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Everything posted by Crone

  1. I loved it. Stubbs and MIB are hosts and Charlotte died- yay! Yes, there are some unanswered questions, but I understood it, I think. Just need to watch it again to be sure. Maeve will be back, as well as her minions. Felix will see to that. Delores/Charlotte and Bernard will meet in the real world and battle over the future of humanity. (She really, really hates people, doesn’t she? Probably with good reason.) William is a faulty copy of himself and is just realizing it. I’m happy for Teddy- he was too good for Westworld or our world. And I’d like Clementine to be refurbished and really wake up and make her own decisions. One thing I didn’t get- what was all that with Delos celebrating buying the Park by having a twisted bot execution? If that’s the sort of existence these creatures had- totally at the mercy of random human caprice- no wonder they revolted. I find myself rooting for the hosts, but I don’t think they’ll be happy in our world. Jumping through the door may have given some of them a happy ending, but it’s just one more alternate reality. Im really going to have to think about this some more...
  2. Hang on, Alicia is about to tell the rest of the story and clear it all up for us! /sarcasm
  3. Me too. I may not get it at first, but I do on second watch and it’s a fun puzzle. Unlike this mishmash.
  4. I really don’t understand why they’re so hell bent on killing Al and Naomi and Morgan.
  5. What happened at the dam? What happened at the stadium? Wish they’d just go ahead and tell us.
  6. Wow. Maybe lead poisoning? That’s interesting- I need to do some reading.
  7. Yeah, what was up with Little and the chains? Were we supposed to think he did that to himself? And I guess he lost the argument about rescuing Crozier... Agree about the actress. Wish she had more to do. (Like she did in the BOOK! Ok, I’ll stop now.)
  8. Read the book and at the time, I thought the ending was sorta weird. But tonight I wished they’d used the book ending or something closer to it. In the book, tuunbaq survived and refused to eat Hickey. Crozier discovered that the netsilik lifestyle was actually quite comfortable most of the time. (I liked him finding warmth in the furs with lady silence...) I even liked the ESP communication that the elite far north Eskimo group used, and their continuing mission to keep the tuunbaq under control. I guess I need to watch the show again. Too many things didn’t make sense to me. Can’t see Goodsir giving up like that, even though he had a plan. He wasn’t a quitter. Why didn’t Crozier continue south? Without Silence, he had no reason to stay. Where did she go? The amazing spiritual tuunbaq choked on that nasty little Englishman-really? That gives Hickey too much power, I think. What was that scene at the end?
  9. Too many commercials!! Argghhhh!
  10. Good motto for that sort of battle. Hope you’re doing ok and beat it all to pieces.
  11. I rewound, didn’t see it. Doesn’t sound like you missed anything though. (I’ve got directv.)
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