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Everything posted by pricklypear

  1. Okay. I'm thinking about a thing.
  2. Is it the "PLEH" sign Joey makes with sticks and then Ross tramples over when he shows up?
  3. Is it the underwire from Phoebe's bra that Joey uses to unlock the cab?
  4. Pamela What song did Ross request to play on the radio when he was trying to apologize to Rachel for making the list?
  5. X is for the x-rated bachelorette party Phoebe really wanted (and kind of got once the "stripper" showed up).
  6. I is for Ice and cups, what Phoebe was left to be in charge of after Monica took over planning Rachel's birthday party.
  7. How about anything involving parties (holiday parties, anniversary parties, birthday parties, baby showers, etc.)? A is for Alcohol, which Phoebe got as a gift at her baby shower.
  8. Z is for Zack, the co-worker Chandler invites over as a potential sperm donor.
  9. V is for the copy of The Velveteen Rabbit he got for Kathy.
  10. I've decided that if Jenn is the next to be booted, I would like nothing but full hour-long episodes of Life At Ponderosa for the remainder of the season. That would be fun to watch! :-)
  11. G is for gum, which would be perfection. ;-)
  12. C is for Chanandler Bong, the name under which Chandler receives his TVGuide
  13. YES!!!! MSquared03, you win. It was the cooking class instructor. :-)
  14. No. Only two friends met her. Hint: she is in season 8 and she is in the same/similar profession as one of the two Friends she met.
  15. No, she is seen BEFORE Emma is born
  16. No (pretty sure not) Quick recap: 1) Female 2) Not a co-worker 3) Not a girlfriend 4) Not a relative of a Friend 5) Not a Friend 6) Not seen in more than one episode 7) Not seen in Seasons 1-3 8) Seen in Seasons 7-10 9) Seen at her place of work 10) Not in the medical profession 11) Not Chandler and Monica's realtor 12) Not "Horny Bitch" 13) Over age 25
  17. Not the realtor. Not "horny bitch," but I had forgotten about her. Thanks for the laugh. :-)
  18. No, not in the medical profession
  19. What bothers me most about the tribe name isn't that it's "spelled wrong" (which it is no matter how you look at it), but isn't 'Murica a kind of derogatory term? Like, isn't it used to describe how rednecks and hicks say "America" or used in place of "Only in America"? I picture it on a meme of thousands of people squished together against the glass of a Walmart on Black Friday, half of them wearing pajamas and flip-flops, and the caption saying 'Murica. So, to me the name is stupid and embarrassing on many different levels. Either Shirin got a totally bad edit in the first few episodes, or she figured out in a big, fat hurry to calm down (which is what she said she needed to do in an earlier episode), but I found myself liking her a little bit last night. Still love Joe and glad he won II. I'm in the "love Jenn" camp. I was glad she played her idol last night, but I'm worried about them for next week.
  20. X is for the X-rated movies Ursula made using Phoebe's name.
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