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Posts posted by Kanner

  1. I am a Ichabbie shipper but it really didn't bother that much that it seemed like they might not get together. I usually ship unconventional couples so I am used to watching shows and knowing my ship won't happen. But if I hear (since I won't be watching any new seasons if they happen) that Crane gets together with the Abbie Eternal Soul, I will be pissed beyond belief. What an even bigger slap in the face.

    • Love 10
  2. If you have two main leads and one actor decides to leave that is when you end a show. If Crane and Abbie died together (like Crane always said) or Crane died too separately at the end, I think I would be okay with that. The others could have found something about Eternal Souls or the FBI guy could have come to Jenny or the Dad. We could be secure in the knowledge that there would be two new Witnesses and Crane and Abbie's part was done. TOGETHER!

    • Love 18
  3. The essence of the show was the relationship (however you saw it) between Abbie and Crane. What made it special was Beharie and Mison. This is what kept me coming back. This version of the Witness relationship does not work without both of them. So Abbie's soul in another person won't work. I cannot watch it. Even if Nicole left by her own choosing this show will be done for me.

    The only way I can watch again is if they do a fix it to begin next season (if there is a next season) and Nicole is back as Abbie.

    The last time I stopped watching a show after someone's death it stuck (you are still missed Det. Carter). I don't see why it wouldn't be the same here.

    • Love 18
  4. I didn't necessarily have a problem with this episode but it definitely was not a favorite. I liked the Damien/war vet scenes. The "hallucinations" just seemed liked disconnected sequences. I missed his interactions with Ann. Those have become my favorites.

    I loved that he tried to commit suicide. I feel like this has to be a turning point. I am curious about the motivation behind it. Is he just tired of all the crazy or has he accepted that he is the Anti-Christ and this was his solution?

    Next week looks really interesting.

    • Love 2
  5. How can a show that produces such an awesomely wonderful opening scene be the same show that thinks more Besty Ross is a good idea?

    I'm with you guys, hopefully she is gone (I don't care how) by the next episode.

    • Love 7
  6. This one flew by for me, maybe that was because I fast forwarded the Sam grunting and walking around in pain parts. I liked Michelle a lot too. Dean had some great moments - operating on Sam, going after Corbin when he suggested leaving Sam, pulling it together to lead them to safety, his talk with Michelle at the end, just to name a few.

    • Love 1
  7. This show is working for me. It's not perfect but what show is? I find the Ann/Damien scenes to be very compelling. The creepiness from her, the menace from Damien, the tension between the two is great.

    I actually like that Revalation is partially being played out in a boardroom.

    I am also ok with the slow progress of Damien's acceptance of who he is. This episode showed him moving toward accepting Ann. They began in the shrine room and when she tried to touch him he shut her down quick. They end in his apartment with him "asking" her touch him by showing her his mark.

    I also just like the straight forward dialogue of him asking her if manipulated him to go after Troy and her candid response.

  8. I never found the way Raj, as one example, behaved when he thought Howard was losing Bernadette was just kidding around.  He seemed to really enjoy the possibility that Howard was about to get his little heart broken.  Same way with Howard on more than one occasion when he seemed to really be enjoying it when his friends are miserable.  The only one of the guys I'd give a pass to here is Leonard.

    I agree. However, the only reason I would not give Leonard a pass is that I think he has done his fair share of non-verbal damage - the North Pole incident, making out with Howard's date, kissing another while datingPenny, etc.

    • Love 1
  9. Obviously I am a fan of Sheldon so my views may be skewed but I do find it interesting the characters on the show and viewers find it ok to make fun of his OCD tendenacies and label it "just kidding" or not a big deal. The show has addressed it a few times that some of the things Shedlon does are out of necessity for him - the knocking, his need for closure, his sticking to contracts, etc.  But since he can be a total jerk at times its ok.  I think one of the my favorite moments on the show is when Sheldon called Penny on dimissing his feelings becasue she felt what he disclosed was trivial. 

    • Love 2
  10.  Sheldon's addendum to the original contract was touching and a great bit of character growth.



    I don't see the child clause as character growth from Sheldon.  I found it in character.  From early on in the show Sheldon has been shown to have no issue with sharing money with others.

    • Love 7
  11. I always find it weird that Sheldon is held to a higher standard than everyone else. They all put each other down and make fun of each other but when Sheldon does it it's more serious somehow. I'm not defending Sheldon's treatment of Howard but I just don't see it as more than what the others do.

    However, kudos to Howard and Bernadette for getting that clause into the contract.

    • Love 2
  12. I thought she was out of line. Either you trust your husband or you don't. I liked seeing her insecure and flustered -- to me, it indicates that she probably has thought she was out of Louis's league at some point. Besides, the "jealous wife/husband" trope is just so tired. I would have liked it better if Jessica had been calm and accepting of Louis's friendship because she knows he would never cheat on her while Honey got all flustered and anxious for her.


    To be clear - her demands were awesome in a ridiclous sense.  They were so over the top and I felt Constance Wu sold it.  Is the "jealous wife or husband" trope over used in sitcoms? Sure, but I liked how they handled it here until the end.  I did not not need the "chaparones" at the end.  However, I still thought Louis looked funny trying to pull off the showing the ring move.

    • Love 2
  13. Just off another ION Sunday marathon and this show never gets old.


    I almost did not watch this show because of Aldis Hodge.  At the time it first aired I only knew him as Jake (the guy who killed Sam Winchester in season 2) on Supernatural.  That was a pretty tramatic TV moment and I still had warm fillings for Sam in 2008 (that would soon be changing).  The Christian Kane and Hutton factors just barely overrode that. I still think that decision was probably the #1 or at least top 5 correct ones I made when I wasn't sure about watching something. 

    • Love 4
  14. I will be highly upset if Holt and Kevin break up.


    Again, this show is able to take the sitcom cliche of ruining/losing another character's things and makes it fresh.


    I would be nervous for the world if Leslie Knope and Amy ever came together to discuss binders.  I don't think we could handle it.

    • Love 9
  15. I really liked this episode.  I find Ruby extremely hilarious.  She was pure Ruby last night.  I love it when Zoe has mature moments.  Her reaction to the car and Dre's mess was wonderful.


    I have gone back and forth about how I feel about Diane.  Sometimes I love her and others I can't stand her.  This episode has brought it into focus.  In general, I don't like her when she is mean to her siblings.  Any other time I am fine.  I loved that Jack excelled on his own.  What I didn't understand was if it was Diane's idea to be separate why did she get to keep the room.  I would have liked to see how that decsion was made.

    • Love 7
  16. This was a great episode. I liked it all. I was happy Dean finally mentioned Raiders - I thought he would do it in the kitchen though.

    I liked how and the timing of Lucifer's reveal. Others have mentioned on this forum that they didn't really see what he was getting out of pretending. So I liked that he brought it up.

    Shallow time - Dean in profile at the dock scene looked especially breathtaking.

    • Love 7
  17. I thought Meemaw was a fizzle, and a jerky fizzle, at that. Talk about missed opportunity, first time I've seen such a blatant one on this show. What an unconvincing and unlikeable character! Meemaw needed to tell Sheldon off, not Amy. By breaking up, Amy simply stood up for herself. Sheldon broke his own damned heart, by being such a selfish jerk. But Sheldon apparently gets his narcissism from Meemaw. No wonder he worships her. Big time ewwww. I'll never find Sheldon's Meemaw love endearing again.

    I don't want Raj to cheat on his girlfriend. I hope that storyline goes away. The rest was cute. Several funny lines.


    I don't disagree about Amy's need to break up with Sheldon but why would Meemaw be aware of this.  She has only heard Sheldon's side of the story.  For her Amy was the woman that broke Sheldon's heart.  So of course she is going to defend Sheldon and not like Amy.


    I was ok with Meemaw because she put Sheldon in his place when he was rude to Leonard. So she was not someone who let Sheldon run wild and get away with everything (like his current friends).  But she is a grandma and the job of grandparents is to spoil.  She hit the right tone for me.

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