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Posts posted by dillpickles

  1. What they really need is to find out how the real world works, which is to actually work. I don't think a majority of America wants to support a bunch of hate mongers who have never worked a honest day in their lives.

    Their con worked longer than most, but its in the toilet now where it should be, along with big mouth Tidy Bowl Bin.

    It could be argued that reality TV is working. It's not a *honest* 9 to 5, but it is a job, that brings in money.

  2. But there had to be something in a core class required for his AA that he actually LEARNED. I don't expect him to be able to quote the works of any major philosopher, but there had to be SOME class required that went beyond his major (which changed from business to poly sci). Didn't he LEARN about parties not called Republican or that our country was not formed as a theocracy in his poly sci classes, or did he just dismiss these facts out of hand and soldier on with his closed mind and beliefs?

    The later, like a good Christian should! Thinking is of the devil, you know.

    • Love 7
  3. I don't think there's going to be much left for her to choose from when she's 28, 29 or 30. There's probably slim pickings now. Priscilla married David at 25, and he was really only available at that late stage as he was postponing marriages for obvious reasons.

    That's all apart of her master plan.

    I do wonder about Jinger though, would she try Jana Duggar brand (patent pending) birth control? Will she break free? Or will she have a quiver?

  4. That's a good point... what if the scandal had been something like Josh being addicted to drinking? Would fundies and leghumpers still be defending him, because it happened a long time ago? Alcholism is way less of a crime than molestation, but what would the policy on that be?

    Do men just blame everything that makes them trip up in fundyland?

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  5. Last year, DH and I went to one of the national parks and stayed at a lodge that was having hot water problems. After a day of hiking, I was sticky with sweat, but I cried in that cold shower. Literally cried, because it was so awful. So either they're talking about lukewarm showers or there's a "suffer for God" thing going on here, which is a religious concept I never bought into.

    Ben just doesn't impress me. I hope he's at least good to Jessa.

    I'm willing to give ben the BENifit(haha bad pun time) of the doubt and say that this is the suffer for God thing going on. Only because these fundies are insane, and i don't really doubt a young ben thinking he's full of sin and needs to suffer. Which is actually kind of sad, and would explain a lot about him.

    But, now that he's a Duggar... luke warm also seems likely

    • Love 5
  6. So, apparently one of 19AC's editors was nabbed for kiddie porn. (Not currently, he was on set when it was 17kids and counting)


    (Page 6 is who brings this up)




    (What i found when i went digging on my own.)

    I'm not sure if his real name is william and bill is a nickname or if that person got ot wrong, but this man did edit both Jon and Kate and 17kids and counting.

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  7. http://www.inquisitr.com/2244447/duggar-videos-jessa-seewalds-husband-discusses-past-battles-with-self-harm-video/

    I can't bear to watch Ben speak, so someone please tell me he was trying to avoid masturbating, and wasn't suicidal or anything.

    He didn't mention what his "sins" where when he took his cold showers, but those where his punishments instead of cutting himself or other forms of self harm.

    I don't think the cold showers where to prevent masturbating, but to punish himself for any sin he committed.

    (Can't really tell, i zoned out a bit)

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