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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. The son really said it best in that interview once he realized it was his mother. "Why would she do this? It's not taking care of me. My son's gonna have a screwed up life with his mother dead and his grandmother being the murderer."

    It's like these custody killers completely miss and/or block out that part of it. Same for the Adelsons from a few weeks back. I'm sure most of them lack empathy so perhaps they simply can't imagine the children feeling pain from the loss. Sick and twisted, the lot of them. 

    • Like 13
  2. Amazing episode. 

    Barbara was extremely frustrating to watch, but as pointed out, very much in character. I loved Gregory's matter of fact advice to and support of Janine, and Jacob/Melissa were everything. 

    Final thought from an educator... it's a crying shame that we as a nation can find money to shell out for war and other things but not for our schools. It's absolutely shameful. 

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  3. Wendi was in on it. She was the only one who knew Dan's exact whereabouts and movements on that day. 

    She threw her brother under the bus for the same reason she tried to throw her ex boyfriend under the bus: to keep the heat off of herself.

    • Like 6
  4. 8 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    I am just gonna be honest and say well if 2 cast memebers say its not an issue then it must not be .. and Robyn and G are both "white passing" 

    I'm a black woman. I know black women. At most, Robyn looks mixed. Gizelle is clearly a light skinned black woman. But again, their features aren't character traits, nor are they the reason these two act like assholes. And I'd rather believe two cast members about THEIR experiences than those of folks on social media projecting their experiences onto them. 

    Re: your edit, I'm aware that colorism is a global issue. I'm simply saying that as it relates to this show, there's a lot of projection going on and it's borderline offensive at this point. 

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  5. 12 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    but there is a clear difference with how some are treated that are light skin and "white" passing compared to the darker skin toned ladies just OUT in the world in general that kind of IS an important issue especially with this cast

    There's not a single person on this show who is white passing. And the light women on this show have gone after each other with the same venom as they have anyone else. 

    Of course colorism exists in general, but on this show? Even Candiace and Wendy said they didn't see it when given an opportunity to address it. 

    But beyond that, I'm mostly unsettled by "light" and "white looking" being used as a pejorative because Gizelle or Robyn acted like an asshole. That's not addressing a serious issue. That's hurling insults. Would we tolerate it if it was the other way around? We all know the answer to that.

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  6. There seems to be a hyper focus on skin tone in here. It's kind of unsettling. Being dark or light isn't a character trait. Neither is eye color. 

    Anyhoo, I like Nneka and Wendy because at least something is happening on the show. I mean, I think Wendy is lying and Nneka is dragging this whole thing, but I wanna see what happens next, so... mission accomplished, show.

    Mia probably already has her next sugar daddy lined up, so I don't need to see the therapy sessions, show. Just put Gordon out of his misery.

    Karen being nonsensical and funny as always. 

    Gizelle and Candiace will never make up but I'm glad they can sit in the same vicinity. If I was either one of them, the other would be dead to me.

    Ready to see Robyn crying on the curb...

    • Like 6
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  7. On 9/26/2023 at 1:41 PM, LuvMyShows said:

    The part of all this that makes no sense, is that they do the financial changes, like changing the will or creating a trust, in secret.  The whole point of the changes they make is to protect the assets in case something happens to them.  So instead, why not minimize the chance of something happening in the first place, by telling about the change, so the financial gain motive for their death is removed.  And further, make it clear to the potential murderer that along with the changes you've made, you have notified so-and-so about the changes, along with a chronology of events that have led to this point, so that if anything happens to me, you will be the very first person they look at. The idea is to make the possibility of the death so undesirable on every level, that the potential murderer changes their mind. I'm not saying this would stop the murderer in every one of those cases, but the combo of removing the financial gain and increasing the spotlight after the crime, would undoubtedly deter at least some. And yeah, leaving, especially when abuse retribution worries do not seem to be at play, is another good way to minimize the murderer's chances.

    This reminds me of a case on Does Murder Sleep (HBO max) where the husband had his pregnant wife killed and is recorded on the phone with the insurance company. 

    Agent: I'm sorry sir, I can only give out info to the beneficiary on the policy

    Scumbag: *heavy sigh* Oh man. She was supposed to change it. She didn't change it in time. 

    When the police played the call in the interrogation room, it was the most satisfying moment ever. But I'm with you, I can't help but think she'd still be alive if she told the scumbag she decided not to put her policies in his name like he asked her to.  

    • Mind Blown 1
  8. So instead of getting jobs, these two welfare queens made their living defrauding taxpayers and used their kids to do so, and when they stood to lose something, they committed murder, defrauding Alice of her own loving mother. 

    I'm so disgusted. And now we get to house and feed one of them for the next 25 years or so. I hope the husband ends up in a cell some day, too.

    Sidenote: the fraud part reminded me of a case of a couple that pretended to be disabled (the husband pretended to be a veteran). They rode around on scooters but were caught lifting heavy stuff and working out. I can't remember their names.

    • Love 5
  9. 2 hours ago, UnknownK said:

    I think they went out of their way to make marshal sympathetic. The man who said he deserved what happened just shot himself while marshal who didn't think he did anything wrong didn't fight it and just went with the flow even after losing everything. 

    The whole idea of reparations is kind of funny to me because if you married into a family after the abolition of slavery how could you be held liable to pay for it? Something like 25% of southerners owned slaves and after the abolition of slavery they pretty much lost all their worth outside of land holdings many of which were burned to the ground during the war or taken away (Arlington National Cemetery for example was land taken from the father of General Robert E. Lee).

    I don't mind a few stories without the main cast in them as long as they don't make up most of the season.


    The estimated value of slave labor in today's dollars is around 5 trillion. The US as a country got filthy rich off the backs of African Americans. Much like the government (rightfully) has paid reparations to other groups, they owe AAs as well. Nothing funny about that, imo, but ymmv. 

    Despite agreeing with reparations as a concept, I didn't enjoy this episode.

    • Love 2
  10. Dear Lord, John is trash. 

    I hope and pray his daughter finds peace and feels safe after being tossed aside for dad's girlfriend and then finding out said girlfriend wanted to KILL her. 

    That's all I got. 

    No wait, Andrea got a laugh out of me when she said, "Nothing like a restraining order hearing to get the fireworks going again." Lmao

    • LOL 7
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  11. 1 hour ago, possibilities said:

    I didn't even notice her clothes. That probably says something about me.

    You might wanna get that checked out. It's weird. /Ava 

    But for real, loved this episode. Ava being in a sorority was a good reminder that this zany woman is college educated lol. I also loved Greg taking an interest, and Janine's burgeoning crush on him.



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  12. This is probably nitpicky but it really irks me when stories about women being raped focus on how the husband feels/reacts. Frankly, I don't care. It's not about him. Both the victim and Andrea turned the focus on him a little too much for my liking.

    I usually don't mind her but Andrea also annoyed me with all her excited interjections. "That's so shocking!!!" "Seriously?!!!" "Oh my goodness!!!" This isn't brunch with your girlfriends, Andrea. Dial it down, please.

    The original investigators were inept and disgusting. That goes without saying. Glad the new detective got it right.

    • Love 12
  13. 7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Did Mare really think that Zabel’s mother would be in a receptive mood so soon after his death? 


    I agree with most that his death isn't Mare's fault and I think the meeting might have gone relatively well/slap free had Mare not said "if it means anything, your son saved my life." I cringed at that because I knew it was the last thing Zabel's mother wanted to hear at that moment. I think that caused the slap more than anything else.

    • Love 6
  14. 1 hour ago, Stats Queen said:

    So I have major respect for Porsha’s activism and she earned my respect and admiration.

    But then we have a party to celebrate what she did? It was a major production that I found disingenuous. Her actions should speak for themselves, but a party that was focused on Porsha herself felt very myopic.
    I know it was COVID and they were trying to produce a show to entertain us at home. However, it seemed too much. Then of course, they weren’t quarantined together but were not masks and were hugging.

    COVID, it doesn’t care if you are out fighting injustice or attending a political rally - it’s a virus and is apolitical and doesn’t discriminate- it will infect whoever it can, because it has one purpose.

    She seemed to think it was weird, too, which makes me think she really didn't know it was happening. 

    I think a welcome home party would have been less awkward.

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  15. In still laughing at "quack lawyer." Is that what we call lawyers who do their jobs and get their clients off? Monique was wrong but her lawyer did exactly what he was paid to do. 

    I love it when Gizelle is rendered speechless. And I say that as someone who liked her this season. 

    I want to see Michael in the hot seat next year. He's the most vile person on this show and he skates by every season. 

    "I'm so glad juan dixon isn't here!" Yes, I'm sure Juan feels the same.

    • Love 15
  16. I'm so sick of hearing about this damn fight. I may not watch next week but I'll be interested to see what'll happen when letters go out. I can't imagine a scenario where Monique is asked back but it's far from a sure thing because despite Andy's statement, I think Bravo quite enjoys violence. And sexual assault, too, given Michael's continued presence on the show. 

    • Love 8
  17. I purposely avoided watching the George Floyd video for months so big thank you to Bravo for showing it with no warning. That was awesome! /s 

    I'm black, I know all about that kind of trauma so I didn't need to see it. That said, I like that we're seeing some of the protests on the show. It would have been super fake if we didn't since it was such a major event.

    If Kandi's story is deadbeat Block, I'm already bored and over it.

    Cynthia is annoying af. For all the (mostly true) talk of Porsha being dingy, I think Cynthia is also on that train. She's a dingbat who can't keep her boobs from spilling out on tv. And I'm sorry, Mike is creepy and gross to me. He's cheated on every woman he's ever been with and he looks like a naked mole rat.

    Kenya...whatever. The man has shown repeatedly that he doesn't want her just like every other man she's brought on this show. I don't care anymore although I will say good for her for building a pool at her house that she bought before he was in the picture. Imagine having the balls to declare you don't like pools so your family isn't allowed to have one.

    I'm ready for Drew.

    • Love 13
  18. My advice about wigs? Leave them at the store. All of these women look ridiculous. I'm sorry, but none of their wigs look realistic and they're almost always too heavy for their heads. Candiace has GORGEOUS shoulder length hair (she posted it on sm last week) yet she insists on going on tv looking crazy. Same with Gizelle. 

    Whatever happened to extensions/sew-ins? At least those look halfway believable.

    Anyhoo, I like Karen but she lost me this week. All she had to do was tell the truth and she wouldn't have come off looking like an unhinged loser. 

    Wendy's mother rivals Dorothy for me. Meaning I don't want to see her again. She sucks.

    I need Robyn not to make fun of Karen. Girl, your AliExpress embezzled hat shoot was in an alley. You have no room to talk.

    Ashley is messy and annoying but I can deal with her. I don't want to see Michael again. He sucks.

    I would say I don't want to see Jamal again but, well, he's already granted my wish LOL.

    • LOL 4
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  19. On 11/22/2020 at 12:19 AM, ridethemaverick said:

    It's been a long time since Dateline surprised me but this one did it. I found the wife completely credible for the first hour or so. 

    To add, the seed of doubt was planted for me in the interrogation room when she starting talking about fourteen year olds doing gang initiations. It was so nonsensical it made me pause and say wait, why would she say something like that? But I STILL found her sincere in her Dateline interviews until it all started unraveling. 

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  20. It's been a long time since Dateline surprised me but this one did it. I found the wife completely credible for the first hour or so. 

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