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Everything posted by GirlyGeek

  1. I agree with this post. I am loving Damon's character so far this season. Maybe its because the writers are using Enzo as their bad boy/impulsive murderer and not keeping Damon in that character groove anymore (thank God!). They need to let him evolve, as the character has tried to over the last few seasons, but the writers kept dragging him backward. ugh I think it was perfectly in character for him to go after Elena, and to be mad that she chose to erase him. The scene in the rain, new to us, shows that they both promised forever. Now all we saw was drama, drama, and angst in the show, which is annoying, but its perfectly acceptable for him to *try* to get her back - and I DON'T see any groveling at all from Damon. I do love that Damon is taking a step back and now can focus on a mission- Bonnie. What's going to be interesting to see is this: as soon as Damon brings in the others to his desire to get Bonnie back (which I assume will be right away, at least Stefan and Ric), is Jo going to share/be upfront about who she is or is she going to hide it and not help? All Damon has to do is mention Kai, how evil he is/what he did to his family, his coven name, the year he was trapped in, etc, around Alaric and Jo and we'll get to see what her motives might be going forward based on how she reacts. I want to see everyone working together for Bonnie for once (and I was never a big Bonnie fan until this season). So it'd be nice to see Damon rally the troops, give everyone a purpose and bring them back to the same page. They've been so scattered all season and need to unite again. Jeremy will do the usual teenage fit of "you lied to us" blah blah, but will be on board :) And I'm interested in everyone's reaction to Damon and Bonnie's new connection/friendship. Should be fun.
  2. Yes, I see this too, though I can't figure out Stefan right now. I've never been a big Stefan fan (honestly, loved Damon from day 1, good/bad, rampages, and all) but I at least could resonate somewhat with his character and direction most of the time. He just seems so off this season to me. He is walking the darker side, though not in any kind of overt way, and Damon has softened up quite a bit. I think Stefan never got much of a chance with me because Stefan and Elena gave me the Buffy/Angel heebie jeebies. Just as with Angel, I like Stefan much more now on his own/away from the main female protagonist. Its strange to see the shift in their two characters and motivations, but I like that its happening. I just wish I could see what Stefan's role is right now a little more clearly.
  3. Shockingly loving this season. After the meh of last year, I'm a little surprised. I like Jo and I like her and Alaric (always love Alaric, so that's not changed). Her connection to Kai (and the whole Gemini coven thing) will be the interesting plot this year and I'm interested to see it. I DO NOT want Jo to be evil... or die... please. Otherwise Jeremy and Ric are going to need a support group, not Jo and Ric. Too many dead/evil wives/girlfriends. Give the guy a break! LOVED the Damon and Alaric scene at the beginning. I was craving a nice friend scene since last week failed in that area. It was cute, Damon 'playing Dr' and pushing buttons and unhooking Ric's wires. LOL And good on the writer's for acknowledging Damon's unsavory past. We the viewers know its there, talking around it would be worthless and wouldn't ring true at all. While I, previously, couldn't wait for caroline and Stefan to get together, why is Stefan being so dumb this year? Its not just the absolutely bored looks PW is throwing out, its also how he's being written. I don't get it. This should be a GREAT time for his character now that he's in a good place with Elena, Damon is back, he's not ripping people's throats out... I don't understand his character's complete lack of insight (and the pure boredom he's portraying in every scene). I like Kai. I am loving Bonnie (which is new for me- she's never been a favorite for me). Loving Damon (nothing new there) but I really, really hope we get less faux drama (you deserve better, blah blah) and that he continues to be this 'new' Damon. Liking his character development. Last season pissed me off, what with the writers pulling Damon back to season 1/2 mode just to serve the plot. Totally uncharacteristic of where he was at that point in time and just made him and Elena look foolish. ugh, I'm apparantly not over it :) I've never felt real strongly about Elena one way or another. She doesn't grate on my nerves as some people here have expressed, and I get where she's at right now and I think she's playing it honestly and true to what her character has knowledge of. I love that she *wanted* to find answers (and that they didn't go too far with Damon trying to force memories that weren't there), and her throwing herself across the border to try and remember was great too. I can see how this back and forth will get obnoxious since we all know its heading to her getting her memories back eventually, so I hope it doesn't drag out. LOVE Damon finding the bear and hugging it. I cannot wait for him to go on mission: find Bonnie. Though I keep picturing him running to the group, holding the stuffed bear, and trying to convince everyone the bear means that Bonnie is alive... in 1994. He might get some funny looks. I've never once cared about Bonnie and Damon (other than liking their banter and the weird respect thing between them, sometimes), but their friendship this season has been awesome and I like that we'll get to see him planning a way to save her. I also like that it will give memory-challenged Elena a way to see Damon in action, being the hero, without him pursuing her. I assume she won't get her memories back until Bonnie is back to help her...? Or, as others have mentioned here, that the memories are creeping in, probably not all of them, but enough to keep her wanting more. For the first time in awhile, I'm interested again! Don't screw it up, TVD...
  4. I'm new here! Twop transplant I may be in the minority, but I really enjoyed damon in this episode and, while I always have been a Damon fan, I'm finding him so likeable this season. Besides the epic brotherly awesomeness from last week (and continued a bit this week), I loved the scene of him and Elena through the door. He was sweet, soft, and not pushing himself on her. The phone call to Bonnie was amazing and much needed after their time in the 90s (which I SO miss!). I'll admit to being a little bummed with Damon and Alaric reunion scene.. Just wanted something more there. But I found myself tensed up during that scene, waiting for damon to pounce on Ric, break his neck or something for compelling (and refusing to uncompel) Elena... And then he didn't! Sadly, it's character growth for him, lol. After the Damon character travesty of last season, all I want is for the writers to let him be this newish person we've seen (different with Bonnie, different in a way with Elena, letting Jeremy down easy, etc). The writers butchered his progress last season by pulling his character backward, back to season 1 or 2 just to serve the plot. Annoying I do, however, agree that if he doesn't start looking for Bonnie ASAP it's just not believable. Idk why he's assuming she's dead! That's a head scratcher, as well as Alaric not being a vampire anymore but Elena not getting her memories back... Huh? I don't get it. it's the writers playing fast and loose with mythology and rules. I can hand wave a lot, but honestly my hand's gonna get tired!
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