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Posts posted by dillpickles

  1. Guys, someone on Jezebel noticed that Michelle's face is a perfect hybrid of Elaine and Kramer, and now I will never be able to un-see it. It's uncanny!



    Yeesh. Mechelle is wearing wayy too much blush. She really is starting to look like a clown. The ombre things is a nice touch though.

    • Love 1
  2. Wow - what a shocker (not). Sorry, Mike, due to your "support" of the Duggars, I think your chances of being President are slim to none!

    He won't make it past the primaries (in the event he doesn't pull out even before then). He's toast, too.

    "Mike Huckabee removes all signs of recent support for the Duggars."


    Its a little too late Huckabee, you already sided with Joshie-poo.

    • Love 4
  3. I do hope that Jessa is doing well thoroughout her pregnancy with the reveal about Josh. Stress can certainly affect ones health.

    I'm starting to feel sorry for both Jill and Jessa. Jill's first birth was probably pretty dramatic, and now Jessa has to go through all of this, when it should be the happiest time of her life?

    All these girls had to look forward to was marriage and childbirth. They both watched their mother get fawned over because she was pregnant, and now they're just here. Dealing with all of this shit.

    And they probably don't even know how to deal, this is probably their first big disappointment. (I don't know how they feel about the way their parents handled the molestation).

    Makes me wonder if they're reconsidering the gothard lifestyle. I hope they aren't blaming themselves.

    • Love 7
  4. She didn't have to say anything though. Neither did Jill. Whoever the crisis manager was hired to this, I want his or her name. The only thing they could have done more brilliantly was to haul ALL the daughters out to hold hands and have Smuggs in the centre of the circle while they all sang "He

    Ain't Heavy...He's My Brother."

    The crisis manager's name is spelled J-A-M-E-S D-U-G-G-A-R. Also known as Jim Bob.

    • Love 4
  5. Survivors react to abuse in many different ways. Defending their abusers is certainly one of them. It may be shocking, it may make you angry, but it happens - remember survivors feel many different things and it can be hard to process all of those feelings. Their environment probably does not help matters.

    It's hard to draw a bright line rule on this, but we're going to err on the side of hiding stuff that we feel is attacking the survivors, or editing out things we feel go too far. Meanwhile, everyone take a DEEP BREATH, and remember that Jessa (and Jill, and others) suffered abuse.

    This. I can't feel rage for her defending her brother, i mean, who would want to think of your own sibling as a child molester? Who would want to honestly say, to the public, that your eldest brother is an abuser who molested you as a young girl? Even without Gothard's influence, a lot of victims tend to defend the perp at first. Its a coping mechanism, if he's not a molester, you didn't get molested.

    I'm pretty suprised she even said anything.

    • Love 5
  6. I don't think the peed-on porn star's baby announcement is going to distract the public from this scandal.

    It probably will. Most people don't really care about the Fuggar clan that much. They'll still get coverage, but give or take a few weeks, and the public will forget.

  7. 104230801-michelle-and-jim-bob-duggar-of

    The Official Duggar Drink game

    Fill a 16 ounce cup with your frosty beverage and the shot glass with hard liquor, and let the games begin.

    The rules are simple. Every time the Duggars use one of the following words, you have to drink:

    Jesus – God – Christ – pray – forgive – sin – soul – heart – lust – mistake – love – heal

    If they use any of the following phrases, you have to do a shot:

    Only a child – just 14 years old – asked for forgiveness – sought God’s love – a long time ago – private family matter

    If Megyn Kelley says “heartbreaking,” the first person to finish their drink gets to make a new rule.

    The first person to pass out gets “I love the Duggars” written on their forehead with a Sharpie.

    The last person to vomit, considering the interview is undoubtedly intended to show support for a confessed child molester, wins.


    I'll replace liqour with whipped cream and pickle juice, in honour of Mechelle and her favorite things~.

    (she's the one that started the pickle thing right?)

    • Love 1
  8. You think that they'll try to offer her sliced American cheese on paper plates, to show how classy they are?

    And, changing the topic a bit here, but i never thought of the Duggars as high on the Gothard scale of cool. Did any of the kids even get offered a position to travel with him? They never looked really put together, and i think the TV show probably turned some of the fundies off. I believe there are a lot of fundy women that can run a home better than Mechelle, and Jim Bob probably leaves a bad taste in their mouths.

    I dunno, the family just seems like that kid in school who tries to fit in with the popular crew, but ends up being the useful idiot that everyone else talks about behind their backs.

    • Love 1
  9. You know, I am not truly familiar with Vocaloid stuff. I do see a lot of Vocaloid cosplay at my town's Japan Festival every year though. I had not heard a lot of Gackt stuff, but what I have heard, I liked. Oh, and I totally forgot to mention Exist Trace, Yoko Kanno and Ishii Yasushi. I love Exist Trace, and the fact that it's an all female goth/visual kei group makes me happy. But dear God, I have it bad for Atsushi Sakurai. I have seen a few Buck Tick videos and to kind of quote Ginger Minj from RuPaul's Drag Race, Sakurai-san floods my basement. Funny thing is, he is not the kind of man I am usually attracted to, but his voice....Lord his voice!

    I just finished watching Ergo Proxy and Durararax2 part 1 on Hulu and rewatched a lot of Darker than Black and Black Lagoon. Hulu rocks for anime, they have a pretty good library of the stuff. I have watched Hellsing: Ultimate three times! This sounds strange, but I hate horror movies and vampire films. Truly dislike the stuff. Twilight and all that crap, don't give it a moment's notice. But Hellsing and Blood+ and Trinity Blood? I love them. Go figure. :)

    Have you heard of an anime called Mushi Shi? I think it goes down as a favorite. Right next to revolutionary girl utena.

  10. In defense of Jessa and her sisters, if they're not very good at cleaning and cooking, I have to say that I blame Michelle for this. From what we've seen all the way back to the very first special, the older girls were the ones primarily cooking the meals and taking care of the little kids. Michelle grew up the youngest in her family and most of us assume she was probably pretty spoiled and didn't have to do much to contribute to household chores. And over the last 10 years, there has been so much emphasis on the tv show, and allowing time for filming, things like cleaning, along with homeschooling, gets put on the back burner. I keep going back to what "Alice" posted on that thread , and she started out by saying that Michelle had not cooked a meal, cleaned her house, or bathed a child in years, that it was all left up to the older children. I really do believe that.

    And, i noticed they all have "jurisdictions". If the woman is only good for baby making and house keeping, shouldn't she be trained in all fields? (Not baby making, of course). Jessa's job was teaching and... organization? If mechelle was a smarter woman, she wouldn't let the girls just stick to one job for their whole lives. Every couple months the girls would switch jobs, so they could actually be well rounded.

    But instead, we have unevenly yoked girls running around with only half a skill set.

    • Love 1
  11. I started watching anime when Toonami was on prime time on Saturdays. The kiddo told me about it and I watched "Naruto" with her. So yes, I was hooked from the beginning. True story: When the kid unit was in 7th grade. she calls me because one of her friends was convinced that he had the correct names of the Captains and Vice Captains of the Gotei 13 from "Bleach". She was sure he was wrong, and because I am a big fan of Bleach, she gave me a ring. And here I am, in my forties, listing the correct names and divisions for some anime characters to a middle school kid. Her friends decided I was cool at that point lol. I promise I was NOT considered cool when I was her age. And because of my anime love, I have J-rock and J-pop on my phone's music list. I am now a fan of Buck Tick, Hyde and his various bands/side projects, and Abingdon Boys School. Hell, I have a mad fangirl crushes on Hyde, K.A.Z. and Atsushi Sakurai. Thanks loads daughter of mine. :)

    Suz At Large, I turned 50 in December. Not only is my brain no longer at its peak capacity, I've turned cranky and into a curmudgeon. I would say "Get off my lawn" but I live in an apartment complex. So, technically speaking, the lawn ain't mine. Comcast and I have an interesting relationship. Let's just say the billing department would like to blacklist me but can't.

    Ahhh! You sound awesome. And yeah, buck tick forever. How do you feel about Gackt? And vocaloid stuff?

    *nerding out a bit*

  12. Not trying to defend JB & M but I think printing anonymous stories is pretty crappy and doubt the legitimacy of them. Even the one about the woman looking like a boy, I doubt JB saw the movie or read the book to be able to come up with that reference. I really disagree with their beliefs and philosophies but I don't like anonymous pot shots. I am sure there are lots of true stories that are just as bad but at least put your name to it.

    I dunno, i don't think you should have to put your name to the stories if you don't feel conformable. if they're actually legitimate stories, there's a chance a duggar could recognize you. Even without that you could risk leg humpers and crazies searching your name all over social media.

    But, i take anon-stories with a large grain of salt, so i doubt some of these.

    • Love 2
  13. wanderwoman: As we crazy anime fans like to say, Miss Maisie is super kawaii! * Hope that she will continue to get stronger and healthier with each passing day!

    *Kawaii, in context of Japanese popular culture, means "cute". My "baby" is now 18 and is graduating high school in a week. She is the one I thank for introducing me to anime and manga. Because, apparently, I am not geeky enough. :)

    As for organ donation, I am a donor. I made sure that box was checked when I got my driver's license. One of my co-worker's sons had a bad kidney, and the co-worker's other son donated one of his kidneys to his brother. There was a news story about it here in my hometown a few months back. Both are doing well, happy to say. I figure once I am off this mortal coil, at least I might be able to help someone else's loved one have a shot at life. Still have all my organs, but there are days I wonder about my brain.

    oh look, an anime fan. *waves*. I wish i could get my mom to watch anime with me sometimes, but the only asian entertainment she's into would be chinese kung fu movies.

    • Love 1
  14. I want to see Jana do what she actually wants to do. Not what her parents want her to do, not what we want her to do, but what she wants. If she decides the Gothard life is for her, and she decides that herself, than I'm not even going to be mad. It's what she knows, its familiar. I know a lot of people have left under "worse" (in quotes because no one really knows what's been going on in the Duggar home) circumstances, but she isn't everybody. I feel like for every three women that escape the ATI lifestyle, three or four stay behind. I can't blame anyone for really staying behind, because they where born into this. It's all they know.

    And, if Jana decides she wants off this ship, and leaves her 13 (i forgot how many of them are underaged) or so siblings behind, I won't be mad at her. its rough to say, but they aren't her kids. She doesn't have to care about them outside the realm of sibling love. She shouldn't have to draw out a great escape plan, and figure out how to provide for her mother's *precious* crotchfruit. She's done more than enough, and frankly? I don't think she could take care of them, even if she wanted too. And buy take care I mean, get them food and clothes, manage bills, get her own job, and worry about school. Can you imagine all of the parent teacher conferences she'd have to go to? Hell, most of those kids are probably super far behind, would Jana know what steps to take to insure they get the help they need? Woukd she be able to tell if a social worker is bullshitting her? And yes, she would have help from the older kids, but do any of them know? It's easy enough to say that Jana should have custody of them, and go to school and have a job. But thats unreasonable. We know she isn't prepared for the "real" world. And, even of she had a TLC show backing her up, they won't be holding her hand. They'll give her the checks and make sure Josie doesnt get hit by a car if they're close enough, but can she balance a check book? Does she really understand how to stretch a dollar? Do any of them? Yes, they (the older ones) lived through the dry rice and water phase , but i doubt they where old enough to really pay attention, or understand much about their situation.

    And, if she decides to leave and grabs as many kids as she can when she heads out the door, more power to her. She has a rough road ahead, and she's truely a saint if she can juggle all of these responsiblities. I'll be rooting for her, and of TLC decides they want to film it, I'll watch the show so she can grab a little more pocket change.

    (Edited because i misspelled miracle childs name, along with other mistakes.)

    • Love 7
  15. I have a DH approved user pic. Lol. He doesn't understand why I wanted her as my user pic, but I managed to convince him this place was harmless. :)

    I grabbed this pic after her bath, but before the cannula tape went on. Her hair is getting really fuzzy.

    What a cutie!

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