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Steph J

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Posts posted by Steph J

  1. 5 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    We’re deciding whether to go reviews not great and it’s long 


    I just came back from seeing it. I was a little off put by the run time before seeing it, but honestly it moves so fast that it doesn't feel like it's 2.5 hours.

    3 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    All I know this that they had the audacity to give the bad guy Caesar’s name.

    How Dare You GIF by moodman

    If it makes you feel better, him taking on the Caesar title has a double meaning. In addition to revering the previous films' hero, he's also a student of Roman history.

    I didn't read any reviews going in; I saw it because I enjoyed the previous trilogy so much. It's not on the same level as Dawn and War, but I liked it and would be interested in seeing where this story goes from where it leaves off here. That said, I wasn't expecting it to be so... Jesus-y.

    I'm curious to hear other people's thoughts, as I found myself feeling conflicted about the ending. 


    On the one hand, Proximus Caesar is the villain and needs to be defeated, but he's also not wrong that Noa shouldn't trust Mae, who was willing to sacrifice the lives of all the apes after getting what she wanted and could only get by some of them helping her.


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  2. Ashley, you've got a husband who (allegedly) sexually assaulted a member of the production team and a friend who showed up at your place of work and started a physical altercation with your co-worker. While a person can't be held responsible for someone else's behavior, at a certain point you are the company that you keep. And you can drop this "I wasn't thinking of Candiace when I invited Deborah" business because no one's buying it.

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  3. 2 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

    I'm thinking the only reason this season was so popular in ratings is because of the drama, tension, unknowns about Kyle and Maurico. I think people who wouldn't normally watch the show tuned in to see if they could pick up clues, get the gossip. Maybe, I mean, it wasn't to see what happened with Sutton and her horse or dating, and it certainly wasn't the drama with Dorit and PK. 

    Don't underestimate the number of lapsed viewers who came back now that Rinna is gone. I gave up on the show a couple of seasons ago because I found her toxic to the point of being unwatchable (I would typically tune in for an episode mid-season to see if it had gotten any better and it never had) and I don't think I'm alone in that. This was the first full season I've watched in years.

    I know there was a lot of chatter online about Kyle and Morgan, but it never seemed to reach "Scandoval" levels of heat where even places that wouldn't normally feature articles about the show were devoting space to it.

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  4. Dorit's a moron.

    Annemarie's a dud.

    Kyle's a mirage - even when it appears that she's giving something, it's so carefully curated that it's ultimately nothing.

    Unless we're going to spend an hour on Sutton's horse next week, I see no reason for two more hours of reunion time.

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  5. 15 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Asking Karen how many men she has slept with in the past 5 years was like asking someone if they have stopped beating their wife. What was Robyn hoping the answer would be, like Karen was going to answer any number other than 1. Ray. 

    Karen should've turned it around on her and said "Just Ray and Juan."

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  6. 38 minutes ago, Artsda said:

    Michael said Sonny has nobody without him, Dex and Carly?  What?

    Dante lives across the hall with his grandson. Avery and Ava lives with him.  Kristina, Donna, Avery. He's got friends like Alexis, Lois, Olivia , Laura, Anna.  He's got Brooklyn and he has a wife albeit estranged. But yes he's got nobody without the people who were going to send him to jail. 

    What Michael meant was that he has nobody that matters without him and Carly. 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

    Welp, I think it's been proven 100% that our baby Lisa is a complete MORON!!

    She's GOING for this Lenny- controlled building of a NEW HOUSE for Lisa and those poor kids.  Seriously.

    I do not understand this house situation at all.  Him buying her a house, I could understand, as that could be accomplished relatively quickly and then everything is done and settled. Him building her a brand new house just drags this all out longer. It makes me suspicious that Lenny is planning one of two things:

    1. He's going to delay the construction process or renege completely so that Lisa is forced to go to court to enforce that outstanding part of their settlement, getting drained financially in the process since she'd be paying legal costs and the costs of renting a place in the interim (assuming Jody isn't footing the bills).

    2. He's going to build her a house that she isn't going to be able to afford to maintain so that he can have the pleasure of watching her fail and have to sell it.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Emmeline said:

    Why in the world would Lisa want Lenny to buy property, demolish the home and rebuild.  That could only result in a very lengthy battle and who could trust Lenny.  Get the cash settlement with child support and maintenance.  Normally the lawyers do the negotiating for you.  I just don’t understand this mess.

    Lisa is dumb.

    That's it. That's the explanation.

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  9. 19 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    Ned should never have given have given the proxy  back. He should have kept it as compensation for his pain and suffering for being   constantly unfairly attacked .

    How could Ned have done that, though? A proxy, by its nature, is something that can only be exercised at the discretion of the person giving it and can always be revoked - which is why this was such a dumb thing for Ned to agree to in the first place. It was a "deal" that gave him nothing except the opportunity to be Charlie Brown to Michael's Lucy.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Stats Queen said:

    Good lord, Andy seems to love Monica and is helping her with her sentences.


    He really does seem enamored with her. Admittedly I sometimes zone out during reunions, but I can't recall another reunion where he did so much handholding with a HW.

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  11. I don't know what Grace is thinking saying that Giselle could take a deer. They might look cute, but you wouldn't want to mess with one. If they feel threatened they're either coming at you antlers first, if they have them, or hooves first and you ain't winning unless you have a fire arm.

    That said, Grace's assertion still wasn't as ridiculous as Juan's story about the woman and the hotel continues to be. I know that he and Robyn are committed to sticking with this story, but at this point just say "I don't want to talk about it anymore" instead of repeating this ridiculous tale of a random act of chivalry.

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  12. 8 hours ago, Daisy said:

    Bobbie was having an affair with someone.. and BJ"s accident (and maxie's illness) kinda brought Bobbie and Tony back together (but then BJ's death killed Tony emotionally, and then he spiralled down into the man he basically was until he died). 

    She was having an affair with Damian Smith. BJ's death didn't bring her and Tony back together, though, as the break up happened concurrently with her death. Because Tony couldn't catch a break, he found out about the affair the day of BJ's death when he caught Bobbie and Damian making out in a stairwell at the hospital. This happened just minutes before they found out about the accident.

    It might have been the anniversary of BJ's death that brought them back together, as I recall that they were separated for quite some time following a nasty divorce battle. I remember watching it and thinking that despite the fact that Tony was the injured party, he was being a real bastard to Bobbie.

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  13. 12 hours ago, Lisa418722 said:

    I realize that soaps don't have the budget they did in the 1980s and 1990s, but what happened to the writers?  Some storylines don't need a huge budget, just writers who know how to write.

    I don't think it's just a budget issue or even necessarily an issue of today's writers not knowing how to write, as there are people writing soaps today who were writing in the 1990s and were very good at it (Michele Val Jean comes to mind, as one example). I think network interference and skittishness about doing anything daring or potentially controversial has essentially kneecapped daytime writing teams. That's why we see so many pregnancy storylines - because it's "safe" and guaranteed to get network approval.

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