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  1. OY! I'm am it conflicted, but agree overall with your points @Kimberella. There is a long way to go before an Ichabod/Abbie romantic relationship makes sense. I would add that, in real life, there are far more head-scratching pairings. I do hope that the writers make this relationship make sense from the viewpoint of an ordinary rational person. At this point, Ichabod had a lot of work ahead of him, I think.
  2. I totally agree, @ pheonics! Less is more with horror and suspense. Don't tell us too much (or show too much)--make the evil mysterious, unknown and seemingly unstoppable. That scene of Moloch with the super fast, jerky movement and then head-butting the mirror? Perfect! Weird unnatural movement, no explanation for his actions and power to kill between dimensions. What is this creature and how can something like that be stopped? This IS a monster worthy of our attention. Hope they get back to THAT!
  3. I was trying to think of what was missing and you've pinpointed it EXACTLY @phoenics! The "Bads" in S1 (Headless and Moloch) were implacable, unknown and terrifying. There was nothing "human" about them. We didn't know their personalities or their pasts. They simply were. The terror they invoked and their role in S1 is put well in this quote from Reese to Sarah Connor in Terminator 1: "Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead."
  4. I liked the episode very much but certainly didn't love it. Mostly, I was just glad they were able to accomplish something of a S1 vibe. I love that Abbie is now an FBI agent--not only for her character's sake, but being FBI, we can travel outside of SH on occasion for, you know, "missions". Liking Pandora so far--a good sexy, evil big bad without being too over-the-top. SBR? Pretty forgettable, unfortunately. As others have mentioned, I very much thought of Pirates of the Caribbean with her clothing and actions. Wondering how she'll be used in the future? Some good cranky Ichabod rants, some fun twistory and Abbie pouring lead into a demon! All in all pretty satisfying to me. FOX must be putting promo dollars into their other shows because this season opening was definitely under the radar.
  5. I loved Orlando on the show as well. I wish I knew more about why he was "let go." Honestly, I wonder if the whole Irving family story (which I think bogged down S1) was part of it. Just seemed like the writers had given him a lot of baggage that made it difficult. I enjoyed the chemistry in the romantic hints between he and Lyndie, but it would be hard to pursue that in a compelling and believable way while keeping him a sympathetic character. There's also an age difference, I think, but I'm too lazy to look it up… ;)
  6. I thought I'd post this link to a poll @TVJuriste has regarding the new logo for her site. As many of you know, she does some excellent recaps and commentary regarding SH so if you get a chance, you can give your input regarding the new logo. :) http://99designs.com/logo-design/contests/tv-time-help-launch-tvjuriste-509881/poll/4by8wx?utm_source=voting_app&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=voting
  7. Yes, what could possibly go wrong…. ;) I am interested in seeing her this role as I haven't seen her in anything since "A Knight's Tale" with Heath Ledger long ago. I may be just more interested in seeing how the actress has aged… (I'm sure she'd love to hear that) She played the role well (Jocelyn) even with the paucity of dialogue. Was it just being very young and attractive or is there something more to her than that? Maybe the wacky hairdos? --which I liked and remember very well.
  8. Hi @Phoenics! As I said in the other post, I can understand where you're coming from and the investment you have in the show (and especially Abbie), but I'll never feel it the way you do. That being said, the fact that I can even understand what upsets you about Abbie's treatment and the ham-handed PR lately is entirely due to you and others with your opinions. It takes a lot to get something like this to sink in for some of us, so don't think that there is no benefit (eventually) to your complaints about the current state of Hollywood. This sort of thing does have repercussions and subtle effects such as this on me. I can totally understand your desire to avoid further pain and disappointment--I really can. That being said, even if you don't watch the episodes, it might be worth tuning in here. If you find out it was a great show, you can catch it on Hulu, if not, there might be some comedy gold on the comments here! OK, so if you're feeling down, here's a clip from my new favorite comedy-genre movie, What We Do in the Shadows. It's a fake documentary about vampires (in New Zealand no less…) I think it's even funnier than This is Spinal Tap. Here's a clip when the vampires we're following (and their human friend, "Stu") come across some werewolves…. ;)
  9. Edited by author. Off topic.
  10. I've hesitated to jump in to the discussion regarding the latest SH press releases and the Tweets from the writer Jackson. TBH, I felt this wasn't my fight--I was willing to see the actual shows before rendering a verdict but understood the suspicion of people who weren't and felt the PR was enough to drop it. After some consideration, I thought I'd post and make of it what you will. I've learned a lot on this site (and from many of you individually, most of whom I won't name--@Phoenics) and I think I've finally gotten a bit of grip on what motivates a portion of the fan base to be so protective of Abbie and so concerned with what we've heard lately. That being said, I know that it will NEVER EVER effect me the way it effects many of you. I'm a white male and there are whole host of shows I can watch and identify with the characters. There are very, very few (especially in genre) with a black female protagonist. As much as I might try (and I can--with some effort-- identify intellectually with a black female protagonist) I can NEVER have that emotional identification and solidarity that so many of you have with Abbie. I think it really is a FEMALE black thing and I think the writer Jackson's tone-deafness is indicative of this. Are black men always sensitive to the plight of black women? You can answer that yourself…. I think @HalcyonDays makes some great points regarding the implications of the show failing. Though I can't ever feel what you all feel, I DO want you to have characters that you can relate to--to not be marginalized--in entertainment and well, be happy… I think supporting the show as much as your conscience allows while pestering TPTB about what is wrong, will be far more fruitful in the end than stepping away and turning it off. Despite what that one link said, the numbers of AA women alone are not enough to turn the tide. Making this an issue about a marginalized minority WILL make a difference. Look at what the LGBTQ community accomplished recently with much lower numbers through an appeal to Americans (and SCOTUS') better impulses. Don't give up! I'm reminded of Jesus parable of the "Unjust Judge" where a marginalized widow finally gets what she wants by her irritation of the judge and persistence. I think this parable (and Christ's non-violent resistance) influenced folks like Ghandi and MLK very much. :) (I'm a Girardian Christian BTW) Thanks, for your patience and please be kind… ;)
  11. Yes! TM is fantastic with those lighter bits (and the heavier ones). I have no doubt the cast could do a smash-up job if the writing was up to the task... Great examples of this being done in a similar genre series. I loved them all! ;)
  12. I think you're right in that TM is playing the "fool" to NB's "straight man", but neither is playing the clown like Shawn on Psych. Interesting to think of the different types that can be used to make effective comedy. Like you mentioned, they could all play the straight man…. I would love to see an episode with…say a mischievous demon of some sort, a potion gone wrong or something of that sort resulting in a total personality change of one of the group with the obligatory "resultant hilarity". In any event, it's season 3 so they can experiment...a little. I have to remember the show's essentially on probation at this point.
  13. Good thoughts on Dule Hill! Yes, "Gus" was always the "straight man" so his character might not work on SH, but I'm wondering if there's someone on the current cast who could play the "clown" for an episode? Probably not TM, who's playing the "straight man" himself and maybe not NB (though I'm not sure…she might be able to pull it off). Lyndie might be able to do it. Shoot they could bring James Roday in for an episode! I did see that Dule Hill was on "Ballers" but I'm not sure if that's an ongoing role or not. I'll have to check out the inter web. I'll bet he could spare the time for one or two episodes, though. He does, certainly, have "range" and would love to see him in any role on SH. ETA: Looks like he's done with his role on Ballers and is in a new CBS pilot called "Doubt" and given the poor odds on a new show making it, he may well be available. Keep him in mind SH (and pass the word Mr/Ms intern reading these comments…) ;)
  14. Good God! (In the words of James Brown) That was an episode! The Arya and Cersei story lines were just place holding for the most part so I'll set them aside. The Dany story line is starting to come together (though who ever doubted that Tyrion would be a Dany advisor). I would love it, though, if Tyrion ends up on top and seated on the iron throne. Now that would be a twist and how edgy would it be to make a little person character the hero HBO? The Jon storyline was far better than I expected. Loved the Wildling Lady and so sorry she was killed and resurrected as a wight in their ranks. Maybe there's a cure Maester Qyburn can come up with to change her back? Great battle scenes and loved that we learned that Valyrian steel could kill White Walkers. That may be the most important aspect of that sequence other than just seeing the horrible threat the White Walkers and their minions pose to this world. Winter is here...
  15. Wasn't exactly sure where to start this thread but this seemed to fit... I've enjoyed everyone's thoughts on the other threads and have to admit the "boobage" thread was right up my alley. Thanks @jhlipton! ;) The conversation I'd like to start is this: "Who would you love to see as a guest character/actor on Season 3 of SH?" I'd love to see Dule Hill (who I was great on "Psych") playing the same sort of character on SH. I think it would be a lot of fun if the show did a purely comedic episode or two. Yes, I've been all for serious, epic, LoTR and GoT type arcs for the show, but I don't think that will work in the long run nor do I think the show will head in that direction. With that in mind, I'd be all for bringing "Gus" on board for an episode or two…. What do you all think and what guest stars do you think could work on the show?
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