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Everything posted by Ringthane

  1. Randolph Mantooth was also in one or two episodes of "Sons of Anarchy" - either fourth or fifth season.
  2. "Jack, could you come in here, please?... NOW!!!!!!!" Wonderful moment.
  3. The Doctor's really slipping then, because not only did 8 lose his memory a few times, three of them managed to misplace an entire planet. I just wish Moffat had made it a little clearer. But then, this is Moffat we're talking about. Too busy building a shrine to Clara to care about silly trifles like plot and such,
  4. I had a thought - why does the Doctor need to find Gallifrey anyway? Unless I missed something, he just froze it in a pocket universe - it didn't actually move. So it should be in the same place as always, but the pocket universe is there instead. If the scheme was to move Gallifrey as well, why didn't the Doctor know where he moved it to? And wasn't that the whole idea - Gallifrey goes into the pocket universe, and the Daleks then blow each other up because they're still surrounding where Gallifrey used to be? It just seems like either there's a plot hole somewhere there, or I missed something. If you see what I mean.
  5. "Happiness Patrol" is also worth a watch, if only to see how masterfully Sylvester McCoy plays the gun scene. Basically, anything from season 25 and 26 is a good watch - that's when the Cartmel Masterplan went into effect and McCoy really showed what he could do. Season 24 isn't that bad, but there's definitely a lightness and silliness in it that is thankfully gone by the time season 25 rolls around (I always wish they would have done one of those Missing Episodes novels back in the 90s about what happened between seasons to change the tone so much).
  6. It always seemed like Courteney Cox was about to start cracking up during that scene.
  7. Not that I know of. There's also the scene in "End of the World", where Nine can slow down time so he can walk through the fan blades or whatever those things were, which never happens again (think of all the times something like that would have come in handy).
  8. I just saw this - http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-31762466 : Two thoughts came to mind: 1) Dangit. 2) I wonder if any of the other actors in the show have had this opportunity. For example, Peter Davison has said that if his third season would have been his second, he would have stayed. He also said he wanted to stay after he got partway through filming his last season, but by then it was too late to reconsider. If Jenna Coleman can reconsider at the read-through of her final episode, then maybe it wasn't too late for Peter? I know, the new lead had to be cast, and all that. But what if it had been possible for him to stay? The whole history of Doctor Who would be different today. Actually, a third thought just occurred to me - Moffat is once again BSing. Like he did when he said "Oh, yeah, I've got this great idea about why Capaldi's Doctor looks just like the guy from Rome, and I even went to RTD and got help with it and stuff and it's going to be a big part of this season and blah blah blah". What happened to that? I think, as another DW producer once said, "the memory cheats". Only it's Moffat's memory, not ours.
  9. I guess it is better than what they did in the movie "Beginning of the End", which was just grasshoppers crawling up and down photos of Chicago...
  10. Something I noticed watching on Netflix - Chandler and Monica have this thing they do where they high-five each other after talking to each other. The first time I noticed it was when they were talking to each other about the cameras and opening the presents after the wedding, but they do it a couple other times as well. It's not like they set it up to do it - it's just a totally natural thing they do and really shows how together and comfortable they are with each other.
  11. Yep - the shelving unit. We saw them build it in the pilot, and it looks like the taller side of it is still in Ross's last apartment along the back wall.
  12. Nope. Here's another hint: someone or something climbed on it.
  13. Not the hand statue. Here's a hint: it's a piece of furniture.
  14. Not the dart board or the taxidermy bug.
  15. Yes, It was also in his first apartment (may have looked a little different when he moved into Ugly Naked Guy's apartment).
  16. My fondest memory of The Web Planet is when the Zarbi walks straight into the camera. I have to wonder, though - they'd probably do the Zarbi in CG now, so that part of it might take away from the feel of it.
  17. Not in the boys' apartment, but it is in one of the apartments.
  18. Sorry about that. I do have something. It's an object.
  19. Nobody I know. Condoms don't do well in high-temp or high-humidity environments anyway, or at least, they didn't use to - I remember reading that that's why you shouldn't keep one in a wallet for too long, as it doesn't last against the heat from your body. And why Ross couldn't have gone over to Chandler and Joey's and gotten one there, I don't know. Or just run out to get some (either Richard or Ross could have done that). That's just another example of the writers coming up with a plot and nobody saying "Wait a minute, does this actually happen in real life?" The plot is funny for the episode, but when you stop and think about it, it doesn't make sense in the real world, and only works in the episode it's in.
  20. The more I think about it, the more i don't get why he wanted anyone but Rachel there anyway. it's not like the others really had any interest in what he did (in fact, none of them really seemed to care what any of them did), and he knew that and understood it. I get that it was supposed to be an honor for him, but I've never seen something like this where the honoree brings his significant other/plus one AND four other people. It's just weird that this one time, everyone would be going to one of Ross's things - they never seemed to otherwise. (The only time I remember them all going to a work thing other than this is either Joey's plays, which is understandable, or Ross's Barbados thing, and that's only because they wanted to go to Barbados.)
  21. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be the uncut versions. I've been watching season 6 as it's the first season that I don't have on DVD, and there are at least two times when I've noticed cuts. The first is in the first episode - Chandler's line about "two bottles of vodka walking around in human form) isn't there, and in the first part of "The One that Could Have Been", I remember when Phoebe has her first heart attack in Monica's apartment, after she asks if she would have pain in her arm if she were having a heart attack, she says something like "Well, you'd better call 911 for me, because this thing's useless" (meaning her arm) and pushes her cell phone to Monica. That isn't there either. It's been a while since I've seen those episodes, so I might be misremembering, but if they were supposed to be the uncut versions, they don't seem to be.
  22. It also ended up being one of the reused jokes the writers did every so often less than a year later, in "The One with the Embryos" - when Monica says "We steal that TV Guide every week", Chandler replies " I KNEW it!" You could splice the earlier one in for the later one and never notice, as they're exactly the same. I have to say, the more I watch the show, the less I like Ross. He started out so smooth and adult, and regressed so much as the series went on. I was watching season 6 on Netflix and it's amazing what a tool he is. Especially when he refuses to get the annulment because he doesn't want three divorces. He thinks it's so cute to keep Rachel in the dark. Excuse me, pal, but you're screwing with someone's life here. Imagine the snit he would have thrown had it been the other way around.
  23. Is it that Cookie Time clock/jar/whatever thing?
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