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Posts posted by GSMHvisitor

  1. Does anybody know anything about present day Kevin's role in the finale? We got at least a hint about everybody else, but absolutely nothing on Kevin. If dead old Jack has more going on than Kevin, I'm gonna be annoyed. I need him to be more than just a support for Kate. It's the finale after all.

    There was some sort of official screeing of the finale today that Milo, Mandy and Justin attended. Did anybody from this board happen to be there?

  2. On 27.2.2018 at 1:45 AM, Lady Calypso said:

    Each Pearson is so incredibly selfish and they're also something else. For Randall, that something else is condescending or maybe pretentious. He showed that in the therapy session. In that moment, he was not just selfish, but thinking that he was better than Kevin. Yes, Kevin can be completely selfish, but I think Randall's words about not thinking Kevin is an addict will come to bite him. He hasn't taken back those words, and I truly believe that he meant what he said. 

    But it also makes sense, because he hasn't really gotten the chance to really see Kevin struggle. So, for me, I know that Randall's words from therapy are going to make a comeback. It's just a matter of when and in what form.

    That is an interesting thought. It actually bothered me a lot that Randall's cruel words were never rectified. How do you think it will come back to bite him? Directly in connection with Kevin? Like Kevin will relapse or seriously struggle and Randall will see it first hand and be devastated?

  3. The contract situation would be interesting to me too. I've seen some things floating around on twitter that definitely sounded like they're contracts were up and simply weren't renewed.

    It still pisses me off though, because somehow I always thought if there's one thing the actors who have been on the show for a long time can count on, is that TPTB will make sure that they can stay there as long as they want too. There are so many characters who are not very interesting anymore. Bailey hasn't done much for me since around s6. Richard has had long phases without proper stories. Same for Alex. Yet they are still there. I know now they are kind of valued, because they are originals. But I wonder why they weren't written out around s8.

    Anyways, I always stupidly thought TPTB are just very loyal to their longtime actors.  And what makes it worse is that it sounds like the show won't go on for more than 2 years anyways. That's not set in stone of course but Ellen said she's probably do two more seasons and then be done in a recent interview. And I don't find it okay that Sarah and Jessica who loved their jobs are not allowed to stick around until the end of the show, which can't be that far away anymore.

    I know at the end of the day it's just a business and if the network doesn't want to give more money, cuts have to be made. But I'm still disappointed that they didn't find another way. All that talk about how Shondaland is one big amazing family turns out to mean nothing anymore. But when I think back to how T.R. Knight and the actor who played Pete on Private Practice were treated, it probably was never worth much anyways.

    • Love 4
  4. I call bull on the reason Vernoff gave for letting those two go. No more stories to tell? Please! Especially April is more interesting right now than she has been in years. And I'm certain there are stories to tell with Arizona too. I for one would have liked to find out more about her relationship with her dead brother. Her background was never really explored.

    Idk what they're thinking good storytelling is. Certainly not what they're doing with Jaggie and also not what they're doing with Jolex. Their story could have been meaningful, but it was only as deep as a puddle.

    • Love 13
  5. My unpopular opinion for today is that I hate how they're showcasing old ghost Jack in the promo. How they announce him as a special guest and all. Seriously is that necessary? The man is DEAD.

    I'm not even that big of a Kate fan, but shouldn't she be the star of this episode? How much will we actually see Jack? Will he outshine Kate even if it's her wedding? I fear the worst. Plus I don't find the interactions between him and Rebecca cute at all. People are swooning over it on twitter, but I'm already annoyed with it! I don't need that lovey-dovey stuff between Rebecca and a the imagination of a dead guy. (Also Poor Miguel.) Whose fantasy is it anyways? It better not be Rebecca's. But if it is Kate's, why would she imagine a dialogue between her mother and her dead father? I'd think she'd just imagine him standing there and smiling lovingly at his daughter as she gets married. This whole thing screams fan service. The writers know how much people love Jack and so they make his part in this bigger than it should be. And it's a real pity. Bc if we'd see Jack (preferably as Kate remembers him and not aged) smiling at Kate quietly I think it would be a very touching moment and I would have liked it. But why have him speak and even interact with Rebecca? Maybe it makes sense once we see the episode, but I doubt it.

    Jack had like a quarter of the whole promo. The other quarter was Kate and then that new show Rise had practically the back half, so we have no clue what/if the others have anything going on as well.

    Will Jack ever take a backseat for a bit like every other character on that show had to at one point? I really wish he would.

    • Love 9
  6. 6 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

    Yes, he did, and no, he wasn't.

    Oh but he was. His name was Shooter and he was the younger one of the 2 black guys. It was easy to miss, because literally all those guys were bold, but he was definitely there. I even saw a tweet from the actor pop up on my twitter when the episode aired.

    • Love 1
  7. What I want to see is context for Kevin and Sophie's relationship. I doubt we'll actually see how they met, the kid actors are growing up fast after all. But I want to see more of them as teenagers. I want to see how Sophie supported Kevin after Jack died. I want to see how Kevin decided to go to New York with her. And I want Sophie to become a more fleshed out character. There's gotta be more to her than being Kevin's pretty (ex) girlfriend/wife/teenage love. And if Sophie comes back in the present day story (which I hope for) I want the writers to actually write them a nice love story this time, not a rushed one like in s1.

    • Love 3
  8. 2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    It's been hinted many times that Kevin took off shortly after graduation. He married Sophie right out of high school and presumably moved to New York. I imagine, the months even leading up to graduation, Kevin probably avoided being around his family and likely spent all of his time with Sophie.

    That's how I interpreted the bits and pieces we got about post-Jack's-death Kevin too. And I agree with the previous poster that I'd rather see that confirmed and explored than Deja's story. Whether Sophie comes back or not (and I might be in the minority who thinks and hopes she does), I really need the writers to show more of her relationship with Kevin in the past. The poor girl doesn't even get lines as a teenager, but I'm actually interested in the Kevin/Sophie dynamic. She's supposed to be the love of his life, but I want to see why.

    • Love 7
  9. 12 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    It's a bit weird that Beth flew all the way from NJ to Vegas for the bachelorette party when we've never even seen her interact with Kate. Not even a brief girl chat when Kate came to their house for the holidays.

    On a shallow note, I love Kate's/Chrissy's styling in the picture! I hope the show can let her have one night of fun without any "I killed my dad" angst.

    Didn't Beth and Kate at least exchange a few lines in that Thanksgiving (or was it Christmas?) episode where everybody was invited to Randall's and Kate and Toby had sex and Beth sort of teased them about it? It's not much to warrant a bachelorette invit, but at least it's not like Kate and Beth have never exchanged words. Then there's Madison of course, who can definitely be considered Kate's friend at this point. And I'm pretty sure that other blonde woman is that lady from Kate's fat support group who she once called a litterer. So that makes only 2 new friends of Kate's we haven't seen before. It's good enough for me.

    • Love 1
  10. 1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

    Yeah the pic screams "giving" her away.

    If this is what it is, I would hate it. I don't think Jack should have this big of a spotlight during Rebecca's and Miguel's wedding. Even if Jack is just "giving" Rebecca away in her imagination, I don't think the bride should laugh and look at another man like this at her wedding day. I mean, poor Miguel! Is he gonna be outshined by Jack even on his wedding? I really hope the pics not from Rebecca's and Miguel's wedding. Although her white dress is really confusing.

    • Love 6
  11. So basically 2nd to last!!! episode is gonna be a Deja centric? I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in that at all. I liked Deja. But I liked her as a side character whose time on the show was limited. This show really does have a talent of making me fed up with side characters I previously liked by simply overdoing it.

    If Kevin and Kate are not in that episode I'm gonna be really pissed. I'm here for the big 3 and this season already had enough episodes that didn't further their present day plots. Why add another one so close to the end of the season?

    • Love 2
  12. 3 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

    My problem with that scene is that Randall acted like Kevin was making it up and he was just as attended to as everyone else. Bitch, you knew full well that Rebecca didn't give a shit about Kevin because she was fawning over you. You even taunted Kevin about that to punish him for not being a good brother!

    You forget Randall deciding that "foster" meant "adoption" and that he knew better than the social worker.

    Completely agree with this post. I absolutely hated the way Randall dismissed Kevin's addiction. And the apology at the bench did not make up for it IMO, because that was entirely about their childhood situation. I suppose we are to believe Randall has realized Kevin's struggles by now, but I really wish we'd gotten a scene ON screen where Randall acknowledged it.

    That bein said, when did he taunt Kevin about their mother? I don't exactly remember that?

    • Love 3
  13. 15 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

    Kevin has not been helpful at all. As Randall said during their argument Kevin wasn't home...again. I get that Kevin is a grieving 17-year-old, but when do we hold him accountable for being an asshole. He treats his family like his entourage and he's 20 years from fame. Kevin has treated Randall badly all their lives so while I get that he's grieving too if you spend all your time shunning any affection offered you, eventually people will stop offering.

    I have to rewatch but there's a scene in this episode where Kevin actually pulls away from Rebecca. I love adult Kevin, but Teen Kevin can suck it.

    I do not remember such a scene, so if you find it, please point me towards it.

    • Love 1
  14. 22 hours ago, SL16 said:

    Well, Grey's Anatomy, you have finally done it. I can no longer stand to be preached at every time I tune in to watch. I have officially removed you from my DVR. Good riddance!

    I feel similar. I will keep watching, cause I'm stupidly attached to the characters (well only 1 character at this point), but I hate how they beat us over the head with all those social issues they feel the need to address. Of course Grey's has always done that to a certain degree, but it's becoming unbearable.

    Especially because it seems to me Raising Awareness™ has become the top priority and it's not actually about telling character stories that are supposed to develop these characters or let us get to know them better. Like Jo's DV story. For 2.5 years it got dragged out and was only ever addressed in combination with some big reveal (telling DeLuca, telling Alex, Alex looking for Stadler, Stadler showing up). Now it got finally resolved, but again it was more about raising awareness for domestic violence than about Jo as a character. I don't really feel like I know her that much better now, tbh.

    • Love 9
  15. 3 hours ago, Sandman said:

    Kevin's speech at the tree had the greatest potential, after Rebecca's moment of absolute denial, to go wrong -- but I think Hartley avoid the biggest pitfalls of sentimentality and falseness. I think he did a great job.

    I think so too. I think both Justin Hartley and Kevin as a character continue to be the most underrated actor and character on the show. I loved that tree scene and the talk with Rebecca. But what absolutely gutted me was the moment in the previous episode, when he took out his list of names and we saw the utter sadness and despair on his face as he looked at "Dad" written on the back of the list. The one person he would never ever be able to make amends to. It was such a short little moment, but to me immensely poignant and effective, especially as it directly followed Kevin getting his necklace back, which was such a breath of relief moment for both the character and the audience as well. It felt like "nope, Kevin only gets to be happy for 10 seconds" haha. It hit me that much harder and Justin really delivered throughout this entire scene.

    • Love 10
  16. 41 minutes ago, pennben said:

    From the previews after tonight's episode:  "Jack's story has just begun"

    Me:   "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

    I'm also most annoyed that they were implying they have so, so many more tricks up their sleeves.  The best trick....tell a damn good story.  The worst trick...trying to be tricky....honestly this whole Jack "mystery" has been a drag on this show.  They have the opportunity to end that drag, but it seems as though they see it as a virtue.   Blerg.

    Maybe it's bad, but I felt similar. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing a few episodes wothout St. Jack. I do like the character a lot, but the more they build him up as this larger than life human being in the show and the more I see people gush over him on social media and I mean the official TIU accounts as well as the audience, the more it turns me off him.

    Also because in hyping Jack so much they're constantly undermining Rebecca as a wife and mother and that annoys me. Like people have pointed out in the episode thread, she never gets to make any of the big life decisions. The house, the car, when they go on vacation, even getting baby Randall to a certain extent, it's all about Jack and what he thinks is best. All Rebecca gets to do is stare in awe at her oh so amazing husband. And because he literally had to be the perfect father, because he was overcompensating for his own horrible one, Rebecca had to accept the role of the "bad cop" when it came to the kids. Someone had to be the strict parent after all. I still roll my eyes when I think of that scene where Jack said he can't say no to Kate, because she would look at him with disappointed eyes.

    Also what about Rebecca's story? We're getting to explore Jack's entire backstory before he met Rebecca, but not hers. Guess it's just not interesting enough to be worth ecploring. Okay.

    • Love 10
  17. Some things surrounding the fire & Jack's death definitely felt contrived. I think the thing that bothered me most was the fact that they dropped the kids off at Miguel's before getting Jack to the hospital for the check-up. Seriously, who does that?? Especially when the ambulance is right there? Hell, he was already in the ambulance. I'm sure Rebecca could have made a call from a neighbour house to ask Miguel to get the kids, while she goes to the hospital with Jack via ambulance.

    • Love 5
  18. 27 minutes ago, PRgal said:

    Something to ponder:  Sterling K. Brown posted a picture of Future Randall wearing the same outfit he wore visiting Grown Up Tess at her office.  The background looks like it could be a hospital room.  I hope everything is okay with Future Randall/the Pearsons!   

    Oh no, so flashforwards are really becoming a thing now? That one glimpse from the Super Bowl episode didn't bother me, but I would hate this. It's a very bad idea IMO.

    I like the concept of the show, that the story is centered in the present, while also using extended flashbacks. It makes sense that way and it's (partly) why it resonates with the audience so much, I think. No matter how old we are, we all have a life to look back on, experiences that have shaped us and all those little pieces of life that brought us to where we are today and turned us into the people we are today, whether that's a good or a bad thing. I like how this show is doing that. How it explores the present day characters by showing us their lives in the past.

    But what's the point of adding a future timeline? I can't know my own future and I don't want to know the Pearsons'. I don't want to know when Rebecca dies or maybe Beth. I don't want to know if Kevin, Kate and Randall will ever be fully able to work out their respective issues. Or if Kate or Kevin get to be happily married and have families of their own. I hope they get all that. I hope they all find true happiness, especially Kevin since he's my fav and is going through such a bad patch right now, but I don't want to see it until it happens. It cheapens the story if the TPTB give their future away IMO.

    The only time I'll be okay with a flashforward is the series finale, so I really REALLY hope this is not where the story is going.

    • Love 7
  19. 11 hours ago, Trillium said:

    And more realistic. Weight aside, they’ve shown she’s an ok singer but not great. I actually think they might go that direction. 

    That's a great idea. I hope it's on the writers minds aswell.

    • Love 1
  20. So was teen Kevin basically belittling Jack and Reebecca's ordinary life when he said "You don't get it, I was supposed to be in the Super Bowl, not watch it like you two."? Did I read that right or did he mean something else?

    Because it wasn't a big fight, but this a pretty hurtful thing to say and coupled with the way he gave Jack such a hard time about being an alcoholic, I could totally see adult Kevin being distraught about his teenage behaviour, especially since this is the last thing he ever said to his father.

    • Love 14
  21. 42 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

    The fact it IS network TV probably helped it.  Those never win shit anymore, especially for dramas, it seems like.  So I think the bar could be lower for them.  

    On the whole I feel like most awards shows are more a popularity contest than about true acting, writing, whatever.  All of those shows were heavily buzzed about.  

    That is probably true. I was a huge fan of the show Rectify, I thought it was amazing and had amazing acting, especially the lead actor, but it never won anything, never was even nominated for anything. And that might have been because it wasn't on people's radar at all. It got no buzz whatsoever.

  22. 4 hours ago, memememe76 said:

    I have seen all of those shows expect Handmaid's Tale or Games of Thrones, and I don't know why it winning results in minds being boggled. I will take anyone in TIU over MATT Smith's whiny performance or Wynona's melodramatic acting. 

    Agreed. I haven't seen all of these shows, but I'd take the TIU cast over the other ones I've seen. I love Stranger Things, but they had this win last year and I think the TIU cast can absolutely hold their own against this cast. The Handmaid's Tale is a great show, but I don't really see it as a real ensemble show, it's more Elisabeth Moss' show. I think the same goes for The Crown being Claire Foy's show.

    This Is Us is a true ensemble show where all the main characters get their own individual stories and developments and I for one am happy they're getting the recognition as a team. It's very well deserved.

  23. It was a good episode, but not exactly what I was hoping for in regards to Jo's storyline. Then again, I knew I wouldn't get what I was hoping for, so the disappointment is not too big. I think the DV part was handled pretty well. But what bugs me is that there was zero effort put into explaining some of the plotholes that appeared once they retconned Jo's story into a past of DV. When and how did Jo meet Paul? For how long have they been married? How could she get away? How does Mrs. Schmidt, Jo's teacher, fit into all this? After all they seemed to have been in touch when we first met Jo in s9, since Mrs. Schmidt was the one who gave Jo the watch. Wouldn't Mrs. Schmidt have been a means to get to Jo, if Paul was really looking for her? Why did Jo decide to still pursue a career as a surgeon when the dangerous man she was hiding from was a surgeon too? Not that she should give up her dream for him, but that was pretty risky and I would have liked to see it addressed.

    All those things are just nitpicking and I guess the more important thing is that the domestic violence aspect was dealt with respectfully, but to me, those things matter. At this point I pretty much only watch for Alex, Jolex and Jo, so I would like for the characters story to make sense. There are still so many unanswered questions and we're supposed to handwave them all, because this is such a delicate issue. But this is not a documentary we're watching. It's not enough for me that they address DV and pat themselves on the back for raising awareness.

    Also Jo just didn't give any indication of being a scared woman on the run. Before the s12 finale that was not possible of course, because that part of the story didn't exist then. But once it came out, I wish they had tried a little more, especially in s13. I also don't expect for her DV background to have any influence on her character going forward. They are dealing with this story for only 2 episodes and my guess is that Paul either dies or gets locked away or disappears. I don't know, but whatever happens, the story is probably gonna be tied up with a neat little bow for Jo and then never talked about again.

    Like for many others here, the highlight of the episode for me was the hacker intern. I loved how they built that character up. That was really well done.

    • Love 5
  24. 2 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

    Someone posted this in the Unpopular opinion threads and I thought it was an interesting thought:

    Has it ever been confirmed that Kevin knows about Kyle? We know that Randall knows about it, but I don't think either Kate or Kevin know about it, at least canon-wise.

    That's a great theory.

    But they do know. Rebecca talked about Kyle when Kate had the miscarriage. So at the very least Kate knows.

    I do find the theory interesting too, but I don't expect the show to actually go that deep. Just like they didn't go that deep into Kevin's self-loathing. They just brought up his feeling of not being enough as it is tied to his addiction.

  25. 11 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

    However, the big 3 are grown ass adults and have been for 17 years at this point. Wouldn't an intelligent person be more careful with narcotics and alcohol knowing the family history? 

    But he was careful with pain meds at first. He took them after he hurt his knee, but then stopped, explaining to his doctor he didn't like how they made him feel. But then later he got revised script pages from the Stallone movie and they had changed his lines, diminishing his role just a little bit, because obviously he couldn't be on set for a while. And Kevin being Kevin and having felt like he wasn't enough all his childhood, couldn't have that, couldn't bear it, and that's when he started taking pills to get back on set asap - welcomed side effect: that nasty voice got drowned out too.

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