the promo featured Katrina and Jenny more prominently than Abbie.
  10. *Extended sigh* Well, I guess we all knew the next two episodes were written and filmed long before the outcry. I would have thought the PR team would at least try to find some pictures of Abbie alone OR try to avoid featuring the character fans/critics can't stand. I'll be very interested to see the ratings for these two episodes. As for the writers' joke - I've been trying so very hard to empathize with them. Trying to think how I would feel if my work had been subjected to public ridicule. Would I make that type of flippant joke? No, no I wouldn't. What a bizarre little team.
  11. All of her characters are cartoon versions that don't look too much like the real actors. They're not quite caricatures, but they're close. She certainly doesn't do "portrait" work like the artist we recently posted who prepared an incredible version of Stephen Colbert. The artist makes cartoons/pins/stuffed animals - https://www.etsy.com/shop/quietsnooze?ref=shopsection_shophome_leftnav. She graciously allowed TVJuriste to use the images on the site. Yes, Nicole is far more beautiful than the cartoon. The coloring doesn't seem to be too far off, though; Nicole is slightly lighter than Orlando and she has orange/yellow undertones whereas Orlando has olive undertones. (I was a fan of the dearly-missed Prescriptives makeup which taught me a bit about undertones). I dont' think there's anything political in the cartoons or an attempt to whitewash/lighten anyone. Frankly, her version of Ichabod is much paler version than Mison - http://www.tvjuriste.com/sleepy-hollow-recaps-insane-in-the-membrane-for-crane/.
  12. It's fan-created art. I take it you don't like it . . . Looks cute to me. :(
  13. A quiz to test your knowledge of Sleepy Hollow http://www.tvjuriste.com/how-well-do-you-know-sleepy-hollow/
  14. Any true Sleepy Head expert should be able to get the top score on this quiz - http://www.tvjuriste.com/how-well-do-you-know-sleepy-hollow/
  15. Excellent analysis. Here's what's interesting - time is exactly what they were given with the larger episode order.
  16. The scene is very dark. On the battlefield, when Abbie is injured Katrina uses magic to stop a demon in his tracks so that Jenny could help Abbie get to safety.
  17. I hear what you're saying . . . but, the better course of action in terms of PR strategy would be to emphasize something other than Katrina in these interviews. Goffman is making people not want to return on January 5th. I definitely felt more optimistic about what they had in store for us in the 2nd half of the season before I read these interviews describing a continuing focus on the Cranes' marriage and Katrina's adjustments to modernity. I certainly hope there is a lot of scrambling going on behind the scenes.
  18. That makes so much sense. The first time I started having doubts about the show was when they made the Headless Horseman someone connected to the Cranes. It just felt too petty.
  19. Did they ever explicitly say that witches/warlocks don't die unless they're murdered? I have been so confused about what rules of life/death/aging apply to them. If those are the rules governing SH, then there should be a LOT more witches around. The witnesses should be looking for other covens to help them. Or not, I guess. Sounds like the second half of the season will lose its sense of urgency. They're no longer trying to stop Moloch from rising. I'm so confused about why the show I started watching a season and a half ago has COMPLETELY changed into an entirely different show. Now they aren't even fighting an apocalypse. It's just a show about a bunch of time travelers and a cop with possible monsters of the week?
  20. I was hoping Frank's death would mean Orlando would have a bigger role in the second half of the season as the new Big Bad or as a Horseman. But this video makes me think, at best, we'll get a few limited appearances from purgatory. Not happy.
  21. Thank you! In a "buddy cop" type show you can't have one of the buddies caught up in some big love thing with a third party that gets any on-screen attention. You can show a spouse briefly, but that's it. It just doesn't work structurally.
  22. I agree with you and RiddleyWalker about everything, but I do want to disagree about one thing. There's no need for a POC to be hired on the show as a consultant. There are plenty of POC who are TV writers! In fact, there were two or three POC on the show in season 1, but they're no longer working on the show . . .
  23. You're right. In the pilot episode, Crane said he originally was a British soldier, but he had a change of heart and defected. The show has become very sloppy this season. I know there are a lot of new writers, but shouldn't they be required to master the basic foundational aspects of each character before writing a script?
  24. Thank you for giving me a new line, which I intend to start using - "I'm going with my own head canon."
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