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Everything posted by radishcake

  1. I know I'm the only one taking this long to watch the season (waiting for husband) but I just watched this one today. I actually thought Frank was gay all this time. It always seemed to me that the thing with Zoe was more power & manipulating than sexual satisfaction. And then when Claire said "you needed that". Also is it just me or did it seem like Claire engineered the broken glass thing? @Jael yeah I keep wondering if that gun is going to go off but not so far.
  2. Great op-ed and I'm so excited they are on the cover!!http://i.imgur.com/osI8BcF.jpg http://time.com/22993/key-and-peele-make-fun-of-everything/
  3. I think the form was what got me through this one. I didn't feel sympathy with any of the characters but I was really into the way it was written. Multiple viewpoints, diary entries, random emails, it was very interesting to me. I think I read it much like someone would in the future, like a weird artifact from a broken time. Oddly the death really made me sad (the people in the park, the boat explosion) I thought it was interesting that THAT was the only thing that made me think of anyone as a person.
  4. Oh I hear you!! I had the exact same problem with Lev Grossman's the Magicians. I HATED the main character so much I had trouble ever rooting for him.
  5. Picked it up today to start!
  6. An interesting read following on the heels of Shovel Ready. It's also about a near future (seriously fucked up) NYC. This one is more absurdist and has a lot of funny moments. There is a whole technology vs knowledge debate in the story as well as the inevitable corporate/government mergers and how they will screw us all over. I actually found a lot of it really sad but I suspect it's because Gary lets some real emotion through the slick absurd gloss he's skating on as he describes this America 2.0.
  7. Selina to Mike after a particularly tortured metaphor: “I don’t know what those words mean. Mike, are you in the middle of some sort of an aneurysm?”
  8. Gary knows just what to say and who you are saying it to. Need a yogurt? A napkin? A search through a waste treatment plant? He's your go to guy.
  9. Say it with me "Fuck Off"! I actually love Jonah because his presence ups everyone's comedic game. What's your favorite Jonah insult?
  10. Dietrich Bader! Shot in the face! I love this show & season 3 looks awesome so far! http://youtu.be/YwJI1WDHC4s
  11. Kenya thinks the ladies and their partners could do with some rest and relaxation and organizes a trip to Mexico.
  12. Say it with me "the city will tear it down!" With extensions (please no & stop or we will have to call Tara Ariano: Wig Cop) and popped collars (also stop that) Nicole is still awesome and handy with a table saw. I was hooked in this show pretty quick because of how much I like Nicole. I can't help it, I'm a sucker for a gal who knows how to build.
  13. @Kim Square Pegs kind of filled that slot for me as a (pre?) teen. I will never forget the song that SJP sang about her glasses. Nerd with glasses girl who like to sing? <3
  14. I love Pizza Dog! Also as a Cate I am duty bound to love Kate Bishop 4evr.
  15. Will her husband's legal troubles keep her on the outs with NeNe?
  16. This was the first episode of the second season that I felt was just a straight continuation of the previous episode. This may be a continuing trend but I'm trying to be good and not get too far ahead of my husband.
  17. My favorite part was Sarah's liberal use of "crank call" & "Allegedly!" My husband and I do that regularly. But the "Frulie" at the end actually made me snort tea onto my keyboard. Damn you Sars! ;)
  18. I'm not sure it does. I like watching just because I want to see what happens, kind of like a true crime story. Will all the threads wrap up? What kind of batshit crazy thing will these people do next? I don't really care about the characters I just want to see what happens next. Plus I really like the weird tone the show has. It's very matter of fact evil. Like you are watching people systematically lose any humanity or morality in the quest for power and it's not ever hysterical or screechy. It's the opposite of Scandal, which I also watch.
  19. @Monty me too! I picked up Fangirl the other day use because Noelle's art was on the front!
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