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Everything posted by raiderred1

  1. Another Intervention that seemed like a huge setup with lots of acting. I don't doubt Robert is a drug addict but this episode and the other with the alcoholic guy(sorry don't remember his name) didn't ring true. Are they running out of "real" families with "real" issues? Intervention, you're are getting really sloppy.
  2. I'm not in the racetrack business but I am in the horse business and you speak the truth my friend. Horses and their care of the utmost importance and no matter how hard you try they get hurt and it's usually THE most expensive one, too. You can see a lame step from a mile away if you don't first feel it when you ride. I have a lot of friends that still deal with the track to find really good reject Quarter Horses for our discipline and some even like the TB's, too. I also believe that you are right that Bryn will want to ride, if she doesn't already, and Beth will be able to ride right along with her, but then she will claim she knows good horse flesh from throwing dice on the backside of the track and hearing the jocks and trainers spin their tales. She makes me want to vomit.
  3. I was thinking the exact same thing. I think the OKC tragedy and his alcoholic dad tormented him and he just couldn't deal anymore. He seemed devoid of any feeling even after 60 days clean. It is almost as if he didn't feel comfortable around his own kids or his aunt. He just seemed distant. I really feel for this guy and I hope he finds peace. He has seen a lot of death.
  4. Thanks Petunia13, I had not read all the posts yet when I posted this! I checked out some of them and they are quite cool.
  5. I have no idea but it looked gross and I have zero attraction to that guy. Not that great to look at and he doesn't have a great personality either and enough with the knit hats. Blech
  6. I can't read my phone either if I am in the passenger seat or back seat. I can read a quick text but not reply with great length. I grew up with the map reading generation and I was of no help to read those things while the vehicle was moving. I have always felt like a damn freak because I see so many people that have no problems like this. I wish I was just more normal! The dramamine does do the trick but you can't take that for a short hour long trip. I drive a lot.
  7. Oh my friend I hear ya! I still can get car sick as a passenger especially in the back seat so I try to drive as much as possible. I have to take Dramamine to go on trips in our friggin motor home or when we fly. It is so annoying because even a tiny dose of Dramamine knocks me out. Bleah
  8. So funny that you say this because my husband sings your praises over Sonic ice! Where do you get that kind of ice maker? My husband chews ice all evening long every night! LOL Help a girl out and spill the beans on that kind of ice maker. Sure would appreciate it. ;)
  9. Exactly! My family is from that area and ranching is a way of life. Those were feedlots, ickie and Bri. Of course they smell but they are a way of life for many in the Texas panhandle. I have lived all over the state of Texas and you will not meet more friendly people than those from the plains or the panhandle of Texas. Also, just before they passed those feedlots in Wildorado, they just missed Cadillac Ranch. Everyone has stop on I40(Route 66) just west of Amarillo and see the 10 buried Cadillacs! Those boys could have climbed all over them and even colored on them.
  10. I'm in Texas, too, and even in small town Texas we have that crap. I always see the popcorn. I highly doubt it even sells because folks out my way are reallllly cheap and won't pay extra for anything. Bwah! Jules' plastic surgeon needs to step away from the plastic surgery for himself! YIKES! I think he plastic surgeoned(is that a word?) himself into a speech impediment. As others have said, Dorinda imitating Ro was pure gold. I literally did laugh out loud and I have not been in the greatest of health for several months so it was nice to laugh like that. Thanks D!
  11. Do Heather and Terry not realize they have three other children besides spoiled Coco? And Terry, you are a shitty dad. I would be heartbroken, as a child, to hear that shit he said about not feeling guilty. I am almost 50 years old and my dad ADORES me and my siblings like a mother hen.
  12. I think that shrug was my all time favorite HWs' moment. I have rewound that back several times and it still makes me laugh. LuAnn is so bawdy!
  13. I like Dorinda, too, if she isn't drinking. I would guess, by watching, she makes a really good friend and I really like that in a person.
  14. I always thought Yo was dealing with menopause and not really Lyme's disease.
  15. IZABELLA, shout it from the rooftop, my friend! You are absolutely right that the gynecologists have no clue about HRT. I did end up going to an endocrinologist after my hysterectomy because one bio-identical gynecologist("expert"-HUGE EYE ROLL) almost caused me to commit suicide she had me on so much effing compounded crap and did not recognize the symptoms of HIGH estrogen!!! Good god it is scary out there. Since the Women's Health Initiative back in 2002 put a false scare into HRT most gynecologists these days are not schooled on HRT or still think it causes breast cancer. The benefits way out weigh the risks for those of us that don't have a risk for female cancers in our genetics. The damage that is done to our bodies once we reach menopause without HRT is ridiculous-heart disease risks, osteoporosis, dementia, Alzheimer's and not to mention the extreme drying, to the point of bleeding, in our vaginal walls! I see all the pee pad advertisement and think how many of these women could be help with the right HRT.
  16. I think that is a great idea as it always seems like a dark shroud of mystery, especially in the U.S of A. since going through my total hysterectomy I often wonder if women around me, say at the store, have been through it because I have found it scary and lonely to go through it without really knowing many women that have gone through it before me. I wonder if any of the HW's have had a hysterectomy. My grandma had one in the 1950's and she died in 2000 at 91, so she is the only female in my family to go through this surgery. You honestly feel like you will be this, "not really me anymore person", for the rest of your life and the doctors are zero help.
  17. I really hate to hear about all this cancer for y'all and your loved ones. My thoughts are with you all.
  18. Thank you sooo much ZALDAMOWILDER. It got so dark in my world, psychologically, that I feared for my life. I never would have thought that of myself in a 100 years. I absolutely hope this patch is the answer to all my fears.
  19. Right on! I LOOOOVE dogs and have six of my own but only when it is really cold, which it doesn't get THAT cold in Texas, do the smooth-coated Wiener dogs get some sort of a sweater and they don't seem to even like them. I rarely put sweaters on them. I even hate them having collars on when we are at home so watching people put clothes on dogs makes me sad. I'm especially looking at you Lisa V from RH of BH's. Poor Gigi, he never stops panting, ever! I was shocked that the boring event only raised $10K as I think it cost a whole lot more than that to put the event on! BTW, this story line is Carole's only story line, OH BOY! She is so boring.
  20. I just finished watching the show and as much as I can't stand Beth I can totally relate. I had a total hysterectomy with ovaries removed due to a burst cyst that became abscessed in my peritoneal cavity. Having the hysterectomy has been the worst decision I have ever made as I can not get my estrogen balanced because I had two gyns not know how to even work with human identical hormones. One had me on estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and thyroid medicine that I absolutely did not need. I went hyperthyroid and lost 30 lbs in 10 weeks. I kept telling her I feel like I am going out of my mind and all she did was up the dose of all that compounded crap, so she could make money off of the poor suffering woman. I started to do research and learned to be my own advocate. I found an endocrinologist and she just shook her head when she saw what this so called "bio identical" EXPERT had done to me. I am just now digging myself out of that horrible hole and it has been a living nightmare. PLEASE, PLEASE learn all you can about your reproductive health before things start to go badly quickly. I am finally on a low dose estrogen patch and the only reason I am finally here is because I did my own research and found no one was looking out for me, I had to do it myself. I would not wish this on my worst enemy, truly. It has been the worst year and a half of my life, but I think there is some hope in the future. If any of you are out there and dealing with reproductive issue whether through natural or surgical menopause the one site that has saved my life is "A Survivor's Guide to Surgical Menopause" It is a wealth of solid medical studies done through reasearch through the American Endocrinologists Society. That's not the actual society name but I can't recall exactly what is. It also follows what the NAMS guide to taking hormones. Even if you haven't had a hysterectomy and you are having female issues it is an incredible site. You actually have to join the forum in order to ask questions and the moderator is unbelievably knowledgeable. Women's health, especially after our fertile years, is totally ignored by the healthcare industry. It is extremely sad and upsetting. I hope this has helped someone that does not know where to turn. I am guessing Beth will end up with a hysterectomy because the fibroids are so bad. Her MD was right that progesterone should be taken extremely seriously because it can cause extreme depression in a lot of women.
  21. Tamra's body does look great but it is so hard looking at her tummy in that one shot with no belly button! Bizarre!
  22. I know I have brought up the eyes with regards to Cary and Marie so sorry for beating a dead horse but have y'all noticed how Cary, throughout the season, would squint her eyes? It's as though she can't close them enough anymore and they look bug-eyed when she doesn't try to do anything with them. It is so strange and intriguing to me. I guess Mark is to blame for this shitty work on her. I will be in that area of their building in Uptown, in a few weeks, I might just pop in (rubbing hands together and quietly giggling) and ask the cost of the "Cary" special.
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