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Posts posted by Coffeecup

  1. I thought these so called apps were games. The basic app is probably free and some subset of suckers, errr... players... pay for extra items inside the game (usually to make winning in them easier). At least that's how it works with a lot of stuff these days.


    Their new apps aren't games. According to this article: "Each app will focus on the corresponding sister's expertise: Kim's will feature fashion, beauty tutorials, and selfies; Kourtney's will hone in on motherhood; Khloe's app will follow her fitness progression; Kendall's program will feature her global adventures as a model; and Kylie's app will spotlight makeup, her new home, and her dog, Normie Jenner. 'Yes, we are sisters,' Kim told the packed crowd. 'But our passions are very much individual.' "

    Barf! Their "expertise" is how to tell lies and manipulate the media.

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  2. I wonder if there will be a Christmas card this year. They skipped last year, I think, the year before was the bizarre trash filled futuristic subway station, that left the males out. So, who's in, who's out this year? I think this year will be another with Mason and maybe Kanye as the only males. I am actually sort of looking forward to whatever f*ckery they think is art. How can they top the trash filled subway station?

    Kayne can have them all pose in their underwear on a pile of dirt, like this photoshoot he "styled" for Kim.


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  3. PopSugar says its a Givenchy outfit, not Kanye, which may explain why it actually has some shape and color to it.

    Oopsie, I didn't read the text of the TooFab article closely enough. It says: "The pregnant fashionista showed off her baby bump and a whole lot of leg in a high waisted, beige peplum skirt with a matching tank and jacket by GIVENCHY X YEEZY. She completed her look with coordinated peep-toe boots from Kanye's latest line, sleek tresses and smokey eye makeup."

    So is Kayne now designing in a partnership with Givenchy, a "Givenchy X Yeezy" line? How tragic for Givenchy.

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  4. In July, all the tabs reported that Khloe was going to have a talk show called Kocktails with Khloe on the FYI Network. What happened to that? I just went to their website and looked at a list of their shows. KwK is not on the list, and they don't even mention it anywhere on the site. Seems that if they gave her a show for the fall season, they'd be promoting it on their site by now and telling people what date it would begin.


  5. It's Fashion Week in New York, so we know where Kim and Kayne are.


    TooFab, Sept. 11, 2015, "Kim Kardashian's First New York Fashion Week Look Is All Kanye"

    Photo of Kim wearing an outfit from Kayne's new collection. What a strange-looking thing! Actually it has some good features. It's a color, pale lime green instead of Kayne's usual drab black, gray, brown and white stuff. The bodice of the dress has an asymmetrical peplum that drapes well and covers her pregnancy tummy. The jacket (with long sleeves, of course, that are so long they cover half her hands) has a matching peplum design. Amazingly, the neckline is cut high enough that you don't see cleavage. The bustline part of the bodice is semi-sheer, but she's wearing a bra, thank goodness.

    The skirt part and the boots are awful, though. The skirt has an asymmetrical slit that goes almost up to her hooha. The boots -- oh my gosh, barf! They are made of the same lime green cloth as the dress, come over the knee and have peep toes. They don't fit, either. Her big toes are hanging out beyond the soles.

    I haven't seen a side view photo of her outfit, so I don't know how it drapes over her gigantic butt.


    Here are some more photos of the dress. She's posing with Kanye here, and he's dressed in his usual ragbag style, torn jeans with raveled strings hanging off everywhere, and a loose white shirt. They also got a photo op with Ellen and Portia.

    There's something unintentionally funny in photo no. 3. Kim and Kayne are posing against a wall, and the pale green color of the wallpaper exactly matches the color of her dress and boots.

  6. Here are links to the Matt Lauer interview, for people who missed it.


    Video of part 1 of Today show Matt Lauer interview with CJ, Sept. 9, 2015. This link goes to a list of all the Today videos. The CJ interview was the first on the list. A few days from now, some other videos will come up first.


    Celebuzz, Sept. 9, 2015, “WATCH: Caitlyn Jenner Tells Matt Lauer, ‘I’ve Lived the Ultimate Male’ “

    This article has the Part 1 video.


    Perez Hilton has the full video too.

    "Caitlyn Jenner Opens Up About Her Transition AND Her Car Accident On Today — Watch HERE!"

    (Note: I know this interview is being discussed on the I Am Cait forum, but since I was told I'd posted something "off topic" over there, I'm discussing it on this thread. The Lauer interview, and the Ellen interview, were not related to the IAC show, in my opinion.)

    I'm far from being a Caitlyn fan, but I have to admit I liked her much better in the Matt Lauer interview than on the IAC show. IAC is so fake and scripted that Caitlyn came off looking like a clueless, self-absorbed diva. She may be all that, but she seemed much more relaxed and open in the Lauer interview. Maybe that is because NBC is a professional news organization, compared to E Network which is in the business of producing scripted reality shows that always go for the sensational, confrontational and lurid angles of a story. (I do think the Lauer questions were pre-screened by Caitlyn's people, because she never seemed to be caught off guard by Lauer.)

    I believe what made Caitlyn seem so approachable in this interview was that she wasn't accompanied by her friends from the transgender community, who tend to fuss at her for using the wrong words. Caitlyn told Matt that the organization (she named it) and the [transgender] community were very strict about which pronouns people may use, but “I am much more tolerant.” I was happy to hear that. It made me feel that I could sit down and have a conversation with Caitlyn myself and not have to stress out over which words I used, and that I might even enjoy talking with her. Caitlyn said she realized her situation was difficult for people to understand.

    When Matt asked about her privileged position [rich person], Caitlyn acknowledged it and said "I've worked hard to earn money and I've saved a few bucks." This is true, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. There is a lot of consternation that Caitlyn is openly Republican, a party which has always been against anything but traditional male-female relationships. I don't know how that will play out for Caitlyn, but I am seeing her as someone who is fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I don't think those two attitudes are mutually exclusive, although the combination doesn't fit with either the Republican or Democratic official party platforms.

    I was surprised Caitlyn's lawyer let her say as much as she did about the car accident.

    Anyway, I liked the interview, and plan to watch Part 2 tomorrow.

    • Love 2
  7. Vanity Fair just published their 2015 Best Dressed List. Guess who is NOT on the list.

    Kim has access to clothing from top designers and wears outfits worth thousands of dollars each, but she still always manages to look like shit.

    Three of the VF Best Dressed women from the pop culture world are Taylor Swift, Rihanna and FKA Twigs. (By the way, I found out that "FKA" means "formerly known as." Twigs was having a fight with some other singer over their similar stage names.) Taylor Swift is six feet tall and she's thin, so she's going to look great in just about anything; Kim could never wear clothes the way Taylor does. But Kim could take some clothing tips from Rihanna and FKA Twigs, who are both pretty short.

    Kayne didn't make the VF Best Dressed Men list, despite his thinking he's such a fashion god.

    I guess Vanity Fair neglected to ask Anna Wintour for her vote. *snark*

  8. http://www.eonline.com/news/693851/caitlyn-jenner-not-offended-with-halloween-costumes-inspired-by-her-vanity-fair-cover-i-think-it-s-great

    Caitlyn Jenner Not Offended With Halloween Costumes Inspired By Her Vanity Fair Cover: "I Think It's Great"

    Preview clip from the Matt Lauer interview with Caitlyn on the Today show.

    Caitlyn said she's "in on the joke," and is not offended at all by the costume. She joked with Matt that she wished she'd thought of it herself.

    I'm glad to see she could laugh about it.

  9. She's getting roasted all over the Internet for doing a sleazy photo shoot with Pervy Terry. Now I guess she'll complain she's getting bullied again.

    Why couldn't she have just stuck to regular fashion shoots like her Elle job? But I guess Kris advised her to scrape the bottom of the barrel with Terry. That's more clickbait-y than the Elle photos.

  10. There are pix in the Daily Mail of Kim wearing a velvet coat, velvet skirt and full length leather boots. It's 90 degrees here today and muggy AF. WTH is wrong with her?

    What was that Goth black outfit anyway, a Halloween costume?

    Those are the weirdest boots I've seen Kim wear. Look at the heels from the sides and back. There is a thin silver metal stick 2 or 3 inches long coming out of each wedge heel. WTF???

    Kendall was with her. Kendall wore big clunky white sneakers with a long slinky black dress; not a good look, but maybe her feet were hurting. Bad Shoe Day for the K-J's.

  11. Just watched Caitlyn on the Ellen DeGeneres show. If you watched the preview clips, you already saw at least 90% of the show.

    There were a couple of un-previewed things Caitlyn said that bothered me. Ellen was asking Caitlyn whether she'd changed her hobby interests, such as dirt bike riding, cars, and golf. Caitlyn said, "No, why should I give up all the fun stuff?" That was fine. But then Ellen asked more questions about golf: "Do you play on the women's teams [or did she say "tees"?] or the men's teams?" and asked something about, was it fair to play on the women's teams. Caitlyn said firmly, "I play on the men's tees," and repeated "Why should I give up the fun stuff?" Um... because the men's tee is for men? I understand that the exclusive golf club where Caitlyn is a member makes pretty sharp divisions between male and female members. Caitlyn can't have her cake and eat it too.

    Another sorta disturbing statement came when Ellen was discussing the public's understanding of the differences between homosexuality and transgenderism [is that a word?], in the context of your sexuality compared to your gender. Caitlyn thought there was a difference. Among other things, Caitlyn said, "There's an old saying: homosexuality is who you sleep with, but gender is who you go to bed as." Huh? That sounds a little dismissive of homosexuality. [Edited to add: I don't have a tape of that show to double-check, so I might have misquoted Caitlyn. She may have said "Sexuality is who you sleep with/go to bed with," but I think I heard "homosexuality."]

    Like other media people, Ellen wanted to know whether Caitlyn and Candis were dating. (Candis was shown backstage, but she didn't appear onstage.) She kept pressuring Caitlyn to answer. Caitlyn kept repeating that they were just close friends.

  12. I was looking for a photo of Kimye at the VMAs to make fun of so I just searched their names...



    Wtf happened???

    My gosh! She looked so good in those Miami pictures. Her butt must be three times as large now [more fat injections]. She looked happier too. Even Kayne was smiling. That was just two years ago.

  13. Not that she hadn't already lowered herself a whole bunch by that point in her life with the pornie sex tape, and also the toxic influence of her horrible mother on every area of her life, but I agree. That version of Kim had a human looking ass, a sincere looking smile on her face and something that almost passed for real charm. And I know it's a dance costume, but she was wearing colors!  (actually her workout/practice gear was at least half colors too--only the pants/bottoms were consistently black, and that's fine--crazy colors on workout bottoms looks stupid).

    Yes, I think she did have some charm then. I never watched KUWTK, and I only started paying attention to Kim when she got so outrageous that the tabloids started covering her nonstop. She and the rest of the family are in my face all the time when I read the entertainment news headlines. (Or maybe Kris started paying the tabs more money for more coverage.) Now that I see Kim from a few years back, it gives me some understanding of why she became so popular in the first place. Her popularity wasn't all due to the the sex tape. She had a personality in those days. Today she just seems cold, distant and conceited.

    I can't tell whether Kim changed so much on her own or whether Kris orchestrated it, with her insatiable desire for more million$. Kim is in her 30s now and she should be able to decide what kind of life she wants, not let her mother keep planning it all for her. But I do think Kris is the force behind most of the crap Kylie has been doing lately.

  14. http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/khloe-kardashian-lamar-odom-confrontation-hires-bodyguards-filming-kuwtk/

    Radar, "Khloe Kardashian Gets Bodyguards After Scary Lamar Odom Incident — But Is E! Footing The Bill?"

    Posted on Sep 6, 2015

    To answer the question of the article title, yes, the E network is footing the bill: “Khloe didn’t want to pay for a bodyguard out of her own pocket when she wasn’t filming, but she hasn’t been alone since the incident with Lamar.” She didn't want to pay out of her own pocket? Then how much is she really afraid of Lamar?

    This damsel in distress thing sounds like fabricated drama for the new season of KUWTK: " 'Of course, the whole drama is going to be a storyline for the upcoming season,' the source said."

    Yeah. Right. This makes it look like the whole incident with Lamar and Khloe outside the gym was preplanned for the show.

    I also don't understand why the article said Khloe felt so safe at home: " 'Khloe feels very secure at her mansion because she lives in a gated community, and her mansion is also behind gates,' the source explained. 'She has cameras all over the property as well. Her brother Rob and boyfriend James Harden are constantly around.' " How is James Harden constantly around at Khloe's home in California? He owns a $2 million home in Houston TX, which he purchased in January 2015. Did he just go off and leave it vacant so he could hang out with Khloe all summer?

    And what will Khloe do about her safety when the NBA season starts? Move to Houston to be with James, so he can "protect" her? Will she take her E Network bodyguards with her? I doubt she'd go to Texas, other than brief trips to attend Houston Rockets games, because she needs to be in CA to do her tapings for the KUWTK show. So her de facto bodyguard boyfriend James will not be at her house "constantly" any longer, and she'll have no one with her at home except Rob. The first Rockets game is on Oct. 28, less than two months away, and James will have to be back in Houston before then for practice. I don't think he would ever choose Khloe over his career. The whole world can see what happened to Lamar when he got tangled up with Khloe and the K family.

  15. Here is Kim doing the mambo with Mark Ballas on DWTS. The performance starts around 0:53. The first part of the video is their preparation in the practice studio. Look how much she smiles and laughs! She looked so much happier then than she does now.

    She wasn't a talented dancer, but she was graceful, and she learned the steps. She could have danced with the old guy in Vienna if she'd wanted to. I think she was just "phoning it in" in Vienna. She made a deal, so she was just going to show up, stand next to him, have her picture made, and cash her check.

  16. Kardashian nostaligia from X17.

    X17 Throwback Thursday - The Kardashian Clan Pre-EVERYTHING!

    Published on Sep 3, 2015

    "We unearthed this archive of the Kardashian-Jenner clan pre-EVERYTHING! Pre-teen Jenners! Oh, how things change!

    "Remember when Kim was on Dancing With the Stars? During her stint in 2008 on Season 7 of the popular show, Kim Kardashian went shopping on Robertson Blvd with her publicity support team, and they definitely did a good job promoting! Sisters Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian, mom Kris Jenner and little sisters Kendall (wearing braces) and Kylie Jenner all sported "Vote For Kim" t-shirts, and even Kim herself donned a "Team Kardashian" shirt. Unfortunately the reality star did not live up to the hype, getting eliminated with partner Mark Ballas on the third night of competition."


    Actually I didn't remember Kim was ever on DWTS. I'll have to look that up on YouTube.

    It's striking to see the difference in the Kards since 2008. Neither Kim nor Khloe had giant butts. You can see more of their natural facial features, before they had more surgery and fillers. Kendall and Kylie were just cute young girls then. Kourtney is the only one who doesn't seem to have done much to herself (i.e., plastic surgery) since then.

    What I noticed most (after the lack of massive butts) was how beautiful their hair was then. Their hair looked natural: sleek, swingy, healthy, and radiant in the sunshine. They all had "good hair," meaning a lot of natural volume and shine. Today it looks like they all wear wigs or extensions, and some, like Khloe, are processing their hair to lighter colors, making their hair look stiff, coarse and dull. They would look much better if they went back to their natural hair.

  17. If celebrities gave their own money directly to people there would be a barrage of desperate people with sad, sad stories begging to be next and the celeb would look like an asshole no matter what because you can't help everyone. Hopefully Caitlyn will start a nonprofit with the input of people who know how to best help a LGBT cause (that would help her image)! She will donate one way or the other for sure, it is a tax write-off!

    That's true. It happens to people who win big in the lottery too; not only their relatives, but also strangers approach them for money.


    Caitlyn could start a foundation (per your suggestion, freeradical) to benefit LGBT people, maybe in a joint arrangement with other wealthy individuals who want to help, and a corporate sponsor too. Then Caitlyn could put some of her own money into it. (If she wanted to.) People who needed the money could apply for grants.


    As for the Shutterfly donation to Blossom, we don't know who went to Shutterfly and asked them to do it. Ellen might have made the request, or Cait might have, or both of them, or some influential person behind the scenes we don't know about.


    Let's just hope the head of some nursing school sees the show and gets in touch with Blossom.

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  18. Some good news!  Blossom, the young transgender woman who was turned down for admission to several nursing schools, was presented with a $20,000 check by Caitlyn and Ellen. It's shown in a clip from next Tuesday's Ellen show.



    E Online, Sept. 4, 2015, "Caitlyn Jenner and Ellen DeGeneres Fulfill Blossom Brown's Dream of Going to Nursing School With Huge Check: Watch the Emotional Clip!"


    The Shutterfly corporation is the one who actually donated the $20K, not Caitlyn or Ellen. In the clip,  Ellen said "We want to help you. Shutterfly likes to help people tell their stories and they love your story, so we want to give you $20,000." The Shutterfly logo appears in the top corner of the big cardboard mockup check Ellen handed Blossom. Earlier this year, on Caitlyn's show, it had been sort of implied (never actually said, just implied) that Caitlyn herself would donate money to Blossom for her education. I had my doubts that Caitlyn would give her own money.


    Also, I'm very happy Blossom got some financial help, but the title of the E story is VERY misleading. This gift did not "fulfill Blossom Brown's dream of going to nursing school." Blossom said she'd been turned down by six schools. Ellen asked the viewers to contact her with names of nursing schools (presumably schools willing to admit a transgender student). Ellen looked straight into the camera and said, "Anyone watching, and there's a nursing school,  please get in touch with us so we can get in touch with Blossom. We want to help Blossom get into a nursing school." Ellen even joked that "I don't own a nursing school and I can't get you into a nursing school." So Blossom has some money to live on now, but her goal of admission to a nursing school has not been fulfilled.


    The clip showed Blossom in the "green room" before she came onstage, and Candis was with her. I don't know whether Candis will appear on the Ellen show too. So far, they haven't released any clips that show her onstage with Ellen and Cait. Candis didn't look dressed up enough for a TV appearance. She was just wearing jeans and a loose white shirt. I think she likes to wear nice dresses for public appearances.

  19. Was Buzz walking back to his motorcycle? That looked like a biker outfit.

    Daily Mail likes to stick in [paid?] ads for the clothes the celebrities in their articles are wearing; they never miss a chance to monetize something. They said the frayed-hem jeans Cait was wearing cost $361.00. Ouch! I could never spend that much on a pair of jeans, but I guess $361 is small change to celebrities.

    I had to laugh at DM pointing out that Cait towered over Buzz. Well, no shit, Sherlock. Cait is 6'2" tall, and probably 6'4" or 6'5" in heels. Outside of basketball teams, most people aren't that tall.

  20. I'd never seen the clip either. When was that made, 2010? Kim has gone through several faces since then, and a couple of bodies too. I could just barely recognize her.

    She sure did look better in 2010. Her nose shape was closer to the original nose, her hair looked natural instead of a wig, and she was much thinner. Of course it's impossible to tell about her butt since she was sitting down, but I think that video was made before she got the giant butt injections.

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  21. What did CNN do to themselves? They were once the premier news channel, and now they are a joke, one step above MSNBC.

    What happened was that CNN founder Ted Turner screwed up (or was screwed over), and lost control of the network when Time Warner merged with AOL.


    Business Insider, Oct. 18, 2012, "Ted Turner Reveals His Biggest Business Regret With CNN"

    Turner was maneuvered out during the merger and lost his large stock position. In this interview, he said "I'd like to see more hard news and international news."

    Me too! CNN used to be my go-to place for news. Now they are just flailing around. There is some decent news coverage during the day, but at night they seem to go for crime programs and fluff.

    As for CNN Headline News, now little sister station HLN, I just want to cry when I think about how great it used to be. You could get fresh national and international news 24/7.

    I have to rely on Google News now.

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  22. To film for the show.


    Caitlyn's having an interesting week with this and the using Bruce's name still.

    Yeah, I heard about her using the name Bruce for the application at the exclusive golf club. Pfft! I don't know which golf course was used when the Today show interview with Matt was filmed, but Caitlyn wore a women's outfit, a short golf skirt and the traditional unisex golf polo shirt.

  23. The most ridiculous part of that article? That Kimmy thinks she knows anything about music.

    But... but... Kimmy has been taking piano lessons! For reelz! LOL.


    TMZ, "Kim Kardashian Nabs Huge Pianist To Achieve Musical Dream"

    3/3/2015 12:50 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF

    Kim Kardashian hasn't tried to impress a pianist this much since ... well, ever ... because she's taking lessons from a classically trained musician -- and no, she's not only playing the black keys.

    Kardashian family sources tell TMZ ... Kim recently reached out to classical pianist Oksana Kolesnikova after a recommendation from no less an authority than Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds.

    We're told Kim's been laser focused on her lessons with Oksana -- who, by the way, might be the hottest piano teacher in L.A. ... not that it matters.

    You might think Kanye West is her musical inspiration -- but we're told Kim's interest in piano goes back to watching her father play when she was a child. She also played violin in grade school, and plans to pick that up again ... since Kourtney just gave her one for Christmas.

    Kim could make her debut in May -- Oksana tells us she's invited her to perform at a recital where her students show off their skills. We're told Kim has a special song planned to surprise her family.

    Kim Kardashian tickling ivories ... imagine that.


    Um... May has come and gone, and Kim didn't do a piano recital.

    I wonder what the "special song" might have been? Maybe one of these:

    "We're in the Money" Gold Diggers of 1933, Ginger Rogers

    "If You’ve Got The Money, I’ve Got The Time" Lefty Frizell

    "Money, Honey" Elvis Presley, also The Drifters

    "Big Spender" Peggy Lee

    "Take the Money and Run" Steve Miller Band

    "Cash, Money Cars, Clothes" Ruff Endz

    "Bitch Betta Have My Money" AMG

    Source for songs:


    List of 104 song titles about money. Very interesting.

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