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Posts posted by GSMHvisitor

  1. 15 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

    I’m starting to wonder if this could finally be the end of Owen and he’ll leave at the end of this season. I feel that they’ve really exhausted all potential storylines for him at this point. 

    Never! They will make up another sister or a dead wife or secret lovechild or make his PTSD return or come up with something else. KMK is also directing and for whatever reason the writers of the show really love Owen. He is everywhere and I'm so beyond sick and tired of him. I can't take another season like this where they keep catering to the most horrible man on the show over and over again, but I don't believe Owen is going anywhere ever.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 5
  2. 4 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

    And what a waste of Lindsey Wagner! She just sat there and knitted and had about 5 lines of dialog. Unless something juicy is going to happen on the trip back.

    No it won't. That trip home happens off screen like most things connected to Alex (remember when his brother was diagnosed with the same mental illness like his mother and Alex drove to Iowa to take care of things and we never saw a second of that on screen? - Speakkng of his brother, how is he?? You'd think the dire circumstances when he was last mentioned 8!!! seasons ago, would be worth it to give us an update on him. But he's Alex's brother and TPTB don't give a crap about Alex's story and it shows.)

    Anyways, Lindsay Wagner won't be in next week's episode. So we can officially say that story (if you can even call it that) was a complete waste.

    • Love 5
  3. So that was it for Alex's story with his mother? What a giant joke. They didn't have a single talk about something important (Aaron, Amber, maybe their father, how they feel about the fact they missed so much of each other's live etc...). It was basically - she came, she was there, she went. Apparently the only purpose the writers had intended for that story was for Helen to nudge Jo and Alex to start making babies. Great. And this was her last episode and she shared her only scene with Bailey? Alex and his mom didn't even have one line of dialogue and their only conversation happened off-screen?? Are you freaking kidding me? My expectations weren't very high, but the writers still managed to disappoint me. It's almost fascinating.

    Enough already with Amelia and Owen! Now they're separated, but the writers still shove them down our throats. The blatant favourism is so infuriating. And I don't even understanding what they see in Owen anymore. They've ruined him with their own writing. I can't stand him anymore.

    • Love 19
  4. 1 hour ago, Pallas said:

    Two major networks. Two heart-pounding, heart-warming dramas. One unforgettable moment in broadcast history.  This Is Us and Gray's Anatomy. The crossover event.

    Join us next Tuesday and Thursday nights, when Brooke meets Bec

    That's exactly what I was thinking. I bet it will turn out Jo is really a Pearson lol

    • LOL 2
  5. 4 hours ago, BaseOps said:

    Yea, I've enjoyed the moments they've been given so far this season, but I wish we'd have seen a bit more of a surgical storyline for Jo. Last year we finally saw them really develop her as a great surgeon, but we haven't seen much follow-through this year. I like Alex as chief, I like his mom showing up, I love that he's happy... but Jo has felt a bit absent in the larger sense. 

    I would argue that Alex doesn't have a lot going on himself. Sure he is chief and he seems to actually like it, but what have we actually see him do in that position in the last 10 episodes, besides wandering the halls looking busily at his ipad and being reprimanded by Bailey? From ep. 15x09 to 15x13 he barely had any screentime whatsoever.

    I like that his mom is here, but what are the, even doing with that? What's the purpose of having her around? Just to nudge Jo and Alex to start making babies? So far I'm a bit let down by her visit. It's not an actual storyline, she's just there. The very least I expected was for her and Alex to have real talks about big and important things, like Alex's siblings (how and what they're doing, is Alex even in touch with them?), possibly a talk about his father, the past, and how much they've missed of each others' lives. Just something that goes a little deeper than Helen taking apart a doorknob for Alex. I did like that conversation, but I'm desperate for something with a little more substance for Alex.

    • Love 6
  6. 6 hours ago, Quark said:

    There is far too much focus on Owen and Amelia, although it looks like this Betty/Leo madness is now at an end.

    Yes! Faaar too much. The writers favour them constantly and at this point I'm sure it will never end.

    • Love 2
  7. I gotta say, that was prettty lame for a mile stone episode.

    Until now I was pretty indifferent about Maggie, but I might have to start to actively dislike her. What is up with her constant whining? They're really overdoing it with her annoying and immature behaviour at this point. I get that she's upset about that bully and her article, but why does she have to bring that to a freaking party and annoy everyone with it? I get holding grudges against school bullies, but that's between me and myself and I certainly wouldn't whine to other people about it, not even close ones. I guess the writing for Maggie is supposed to be sympathetic, but all I thought was, "Shut up, Maggie."

    Owen was even worse. Are we still supposed to like him, root for him, feel for him? Cause as far as I'm concerned they've completely ruined his character. I might actually hate him at this point. He's become so insufferable. The whole episode he was a complete douchebag. From the way he treated Amelia, to the way he thought he had any right at all to intervene in Teddy's love life to the way he verbally attacked Koracik. He had that punch coming and I cheered for Koracik when he did it. I hope Amelia dumps his sorry ass. I'm still annoyed that she is everywhere and gets so much focus, because the writers play favourites, but as a character she's fine and she certainly deserves better than Owen.

    Still not feeling the Meredith/DeLuca thing. Still wish it would just stop. But now that Daddy DeLuca turned up we can be sure it won't end anytime soon.

    I'm glad Alex finally has a storyline now that his mom turned up, but the way they introduced it makes me very wary. I'm glad that Helen seems to be fine and that her schizophrenia isn't really back, but it bothered me greatly that, by the end of the episode, we still had no clue or direction where this story would go. For all I know it's really just a regular visit and next episode Helen will go sightseeing or shopping with Jo, while Alex does some doctoring at the clinic. I wouldn't put it past the writers to give Alex a non-storyline.

    • Love 10
  8. 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I have to chuckle a bit at this interview because, for me, it boils down to: Giacomo seeing MerLuca having a friendship-type chemistry with Ellen, and Ellen having fun with the storyline, but neither actor really truly advocating for the romance part of it. I'm sure it's a blast for them to play, but I don't think either actor is taking the romance seriously. Unfortunately, I think Krista is seeing this relationship lasting as long as Jaggie is....though maybe I'm wrong.

    Oh boy. Maybe that's also why it's absolutely not working on-screen. Not even the actors take it seriously. They're having fun with it perhaps, but none of their scenes give me any actual passion or romantic investment. I'm just wondering do none of the writers see that? Not a single one??

    • Love 11
  9. 1 hour ago, Racj82 said:

    also don't and have not cared about how much screentime Alex and Meredith or any of the OG's get for a long time. They've been doing this show for nearly 20 years. Although I do love them, they are coasting and making that money. Their stories have been explored for fifteen years. They don't actually need the spotlight anymore. It's shocking enough that they are still there.

    I don't care about the other OGs screentime (or lack thereof) either. Hell, make that 75% of all the characters actually.

    But Alex is literally the only character I still care about. He's the sole reason I still watch this show. So of course I want him to have screentime.

    There might be several characters who have no more stories left to explore, but I strongly disagree that Alex is one of them. There are several things I want to see for him.

    How about a real professional story? Some people upthread have already pointed out that he should be more ambitious than being satisfied with a temporary chief position while others are getting awards and breaking records. No to mention that they barely do anything with the chief thing besides mentioning the fact that he is. Last year they had this long medical inovation story and Alex wasn't even part of it. He just spent several episodes coddling a dying kid, which turned out to be a completely pointless story as the kid left without a goodbye and died off-screen.

    I also would like to have his relationship with his mother be further explored. Hopefully we will get that in the upcoming episodes.

    They could bring in his sister Amber as a new intern/resident. Apparently everybody's sister can appear as a doctor on this show, but with Alex's they act like she doesn't even exist. I've been complaining about this for years, but it still bothers me. And it would be such a great opportunity to explore Alex's character from a different angle. We've been hearing the sad stories about his difficult childhood and how he got screwed over in the parent department for years. If they brought in his sister, whom he left when she was only 10 years old and then left again as a teenager after she was attacked by her other brother, they could do a story about how Alex hurt his family too, not just the other way around. I would find that  interesting, anyways.

    And then there's the usual. They could show us how he and Jo build a family and have them become parents. Throw in something that creates drama like a post partem depression and it would surely make for an interesting story.

    • Love 6
  10. The writing for Alex and Jo is really off this season. For one, they barely are in most episodes and haven't had a single story arc, be it together or individually. Often their dialogue is weird ("Thanks for marrying me." - "You're welcome." ????) and their scenes are pointless or make no sense (the entire 2nd honeymoon - what the hell was that?).

    And they've become generally so mellow as a couple it's not interesting to watch. Sadly tonight's episode highlighted that even more. I'm glad they had more screentime in this episode and had actually something real going on for the first time in ages, but it turned out to be very "meh".

    I've always liked that Jo understands Alex so well and just accepts him the way he is, but seriously, I don't need her to be the perfect Alex whisperer all the freaking time and know his every thought and feeling right away. To me it's becoming a case of "too much of a good thing can be a bad thing". I thought they would make Jo defend the woman to Alex and create a bit of friction for once. But no such luck. It's great that Jo understands Alex's history so well, but she could have acknowledged that and still pointed out that Alex's reaction was harsh. Everything always gets wrapped up so neatly with those two. Maybe I should find it sweet, but I just find it boring. I just want to see some real emotions again.

    Plus Jo has become waaay too upbeat and bubbly for my liking. Some may say it's development, because she's finally free, but it's too much for me. She used to have a bit of an edge in the earlier seasons. I miss that.

    Justin seems just tired and it feels like he's phoning it in. I guess I can't blame him, considering the writers barely give him anything to do, but it creates such an imbalance in the Jolex scenes, when one of the actors isn't fully invested. It always looks to me like Jo is much more in love with Alex than he is with her, even with ILYs being tossed around.

    I don't have much to say about the rest of the episode. I don't care about Amelia, Owen, Teddy or Betty and any of their drama. I am endlessly annoyed with Contacts and his Ortho fellow boyfriend. I hate that they are being shoved down our throat so much. They have no connection to any of the established characters and are just unnecessary screentime hoarders to me.

    Surprisingly, I found myself really missing Link last week, so I was glad to see him back this week. He can stay. I like his character. I still hate the idea of Meredith & DeLuca, but - Lord help me - that last scene with Meredith sleeping on the gurney was sweet. Still hoping for this story to end asap, though. I liked the hobo patient and that's it.

    • Love 13
  11. So they really had to shoehorn in not one, but two scenes of Teddy to get her relationship with Koracik going? Seriously? Like someone said up-thread, they couldn't be any more obvious about where this is going. God, I've come to really dislike her. And I don't get it, why would any guy, much less Tom Koracik, bf interested in a woman who just got pregnant from a different man?

    This episode did nothing for me, but I liked the Meredith & Thatcher plot enough.

    All in all I still find it upsetting that guest characters like Catherine, Koracik and Glasses get more meaningful material than Alex, who is an OG. Seriously, what has he done all season? Nothing significant whatsoever. The last episode I enjoyed for him was 15x04. To think he'd get an entire centric or even just half of a centric is impossible.

    • Love 5
  12. So this was better than last week I guess. If only for the fact that I actually enjoyed 1.5 storylines this time.

    I'm liking Link more and more. I like his laid-back attitude and he's fun and I find him all around enjoyable. I can see him with Meredith way more than DeLuca and I say that as someone who likes DeLuca. Link with little Bailey was very cute, even if it was just a quick moment. I also liked how he sat and talked with Meredith after the party. They looked very comfortable with each other.

    Back to DeLuca: I really liked that he got to shine as a surgeon this time. IIRC they've reduced him to a love interest in most episodes since he's joined the show, so it's refreshing they're letting him step up as a surgeon.

    Is it just me or does recurring character Catherine Avery... pardon me, Catherine Fox of course, have more of a story than OG Alex Karev? Frankly I'm tired of this crap. He gets some scenes here any there, sometimes they're even good, but there's nothing I could remotedly call a storyline. Why is it that no matter who runs this show and who the writers are, there never seems to be anyone who advocates for Alex to get a storyline? Jo's situation is not much better, her inovation fellowship story has been MIA for a while now, but with her I have more hope that a story might show up on the horizon eventually, not professionally, but hopefully a personal one.

    I have zero interest in anything Maggie, Jackson, Glasses and HAOG. And even less so in Teddy, Amelia or Owen and of course those 3 are the characters the writers have to hit us over the head with over and over. Can they take a backseat already? Not just because they annoy me, but because there are other characters who haven't had the spotlight in quite a while *cough*Alex&Jo*cough*.

    In my opinion Teddy doesn't fit into the show anymore. Owen was such an idiot this episode. He was obviously quite sick, but of course he refuses to go home. I was not sorry when he was knocked out. He only had himself to blame  for that.

    • Love 12
  13. It's fascinating that Grey's can still come up with new ways to disappoint me after all these years. As an Alex and Jo fan the cards were staked against me in this episode. I knew that going in. Since their story in the MSF was so insignificant, I figured there'd probably be very little of them in this episode.

    So I was left with lots of characters I don't care about and a few I do care about who are trapped in a stupid story. I am interested in Meredith's story, but not in this stupid love triangle. This episode capitalized on the DeLuca part of the triangle and that's too bad, because I just can't see them together, least of all in the long run. I could see Meredith with Link - more than with Andrew anyways - but the one person who suits her best IMO is Koracick. And that's too bad, because according to Krista Vernoff he is not an option. I like both, Andrew and Link as individual characters, but I want other and better stories for them.

    Generally, think the characters have become much more likable again since KV became showrunner - I pretty much disliked Meredith from s11-13 and Krista made me like her again. But her choices in storytelling make me scratch my head. We have 2 major love triangles which have been dragging on for a while and they're both annoying and it doesn't look like we'll get to move on from either of them soon.

    I'm also annoyed with the Levi/Nico story. I have zero interest in them and I see no chemistry, but Krista just said in an interview they are her favourites, so I expect them to be featured even more prominently in the future.

    I liked Richard looking after Betty, so I guess that's something. Looks like we've seen the last of her for a while, since she's going to rehab.

    I hope interesting stories will start for Alex and Jo soon. What they gave them in the first half wasn't exactly intriguing.

    • Love 10
  14. 6 minutes ago, Marley said:

    No they actually barely had any screentime. They couldn’t make it to work and decided to have a second honeymoon in their apartment.Then they discovered they never sent in their marriage licence but I don’t know if anything else was said about that.

    In the end they decided they are returning all their wedding gifts for the money and will buy a new tv. Even tho I’m sure Alex can afford a tv at this point in his career lol. Well Jo too I’m sure.

    Thank you!

    WTF, though?? That sounds like utter nonsense! And they got a press release mention for that?

    As a Jolex fan I find this really annoying. Can their stories and interactions be deeper than a puddle just for once?

    • Love 2
  15. I am stuck in a train for unknown time right now, can anybody who watched the Canadian airing spoil what exactly was going on with Alex and Jo? Surely there had to be more than just fluff and fun at the loft? Or at least I hope so?? Did they get some sort of cliffhanger at least?

  16. 2 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

    I think the issue with the chemistry is coming form Kevin not Zoe. I think the problem is his acting skills, not the actual chemistry. He is just not "acting" that really into her. She is so gorgeous, and does not seem like she is going to "destroy" Kevin so I am not sure what the problem is. There is no romantic edge. He acts with her the same way he interacts with his sister, Kate. kevin's eyes are blank. His face is expressionless. 

    I love Kevin, I love Justin Hartley, but I would lie if I said I hadn't noticed this as well. The thing is, Justin can do it. I've watched some stuff of his and he can be very good at making the heart eyes. In fact he did that with Sophie pretty well. It's what sold me on them in the end, even though the writers only did the bare minimum with them. But the way he played those scenes made me believe that he loves and loved this woman for decades. Maybe this is a bad example, since most people weren't so keen on that relationship. But for me it worked, even though they got waaay too little focus.

    • Love 4
  17. 4 hours ago, Kira53 said:

    Milo and Mandy have such great chemistry but I have to say it again that Kevin and Zoe have no chemistry that I can see.

    Couldn't agree more about Kevin and Zoe. There is no chemistry whatsoever. The weird thing is they had the actors do a chemistry read together before the actress was cast. Did nobody pick up that it's not working? Just because they're both pretty people doesn't mean they also work well in front of the camera.

    • Love 5
  18. 1 hour ago, Biggie B said:

    Hot Asian Ortho God, I think.


    1 hour ago, Joana said:

    Hot Asian Ortho God. Someone (NUguy514?) called him that when he first appeared because the show never bothered to introduce him by his name and we needed a way to address him, so it's stuck. I like it. :D

    I've seen since that his name is Nico, but has anyone on the show actually called him that? Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention. 

    Oh thanks guys. I actually thought it was some much used acronym like MILF or BAMF and I just didn't know it lool.

  19. I liked this one much better than last week. I still don't care about 75% of those characters, but Alex didn't have a dumb story this time and that always helps.

    I wish I cared about Maggie and/or Jackson, but I'm not even entirely sure what their plot was. I think I zoned out when they appeared. I did appreciate seeing Maggie still grieve for her mother, though. Like someone pointed out up-thread, that's a nice piece of continuity.

    I also do not care about the Owen, Amelia and Betty story. I was interested last season, but it's getting tedious and a bit repetitive. Betty ran away last season, she almost ran away last week and she ran away again this week. Where is this going? I want some sort of resolution already. And Owen and Amelia aren't even working anymore, they're all about Betty. Throw Teddy into the mix and I care even less about that entire story.

    Another thing I have no interest in is the Ortho fellow and Glasses. It's so obvious they're gonna happen eventually and I find the way they're writing this story boring. And as hot as the Ortho fellow is, we know nothing about him, so it's hard for me to get invested in his love life. I do actually like Glasses for his quirkiness, but I don't think I like him in this story.

    I'm starting to really like Link. Look-wise the actor is not my thing, but I find the character like- and enjoyable.  I like that we're pretty consistently seeing his friendship with Jo and I hope it stays that way. Though I am not super invested in his courtship towards Meredith, I wouldn't mind if they went there.

    The little Mexican patient has an excellent taste in guys. DeLuca is a hottie and her crush on him was cute and totally relatable.

    Surprisingly I'm liking Meredith this season and I like the dating story. I find it a little hard to believe that DeLuca's crush on her would be so persistent, but whatever. I'm still leaning more towards Link - or even better yet - Koracick. The callback to the friends and family she's lost was touching. The CGI made me cringe, but I was still moved. Also loved the Spanish version of Chasing Cars they used. I'm inclined to say this song is overplayed on this show, but apparently it can still get me.

    Jo and Alex were fun and cute like they have been for the entire season so far. I'm still enjoying smiling and in-love Alex immensely. I loved their last scene in the office especially. But at this point I'm also more than ready for Jolex to get a meatier story. I hope the midseason finale will start one for them. It's high time.

    • Love 11
  20. 3 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

    Oh, one other thing that bothered me: how is it possible that Jo and Linc were undergrads at the same time?  Even if he were a senior when she was a freshman – which it doesn't sound like is the case since they seem to have more than a year-long friendship – it still doesn't work for me.  He's clearly significantly older than she (Chris Carmack reads way older than Camilla Luddington) and is clearly much further along in his career if he was the ortho god for the Mariners for however many years and Jo just finished her residency.  Ugh, this show...I clearly put more thought into this than the writers did.


    I took it Jo was an undergrad when they started waiting tables together. He could easily have been further along in his education at that time. I didn't necessarily get the impression they went to school together.

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