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Everything posted by Eriu

  1. So, Alvey's got some serious issues going on. He's got problems with getting older, seeing his therapist and taking HGH. He also really sucks at running a business. He's straight out stated that he knows how financially insecure the gym is and yet he still would rather be the nice guy than actually take care of his business. He's the hard-ass when it comes to training but not with the money. If I were Lisa that shit would be driving me insane. God poor Nate. It's great that he's not permanently injured, but still, six months before he can even start training again, which I would guess means 9 months to a year before he can fight again. And that's if all goes well. Just when things were looking up. I'm also worried about the history of addiction in his family and all the pain meds he probably has to take. Though the shot of him flushing them is a good sign. I'm not sure what to think about the investor lady. Plunking down $20,000 in cash right at the table seems less "we want you to know that we are serious" and more "we're into some shady shit". Not sure what's going on with Ryan, though. Did I read that scene right in that he stole his roommate's bear key chain? For what purpose?
  2. Lisa: "we are allergic to making money!"
  3. I've been pretty excited to watch this show since I first heard about it several months ago. It has MMA (which I've been into off and on for years) and Frank Grillo (who I'll watch in pretty much anything, including Purge: Anarchy in the theater). The hottness of Mr. Punisher-Light aside, I was pretty pleased with how good this was. I was able to get a good sense of the plot and where it would most likely be going within the first episode. Money troubles, Nate's injury and Ryan's comeback are probably going to be the main things for this first season. I also liked that of the main characters, none were all good or bad. Alvey is a great trainer, but seems to have a pretty screwed up past. Jay is a druggy, but really cares about his little brother. Ryan massively self destructed back in the day, but seems to be genuinely trying to work his way back. I could stand to have more women in the show though, Lisa is fine (aside from the hideous shirts they are sticking her in), but the only other women right now is Jay and Nate's mom who at least is pretty much a non-entity, at this point. When Alvey beat the shit out of the gang bangers in the very beginning, I figured it was just a way to quickly show how much of a bad-ass he is, but when they showed up again, I knew things weren't going to go well. I did not think that they were going put Nate in the hospital though. On a final note, I thought it was pretty funny that were went straight for the modesty towel at the weigh in without going normal first. Apparently it was a good idea, though, as he came in right at the line.
  4. After watching yet another woman who's boned Aramis die, I've decided that Aramis' crotch is as cursed as King Tut's tomb. Good thing Queen Anne is protected by history.
  5. Ruth, Paige and Savannah have all officially been cast: http://www.space.ca/article/bitten-season-2-new-cast Ruth looks quite a bit younger than in the books, but Paige and Savannah both look pretty close. I remember Kiara Glasco from Copper, and she certainly has experience at playing bratty, heh.
  6. I have to admit that while I had a very hard time getting into the show, I was excited to see on Kelley Armstrong's Facebook page that season two will be based on the second book, Stolen, including the non-werewolf characters (which was not the original plan). So hopefully that means at least Paige and Savannah will be showing up. And really, this show could use a lot more women.
  7. Poor Athelstan needs to make up his mind about which side of the religious fence he's sitting on right quick, 'cause this in-between stuff is NOT going to work out well for him.
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