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Posts posted by Trillium

  1. I was a little annoyed at first that Randall was just mansplaining everything to Beth and she was just like “Peace, I’m out”. But she knew if Randall was going to listen to her, she’d have to give him enough rope. Well played girl, well played. 

  2. The three teen actors are phenomenal at mimicking their adult counterparts mannerisms, tone, and speech cadence. It’s been said many times but it’s amazing that they found three actors who can do it.


    Oh the cloud of doom was heavy. Don’t turn the cork pot off, unplug it!

    • Love 11
  3. 1 hour ago, seniorpatriot said:

    Well, I may get screamed at for this, but I actually don't find janine to be all that bad. Here's why. I knwo she is like all the other obese people on this show in that she is very mentally ill and over ate herself into the shape she is in, but hear me out. 

    She DID try at least to get herself to some help (Dr Noe) without anyone helping her. Yes, she failed (the plane), yes she whined about the pain (how could she NOT be in pain) but she didnt ask for any help from her relatives to try to get there. I thought that was more than any of the others ever do. Of course she complained about a lot of things like all of them do, but overall I thinks he is really trying and most of it is on her own.

    Most of the obese people of this show just lay around and expect others to do it all for them.

    Having to do things on her own is probably the only reason she’s still alive. Is she had an enabler, she’d never get out of bed. 

    • Love 1
  4. I took Kate’s facial expression to be like “Fuck, Madison is my best friend” and she just realized that was true. I just like seeing Kate with people that aren’t Toby or her family. 

    • Love 11
  5. 11 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

    Perhaps...but it's hard to fathom that he does well enough to support both of them living in LA (even in their small apartment), frequently flying cross-country at a moment's notice, and paying for a big wedding with a custom dress made by an LA designer. I suppose we, the viewers, are supposed to handwave all of this and not worry about how the characters support themselves. 

    Phoebe on Friends apparently made enough as a part time masseuse that she could afford a Manhattan apartment all by herself. The others at least came from  money or just borrowed from Chandler. On TV characters always have enough to do whatever the plot dictates. 

    • Love 3
  6. Feels like Cialis missed a golden opportunity for product placement in the beginning with Miguel and Rebecca’s matching Centrum Silver, rain boots, and cereal bowls. 

    • Love 8
  7. Thet definitively nailed the mid 90’s high school formal dress style. I swear I had something very similar. 


    I like Madison. Yeah I said it.  

    • Love 16
  8. Mr Trillium once drove me at 2am to Chicago (3 hour drive) so I could make a flight to visit my parents in Florida, when my flight from our city  to Chicago got cancelled. After he dropped me off, he got caught in a blizzard and it took him 7 hours to drive back home. Thats is self sacrifice. 


    I don’t know what this tool boy does that makes him hashtagbesthusbandever. Going to work or not being a dick are just being a hastaghuman things Joy. But her dad was King Duche Bob, so the bar probably is very low. 

    • Love 20
  9. 42 minutes ago, GodsBeloved said:

    I mentioned before that my issue with Beth here wasn't her feelings toward Kevin but the fact that she went with no intention of supporting Kevin. She should have stayed home and Randall should have told Kevin the truth. Hard truths were expressed and if Kevin had to hear that Beth did not want to come and why then so be it.

    I viewed it a bit differently. I think she was wanting to give him a chance, but when Kevin came out it was very much the same old phony Kevin Show, and she took the chance to escape that bull shit. Now he did get real in the therapy session but what she saw was the same old same Kevin. Had she seen some real contrition from him, she might have reacted differently. As always YMMV. 

    • Love 11
  10. I forgot about my revelation about Miguel, who has grown on me tremendously since last season, St Jack stuff excluded. If Rebecca was to remarry, Miguel was the only one. Jack is the love of her life. If he showed up alive tomorrow, she’d run to him without a second thought. Miguel not only knows this, but he’s OK with it.  Not that they don’t love eachother, but he knows it’s different. He knows he’ll always be second.

    • Love 16
  11. Well Steven seems pretty pleased with himself just how he is. He seems to think his disgusting habits, both with food and otherwise, are adorable and endearing. Now it could be his underlying mental illness that precludes him from seeing that it’s not cute or funny, but choice or mental illness, he’s never going to change. 

    • Love 3
  12. 1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

    Here's a wreath, we are going on vacation , make sure to mention the business when you post the picture.......


    Wreath looks similar style to the misspelled monstrosity that Jer and Jinge had. I’m betting Boob and Mechelle gave that to them as well with the passive aggressive verse about a child being born. I do realize that is a popular Christmas verse but it wasn’t an accident that the only childless marrieds got that wreath. Jill’s is less hideous than Jinger’s though. 

    • Love 3
  13. I appreciated they made it clear Rosa’s bisexuality wasn’t some prison induced epiphany, but something she’s always known about herself. I loved her and Jake, he really is a great friend, and her and Holt was definitely tear inducing.  


    I don’t like Kevin being in peril but if that means we get more of Kevin, and Cheddar, I’m on board. 

    • Love 5
  14. I think Jill’s outfit is a hot mess. The bare legs and sneakers don’t go with the very high neck line and bulky sweaters. She looks 50 lbs heavier on top that she is. One of her skin tight maternity shirts would have looked better than that blue thing underneath.


    The kids are sooooo over it. 

    • Love 11
  15. 24 minutes ago, Ikki said:

    As soon as Amy starting talking about how Jake could no longer surprise her when they were in the room with the belt, I knew he was going to propose. So I wasn't surprised at that moment, but I was ridiculously happy. 

    (Not as happy as I was when Ben proposed to Leslie, which actually made me cry, but still.)

    Jake’s expression changed a bit (great acting by both, btw) right when she grabbed the box and I said to my husband “He’s going to propose!!” but it was only like a second before that I figured it out. It was well done.


    I cant wait to rewatch this one. It was great. And I forgot how much I loved the return of Bill and a call back to Jake’s dislike of MLMs (with you buddy) from he and Charles’s no-no list. The only thing that would have made it better would be if Doug Judy had been there somehow. 

    • Love 4
  16. I figured Jake would propose after getting out of prison. I didn’t suspect it would be during the heist but it was perfect!  Probably one of my favorite TV proposals ever. 


    And Holt and fake Cheddar.  “This Bitch?!?” is going to be a classic gif in no time. 

    • Love 19
  17. 3 hours ago, Annb67 said:

    So as much as i loathe thr stripper clrar heels i have to honestly give it to Jinger. She is desper9trying to be different than her robot siblings. She is having some big fails and successes but she is trying. 

    Going to kill y'alls unicorn. Not clear stripper heals. They are the same shoes she wore to Jessa's wedding. 

    Apparently Babe has spent too much new pants to be able to get new shoes. 


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