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Jessie Q

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108 Excellent
  1. That was 5 minutes of bloviating that amounted to nothing... Joe: "I understand the anger and the rage police officers are feeling after being assaulted over the past four months." Too bad the black community can't relate. Oh wait... Of course, four months doesn't exactly compare to 100+ years, does it, Joe? All situations of intolerance are wrong. But let's not canonize one group and demonize another, Joe.
  2. MJ has made it pretty clear that there is no intellectual bar to host let alone be a mere guest.
  3. If I downed a shot every time Joe said "As I've said from the very beginning..." I'd be too drunk to get out of bed in the morning. Wouldn't put it past Joe if he sat in his bedroom at night and said aloud every possible angle of a news story via cell phone to Mika just so he can feel justified when he boasts about being a visionary truth-cannon.
  4. "I watch Parenthood" "Kristina and Adam Braverman are my parents" and "I'm a student at Snowflake Academy" would have to rank right up there...
  5. They are all genuine idiots?!
  6. Whenever Joe talks about his love of the Replacements, it makes me sad because I also loved the Replacements in college. I was a Young Republican in college & am only 7 years younger than Joe. It's just too close for comfort...
  7. For $30 an hour, I definitely think Jasmine will be doing some type of dancing.
  8. Dennah (?) and Gil are just not working for me. Dennah seems like a bland 90s throwback supporting sitcom character (I can see her on Mad About You, Caroline in the City, etc.). And I keep thinking Gil is gay so get confused when there are storylines involving him and women.
  9. If memory serves, I believe the original credit belongs to "I Love Lucy."
  10. Well, we all know he doesn't have a pot to piss in so...
  11. It seems like Theresa has been going overboard on the tanning (fake or otherwise), as if she's doing as much of it as possible prior to her incarceration. If anything, she should have been laying off because there is going to be such a marked difference between her present Oompa Loompa skin color and whatever her post-release natural skin color is. She's starting to remind me of that tanorexic mother who was arrested a few years ago.
  12. Here's an article from a few years ago describing the status of meals in California's charter schools: http://articles.latimes.com/2011/jan/01/local/la-me-0101-charter-food-20110101. According to the article, "Mealtime is more complicated at the more than 900 publicly financed charter schools in California. Unlike traditional campuses that must follow state nutrition regulations for schools, charters can make independent decisions about what's for lunch. Some charter schools told the state that they provide an alternative meals program without government funding. Even with access to government funding, other charter schools report that they do not have the resources to feed students on campus or to comply with the numerous food safety, nutrition and administrative requirements to participate in federal meal programs." Two years ago, a bill was introduced that would have required CA charter schools to offer free/reduced lunch to low income students but it was vetoed by the governor ("Pupil nutrition is profoundly important, but so also is the fundamental premise of charter schools that they be free from large portions of the voluminous state Education Code. I am reluctant to erode the independence and flexibility that have well served the families and teachers who choose charter schools."). Me too but I hope it involves Max being devoured by his neglected dog.
  13. "I want to know how an ex-felon becomes a security guard." The same way a former addict becomes an AODA counselor or a convicted computer hacker becomes a cyber-crime expert for the government. I'm kidding, I think... It's a crazy, mixed up world. I swear I just heard Mika say this about the hiring options prior to Pierson being named head of Secret Service: "There were three options: an African American, a man, and a woman."
  14. "Is it confirmed that there will be a death this season? As I was reading all the posts about red herrings (and I agree, Zeke has to be one if someone is definitely going to die), my first thought was Amber dying in childbirth or Christina's cancer coming back and I see someone has mentioned both. Oh, the possibilities. It'll SUCK if it's Camille, hasn't she suffered enough? I actually wouldn't care if they killed off Christina. Is that bad?" I still have my fingers crossed that Max meets his Maker in a tragic Skittles vending machine "accident."
  15. If you were married to Rich, wouldn't you want to have as much square footage as possible to put between you and that idiot? Hell, I'd be including panic rooms and secret passageways in the blueprints.
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