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Posts posted by dillpickles

  1. I see Jessa's face in her latest selfie, as totally devoid of sass, snark, or fame-attention-look at me-ish. Just an honest Jessa sharing her belly with whoever wants to look. Is she frightened of her and her unborn babe's future?

    I would be if i was her. Big brother chester single handedly destroyed the only way she's allowed to make money. Now she's pregnant and stuck with a guy with no real job. All snark aside, this is a rough situation.

    She got the rug pulled out from under her, with no real coping mechanisms. Maybe fire and brimstone instagram posts are her only outlet.. I dunno, i can't bring myself to hate any of the other 18 kids, this is just a shitty time all around.

    • Love 5
  2. I would have liked Jessa to define "creep." Is a creep a person who listens to secular music? Someone who watches TV? One who enjoys a beer with his hot wings? Does he do something as "creepy" as have a job outside of a family run business? I think I define a creep as someone like her brother Josh.

    Maybe she saw someone like her brother in those guys. Jill did say 2/3 fundie families dealt with "mild touching".

    • Love 3
  3. They were paid speakers at that mother/daughter conference (with Mechelle) the week that Joshgate II hit. I'm glad they're dressed like young women and not frumpy girls. However, Jinger is still hiding. Compare her wrists and ankles to Jana's, who is in no way large-boned. Girl is TINY! Not an ounce of meat on those bones.

    I'm slightly uncomfortable with this, since my ankles and wrists look a lot like Jingers. I do hope she's okay though.

    • Love 1
  4. Pickles and Hairspray has some pictures of Jessa and Ben speaking at some conference. Jessa looks nice, but why does Ben always show up with his shirt untucked and just messy looking? His shirt looks too small. Is he getting pudgy?

    The comments on these pics are funny. One leghumper states that poor Jessa is missing how Jill had everything all nice during her pregnancy. Lets see.......you don't have to get up and go to work and you have a house and the $ to do a nursery. I worked till the day before my daughter was born and all we could buy was a crib. We had house payments and we "made do". She had all she needed and a liitle more, and we were grateful for what we could give her. Your luxurious life style must be such a burden.

    Then there is a short video of some girl sobbing, guess she is just so overwhelmed to be meeting her idol!!

    I know lots of young women nowadays who work throughput their pregnancy and come home exhausted with swollen feet. You get to lounge around all day, nap when you want to and have everything handed to you. Guess I didn't realize how exhausting it is to be taking all those selfies.

    Suck it up, Buttercup.

    B-but, Jessa is the only one who didn't get her own spread! Daddy said she'd get one, and she didn't!

    • Love 7
  5. Same here. I was pregnant with a daughter and my husband wanted to name her Michelle. lol I put my foot down. I had a name picked out that I had loved for some time. After she was born I found out he had been seeing this girl named Michelle. I'll bet a dollar to a dozen donut burgers Josh had sex with someone named MacKenzie. (however you spell it.)

    I honestly don't understand why you would want your daughter to have the same name as the woman you had an affair with. It seems like that's just asking to get caught.

    • Love 10
  6. I remember this story, they told it on the show. Jana was doing a talking head with Jessa and (I think) Jill. As she neared the end of the story she started to cry. Her loving sisters stared straight ahead and made no comment and no move to comfort her.

    Her sisters could have been embarrassed and not have known what to do, or suddenly realized how crappy it was of Michelle to force Jana to give away something precious to her to placate a bratty little sister. They could have felt that comforting Jana sent a signal that they were on Jana's side, and therefore against their parents.

    Whatever they really felt, it came across as Jessa doing everything but rolling her eyes and chewing gum to show how stupid Jana was to still be upset over it, and the other sister thinking "What am I supposed to do? This has nothing to do with me."

    There's probably a clip on youtube somewhere.

    I thought Jessa just looked really, really out of her element (compassion). Some people are born being really caring, others have to learn it, and it seems like the only time Jessa was taught how to be kind and sweet was when her future headship rolled around.

    • Love 1
  7. That etonline article is bizarre. Who was at your table at Christmas? The mother and father who let their daughters be molested for five years. Is this news to you?

    I could honestly see this as Jessa. Hell, maybe she honestly thought her older brother changed from his younger days. After all, he got married... and marriage was supposed to fix the problem. This was his only purpose, why throw it away on hookers?

    We know that Josh has issues that prayer and marriage won't fix, but she was raised to believe that he was fixed. God forgave him, and he wasn't supposed to sin anymore, he apologized to the church! I actually don't see it as Amy, because I'm pretty sure nothing would suprise her after she found out about the first "mistake".

    Don't quote me on this though, just my two cents.

    • Love 1
  8. Look at that woman. She's beautiful, why would she ever sleep with that grease ball? It's not like he's a millionaire, or could help her with her acting career, or anything. I don't believe it.

    She probably got a pretty penny out of him. But not pretty enough to keep her quiet, i guess. That is, if she did sleep with him. I can see her doing adult shows for him over skype or something, though.

    • Love 1
  9. Well I would need tons of alcoholic beverages to sit thru the disaster of a Duggar wedding. Such absurdity surrounding me at every turn? Bottoms up!

    Could i sneak into a fundie wedding with a flask under my floor length skirt? I'd slip some to who ever needed it.

    • Love 3
  10. Anyone else think that Jessa probably had to be physically restrained from beating the crap outta Joshie? I can just picture her flying across the room, nails like claws, screaming at Josh while Ben struggles to hold her back. JimBoob screaming to be heard over Jessa while Joshie forgets not to look smug for a moment. Michelle glued to Anna's side, in her ear about how she has to step it up for poor widdle Joshie. While Anna sits on the giant couch, glazed eyes, alternating between bouts of hysterics and staring off into no where. While the howlers screech and scream around Anna and the shit show with one of the older howlers cluelessly film it for the "Duggar channel". On a missionary far away, Jill feverishly prays for her family, Derrik gives thanks that now he won't have to take his wife & lil Izzy back to the shit show. All while in an ivory tower/old shoe in Pennsylvania, a cackling Kate Gosselin screams at her kids that "it's SHOW TIME!" as she speed dials TLC.

    ok, I can see Jessa totally going off the deep end and screaming at Josh at the very least.

    I can see Jessa leaking things for a payday. Shit, i wouldn't even blame her at this point.

    • Love 5
  11. I've read several news articles and studies about how first-born children are usually the most successful children in a family.

    (for example- http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/apr/26/firstborn-children-excel-study-reveals)

    If that's true, the Duggars should really be ashamed at what their firstborn has "accomplished," such as bringing down their little fundie "empire" and destroying their brand. What's going to follow with the rest of the kids?

    Jessa will become a stripper, she needs the male attention from someone who won't fire and brimstone her. John-David will become a drug dealer, Jinger will be a hippie photographer, and Jana? Oh, we don't *talk* about her.

    (Its always the quiet ones)

    Serious stuff aside, flash forward 40 years, I have a mental image of Josh Duggar at age 67.


    Too skinny for Joshy boy.

    • Love 1
  12. I was thinking the other day about how weird it would be if we all actually met up. We would probably have nothing in common- everyone is spanned across 3 continents and we are all such different ages. I'm more at the age of Joseph/Josiah/Jinger whereas I know that others on here are a fair bit older :)

    There is a funny little community on here that could never meet up in real life but can celebrate, console and support others without ever knowing the other person's name. The internet is amazing.

    It really is.. I'm in the forgotten J's age range as well though. Maybe we can talk about defrauding rap music or whatever is popular nowadays sometimes.

    So get this - The Duggar Empire Collapses, and I get my dream job all in the same day. I'll be an ICU nurse at an EXCELLENT hospital, moving on from doing med/surg at a crappy one. Big pay increase! I had to share this with someone.

    I might even send the Duggars $5! ......Nah

    I think the end of the Duggars is good luck for all of us, i just got a scholarship!

    Congrats Joan, I'm popping a virtual bottle on your honour!

    • Love 20
  13. If was Jessa, I'd be pissed that my sister Jill got hooked up with the more educated & more employable husband and is spending time out of the country during these scandals and backlash. I'd be pissed daddy found Jill a guy who can, if needed, find a good paying job as an accountant. I'd be pissed she's so far removed from the situation because she's out in the field doing missionary work while I was stuck on the Duggar compound, pregnant in the Southern heat, in the vicinity of Josh, and having to go give speeches because no one is going to pay just to hear my husband alone talk (even though Gothardism says he should support me financially, not my dad and I supporting him). I'd realize that eventually JimBob was going to have to tighten the purse strings and that Ben & I really depend on the Duggar Brand (which Josh has pooped on) and Jim Bob to keep our standard of living. I'd be so pissed that Josh victimized me twice - as a girl and then as an adult by sinking any chance for another reality show. Jill got lucky with her husband - if needed, Derrick could make good money and they could be alright never talking to the Duggars again, let alone being financially dependent on them. Ben, not so much. Jessa is stuck. The rest of the Duggar girls will not have any better courtship prospects after all this. Jill is so lucky she married someone who could get her out and support her. From Jessa on down, those kids have got to be or will be so mad.

    You know Jessa is mad as hell. In my mind, i like to think she divorces Ben, goes to cosmotology, and raises her kid on her own. Maybe she and Jinger will room up, and one of them will write the tell all.

    Buut, she's probably going to pop out more kids.

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