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Everything posted by Crone

  1. Was that the explanation of what happened at the dam- a brief paragraph from Strand? I missed it...
  2. Good question. Also, why were the walkers so fixated on the Jeep with that walker in it?
  3. So they show us John Dorie has a dark side, 45 minutes in.
  4. I’m looking forward to starting S2 Westworld tonight.
  5. The way the bear moved reminded me of those dog things in Ghostbusters.
  6. I loved the first scene with Crozier hearing Fitzjames’ confession. The English are(were?) really hung up on their caste system, so it meant a lot for Fitzjames to confide the circumstances of his birth. Baring all to Crozier, his physical deterioration, and bravely shooting rockets at the bear- Fitzjames has nothing left to lose. Great acting, good story, but I hated the stupid-looking bear.
  7. British expressions- I like “seat of ease”. That’s probably old british navy though. I thought they usually called it the loo... And what about “welsh wigs”? Where did that come from?
  8. Well, they did show us the broken glasses and the vest was kinda nerdy. Poor guy.
  9. Am I the only one thinking of that twilight zone where the guy just wanted to be alone to read and there was a nuclear bomb, so he thought he had it made, but then he broke his glasses?
  10. Is there food at the top of the water slide? Why are they so determined to get up there?
  11. I’m on the fence about the tuunbaq. On one hand, we all know how this story ends. In reality, none of these men survived. So we could have been told a story that’s mostly factual, describing the cold, the ice, scurvy and lead poisoning, starvation— and that would probably be horrifying enough. But a little boring, since we know how the story ends. The tuunbaq adds mystery and mythology. The Inuit (like the native Americans farther south) have detailed, long-standing spiritual beliefs and I like the idea that there are things out there that we “civilized” folks haven’t seen. Most of us have never experienced anything like the frigid desert of the far North, so I think it’s reasonable to throw in a mythological sci-fi creature to emphasize the other worldliness of their situation.
  12. So I was rewatching the scene where Crozier and Hickey have a drink together and talk about the hassle of being Irish in the English Navy. Crozier knows Hickey is Irish from the ship’s manifest and wonders why he doesn’t have an Irish accent. Hickey says it’s because he grew up in England. Yeah, right- we know now it’s because he’s not Hickey at all!
  13. “Hickey” is a sociopath. I thought applicant Hickey looked different from the man who boarded the ship, but didn’t make the connection. I agree with whoever said that he probably murdered the real Hickey. And then “Hickey” kills Irving just when they might have found a rescue or at least bartered for food. I think he distrusted Irving and was afraid he would tell Crozier about catching Hickey and Manson (?) in the hold that night. Sociopaths are totally self-centered. I’m really enjoying sober Crozier. He wouldn’t arm certain men in spite of the marine’s request- one of the men was Hickey. Although Crozier suspects them, I don’t think he knows how deep the depravity goes. Hope that doesn’t come back to bite him. Goodsir is trying so hard to help everyone. It’s heartbreaking to watch. Edit: Tennisgurl beat me to it and said it so much better! :-)
  14. Why don’t they just lift the hood and disconnect the horn??
  15. I rewatched and paused on the “twisty elephant face”. Googled Yupik shaman mask and looked at the images. I think that is what the dying man saw. Many of the masks had twisted faces and crooked mouths- fascinating and very creepy. (I probably spent an hour down that Inuit/Yupik rabbit hole. Love the internet!)
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