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Posts posted by Trillium

  1. I loved these guys. Both guys seemed like decent people, which can be a rare thing on the show  I liked the twins from last season too. David kicked ass right off the bat. I did side eye when he told Dr Now he’d lose 50lbs the first month, because he seemed over confident, but he flew past that, and just kept rolling. His pure joy at the first weigh in was very telling. I don’t think he’d ever had a “win” before.  And Benji didn’t seem to give any fucks about losing weight at first and I was certain at the end he’d still be big. But he got it together and he has to be close to his goal weight. 

    Funny how they both now weigh less or close to what their significant others weigh. I have zero hope that David and Mary will last. 

    Usually the patients are train wrecks or they lose some but really don’t look much did. The change  in these two was amazing to see.  I’d love to see them back for skin surgery. 

    • Love 16
  2. 21 minutes ago, Mojitogirl said:

    This smacks of desperately trying to keep her secret a little longer - “look how non-pregnant I am!!!!!” Plus I wear Old Navy JUST LIKE YOU!!  She’s really the savviest social media one of the bunch.  It’s too bad that she’s never been allowed to look to people who can teach her how to leverage her “fame”.  I think she’d go fundie lite in an instant  

    And gotta let people know to get the tall size because modesty! Can’t have anyone inadvertently ordering a height appropriate size and  accidentally show those knees!

    • Love 11
  3. Oh man this was sad. I was hoping for one of those outcomes where he totally kicked ass. He was doing so well. He looks so much like my brother. Even his mannerisms reminded me of him. My brother is bipolar with psychosis and he’s probably well over 400lbs. He’s only 33 but ending up like Robert is a very real possibility. But I can’t save him. Kathryn couldn’t save Robert. He tried but unfortunately it was too late. She seems like a lovely person and I wish her happiness. 

    • Love 18
  4. 9 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

    Eh, most of my social media friends posted about valentines day- showing flowers, dinners ect. It isn't not a fundie thing. Its an under 35 thing lol

    I ate chickfila in my car alone. I actually did almost post about it. LOL! Both my husband and I worked very late I didn't even see him past 745 am on valentines day.

    But yeah, I like that sparkling grape juice but NOT with steak. Ew! Way too sweet. 

    I’m 36 so it must be! LOL. And it’s not so much that she posted it but that she thinks him doing something like that makes him the greatest ever. It’s a nice thing to do but it’s also a fairly common thing to do. Her and Jessa seem to think they have some extra special marriages because Jesus. 

    • Love 14
  5. 2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Two pictures in link.....best hubby.....,

    Once again it’s odd they don’t think any of us heathens have decent husbands. Mine cooked dinner and  cleaned the house on Wednesday. He didn’t even know it was Valentine’s Day as we don’t celebrate it and daycare did it on the 13th. While nice I didn’t feel the need to post about it in social media. It’s a normal adult thing to do. 

    • Love 20
  6. 7 hours ago, Temperance said:

    My understanding is that when they thought Josie was going to be a normal full-term pregnancy she was going to be Joy's buddy. (She was 12.) It was when they had to do an emergency pre-term c-section and she came out with complications she got moved to Jana.  But I thought that was Jinger. Joy as far as I know didn't have dedicated buddies until Jill married and she took over Jill's buddy team. I think Joy was still mainly a tomboy at that time. 

    God forbid that Josie’s actual mother care for her. JFC 

    • Love 23
  7. 26 minutes ago, Motor City said:


    “2 Medium pizzas: ~255 a slice (don’t remember what she had for toppings) x 16 slices = 4,080 cal”

    I believe Karina ordered pepperoni and sausage on her pizzas.

    Sausage and pepperoni is what I used because that’s what I thought she said  


    I’m not surprised someone on this show eats that much, they’d have to go get that large. But this was a lot more than what they normally show them eating. Usually what they show is probably around 4,000-6,000 calories, which is a shocking amount, but this was nearly double that. Add in the balloon, and it was really baffling how she was able to accomplish that. 

    I don’t think it was this show but many years ago I remember a show where they’d lay out on the table everything they would eat in a day.  I’d wish this show would show more of a honest look at what they eat on a daily basis. They whole “I slipped a few times yet gained 60lbs in a

    month” is a gross understatement. 

    • Love 6
  8. 28 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

    I don't think the watch has shown to have any significance on the show. But I could easily have forgotten. 

    Oh lord, don’t give the writers any ideas that we need a watch origination story! LOL. 

    • Love 7
  9. Man that funeral was so uncomfortable. Well done by the teen actors because you could just feel the tension and hostility and how Rebecca just kept them moving because she was too much in a fog to deal with it. 


    But at the end, they had a nice moment at the tree and I’m glad they did go to the concert and have some fun. That would be exactly what Jack would have wanted. 

    • Love 13
  10. 35 minutes ago, Pallas said:

    That would make tremendous sense, that we would occasionally go forward another 20 years toward the death of Rebecca. At that time the adult Rebecca would have lived twice as long as Jack's survivor as she did as his wife. 

    I tend to like flash-forwards, though as Dejana noted, they risk becoming dated well before their time. Used well, though, they could illuminate the show's premise about how we are, were and will be us. 

    Parks and Rec’s last season was all flash forward to now in the past 2017. But it still works because all the future history stuff and tech was so obviously over the top that it was funny. Shia Labeouf didn’t become a wedding dress designer...although maybe he should have. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

    Do tell...

    He’s the CEO of his family, duh! (Unfortunately I have seen many stay at home parents list this as their job title on social media) But he also claims to have been working since he was 5, so basically being able to wipe ones own ass qualifies as having a job in his world. 

    • Love 21
  12. 1 hour ago, Mrs. DuRona said:

    Non-weight related re: Kate's character.  When she was watching the video Jack made in yesterday's episode, and Toby asked what song she was singing - she told him she wrote it.  Maybe instead of a singing career, she pursues a song writing career?  It would still be in the field of music, and writing songs could be therapeutic for her.  They probably won't go in that direction, but I think it would be a lovely one for her character to go in.

    And more realistic. Weight aside, they’ve shown she’s an ok singer but not great. I actually think they might go that direction. 

    • Love 3
  13. 11 minutes ago, imhooked said:

    so how old was Jack when he died?  Wasn't he 36 when the kids were born?  and this was 17 years later, which would make him 53?  He didn't look 53, then 20 years later Rebecca would be 73?  She doesnt look 73.   Do I have Jacks age wrong on the pilot episode?

    That’s right about Jack’s age. Rebecca is younger,I believe she was 29 when she conceived so she could have been 29/30 when she had the twins. But yeah no way does she look 66/67. 

    • Love 3
  14. I’m not all “Omg, Deja is back!!!” If anything I’m annoyed by it. The storyline served its purpose and the actress did a fine job, but I’m not as pumped or excited about it as everyone else is. 


    Also I did like that Jack’s death was relatively quiet and not a Grey’s Anatomy style crazy twist dramatic event. I wish the promos wouldn’t have hyped it so much but I still enjoyed the episode. 

    • Love 10
  15. 1 minute ago, mojoween said:

    Wow Adult Tess looks so much like Young Tess.  Whatever they pay the casting director, it’s not enough.


    Absolutely this. I thought earlier that the social worker looked familiar. Because duh, she’s grown up Tess. Really well done casting. 


    Also liked the use of the actual Super Bowl footage in the episode. 


    Finally, while it wasn’t as gut wrenching as the hype, I really enjoyed Kevin and Rebecca’s conversations the most. Especially him admitting how hard it had to be for her. 

    • Love 18
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