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  1. Lacey seems like she’s on drugs. Or has had a psychotic break.
  2. I also thought Sam had somehow gotten Patience to go with her on a prank.
  3. Hetty was pretty handsy (for her) with Trevor!
  4. Character played by the actress on the show Jane the Virgin
  5. Who else’s brain kept calling “Shea”, “Petra”?
  6. We’re all 7 of The Seven there? I lost count of the falling bodies. I know 5 at least were.
  7. Do you feel like the guest stars are to try and pull viewers? Or do you think they will continue to “visit” every 3-4 episodes?
  8. That laugh track is NOT working for me. The constant friction between mom and everyone else is not working for me. She’s a horrible bitter person and she was okay in small doses on YS to add tension but I can’t handle that all the time every episode. Also, Mandy was around for a LOT of episodes of YS and I don’t remember even a single mention of a brother. He definitely was never shown even on the multiple visits to the parents house or when the baby was born or when they got married. Will Sasso and the dad hug was the best part but I don’t think he’s enough that make me stick around. dear god, the mom is so awful.
  9. When will people learn not to have private conversations when others are in the house?
  10. Thanks for identifying the actress. She wasn’t listed in the episode cast when I looked last night. I never watched Orange is the New Black but I do know her from a number of one episode stents on various shows I watch and from the show Emergence.
  11. Oh my gosh, the reveal of what was ACTUALLY happening in the first episode was too good. Who played William’s mom and where the heck do I know her from?!
  12. What the hell was that accent? Even with less rom com it wasn’t great. Three strikes, I’m out.
  13. So if Teen truly is Billy, is the bf we saw calling him back at the beginning Hulkling/Teddy? He does exist in universe as per the final episode of SheHulk. That would be a fun little Easter egg.
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